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单词 Commerce
1. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
2. Banks are the nerves of commerce.
3. Commerce enriches a nation.
4. We have been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.
5. Commerce binds the two countries together.
6. The banks lend money to commerce and industry.
7. The chamber of commerce boosts local business.
8. She has little experience of the world of commerce.
9. A career in commerce proved uncongenial for him.
10. The music business marries art and commerce.
11. Commerce was clogged with various restrictions.
12. Ridley, as commerce secretary(), masterminded the privatisation.
13. We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.
14. They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce.
15. They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce.
16. The government decapitalized industry and commerce with harsh tax policies.
17. During the war, they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries.
18. The company is now buying itself into American commerce and industry.
19. Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.
20. This restriction creates a barrier for global electronic commerce.
21. He served on a Commerce Department technical advisory committee.
22. The Nashville Chamber of Commerce sponsored the event.
23. Commerce officials called this an oversight and said Huang received no intelligence briefings during this period.
24. Here they all were - business, commerce, the big banks.
25. They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning.
26. In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.
27. The business is no longer regarded as a citadel of commerce.
28. There's been a dramatic shift away from traditional careers towards business and commerce.
29. So, some aspects of the technical infrastructure for electronic commerce are already in place.
30. If music can cut out the computer in the middle, then so can films, books, audio and electronic commerce.
1. The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.
2. We have been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.
3. Commerce binds the two countries together.
4. They drew up plans aimed at expanding commerce.
5. During the war, they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries.
31. Amid all the dust and the commerce we come upon a guy stationed at a cardboard carton desk.
32. Interestingly, the security problems plaguing network administrators resemble the problems facing transaction-based electronic commerce.
33. Chamber of Commerce and Telcom Ventures, is rapidly assembling a federation of state and local chambers of commerce across the country.
34. This would attract industry and commerce, and hence bring about the creation of jobs.
35. The Commerce Department said incomes grew by 0.6 percent, while spending got a 0.7 percent boost.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36. Commerce among the states must, of necessity, be commerce with the states.
37. The Mackinac Island Chamber of Commerce can provide information on alternatives.
38. The Office has stopped subsidising one-day energy surveys for industry and commerce and there is little accessible public information.
39. At Commerce, Huang was scheduled to receive 37 intelligence briefings during his 18-month tenure, records show.
40. They engaged in commerce, merchants setting off in carts and wagons for several thousand Ii.
41. This reflects the antipathy towards industry and commerce from traditionally educated, liberal-humanist teachers.
42. The Commerce Department had determined earlier that increased numerical accuracy would not affect the distribution of representatives.
43. Our modern Western world is consequently run by captains of industry, commerce and business who have an underlying Eastern philosophy.
44. Many lawyers in commerce and industry are at a disadvantage over Woolf, compared to their private practice brethren.
45. A bomb which exploded in Istanbul's chamber of commerce building on Feb. 20 killed one person and injured 16.
46. Background: Hammer v. Dagenhart concerned an act of Congress that banned the products of child labor from interstate commerce.
47. In preparation for his job at Commerce(), Huang received an interim security clearance while he was still working at Lippo.
48. Carrying the analogy further, the functions carried out by the human body would be the electronic commerce applications.
49. Open unemployment is now up to 20 %, according to the local chamber of commerce.
50. But the issue also epitomized the emerging dilemma for Laura, caught between the dictates of commerce and social responsibility.
51. Congress may forbid discrimination in public accommodations that are related to interstate commerce. 28.
52. Other examples abound in the worlds of commerce, government, education, and organized sport.
53. As centres of commerce, finance and fashion their buildings reflect the sardonic elegance of a bygone era.
54. She was appointed to the Cabinet as secretary of commerce.
55. In this situation professionals are most apt to allow their normal reserve about commerce to lapse, and to give meaningful information.
56. But pirates lurked in the shoals of global commerce, ready to plunder the cargoes.
57. The Sherman act was amended in 1982 to exclude trade or commerce with foreign nations.
58. And good intentions don't stand up in the rough and tumble of global commerce.
59. The Office of Government Commerce was set up last April to draw a line under this relatively poor performance.
60. But Commerce Department officials said that did not entitle him to see any classified information, and they maintain he saw none.
61. However, investment without a clear idea of the electronic commerce architecture being built would be akin to driving with blinders on.
62. They may regulate their internal affairs and their domestic commerce as they like.
63. The steamship and the railway, the legacy of the colonial past and the expansive power of commerce make this inevitable.
64. He does not pursue into modern times his lively thought about the connection between commerce and art; wisely, perhaps.
65. The commerce power invoked here by the Congress is a specific and plenary one authorized by the Constitution itself.
65. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66. The final version merely required firms to report to the Commerce Department whenever they complied with the boycott.
67. Candidates from government, commerce or academic backgrounds are invited to apply.
68. With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion.
69. We were the shysters who were into every business deal jamming the honest flow of commerce with fakery and fraud.
70. Electronic commerce depends on the unspoken assumption that computers cooperate efficiently for seamless information sharing.
71. Multimedia Content for E-Commerce Applications Multimedia content can be considered both fuel and traffic for electronic commerce applications.
