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单词 Infantry
1. The infantry was/were sent into battle.
2. We have less infantry and armour than the enemy.
3. Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked.
4. The infantry began to deploy at dawn.
5. He saw service as an infantry officer.
6. The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
7. The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes.
8. The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The infantry were equipped with flame throwers.
10. We have less infantry than the enemy.
11. The infantry fell back in disarray.
12. The infantry is/are defending well.
13. It's a light/heavy infantry unit.
14. He signed on for nine years in the infantry.
15. The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance.
16. The infantry was / were guarding the bridge.
17. The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.
18. while the infantry advanced.
19. He saw service as an infantry officer in the last war.
20. They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.
21. The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
22. The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire.
23. The infantry went in.
24. Unescorted tanks attacked hidden infantry at their own peril.
25. Each infantry battalion has five companies.
26. The infantry were peasants, coddled, soft and fat.
27. Women are now barred from infantry and armored units.
28. The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry.
29. The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.
30. The army pinned the enemy to its ground by powerful infantry attacks.
1. The infantry was/were sent into battle.
2. He saw service as an infantry officer.
3. The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry.
4. The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
5. The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes.
6. The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.
7. The infantry were equipped with flame throwers.
8. We have less infantry than the enemy.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. He signed on for nine years in the infantry.
10. The infantry went in.
31. M., my company hooked up with an infantry company.
32. Infantry officer Thomas Giltner also found C4 extremely useful.
33. The guarding infantry probed the area but encountered nothing.
34. With a resounding cheer, the Infantry lunged forward.
35. The infantry made a drive deep into enemy territory.
36. The message came from the headquarters of an infantry regiment based eight miles away, towards Benghazi.
37. Then they would close up, go forward, receive the withering infantry fire, and fight as best they could.
38. It is they who carry out the traditional infantry role of closing with and destroying the enemy.
39. The army will expand from four to six the number of infantry battalions ready for rapid deployment.
40. The photographers stormed the railing and took aim like a starved infantry picking off fish from a bridge.
41. Its size and shape depended on the number of infantry battalions and armoured regiments in its order of battle.
42. The infantry tied empty tins to the wire to act as alarm bells[http://], but they were only ever sounded by rats.
43. That meant that our track had more firepower than a walking infantry company.
44. It was the custom then to double the size of most infantry battalions and of many gunner and other units.
45. The lines manned by the infantry also served to protect the gunners and their lethal devices.
46. They are currently locked in animated detailed discussion with their platoon commander, an experienced infantry captain.
47. There, the tracks were given to the mechanized infantry and powerful armored cavalry units.
48. Those jobs will go as part of a reduction of 18 infantry battalions.
49. Here(), the other side was helped greatly by the great power of modern light infantry weapons.
50. Infantry, he added, deliberately placed themselves in positions where they would be engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
51. What was wrong was that it should never have been conducted by mechanized infantry.
52. Unless, that is, his motive was to supply the infantry with sprigs of mistletoe to give to their sweethearts at Christmas.
53. Up to three Fanatics can hide in each Night Goblin infantry unit - note down which units conceal Fanatics and how many.
54. He was needed in the headquarters company of an infantry regiment fighting in Luxembourg.
55. The infantry detailed to guard them let off only a couple of volleys before also taking to their heels.
56. Moorish infantry and cavalry, armed with bows, swords and spears, and carrying small round shields.
57. It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
58. Among infantry weapons, the M16 was a logical development and fit our ideas concerning war to perfection.
59. Leg infantry has to carry every item they will need, and that means only the barest of essentials.
60. According to Bergson, however, the field was a different world: I had an excellent infantry company.
61. Frequently, infantry units dispensed with their own mor-tars altogether and used the mortar teams as an additional rifle squad.
62. Britain's most significant land battle in the Seven Years War, at Minden in 1759, had involved 4,400 infantry.
63. On the south wall the memorial was for the infantry regiments.
64. Head high, shoulders back, he strides with his bodyguards at the pace of an infantry forced march.
65. The Duchess of Finchley's Light Infantry was trapped behind enemy lines, but it was digging in.
66. This led to insubordination amongst the Seventh Infantry who attacked the Governor and wounded one of the officers who accompanied him.
67. For centuries, the infantry, particularly if properly coordinated with the other combat arms available, dominated the battlefield.
