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单词 Linguistic
1. As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.
2. Keep the conversation off linguistic matters.
3. Her book displays many subtle linguistic felicities.
4. She is pursuing her linguistic researches.
5. I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children.
6. Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.
7. When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.
8. His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession.
9. I can only pick up the linguistic crumbs.
10. I have the greatest respect for linguistic diversity.
11. Culture gained immense advantage from this linguistic asset.
12. Linguistic units tend to form a hierarchy of extent.
13. They act like linguistic distress signals.
14. So this is a linguistic constraint.
15. This represents a very great pool of linguistic competence.
16. This linguistic hierarchy went against my grain.
17. Work should start from the pupils' own linguistic competence.
18. They also, of course, govern linguistic units larger than words - idioms, phrases,(Sentence dictionary) and larger constructions.
19. Moreover, the principle of linguistic self-consciousness or reflexivity seems to be made even more explicit when transposed to the narrative model.
20. Despite extensive research, how humans achieve their linguistic competence has still to be fully explained.
21. The system's linguistic knowledge is expressed by means of declarative rules and lexical entries.
22. Wright's system for cursive script recognition has efficient low-level processing but relies on a dictionary and higher level linguistic processing.
23. The data presented here suggest that social network structure is implicated in processes of linguistic change in at least two ways.
24. The main point is that prose varies a great deal in the amount of aesthetic interest which attaches to linguistic form.
25. They underline the right of migrant workers to express freely their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic characteristics.
26. State boundaries are haphazardly drawn across land masses and linguistic, cultural and ethnic lines.
27. That one does not say of a cornflower that it looks blue is a linguistic point, not a psychological one.
28. It is time for us to take our cue from Buku khan and tackle the linguistic landscape of the Tarim Basin.
29. There is little doubt that their handwriting skills develop at a slower pace than their linguistic skills.
30. The incident adumbrates an attitude of mind which is mirrored in the linguistic techniques exploited later in the novel.
1. As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.
2. She is pursuing her linguistic researches.
31. The gap between the linguistic creativity of even the most intelligent ape and even the most backward of human beings is immense.
32. This chapter deals with the different linguistic choices that shapes women's magazine advertisements.
33. But in general the world religions kept to themselves, separated by linguistic, cultural and geographical barriers that seemed insuperable.
34. The second solution is to regard linguistic knowledge or competence as a characteristic of the individual child.
35. The basic idea is quite simple: linguistic communication is a kind of problem solving.
36. I concede at once, the language is ambiguous and I see the strength of the linguistic argument in favour of the average cost construction.
37. Rather they derive from associated events in experience that antedate linguistic structure both phylogenetically and, in man, in individual development.
38. On this view the distinction between the application of the terms natural justice and fairness is linguistic rather than substantive.
39. The interpretation of an utterance involves the integration of information across different levels of linguistic description and across time.
40. Both deaf and hearing people do interpret stimuli presented for memory in terms of linguistic knowledge of both the task and the stimuli themselves.
41. According to Marx, the ability to understand humour in a foreign language is a mark of the highest linguistic skill.
41. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
42. Especially in large urban areas, a particular linguistic feature of a regional dialect might well be influenced by social factors.
43. The measurement of frequency depends on the existence of a clearly articulated set of linguistic and stylistic categories.
44. According to Goodwin, whose work I have referred to already, this difference has linguistic correlates.
45. These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
46. Indeed, model-interpretive anaphors, unlike ellipses, do not require linguistic antecedents at all.
47. There are, however, great differences in linguistic style between academically and non-academically oriented children.
48. Recent surveys including that carried out by the Linguistic Minorities Project 1985 have revealed the extent to which Britain is multilingual.
49. This sense of linguistic exclusion can be complicated by various cultural differences.
50. The differentiation was effected, rather, by a different body of linguistic rules.
51. Secondly, language being the usual vehicle of expression, linguistic meaning is a crucial component of social life.
52. Only if this latter requirement is met can we begin to talk of linguistic competence.
53. Reading takes years of learning and practice by the human child, who already has an established linguistic and cognitive system.
54. The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
55. Assemblies, dress requirements, school meals provision and links with parents may be insensitive to different cultural backgrounds and linguistic diversity.
56. In order to construct an integrated theory of linguistic competence, it is essential to discover the logical ordering of components or levels.
57. The European Union is made up of 15 nations with distinct cultural, linguistic and economic roots.
58. Although linguistic diversity was considered a positive asset, bilingualism in maintained schools was not supported.
59. Generative grammar rejects the empirical nature of structural linguistics and instead uses linguistic intuitions of native speakers.