72. To become a reality, electronic commerce needs a network infrastructure to transport the content.
73. But online stock trading was once one of the few reliably profitable areas of electronic commerce.
74. Part of the reason was a growing belief in the power of scientific thinking to improve trade and commerce.
75. Many local chambers of commerce are already taking a lead role in this process.
76. The forums are organized by the Business Youth Exchange(), an intermediary group associated with the local chamber of commerce.
77. Commerce officials now say they wish a foreign background check had been done, even though it was not required.
78. In pointing to the large element of rates paid by local industry or commerce, the government had a stronger case.
79. Unlike encryption, digital signatures are a recent development, the need for which has arisen with the proliferation of electronic commerce.
80. These goals are the guiding buoys for firms plotting their course in the turbulent waters of electronic commerce.
81. In many areas such schemes are operated by the local chamber of commerce or residents' association.
82. Hey Matt, old pal, old buddy, this stuff got stolen from us, it was moving, interstate commerce.
83. The small-business component of the local chambers of commerce affiliated with us is even more conspicuous.
84. It will overtake Commerce as the second-biggest federal office building in the land.
85. Men of industry and commerce began to emerge as men of some wealth.
86. The humans were astounded by the grace and majesty of Elf civilisation and well-pleased with the commerce that went on there.
87. If members of the chamber of commerce disagree about that, I am sure that they will be in touch with me.
88. The bustle of metropolitan commerce and tourism filled the streets.
89. The Chamber of Commerce is behind this year's annual fund-raising dinner.
90. That sets up what may be an inevitable clash between security and commerce, however.
91. Huang was given a top-secret clearance at Commerce after what Republicans have called a lax background investigation.
92. The conflict between commerce and commitment, music and movements, had resonances elsewhere.
93. This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.
94. The Commerce Department says orders placed at U.
95. E - commerce shakeout took place in 2004.
95. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
96. Chinese cozy up to E - commerce .
97. An Active Substance Starting Material can be an article of commerce, a material purchased from one or more suppliers under contract or commercial agreement, or produced in-house.
98. The message is from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) speaking on behalf of enterprises from all sectors in every part of the world.
99. Electronic commerce stores in shared hosting get a variety of servies for a low monthly fee.
100. During the past four years, under the leadership of President and Chief Executive Officer Laura Murillo, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has experienced a 600 percent growth in membership.
101. In late 2006, Israel Hernandez, a senior Commerce Department official, hand-delivered a personal letter from President George W.
102. U. S. Commerce Department announcement said the two forced enterprises involved in a dumping margin to 0, another for non-responding, was found to 231.40% punitive tax rate.
103. Meanwhile, the Commerce Department reports American businesses cut inventories 1.
104. This type of rule authoring is achieved by pulling the desired data from WebSphere Commerce and presenting them in the JRules editors in an intuitive manner.
105. Yet Mr So's appointment as under - secretary of commerce has created a political furore.
106. Shanxi area Kong Holdings Ltd. operates mainly in building and furnishing materials, steel, cement and commerce market, portal Scriptorium .
107. US Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta spoke at a luncheon held in his honor by the American Chamber of Commerce on Friday.
108. A team of 11 Chinese archaeologists will arrive in Kenya tomorrow to begin the search for an ancient shipwreck and other evidence of commerce with China dating back to the early 15th century.
109. We can enlarge the credit on consumption, strengthen the fundamental construction in commercial circulation system and develop the electrical commerce actively.
110. Description: International trading basis, transportation methods, contract terms, insurance policy, payment terms, electronic commerce, etc.
111. Published by the Anti - monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce on January 7 2009.
112. Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal.
113. The Commerce Department said jobless claims fell by 11,000 last week positive sign for U.
114. China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce says the government has tackled some 28,000 foreign trademark infringement cases since China joined the WTO in 2001.
115. Article 73 Foreign-related arbitration rules may be formulated by the China Chamber of International Commerce in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.
116. Article 73 Foreign arbitration rules may be formulated by the China International Chamber of Commerce in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.
117. A report from the U.S. Commerce Department showed construction spending rose 0.3 percent in March, the first increase in six months.
118. Plant waxes include carnauba wax, candelilla wax, and sugarcane wax, used in polishes. ABout 90% of the waxes in commerce are recovered by dewaxing petroleum.
119. In yet another aspect, an article of commerce communicates to the consumer that a food product has reduced or low levels of acrylamide or reducing sugar.
120. Having a few among them is concatenate world each commerce of big haven advocate course.
121. A similar study by the German chambers of industry and commerce (DIHK) found that almost two-thirds of firms had experienced no tightening of credit conditions.
122. On the whole , however, environmental laws have fared well in commerce clause litigation.
123. Shopkeeper none of waiter in the Inn dares to tamper in additional people's commerce, the orison hurries solution problem and hammer to convey these 2 sons to hike a human momentous!
124. The Commerce Department reported the US trade deficit narrowed to its lowest level in nine months.
125. Upon the application and justification of the divestiture obligor, the Ministry of Commerce may properly extend the time limit for ownership transfer,(/commerce.html) as the case may be.