68. At 03.50 on the first day of the attack,[http:///infantry.html] 12 infantry divisions went forward in heavy mist.
69. Until the armoured regiment had crossed its start line, the armoured infantry would pause momentarily in forward holding areas.
70. He served in Mesopotamia during the First World War, came home in 1916 to transfer to an infantry regiment.
71. The army was a mainly infantry force, with a light cavalry screen, supported by a strong artillery arm.
72. Once his infantry were in position, Springfield had turned his attention to his motorised troops.
73. More military police and an infantry division was called into action, and the riot was quickly ended the next day.
74. The long roll was beaten among the infantry regiments in every direction.
75. Seven hundred Swabian infantry joined him, raised by Frederic of Lorraine, the Pope's chief lieutenant.
76. The simple badge, a musket bordered by a wreath, signifies that an infantry or Special Forces soldier came under fire.
77. More Nassauer infantry were running down the road, their heavy boots stirring a thick dust.
78. With only green Infantry available as protection for the guns, this was a dangerous move.
79. Will he ensure that these infantry battalions are more swiftly available in future?
80. He has seen the battalions, squadrons, tanks, infantry, and so on.
81. The Jacobites, with 800 horse and 6300 infantry, easily outnumbered Argyll's 960 dragoons and 2200 foot soldiers.
82. The cap badge worn at the turn-of-the-century was a white metal normal light infantry stringed bugle-horn surmounted by a ducal coronet.
83. Large claymore-style mines were mounted on the surface for use against infantry, frequently with deadly effect.
84. The rolling infantry battle was now nearing the edge of the plateau.
85. Experience, training and fitness sets hotshots apart from so-called Type 2 crews, the infantry of firefighting.
86. Infantry traditionally performed three roles: It held ground, took ground, and con-ducted precise reconnaissance when on patrol.
87. The Prussian infantry levelled their muskets over the furniture barricade.
88. As an Empire player you can choose from a vast array of infantry types.
89. The infantry are also upon the run, sweating and panting in the hot sunshine.
90. The eighteen guns were back in the cemetery, and a storm of shell began bursting over and among our infantry.
91. Less than a hundred yards from the wall they swerved and re-grouped for a charge as the infantry swarmed up behind them.
92. Experts estimate that most infantry battalions have two or three soldiers Awol at any one time.
93. Just as Bill Kestell noted earlier concerning tracks, the indirect effect of booby traps on infantry movement was serious.
94. Each side could also retain 18,000 armoured infantry combat vehicles weighing between 6 and 16.5 tonnes, and 12,000 lighter armoured vehicles.
95. A battalion of infantry that was marching towards the cabriolet shuffled on to the grass verge.
96. A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.
97. Individual infantry soldiers march on the screen.
98. The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.
99. Bounding Overwatch is the de-facto "Standard Infantry Movement Technique".
100. The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.
101. PG in Infantry Halftrack can no longer detect mines.
102. Waldo is with the 27th Infantry Regiment.
103. Some joined the infantry,[] others chose the Ambulance Corps.
104. Artillery fire supported the infantry attack.
105. Commando: This is GDI's specialized unit. Can tear through enemy infantry and blow up buildings.
106. You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.
107. General Dynamics Land Systems will build the first US-made heavy infantry fighting vehicles (HIFVs) after its selection in October as preferred bidder for Israel's Namer contract.
108. Can be upgraded to produce the Panzer IV Infantry Support Tank.
109. The author, Silas P. Keeler of Waterbury, Connecticut, was a twenty-one-year-old sergeant in Company E, 8th Connecticut Infantry.
110. With the Medivac being a late-game tech, are Terran infantry impaired against the other two races in early to mid-game?
111. These Infantry "made up of peoples from all lands", fight for the Seljuk Empire more for profit than any sense of loyalty.
112. As was clear from the initial fighting, tank units could not be employed non - stop, day-and-night like infantry, and had to be carefully husbanded for only the most important missions.
113. This protocol is used for destroying infantry much like the Desolator Airstrike, while also causing substantial damage for any lightly armored units that stay in the radiation patch for far too long.
114. Riptide ACV - $ 900 - - This transport can carry five infantry or a few lighter vehicles.
115. Other: This technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery.
116. Now , just like the MARV, the Redeemer can be garrisoned with infantry.
117. Rifleman Squad - This creates an anti - infantry machine gun on one of the hard - points of the MARV.
118. Landing craft are boats and seagoing vessels used to convey a landing force (infantry and vehicles) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault.
