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单词 Troublesome
1, Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious. 
2, The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. William Penn 
3, He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
4, Her poor English is very troublesome for.
5, Chinese characters are troublesome to write.
6, This work is very troublesome.
7, The boss lumbered me with a troublesome job.
8, My cough is rather troublesome today.
9, It is a troublesome question.
10, Teaching seems troublesome to him.
11, The country is passing through troublesome time.
12, He is a troublesome person.
13, Her hip has been troublesome for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it.
14, The economy has become a troublesome issue for the Conservative Party.
15, The negotiations have proven more troublesome than any of us expected.
16, Their pregnancies are likely to be troublesome and repetitive.
17, Yet homegrown gangs may prove equally troublesome.
18, So I spelled troublesome words for them.
19, Then there was the troublesome question of the unemployment statistics.
20, This latter was especially troublesome because the contemporary theory dismissed it as self-correcting.
21, But they had troublesome side effects, and overdose could be fatal,(http:///troublesome.html) a critical problem in suicidal patients.
22, Crackdown on problem children Social workers have been given new powers to use force to control troublesome youngsters in care.
23, This. according to Shils, is a not unusual pattern of development nor need it necessarily he troublesome in the long term.
24, Finally, Ricci got up and walked over to her daughter, who immediately handed over the troublesome hammer.
25, Given the growth in cross-border flows, this is likely to become more troublesome.
26, The prison staff say they have a difficulty with dealing with troublesome prisoners being sent from other jails.
27, It clearly bothered and frightened Nelson that he experienced these troublesome feelings concerning his parents.
28, Employment lawyer Robert Rosati says courts are setting a troublesome precedent when they let such suits to go forward.
29, Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.
30, Some also fear that efforts to fix the problem will just create more troublesome models.
1, He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
2, Her poor English is very troublesome for.
3, Chinese characters are troublesome to write.
4, This work is very troublesome.
5, It is a troublesome question.
6, Teaching seems troublesome to him.
7, The country is passing through troublesome time.
8, He is a troublesome person.
31, The missile defence issue is without question the most troublesome, time-consuming and potentially dangerous item on the current international agenda.
32, The second question, the proper ambit of the provocation defence, is more troublesome.
33, He had dismissed her from his mind as he would swat away a troublesome fly.
34, The cigarette ban will be most troublesome for smokers on long train journeys.
35, A second, more troublesome fraction exists at the lowest end of the working class.
36, Dealing with untraceable shareholders under the compulsory sale procedures is more troublesome.
37, I was not her troublesome doll, then, her grotesque duty.
38, Most of the troublesome lots, however, were consigned by Basia Johnson.
39, Many years ago, the City of New York suffered from a potentially troublesome water shortage.
40, The city also had the Army Reserve load some particularly troublesome snow on to trucks and take it to a vacant steelmaking facility.
41, He looked so dignified, so calm, so thankful to be gone from this world and from his troublesome son.
42, By the fifteenth century they seem to have become dumping grounds for unwanted, unmarriageable or troublesome genteel ladies of little fortune.
43, More troublesome still was the fact that we did not ever feel apart.
44, The day before the release, Bowley fished the largest and most troublesome of his finned friends from the tank.
45, Were special education classes being used as a dumping ground for unwanted and troublesome minority group students?
46, Initially symptoms were well controlled after radiotherapy but the mucus discharge became troublesome again after two months.
47, Yet that was not the worst. More troublesome still was the fact that we did not ever feel apart.
48, In other words,() the aim is to neutralize a troublesome feeling rather than to replace it with a positive feeling.
49, Left alone, even the most troublesome among us will eventually fall over dead.
50, You could then skip the files on the troublesome disk until you hit a good patch.
51, Both made their error at the treble which was by far the most troublesome obstacle.
51, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
52, And £1.5m-rated midfielder Gary Owers is still waiting to discover whether he needs surgery on a troublesome groin injury.
53, Now that punchcards exist it is quicker and less troublesome to let your lace carriage transfer the stitch for you.
54, For the probabilistic syntax system compounds are troublesome since the window may not contain all of the compound.
55, Troublesome Behaviour has been devised by four actors working with director, Martin McNicholas.
56, Regular grooming with a special fine flea comb should alert you to the presence of these troublesome parasites.
57, An unwanted component can sometimes be present at long intervals, and this can be very troublesome.
58, His removal from the scene was like the lancing of a troublesome boil.
59, Equally troublesome, if not more so, is the domiciliary assessment which turns out to express total income from all sources.
60, The organizer of the mailing list monitors the discussion, ejects troublesome members and blocks inappropriate messages.
61, The infection can be particularly troublesome if it affects the lungs or throat.
62, It's a troublesome beast, this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit.
63, That despite a troublesome physical problem: a wrist fracture incurred on his last tour that went unnoticed for months.
64, However, a new, earlier and potentially far more troublesome deadline will arise.
65, Methods are given in Section 4.3 for the removal of those metals that can be troublesome.
