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单词 Informed
1) 'He's already left,' she informed us.
2) We will keep you informed of developments .
3) Have the police been informed?
4) We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends.
5) Informed people know the company is shaky.
6) I got informed by an indirect.
7) We aim to help students make more informed career choices.
8) We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.
9) The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for three days next week.
10) The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.
11) I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.
12) Their results owe more to informed guesswork than to actual knowledge.
13) It is regrettable that the police were not informed sooner.
14) I've just been informed that my luggage had already arrived.
15) We wish to keep you fully informed on this matter.
16) Informed sources said it was likely that the President would make a televised statement.
17) Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a rational decision.
18) The kids are much better informed than I was at their age.
19) A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required.
20) He informed me about your arrival.
21) The police should have been informed about this.
22) Please keep me fully informed of any developments.
23) We will keep you informed of any developments.
24) Her next of kin have been informed.
25) There needs to be a properly informed public debate.
26) She asked that she be kept informed of developments.
27) I have informed him by word of mouth.
28) We cannot release the names of the soldiers who were killed until we have informed their next of kin.
29) The name of the dead man will not be released until his relatives have been informed.
30) He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.
1) 'He's already left,' she informed us.
2) We will keep you informed of developments .
3) Have the police been informed?
4) Informed people know the company is shaky.
5) I got informed by an indirect.
6) We cannot release the names of the soldiers who were killed until we have informed their next of kin.
7) We aim to help students make more informed career choices.
8) We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.
9) The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for three days next week.
10) The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.
11) I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.
12) Their results owe more to informed guesswork than to actual knowledge.
13) The name of the dead man will not be released until his relatives have been informed.
14) It is regrettable that the police were not informed sooner.
15) I've just been informed that my luggage had already arrived.
16) We wish to keep you fully informed on this matter.
17) Informed sources said it was likely that the President would make a televised statement.
18) Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a rational decision.
19) The kids are much better informed than I was at their age.
20) He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.
21) A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required.
22) They informed him that they wished reconciliation.
23) 'I won't do it!'she informed him bluntly.
24) Is he rightly informed?
25) He looked blank when he was informed of his dismissal.
26) I am reliably informed that there are plans to close this school.
27) According to informed sources, a takeover bid is planned for next month.
31) Why wasn't I informed about this earlier?
32) They informed him that they wished reconciliation.
33) She reads many magazines to stay informed.
34) My daughter informed me that she was pregnant.
35) Keep me informed of any developments.
36) He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.
37) Keep me informed on progress.
38) They are not fully informed about the changes.
39) Consumers must be fully informed of the services available.
40) She asked that she should be kept informed.
41) 'I won't do it!'she informed him bluntly.
42) I am reliably informed that he's about to resign.
43) She demands to be informed of everything.
44) He informed on his own brother.
44) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
45) He informed the police that some money was missing.
46) At no time was the company informed.
47) They were poorly informed about their rights.
48) A love of nature informed his writing.
49) You will be informed when the book becomes available.
50) Why wasn't I informed of her arrival?
51) It is vital that we should be kept informed of all developments.
52) All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension.
53) One of the criminals informed against/on the rest of the gang.
54) She was unable to give informed consent because of a mental condition.
55) Unfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside.
56) Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her family very much.
57) Journalists informed police who planted an undercover detective to trap Smith.
58) Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes.
59) On some vital decisions employees were only informed after the fact.
60) Is he rightly informed?
61) The school promised to keep parents informed about the situation.
62) People are much better informed since the advent of the computer.
63) Good information is essential if people are to make informed choices about services.
64) The gang had to erase Jack before he informed on them.
65) "State-owned industries will always perform poorly," John Moore informed readers.
66) The soldiers were well informed about the ringleaders of the protest.
67) Now you know all the facts, you can make an informed choice.
68) We were very concerned to keep the staff informed about what we were doing.
69) All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.
70) We are able to make more informed choices about how we use drugs.
71) He informed us with massive understatement that he was feeling disappointed.
72) He looked blank when he was informed of his dismissal.
73) He was informed beforehand.
74) I am reliably informed that you have been talking about resigning from the company.
75) He is very well - informed; that's why he won the general knowledge competition.
76) When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him.