60. If you try this linguistic experiment some groups object, you try out that, some other groups object.
61. The argument must still confront the anthropological and linguistic evidence for intellectual development as well as capacity in different cultures.
62. Alternatively, pragmatics and other linguistic components or levels can be allowed to interact.
63. Some of the cards they have produced suggest a definite electronic book strand in their thinking, at least in terms of linguistic products.
64. Whatever the answers to the previous questions, are they equally applicable to every level of linguistic analysis?
65. The principles of learning theory provide a prima-facie explanation of the linguistic changes which occur during childhood.
66. However, translators with different linguistic backgrounds should benefit from a brief exposure to both points of view.
67. Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity.
68. Fewer assumptions are made in such dictionaries about the linguistic competence of the user.
69. It is the job of stylistics to relate linguistic description to interpretation in a clear and helpful way.
70. Paradoxically, Diamond feels this loss of linguistic diversity may be our best hope.
71. So there are some linguistic correlates that go with these particular units as we would expect since this is a variation analysis.
72. Unfortunately,(http:///linguistic.html) the beginnings of utterances appear to be particularly unconstrained by either the acoustic material or the linguistic interpretation.
73. Recent linguistic work on characterisation has used the principles and analytical techniques of pragmatics and discourse analysis to considerable effect.
74. It is misleading and inaccurate to generalise about women and men and the linguistic correlates of their roles.
75. Linguistic ability posed special problems where one particular geographical area was concerned.
76. The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns.
77. All this requires imagination, patience, considerable linguistic skill, but above all a rigorous respect for the facts.
78. In the beginning, the linguistic plight of the Negro slave was deliberate policy.
79. The importance of Kittay's formulation lies in her wide definition of the type of linguistic unit that can be labelled metaphoric.
80. Students will therefore need courses that will equip them for observing, collecting and analysing linguistic data.
81. In order to handle deductive mode explanations, children require various cognitive and linguistic abilities.
82. In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for.
83. Again, this change, like synchronic variation between dialects, is a social, as well as a linguistic, fact.
84. What is at issue is the way different uses of language realize the complementary relationship between linguistic resources and contextual factors.
85. More often than not, to account for linguistic phenomena we require diverse kinds of information from different components of a grammar.
86. The model has been developed in collaboration with many people from all sorts of linguistic, cultural and professional backgrounds.
87. In the interests of clarity, however, I will look at sexism in linguistic practice from two slightly different angles.
88. This linguistic argument is, however, less impressive on closer inspection.
89. We are concerned, then, with more than simply linguistic competence.
90. As well as such differences in educational attainment, there are differences in the characteristic linguistic behaviour of various groups.
91. But the political row is far more than a linguistic challenge about expressing love for the fatherland without using the forbidden phrase.
92. Graduates of this course will acquire such expertise, together with the capacity to communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries.
93. But this, being a deliberative move to impart false information, would be a reversion to the linguistic.
94. In the short term this brute force approach appears to be the best method of incorporating linguistic knowledge into computers.
95. In addition to subject-specific language needs, teachers need to be aware of the situation-specific linguistic demands made upon young learners in primary classrooms.
96. Those interested in functional explanations of linguistic phenomena ought then to have a considerable interest in the systematics of face-to-face interaction.
97. In his work on social class and linguistic styles, Basil Bernstein has identified two different modes of language use.
98. In an untypical display of linguistic diarrhoea, Mr Head's character finally managed several sentences all in one go this week.
99. Literacy and education tend therefore to reduce linguistic diversity and to enhance major languages at the expense of minor ones.
100. Teachers must be equipped to deal with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the student body.
101. A great deal of scholarly discussion has centred on the linguistic status of the word.
102. The linguistic phenomena we see in the texts reflect not classical fusion of law but post-classical confusion of language.
103. Genette goes on to suggest that this authorizes the use of linguistic categories in the analysis of narrative discourse.
104. Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics.
105. Other favorites have also received a linguistic makeover.
106. English partitive construction is a linguistic phenomenon characterized by symbolizing and schematizing the process of conceptualization.
107. A question may be either a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by such an expression.
108. Also, individuals who are dependent on their groups and feel solidarity with them tend to see encounters in intergroup terms and tend to emphasize linguistic markers of their groups.
109. So far, in the linguistic field in China(), the application of cognitive context to forensic practice has rarely been explored.
110. The use of linguistic model in spatial information has always been an important topic discussed in relevant theoretical field in recent years.
111. In the end, we give out a run-of-mill valuation method on the base of linguistic logic, which can reduce the decision deviation of selecting the numeric scale by error.