66, Although urinary incontinence may be no more than a nuisance in some women, for many it is far more troublesome.
67, If true, this could be troublesome for Arizona on at least two levels.
68, Surely there are features of human nature other than this one overexposed and troublesome procreative pastime.
69, This is especially troublesome in urban homes, where the animals have little access to wooden posts or trees.
70, The plant is regarded as a troublesome weed in rice fields.
71, The third, and most troublesome, problem is the interaction of various accessories.
72, It provides momentary comfort, but does little to break a troublesome habit or cure a nagging infection.
73, Teeth Dental treatment is free during pregnancy because teeth can be troublesome.
74, The persistently troublesome problems and the large spot discharges are the pollutions which are likely to come to agency attention.
75, Instead of simplifying life, relaxed business dress codes have become an expensive and troublesome burden.
76, The onset of the disease is very gradual and breathlessness only becomes troublesome when about half of the lung has been destroyed.
77, Any activity taking place around the refurbished buildings would be carefully controlled and would not be troublesome.
78, One troublesome objection rears its head whenever we address this situation.
79, Several species are regarded as troublesome weeds in rice fields and irrigation ditches.
80, The previous recession sorted out two fundamental problems: overmanning and troublesome unions.
81, Cisco often neutralizes troublesome upstarts by buying them.
81, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
82, The effect of the diffusion capacitance can be troublesome.
83, The problem of laser diode degradation was particularly troublesome.
84, Better be unmannerly than troublesome.
85, An eighteenth - century satirist reviewed the troublesome period.
86, Mr Smith showed partiality to the less troublesome students.
87, I wanted quiet, isolation, to do some troublesome writing.
88, Other seed - eating mammals may become troublesome.
89, Occasionally it may cause clinically troublesome hyperviscosity.
90, Colloid tumour pretty is troublesome.
91, Parents may find that a troublesome teenager becomes unmanageable.
92, Spontaneous bleeding at venipuncture sites can be particularly troublesome.
93, The National Association of Manufacturers said it was "a missed opportunity" on the Treasury's part, adding it was likely to continue to be troublesome.
94, We are now mostly HTML, web site, if you want them to standardize a revised manual is very troublesome one.
95, If patient from examines blindly from the medicine, will often be penny-wise and pound foolish, will create inevitably "troublesome".
96, He also missed last weekend's trip to Tarragona with a troublesome knee, although yesterday he reacted sharply to suggestions that he has exaggerated injuries.
97, When carrying out trace analysis, septum problems are especially troublesome.
98, "That is to say, " cried Marianne contemptuously , "he has told you, that in the East Indies the climate is hot, and the mosquitoes are troublesome. "
99, He hoped in this way to get rid of the troublesome prisoner.
100, Don't you think it's troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?
101, The days that followed were diverting and yet troublesome enough to Clyde.
102, The watermelon seed remover mainly solves the problem that the removal of watermelon seeds is troublesome and insanitary for making a watermelon fruit tray.
103, Although want to have chaffy dish, nevertheless they always feel general spirit lamp chaffy dish is too troublesome.
104, Cindy:OK, I will try, but Ifound it troublesome to draw charts and pictures in PPT.
105, As readily recoverable reserves dwindle in stable places such as North America and Australia, miners are forced to operate in more troublesome ones, such as Latin America and Africa.
106, If there was a precedent for the Treaty of Nanjing, indeed, it came from trading rights granted in China's far west, in Kashgar and Yarkand, to the troublesome khanate of Kokhand in 1835.
107, For example, in holographic imagery the speckle pattern corresponds to troublesome background noise.
108, Noise has always been the most troublesome problem in seismic prospecting.
109, Salmonella contamination is particularly troublesome with Ready-to-Eat shrimp products, which consumers do not cook before eating.
110, European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
111, Axillary malodor ( osmidrosis ) of Asian people, especially in the warm, humid subtropical and tropical south eastern Asia, is a common, troublesome and frustrating problem.Sentencedict
112, When manual design calculation must undergo many times the iterative computation, very troublesome time-consuming, but using computer time, the design calculation is very convenient effectively.
113, Rice, mung bean, ormosia, peanut and many legume vegetables always need to be soaked before washing them. However, it is a rather troublesome matter to keep the water separated from the food.
114, Particularly troublesome is U.S. help, as President Ali Abdullah Saleh tries to balance the myriad allegiances of the country's tribes, many of them strongly anti-American.
115, But nowadays mother - in - law eventually troublesome impute to I.
116, Intractable rectovaginal fistula (RVF) is a troublesome complication after treatment of perineal cancers or infection.
117, An extreme version of this contract applies to Chechnya, the most troublesome of all Russia's regions.
118, The Jacobites were, from one perspective, (un)witting dupes of the French who financed and supported them as a way of causing troublesome distractions for the British.
119, To our country accountant community Er Yan , enterprise accounting control always a troublesome problem.
120, He recognised the grunts and wheezes of the financial pistons, the hissing of a dwindling tap stock, the twitching of a troublesome yield curve.