77) The boss asked his secretary to keep him well informed of the programme's progress.
78) I am reliably informed that there are plans to close this school.
79) You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.
80) Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates.
81) Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.
82) The names of the victims are being withheld until the relatives have been informed.
83) I am reliably informed that the company is being sold.
84) For more than half a century[sentence dictionary], the reassuring tones of BBC newscasters have informed British television viewers about world events.
85) They need to be better informed and less parochial in their thinking.
86) We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards.
87) According to informed sources, a takeover bid is planned for next month.
88) One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.
89) We will keep you informed to the best of our ability.
90) Police are withholding the dead woman's name until her relatives have been informed.
91) According to informed sources, those taken into custody include at least one major-general.
92) Doctors must obtain the informed consent of all patients before giving any treatment.
93) I offer my observations as those of an interested and reasonably informed member of the general public.
94) Informed consent was obtained from all participants before the study began.
95) We can't release his name until we have informed his next of kin.
96) He denied that he had ever informed on his neighbours.
97) The booklet is supposed to help parents make informed choices for their children.
98) Mr Venables informed me the club would not be renewing my contract .
99) I need more facts before I can make an informed decision.
100) Rightly or wrongly, they felt they should have been better informed .
101) We already know who's got the job but we haven't yet been informed officially.
102) The announcer informed viewers that programmes would be running late.
103) Harris's office was informed of the charges against him.
104) An informed, caring community is a computer click away.
105) How can one make informed choices?
106) Once again, being informed is a tangible benefit.
107) I was informed she was in the burns unit.
108) Keep us informed of any change of address.
109) Checks and balances required an alert and informed populace.
110) HMG should be kept informed.
111) I thought we had an agreement that you would keep me informed about any changes in the programme.
112) In his decision, Reinhardt said voters had not been properly informed that the law imposed a lifetime ban on candidates.
113) The view is that a consent is not valid unless the patient has enough information to make an informed choice.
114) A new patient attends the diabetic clinic and is informed that he has diabetes.
115) Foucault's approach and analyses have also to some degree informed this work and for that reason alone deserve a critical appraisal.
116) Micky Burns from the players' union advises and assists on the options to help them make informed choices about their futures.
117) Your estate agent will negotiate with potential buyers, keeping you informed of offers and how the sale is progressing.
118) The council was informed about the anniversary two years ago but has dragged its heels over putting it on any agenda.
119) Now I've been informed that I have £200 rent arrears.
120) To increase knowledge about alcohol so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent. 2.
121) In addition, I called an agency that was close to landing me a job and informed it that I was employed.
122) In late April, Marshak informed Gross that he was fired as dean.
123) This study received approval from our local Ethical Committee and all patients provided written, informed consent.
124) In the effort to distribute accurate information, keeping journalists and politicians well informed is absolutely crucial.
125) I was wrongfully informed.
126) Drinkwise 1993 is designed to provide the public with information about alcohol to help them make informed choices about drinking.
127) Some Army units were informed, the Pentagon said, although the troops who actually blew up the depot were not.
128) After a good breakfast at about eight o'clock, I informed the switchboard staff that I was leaving.
129) Her courtiers have all been informed of this decision and have acted accordingly.
130) The course organisers were informed about the study and its objectives and were asked for their cooperation in data collection.
131) They informed me that my Mom had been taken into hospital and I was to be taken into care until she recovered.
132) To ensure a mutually beneficial outcome it is necessary that both parties be fully informed of all relevant information.
133) Before they recalculated, the high school informed colleges that Brian was second in his class, based on junior year-end records.
134) The variety of Smith's endeavours was informed by a vision of great coherence and simplicity.
135) Hargreaves couldn't believe his luck when G.G. MacPhee reliably informed him it hadn't been climbed.
136) Will those householders whose properties are valued through the use of aerial photographs be informed of that?
137) Second,[] it evacuates the social and political agendas that often informed the movements identified in favour of a deracinated art.
138) All subjects gave informed consent for the study, which was approved by the local ethical committee.
139) And they had to be kept informed on a regular basis about changes in the competitive picture and performance expectations.
140) Information is vital Good information is essential if people are to make informed choices about services.
141) Police say there are no suspicious circumstances and a coroner has been informed.