119. Tactically, urban combat is primarily a small unit infantry intensive operation.
120. With calm discipline Peter's officers called the infantry and field artillery into a square formation.
121. The banshees and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.
122. The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to ', 000 infantry troops and 00 to 200 cavalry troops.
123. Kissinger was then nineteen and a buck private in the U.S. Infantry.
124. Although generally fighting mounted, lancers can dismount when necessary. On foot, they fight as armoured swordsmen, and make effective infantry.
125. Anti-aircraft cannon fire salvos and can be useful against large amounts of enemy infantry.
126. Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine.
127. Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows , weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in.
128. The artillery had a field day with the retreating enemy infantry.
128. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
129. An iron ball with four spikes arranged so that one always points upwards, used to delay the advance of mounted troops and infantry; a caltrop.
130. Elam took up the quiver With the chariots, infantry and horsemen ; And Kir uncovered the shield.
131. This firing plan for musketry ensures an infantry unit keeps up a continual barrage of shots against an enemy.
132. Unaware of the coming onslaught, Bradley had only stationed the tired and understrength US 30th Infantry Division to guard the town of Mortain, which was the first objective of Operation Luttich.
133. Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 10 th Armored Infantry, 4 th Armored Division.
134. In May 1941, Secretary of War Henry Stimson approved a Chinese request for sufficient equipment to outfit thirty infantry divisions, intended for delivery by mid- 1942.
135. The Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, an armored troop carrier, debuted a year later.
136. The Excalibur was the first round of this type fired by soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division's 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 11th Field Artillery Regiment.
137. Troop selections: Light - medium infantry, assault infantry, pikemen, bowmen, light - medium melee and skirmisher cavalry.
138. As it turned out the Oklahoma 45th Infantry Division went over.
139. S. 120th Infantry Regiment in Romagny earlier that morning and after a two hour fight killed or captured all of the Americans with the exception of three soldiers who were able to escape.
140. At the Battle of Thermopylae, heavy armor helpedthe greatly outnumbered Greek phalanxes to hold off the lightly armedPersian infantry over three days of battle.
141. An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.
142. Wehrmacht StuH 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.
143. The soldiers are with the Second Battalion 27th Infantry Regiment, based in Hawaii.
144. The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.
145. All mercenary infantry and escort are to mate clothes but nap, this is the accustomed that develops for long period. Hear interjection, they abrupt took weapon to hurtle out.
146. The Late Roman infantry moved to a close order type of combat, with locked shields, in formal battlefield situations.
147. The Red Army adopted the AK-47 as its standard infantry weapon in 1949, and it was standard issue for the major Warsaw Pact armies as well.
148. Both the Russo-Japanese War and World War I had demonstrated that massed infantry formations on the battlefield were deadly anachronisms .
149. Your robot infantry will all lock into the underbelly of the enormous transport.
150. The weapon is equipped by the PLA ground forces at battalion and company levels to provide instant, direct fire support for infantry troops.
151. Antiochus encamped before Dor with a hundred and twenty thousand infantry and eight thousand horsemen.
152. Just remember to wipeout every Anti- Infantry unit your opponent might have near the building you want to repair.
153. First Aid Kit - In this mode, the Engineer will act as a medic, healing nearby infantry.
154. Organize anti-tank hunter-killer teams which include a machine gunner and a sniper to protect the anti-tank gunner by suppressing infantry which is accompanying the armored vehicles.
155. No one from the common soldier to the general expected a battle; and they were all calmly engaged in peaceful occupations—feeding their horses in the cavalry, gathering wood in the infantry.
156. Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 10 th Armored Infantry, 4 th Armored Division.
157. Another options is to go head on with some infantry and Scorpions, but it is rare to come out ahead against a primarily Devourer or Tripod army, especially without the Laser Upgrade.
158. The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon.
158. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
159. After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry.
160. They constituted a near - insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry.
161. Heavily Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with a turreted railgun effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
162. He would lead an infantry platoon in the Korean War, where he earned a Bronze Star.
163. Then the two heads of state and their spouses stepped on the inspection stage and watched the march-past of the motorcycle guards, infantry and cavalry.
164. What to call this ? - Allied war machine for infantry, lasts 60 seconds.
165. After all, his most memorable shots were taken on the morning of D-Day, June 6, 1944, when he landed alongside the first waves of infantry at Omaha Beach.