121, Background: The ocular surface diseases are common in ophthalmology in many of which the defect or disfunction of the limbal stem cells may exist. And the therapy for them is troublesome.
122, Yes, I'd like to talk with your sale manager about something troublesome.
123, At that time, a few troublesome issues produced between king and Cantabrigian university.
124, Especially troublesome is a recent real estate slump, which has a knock-on effect on key sectors of the economy such as the steel and cement industries.
125, Main beam tile can promote frequency multiplexing, mechanical tilt has low precision and troublesome. But electric tile has high precision and can be operated by computers.
126, Ceramic tiles or marble facing has the disadvantages of heavy material and high cost, the construction is troublesome and some places often have the problem of unfirm sticking.
127, The selection of labor subcontractor is a troublesome problem came across to construction companies.
128, But her three-D approach faces two troublesome Ds: America's debt and deficit.
129, Bad track of hard disk is the most troublesome in all hard disk fault, especially physical bad track.
130, Simplicity of design eliminates pump priming, troublesome shaft sealing problems and the inherent maintenance costs of mechanical seals.
131, It is based on utilizing the conception of the driving-point impedance and the method of open-circuiting and short-circuiting in order to eliminate some troublesome circuit element.
132, With soviets, seeing a crane is a clear sign of a quick tech to tier 2, for that extra troublesome tesla coil camping.
133, Painful sensations are a frequent and troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury.
134, Children that used to be troublesome now suffer from ADHD - attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder.
135, The Hertha skipper Arne Friedrich will be of action time because of a troublesome knee infection.
136, As a kind of perennial troublesome weed, Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus brachyotus DC. ) mainly occurred in the North of China, infesting upland crop such as Wheat,() Soybean and corn .
137, European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States ; locally troublesome weeds.
138, The wet coupling method is better but more troublesome than the dry method and transfering method, and it can be conveniently carried out during the pelleting of whiskers.
139, Don't you consider it's troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney?
140, But if travel over still cannot restore ferial mood word, so to work and life would be very troublesome.
141, The same is true for the various methods for "correcting" troublesome fetishistic and sadomasochistic tendencies.
142, He has a troublesome blood clot(), the result of long hours on a plane.
143, On a rainy and blustery day it is not unusual to get soaking wet when wrestling with a troublesome brolly.
144, European foxtail naturalized in North America; often a troublesome weed.
145, Troublesome everybody helps me treat next symptoms that whether accord with me unhealthily .
146, During recovery management, the transaction information search becomes troublesome since the details of log files is masked.
147, The cigarette stacker in PASSIM cigarette making and tipping machine combination tended to wrinkle cigarette surface and wear out the timing belt rapidly and was troublesome in drum maintenance.
148, Trichiasis , usually due to misalignment of lashes, is a very common and otherwise troublesome problem in routine ophthalmological visits.
149, As he pondered this, manipulating the two bones as a puzzler maneuvers two troublesome puzzle pieces, they suddenly snapped together to form a perfect double-pulley astragalus.
150, The Lan Hui is to listen to know, a host of words tally up into one be'she tangled a waist'just, truly enough troublesome.
151, Mother talks as well as, feeling look like being barked time to the sand by the sweetmeat , very troublesome.
152, The mechanical automation of bending technique is the troublesome problem to car′s manufacturer.
153, She has left, for instance, some troublesome bits of scaffolding, like the vermiform appendix, behind.
154, A particularly troublesome type of multiple produces the coherent noise known as singing.
155, People with MVP and troublesome mitral valve regurgitation usually need treatment.
156, The troublesome question was -- what dress should she wear to the barbecue?
157, Essential troublesome is that they do not have the sufficient tractor.
158, But to achieve a flexible Java Control Word is a very troublesome thing.
159, She feels that it is very troublesome to lose her luggage. As she gets used to her old items, it is useless to give her cash compensation.
160, Regan speculated that this particular number is troublesome because it is the "largest subnormal double-precision floating-point number."
161, The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities.
162, Bad track of disk is the most troublesome in all disk fault, especially physical bad track.
163, The aural assault on Britain's potentially troublesome youth is not the first.
164, And like a horse whisperer who can "break" troublesome equines, Mr Nichols has the ability to bond with the worst behaved birds.
165, The latter combination included series - parallel switching mechanisms which were troublesome.
166, He finally managed to shake down the troublesome motor and get on his way.
167, Markedly inverted nipples may be troublesome, as may fissuring or cracking of the nipples(/troublesome.html), but the latter can usually be avoided by preventing engorgement.
168, Java adopted the most useful ideas for the development problems of its era, such as object-oriented programming (OOP), while discarding more troublesome techniques, such as manual memory management.
169, The method that using weighted arithmetic average of class interval' class mid-value in computing the average is troublesome and is wrong.
170, This issue is particularly troublesome when a seller-creditor increases a consumer's price to accommodate a discount granted by the seller-creditor to an assignee of the contract.




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