112. Most of the comments on this novel are in the literary critical field while few studies in a linguistic way have been found.
113. The analytic approach of the linguistic context has already been used extensively.
114. The deeper structure is a linguistic basis in its essence, made up of four basic discourse patterns:metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
115. Hair salon chatter is a unique linguistic phenomenon in itself.
116. Material for analysis will include linguistic data, texts, audio and video recordings, and films.
117. Sequentially set up the coordinates of Zhang Ailing and modernity in this linguistic context.
118. The linguistic expression which appeared previously in the text is called antecedent while the latter anaphor.
119. As an important cross-language semantic category, modality exists in English and Chinese, and modal auxiliary verbs are the major linguistic means to realize modality in English and Chinese.
120. Speech genre theory studies linguistic presentation and its typical forms, whereas functional rhetoric studies functional style.
121. MT vendors are currently developing hybrid approaches using both linguistic and statistical methods, which may deliver a higher translation quality in the future.
122. Based on the conclusions of our predecessors, we are looking forward to improve and perfect the research of momentary verbs through meticulous and conscientious descriptions of linguistic data.
123. We offer our top-notch linguistic, engineering, commercial and management services to clients throughout Asia, Europe, and the United States.
124. This paper attempts to discuss the dialectic relationship between language competence and language performance based on the linguistic theory put forward by Ferdinand de Saussure......"lauge"and"parole".
125. The low proficiency subjects resorted to general world knowledge more frequently as a result of their weak linguistic processing abilities.
126. The linguistic quality of the four syllable expressions in Dai language is a rational understanding of the objective language phenomena guided by certain theories.
127. Aristotelian logical system is the system of classical natural linguistic logic whose fundamental system can't result fr om the study of mathematics.
128. The key issue of the logic of linguistic communication is to deal with the problem of expression and understanding, which at least refer to ...
129. Crow, as the fourth volume by Ted Hughes, who was the late Poet Laureate in Britain, is characterized by its principle imagery model, unique images and linguistic style.
130. On the micro-level, the thesis applies Catford's linguistic model of analysis, that is to say, the analysis on lexical-syntactic level.
131. Generally, repetition of material is constrained by the size of the linguistic unit that a person can process in an automatic or nearly automatic fashion.http:///linguistic.html
132. In the linguistic field there is different view on the category attributes of the verb valence.
133. We find that the adaptation theory enjoys great flexibility in accommodating the linguistic data of Ci. Besides, it adequately does justice to the social and cultural complexities of literary works.
134. Esperanto is now a full-fledged language with a worldwide speech community and full linguistic resources.
135. In other words, these linguistic tests for lexical semantic relations provide a building block for a verifiable and language independent theory of lexical semantics.
136. Story - telling presupposes linguistic representation accessible to our meaning dynamism.
137. Kuhn' s and Popper' s views of language. Then in the concept of incommensurability that means world- views- shift, we will find the new turn after the linguistic turn.
138. Discourse analysis is one of the hot issues in current linguistic research.
139. Furthermore, it tries to analyze the two-faced role linguistic taboo plays in human society.
140. Research suggests there are advantages to being bilingual, such as, linguistic and metalinguistic abilities and cognitive flexibility, such as, ...
141. He pointed out that this linguistic mentality helped create such expressions as 'long time no see, ' a word-for-word translation of a Chinese expression that became a mainstay of spoken English.
142. Observing linguistic symbols from the surface level of cognition, one could find that cognition of linguistic symbols can be either rational or irrational.
143. But a text itself is not a linguistic or an encyclopaedic system.
144. The analyses and explanations of this problem from diverse points prove that the unit of translation should be linguistic units.
145. The article analyses the internal connotation and linguistic character of Mongolian's ballad. It's significance to explore linguistical culture of the Mongolian in Qinghai.
146. These two product items are the linguistic model and acoustic model.
147. Linguistic world view is among the main content of Humboldt's linguistic thoughts while linguistic experientialism is the philosophic foundation of modern cognitive linguistics.
148. The linguistic context directly influences the effect of rhetorical communication.
149. This paper explores the linguistic representations of the cognitive concept of boundedness .
150. Out of complexity of linguistic methodology there are a number of ideas and approaches as to how linguistic model can serve the conceptual modeling and structure cognizing of spatial information.
151. Linguistic unit and rhythm must accord with the beat of "music". Literates paid attention to Tuning during Ci indicting.
152. Prosodic labeling of large corpora has now become a popular research tool in linguistic research and speech technology.
153. Stylometry is the application of the study of linguistic style, usually to written language.
154. The reason why people are able to make proper linguistic choices when using language lies in variability, negotiability and adaptability of language itself.