126. The Department of Commerce defines direct foreign investment as "all foreign business organizations in which a US person, organization, or affiliated group owns an interest of 10 percent or more".
127. In addition, the FederalRegulatory Commission's authority to regulate oil pipelines came from the Interstate Commerce Commission.
128. Now the prevailing trade terms intensively used in the international trade business are those listed in the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) in 2000(abbreviated as "INCORTERMS 2000").
129. In chapter 2 it analyses the influence of Electronic Commerce to tax system. Those influence come from international tax jurisdiction and permanent establishment and the other six problems.
130. Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.
131. The Moslem doctrine exercises profound influence upon the operation of Arabic commerce.
132. The existing legal system obstructs the effective electronic commerce manipulation in that the application of electronic data message has changed the traditional way for transaction.
133. This gives the us department of commerce for this type of product for anti-dumping and countervailing (" the two sides ") investigation cleared the way.
134. His other quarrel concerned the national census, which for some reason falls under the Commerce Department.
135. More the rather that, itself of electronic commerce industry has the advantage of low case.
136. Catalogue of Goods Subject to Import License Administration and License-Issuing Catalogue in Grades of Import License Administration are published by Ministry of Commerce in the form of announcement.
137. The influence of aristocrats " extravagant consumption to the handicraft industry and commerce . 5. "
138. Some Richardson supporters had hoped he would be named secretary of state, but Mr. Obama said Richardson will play a key role on his economic team as Secretary of Commerce.
139. Immunity for our island has gone too since we took to commerce.
140. In the ancient world, Ephesus was a center of travel and commerce.
141. What quality brigadier becomes commerce to compete is important cross a code.
142. The emergence of this project takes the lead in promoting the value of circumjacent commerce.
143. Certain ventures suit moonlighting: e - commerce , direct marketing, franchises, property and suchlike.
144. Bush also said the Commerce Department is tightening its export control regulations for Burma.
145. Situation: avoids killing those who answer concussion WTO place to advocate is commerce liberalize.
146. The hotel seats on the oriental "Champs Elysees" the laudatory name of Hengshan road, has a good reputation in Shanghai and internationally is a well known four star commerce hotel.
147. The framer did grant Congress a power to regulate commerce.
148. In order to the Law of Tax Collection and Management to adapt the electronic commerce development.
149. Mainly based on data from BEA of US Department of Commerce, the paper analyzes the present situation and restricting factors of US direct investment in China.
150. In Chapter 5, the realization of secure data exchange system of Collaborative Commerce Platform, the secure result analysis and exception analysis are described.
151. By these means prosperity and abundance prevailed in this beautiful city, its gates were thronged with commerce, and its warehouses filled with luxuries and merchandise of every clime and country.
152. CBD works as the concentration area of nance service and cultural creative industries dominate modem high- end service industries where commerce, fieconomic development.
153. A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.
154. In situations such as group oriented cryptography, group secret communication and electronic commerce, distributed key generation are needed.
155. International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ) favors a code of conduct that would ban of bribes.
156. He instructed the Ministry of Commerce to mobilize 300 tons of rice distributed to victims, families of those who died to each flood disaster relief payment of $ 500.
157. The deal was to expire if the Chinese Ministry of Commerce didn't approve by Wednesday.
158. Electronics notarize is combination of tradition notarize and modern network. It can fix the electronics data on time, lower the special risk of the electronic commerce.
159. On this basis, the focus on the legal issues of indirect tax under e - commerce .http://
160. In a non-market economy, America's Department of Commerce argues, prices are not set by supply and demand so they cannot be trusted.
161. Inflation, as measured by the Wholesale Price Index, slowed to 3.92% from 4.39% in the previous week, showed data issued Thursday by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
162. Explanatory memorandum to the Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market, 18 November 1998, COM(1998) 586 final.
163. There appeared some large country fairs in some parts of Anyang area and metal and paper currency in circulation, which made some commerce more prosperous.
164. In a wide ranging keynote address at the 2007 Influence Forum, ICANN CEO Paul Twomey told the audience that virtual worlds are the future of global commerce.
165. Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce.
166. On April 12, I named Mickey Kantor secretary of commerce and his able deputy, Charlene Barshefsky, the new U.S. trade representative.
167. The U. S. government has tried to reap the advantages of large-scale organization while minimizing the dangers through legislation, such as the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act.
168. Today is ane - commerce era, whose primary characteristic is directed by the client.
169. Yang state embark of commerce every big trading enterprise concession a paperback.
170. In the case of no question or where any question is settled upon expiration of the term for publicity, the Ministry of Commerce shall distribute a notice on bid awarding to the bid winner.
171. Our country's present Law of Tax Collection and Management does not have related rules for the collection and management of electronic commerce tax.
172. The Commerce Department points out that in the last three months in 2008, GDP dropped at the rate of 6.2% annually, which is the most acute downslide in 25 years.
173. In addition, a digital communications product area will be provided to form a reverse procurement transaction trading and commerce platform between buyers and sellers.
174. Commerce Minister said the Chinese gov't does not pursue a trade surplus with the U.S.




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