142) In fact, she has succeeded in assembling a show and writing a companion catalogue both informed by history and informative as well.
143) The correspondents of the press knew it long before the corps commanders were informed of the fact.
144) Helping pupils to make informed choices about healthy living will influence not only their own future lives but those of their families.
145) He was under sedation, Sister Cooney informed Rim, and was best left alone until he had absorbed the shock.
146) He'd informed Aunt Edie that to give her a break, he and Patsy would get the tea later on.
147) All new-media producers claim their information streams and interactive features make for an engaged, informed citizenry.
148) The task of assessing this forceful leader must necessarily be left to others more competent and better informed than myself.
149) Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
150) This professional year helps students to relate theory to practice and later to make more informed career choices.
151) They would be available to share expertise, offer advice and provide an informed focus for locally based educational advance.
152) A few months later, in the February of 1966, ABS informed me that I was being posted to London.
153) Whatever choices are offered to voters and however they are assessed they must be informed choices.
154) If anything is moved then I am informed and we also record the new acquisitions.
155) But spot checks by the agency have indicated travelers are informed only about two-thirds of the time.
156) And being better informed they say, will help those like Gillis to a better recovery.
157) In Britain, most people with an informed opinion would assent to it enthusiastically.
158) The local police were informed of the whereabouts of the statues, just in case anyone mistakenly reported an attempted break-in.
159) Please include your own full address details so that we can keep you informed.
160) You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported.
161) Probation Officer Marla Weisenfeld testified she clearly informed Fajardo before the trip that he couldn't travel without court approval.
162) The caller asks if she can be informed as gently as possible that a very close relative has died.
163) If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis- informed. Mark Twain 
164) And now supermarkets throughout the country are helping the shopper to make more informed choices.
165) This brochure empowers sufferers with knowledge to make informed decisions about their headache care.
166) Eleven patients were recruited from our outpatient clinic and informed consent was obtained.
167) An informed public is perfectly capable of deciding whether contributions accepted by a lawmaker should disqualify him or her from office.
168) Accepted students will be informed in admission letters of the maximum amount required, which may be payable on enrolment.
169) The drunken voice of Officer Cecil informed him that he and his fellows were taking the calls one at a time.
170) This was a direct challenge to Urban, who had not been consulted or even properly informed.
171) A week later Takat Singh informed me that the women had changed their minds about letting me live with them.
172) As companies get leaner and better informed, they are much quicker to take action.
173) Informed irreverence carries certain risks into the heartland of self-interest.
174) The exam league table is supposed to help parents make well informed choices for their children.
175) This discussion is informed by Marxist efforts to explain articulating modes of production in terms of the changing requirements of capital accumulation.
176) When a news bulletin informed him of the crash of ValuJet Flight 592, he realized that call would never come.
177) Students may, by careful selection, build a course of informed specialization or one of reflective overview.
178) Four facts about car alarms: Fact 1: Buyers are not fully informed.
179) The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are. Nelson Mandela 
180) On discovering the fretting, he informed the chief civil engineer who imposed a strict speed limit on the bridge.
181) New methods and new systems must be devised to enable ordinary citizens to reach responsible and informed judgments.
182) All students are informed by their instructor of the strict code of taekwondo.
183) However, for the twelfth century we are much better informed about the rapidly expanding wine trade.
184) Informed by the two farmers, local authorities passed the information up the chain of command.
185) An editorial in the latest issue said the event would be a unique opportunity to become better informed and to browse.
186) Then national security adviser Anthony Lake also said he was not informed.
187) Design study carried out 5 times and was informed that the regulator valve to control the client and output pressure ratio should be below 3.
188) We were just informed that easy-home BJS is in the midst of converting from a representative office to a 'company' entity.
189) Because of the time involved, a sub-system needed to be created that could handle these long running tasks, keep the user informed of progress, and choreograph the next steps that needed to be taken.
190) The development of rural areas that results from being better connected and better informed also brings long-lasting financial returns.
190) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
191) It allows you to consider various options, or what-if scenarios, so you can make an informed decision based on best business practices.
192) Here is a question for consultation that is whether Copenhagen Harbour has cargo container shipping lines to the USA or Canada in operation. If yes, we wish to be informed of related information.




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