155. This paper attempts to explain new words in linguistic communication with Relevance Theory.
156. Her linguistic skills and musicianship were honed from a young age.
157. After decoding the normativity of meaning, it points out that the contextual analysis offers a view of the reasonable interpretation of the significance of linguistic community and normativity.
158. Our study shows that for their driving mechanism, the Adaptation Theory(a general perspective on linguistic phenomena), when combined with the Pragmatic Distance Theory, has a way to figure it out.
159. The observation was conducted on the comparatively successful English learners, and a series of corpora and linguistic data have been collected and analyzed.
160. Barthes then set out to develop semiology thanks to a framework supplied by Saussure's study of the linguistic signs.
161. The book covers a range of areas of second language research including sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic , and linguistic perspectives.
162. Here the lexicographer has to be his own linguist and have recourse to the linguistic analysis of the language.
163. To make the ends meet, the characteristics of Chinese brand names and cultural factors, including the designative meaning, the linguistic meaning and the pragmatic meaning, are better to be known.
164. Ever since Aristotle, studies in metaphor have raised the great interest of researchin linguistic field.
165. Vague language is an interesting linguistic phenomenon which forms a considerable part of language, yet not investigated systematically and remains a relatively unworked area.
166. The previous research into leaflets either abroad or at home is mainly from the perspective of psychology of strategics or mass communications with little exploration within linguistic theories.
167. Translation is not just a linguistic process but more a process of conveying different culture.
168. The author of this thesis tries to justify the ways of vocabulary generation and expansion with a collection of additional linguistic data taken from both at home and abroad.
169. Meta-representation is a universal phenomenon in linguistic communication, and meta linguistic function is one of the basic of the language.
170. Manifests the deep level behind the picture the spiritual endosarc, a lonely soul searches as if in the realistic linguistic environment is belonging to own position.
171. This paper has also proposed several amendments of Zhou Liquan's graph on linguistic communication.
172. Linguistic culturology is linguistic-culture hermeneutics in that it is ontology based on meaning, epistemology centered on linguistic weltanschauung, and methodology centered on hermeneutic dialogue.
173. Cognitive linguistic theories and pragmatic principles enable us to gain deeper insight into parables in the Synoptic Gospels.
174. Sentence group is a linguistic unit which several studies concern.
175. The official and dominant language is Lao, a tonal language of the Tai linguistic group.
176. Gao Jian's language character theory (L- C. T) may be a key to understanding and transcending such linguistic and cultural differences.
177. Accordingly, the functional grammar school considers language as a complete information system and linguistic communication as a process of information movement.
178. The Chinese linguistic criticism has made up this lack, making a full fusion of language analysis and aesthetic analysis, so as to form its own characteristics.
179. As a branch of knowledge, the linguistic stylistics is the combination of linguistics and literature.
180. Based upon linguistic and biological theory and symbolist methodology, the whole mechanism reflects the main feature of Susanne Langer's theory.
181. PPT from the linguistic point of view that this is meme and gene analysis of language differences, by reading this article can help readers master secret algorithm has a deeper understanding.
182. It encourages the language teachers to find a way to understand various language phenomena by means of the probabilistic modeling of linguistic data in teaching and learning.
183. Througha brief analysis of linguistic significance in language itself, this paper also tr ies to obtain the linguistic basis of relativist tendency and constructivist ten dencyof postmodernism.
184. By using linguistic services, a more human-friendly interface such as speech input can be enabled for the end user.
185. Early in 1965 , Chomsky proposed the idea of linguistic competence and linguisticperformance.
186. The conceptual blending theory is a new and developing branch of cognitive linguistics which is becoming the hot topic in the national linguistic field.
187. The semantic approach to the classification of antonymy has always been the focal point in the linguistic field.
188. Linguistic context, situational context and sociocultural context have significant restrictive effects upon speech and its comprehension.
189. His linguistic theories, the distinction between langue and parole in especial, is of great significance in linguistics.
189. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
190. According to the first, linguistic determinism, our thinking is determined by language.
191. Idioms are the crystallizations of ethnological linguistic culture, and they play an important role in English.
192. Language is the contrastive combination of the language system and the linguistic phenomena.
193. In linguistic field, the study on temporal features mainly focuses on the internal structure of language such as morphology, syntax, semantics, aspectual study and pragmatics.
194. While the translation is a linguistic process of "making choices" for communication, and is a process of adaptation.
195. Observing Galilean-Newtonian style, t he study of modern generative grammar is devoted to the construction of linguistic theory that can be understood by a scientific mind.




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