166. Highly skilled Sharpshooter with scoped M 1903 Rifle, effective against all Infantry. Can use camouflage ability.
167. The banshees and attack the colossi the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.
168. Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with Soviet armoured divisions; tanks, rocket launchers, motorised infantry, rumbling along in the deep dead of night.
169. While the army under fire, the British infantry suffered heavy casualties, but they still stand Kui - Ran.
170. A statement from U. S. Central Command says Desert Sidewinder opened with 20 simultaneous raids Sunday, using attack helicopters, tanks and infantry.
171. Panzer Elite Wirblewind has improved accuracy modifiers against massed infantry.
172. She can send to France at the most two infantry divisions one armoured division.
173. My father served in the Army as a first lieutenant, 117 th Infantry in the 30 th Division.
174. We cross our infantry and ground troops in a low level flight.
175. The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery.
176. At 20, he was graduated from the War Academy at Danzig and commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry.
177. For the light infantry battalion, this requires squads, platoons, and companies to have expertise in combat skills and the ability to execute decentralized operations that concentrate on the enemy.
178. His primary role is an Infantry raper , with his rail gun carbine, and a base destroyer, with his C5 charges.
179. This will reduce the construction speed of Panzer Elite infantry.
180. Benjamin Busch served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps and deployed for two combat tours in Iraq.
181. They are scrawled with the usual impressionistic drawings of male genitalia, comments about the sexual orientation of the infantry or the navy, and some more political observations.
182. Bullet wound: Before becoming elected president, James Monroe dropped out of college and enlisted as a cadet in the Third Virginia Infantry in 1776.
183. The new power pack will also absorb energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, making infantry less liable to detection by night vision equipment that uses infra-red technology.
184. The name comes from the French "les Diables Bleus" or "the Blue Devils, " which was the nickname given during World War I to the Chasseurs Alpins, the French Alpine light infantry battalion.
185. The man-portable version is normally found in the anti-tank element of the artillery units organic to infantry divisions and regiments.
186. 11An Afghan soldier wakes up atop his armored vehicle following an overnight mission with soldiers of the US Army's 27th Infantry Regiment in Shigal, Kunar province.
187. Titus, a Fourth Classman, was awarded the Congressional Medal of honor for gallantry at Peking, China, 14 August1900, while a soldier of the 14th United States Infantry.
188. Render of the new Demo Battlebus, which can lay small demo- trap like mines, aswell as transport infantry.
188. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
189. Everyone I knew was either in the cavalry or the infantry.
190. Providing the Anti Infantry segment is weak , Walkers a prime target a Jump Jetting Commando.
191. Short - range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work.
192. Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.
193. What's more, its large cabin also makes it an effective troop transport(), suitable for para-dropping infantry squads deep behind enemy lines.
194. From late March until mid-April, the FirstBattalion, 87th Infantry moved in waves through Germany, Kyrgyzstan and Kuwaitto a small airstrip about 150 miles north of Kabul.
195. The 1 st Slovak ( Mobile ) Infantry Division was also known as the Slovak Fast Division.
196. Nearly all line infantry carry smoothbore, muzzle - loading muskets.
197. They also knocked out our tank with direct fire, destroyed a 45mm gun with its crew, and inflicted significant losses upon our infantry.
198. To the west of Mortain, the US 120th Infantry Regiment fought desperate rearguard actions.
199. But the trucks passed over the narrow clip without incident and rolled into a small base known as ANCOP (Afghan National Civil Order Police) that also contains the headquarters of 1-22 Infantry.
200. Panzer Elite infantry can be ordered to booby trap any strategic point in the game.
201. Troop selections: Light - medium infantry, assault infantry, short range skirmishers, light cavalry.
202. Devastators should be used to decimate infantry and attack units ranges.
203. Airborne infantry now obtains Recoilless Rifles at 100 Mun instead of 125.
204. Light infantry battalions must be able to use the full depth of the battlefield and rapidly concentrate or shift assets to apply force or influence at the appropriate place and time.
205. The infantry opened up a corridor across the mine - field for the armour to pass through.
206. Elite heavy infantry originally created to guard the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. These units a well armoured and equipped with a sword. UNIQUE UNIT.
207. Sniper Team - This will create an anti - infantry Sniper Rifle on your MARV.
208. Infantry Officer Candidate School was intense and highly regimented with only rare moments of free time.
209. Then the king appointed Cendebeus commander - in - chief of the seacoast and gave him infantry and cavalry forces.
210. IIRC, the most formidable European infantry of the 15th century were the close-packed Swiss pikemen.
211. On land it has a light machine gun which protects it from infantry.
212. In battle, the Skink worked with a couple of Shermans and a platoon of infantry.
213. That leaves you tier 1 anti - infantry defenses and to dispatch the engineer.
214. Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 129th Infantry Brigade Workshop, 130th Infantry Brigade Workshop and 214th Infantry Brigade Workshop.
215. A U.S. Soldier from Bravo Company, 5/20 Infantry, 2nd ID provides supporting fire during a squad live fire exercise in Kirkush Military Training Base, Diyala province, Iraq, June 10, 2010.
216. Note that in the world of pathfinding , the term "unit" is used to represent any on-screen mobile element, whether it's a player character, animal, monster, ship, vehicle, infantry unit, and so on.
217. The army sent the infantry and artillery to take back the city.
218. The dingdong fight lasted for six weeks with heavy tanks and infantry losses.
219. Pity Georgia's bedraggled first infantry brigade. And its second. And its hapless navy.
220. He see service as an infantry officer in the last war.
221. The lack of a reserve of the mountain troops (the infantry and the cavalry had the training divisions) meant that all the replacements came from the frontier-guards or from the gendarmerie .
222. I volunteered to be a replacement soldier for an infantry that was fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.
223. This amphibious vehicle fires single guided missiles at infantry and armored threats over great distances.
224. Seldom if ever was there any training or instructions in such tactics for either the tank crews or the infantry formations .
225. A commando can also be effective for wiping out Walkers and dealing with Infantry.
226. Whether you choose Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima or the classic Wake Island, you'll experience the best balance of infantry combat complemented by land,[http:///infantry.html] sea and air vehicles.
227. Designed to provide direct fire support for infantry troops, the Type 87 is the first grenade launcher that has entered service with the PLA as a standard weapon equipment.
228. If your opponent is throwing infantry at you, put a Stealth Tank or two on hold fire and simply squish them with you Stealth Tanks.
229. The advantage which the recoilless weapons give infantry in firing against targets of this character from the opposing heights scarcely requires description.
230. The counterattack also overruns the aid station of the 2/134th Infantry and the motor park of the same battalion.
231. Theoreticians argued infantry could a cavalry charge by firepower alone.
232. Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack had main MG 42 Suppression reduced vs units in heavy and light cover.
233. Now the S 66 E the original stereo headphone socket to socket, circuIt'schematics unchanged, infantry line adjustments.
234. In addition, the center was covered well with firepower, Polish infantry musketry supported by artillery.
235. Banelings are a new unit in StarCraft II that act as suicide bombers, rolling into infantry or buildings for massive area effect damage.
236. The final version, Ausf N, mounted a short 75 mm howitzer for use in infantry support.
237. A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II of Macedon and used by Alexander the Great.
238. I wanted to put the Kalashnikov in a fuller context and show its place in a larger evolution of automatic infantry arms and shifts in tactics and war fighting.
239. I was a second lieutenant in a field artillery unit of the Second Infantry Division and a forward observer, watching for enemy movement and calling in artillery fire.
240. Tiberium Trooper - This will give you a green tiberium ooze dispenser that is good against mainly infantry.
241. Asthe men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry deployed, planeload afterplaneload, to Afghanistan this year, there was an unspoken question in the air:Who among them wouldn't make it home?
242. Protected by plate armour these units are very good at riding down archers and infantry.
243. Approximately 5-6 panzergrenadiers armed with grenades and a flammenwerfer approached the positions of the 2nd Platoon, B/120th Infantry.
244. From there Holofernes took, the infantry, cavalry, and chariots, and marched into the mountain region.
245. Infantry Weapons – Increases the Ground Attack and Shock Attack values of Infantry.
246. Troop selections: light - medium infantry, short and long range skirmishers, light - medium skirmisher and melee cavalry./infantry.html
247. His cavalry would smash through the redoubts opening the way for the infantry to scale the Russians' wooden walls and engage them in hand-to-hand fighting.
248. Based on foreign tank and armoured vehicle development, summarizes the future developing trend for tank, infantry weapon carrier, amphibious assault weapon carrier and armoured scout car.
249. Attack Dog - $ 200 - - A ferocious trained German Shepherd doggy which kills any infantry in one bite.
250. A whole column of enemy infantry was now pouring into the creek bed, right on the heels of the reconnaissance groups.




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