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单词 Supreme court
1. The Supreme Court judged him guilty.
2. He's been appointed to the State Supreme Court.
3. The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
4. The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.
5. The campaigners held a sit-in outside the Supreme Court.
6. The decision will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
7. He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.
8. A Supreme Court judge was charged with taking bribes.
9. The Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.
10. The Supreme Court heard the case on Tuesday.
11. You should go out for Supreme Court justice.
12. The verdict was overruled by the Supreme Court.
13. This case is being judged by the Supreme Court.
14. The Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in January 2001.
15. Eventually the death sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court.
16. The US Supreme Court voted against granting Smith a reprieve .
17. He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court.
18. Becoming a Supreme Court judge was the crowning glory of her career.
19. The Supreme Court ordered a judicial inquiry into the deaths.
20. The Supreme Court will ensure that the proper procedures have been followed.sentencedict .com
21. The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.
22. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
23. The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
24. The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.
25. As time went on, his ambition to be part of the US Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.
26. Does he have the right qualifications to become a Supreme Court Justice?
27. In the end, the Ten took their appeal to the Supreme Court; this, they had believed from the outset, would be their trump card.
28. The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.
29. The President's power is circumscribed by Congress and the Supreme Court.
30. The plaintiff battled the decision all the way to the Supreme Court.
1. The Supreme Court judged him guilty.
2. He's been appointed to the State Supreme Court.
3. The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
4. The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.
5. He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.
6. The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.
31. Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition.
32. The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against.
33. The most important law court is called the Supreme Court.
34. The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the case.
35. The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.
36. The President is expected to name a new Supreme Court justice within the next few days.
37. An order was made against which he sought recourse in the supreme court.
38. The Supreme Court decision paved the way for further legislation on civil rights.
39. The Supreme Court lifted the company's immunity from criminal prosecution.
40. Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.
41. The case was up for the final decision in the Supreme Court.
42. The Supreme Court will not hear the case until next fall.
43. The Supreme Court has overturned the lower court's decision .
44. The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court's ruling.
45. The Supreme Court rejected his appeal.
46. Both were certified by the Supreme Court.
47. Rehnquist is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
48. Y., referring to the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
49. Will the Supreme Court arbitrate accounting standards?
50. All these situations have been assessed by the Supreme Court in the past 10 years and approved.
51. The Supreme Court left that ruling in effect by refusing to consider an appeal from the state of Texas.
52. But the state Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 140 contains a lifetime ban,[http:///supreme court.html] a decision binding on federal courts.
53. Last month, the California Supreme Court refused to consider an appeal.
54. First and foremost, our fear that the right wing would have veto power over appointments to the Supreme Court.
55. That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
56. Recent Supreme Court decisions have put limits on the use of affirmative action to assure diversity in student bodies.
57. In May 1986 the Supreme Court rejected his final appeals and Pinkerton was executed by lethal injection.
58. Although the Supreme Court has upheld agency-shop provisions, states are still free to prohibit agency shops, and some do.
59. But the justices also requested arguments on whether the group appealing the case has standing to be before the Supreme Court.
60. The dispute broadened to include the appointment of judges after the retirement of several members of the Supreme Court.
61. The farmers are carrying on the work in defiance both of cantonal regulations and a supreme court injunction ordering them to stop.
62. Ogden won an injunction in the New York courts but lost the case in the Supreme Court.
63. First, the Supreme Court must rule on whether the banks have legal standing to challenge the law.
64. Her case ended up in the Supreme Court which overturned restrictive abortion laws in 46 states.
65. The Supreme Court, in its most recent decision, barred school officials from arranging prayers at graduation ceremonies.
66. That was precisely the situation that led to the current Supreme Court case.
67. The Supreme Court, the Congress, and the President are all coequal parts of the federal government.
68. The decision of the Supreme Court had not been announced by the end of February.
69. On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
70. The Texas Supreme Court will consider a case next month that could seal another entire realm of information: district attorney files.
71. Whether Proposition 140 imposes a lifetime ban was a major issue discussed by the state Supreme Court in 1991.
72. The Supreme Court decision has given us an opportunity to focus our attention on the problem of end-of-life care.
73. The Washington state attorney general had not decided whether to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.
74. He's been appointed to the State Supreme Court in California.
75. Although the legislative branch was clearly subservient to the executive, the Supreme Court exercised power independently.
76. Supreme Court officials acknowledge that their own telephone system was the culprit for the leak.
77. Florida's Supreme Court ruled the men had no right to privacy because they willingly took part in criminal activities.
78. The Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs at least be granted stays of deportation until lower courts had adjudicated their cases.
79. Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
80. He played a central role in his early years on the Supreme Court, to which he was appointed by Gov.
80. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
81. Acknowledging the confusion, the Supreme Court in 1990 disavowed its earlier opinions and announced a new approach.
82. The Houses of Parliament are also the final arbiters of the tenure of office of judges of the Supreme Court.
83. The Supreme Court is expected to weaken further the nationwide constitutional protection for abortion early next year.
84. Human rights lawyers filed an appeal to the supreme court.
85. That is why the Supreme Court has been so determined to protect the rights of citizens to protect themselves against the government.
86. In the final analysis, the Supreme Court will be called upon to resolve these conflicting interpretations.
87. He arrived at his supreme court office despite government claims that he had already been replaced by a Mugabe supporter.
88. When he was governor, Brown appointed Rose Bird as chief justice of the California Supreme Court.
89. This was the chief justice of the state supreme court!
90. The 1834 agreement resolved a Supreme Court suit brought by New Jersey in 1829.
91. The Supreme Court, without comment, refused to hear the case on appeal.
92. The Supreme Court ruled in 1990 that convicted criminals can avoid making restitution by declaring bankruptcy.
93. On April 28 the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by former Col.-Gen.
94. Two of the five supreme court judges are white, including the chief justice, Anthony Gubbay.
95. We will create a Supreme Court to entrench and defend these fundamental reforms to the relationship between the citizen and the state.
96. The nine Supreme Court justices hold office for life.
97. A justice of the United States Supreme Court.
98. The judges'ruling in the Supreme court is unappealable.
99. They common until the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional.
100. The solicitor general, an official in the U.S. Justice Department, represents the government when cases are brought to the Supreme Court.
101. They both were scheduled appear before the Supreme Court on Monday to face other charges.
102. Arguing the interests of Dartmouth before the Supreme Court, Daniel Webster captured this feeling well: "It is, sir, as I have said, a small college.
103. Abortion is legal in Mexico City,() while the Supreme Court ruled this week to uphold state laws in Baja California that say life begins at conception.
104. The Supreme Court has wrecked several Key New Deal enterprises.
105. The Supreme Court of the United States has never upheld a government attempt to stop the press from publishing classified information.
106. Elena Kagan, the former solicitor general of the United States, is now the 112th Justice of the Supreme Court.
107. In the United States, under the principle of "judicial economy" the Supreme Court adopted a set of rules on submission of Amicus Curiae briefs.
108. But Houston lawyer Mitchell Katine, one of the attorneys who handled the Lawrence case before the Supreme Court, isn't so sure the court will agree.
109. President Nixon appointed Rehnquist to the Supreme Court in 1972, and in 1986, President Reagan tapped him as chief justice to replace Warren Burger.
110. This example shows a U. S. Supreme Court case citation to a denial of certiorari .
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
111. The monument is located between the Capitol building, which houses the state legislature, and the building that houses the state Supreme Court.
112. The Lilly Ledbetter Act more or less restores (though partly strengthens) the rights of aggrieved workers that a Supreme Court ruling circumscribed in 2007.
113. This test was endorsed by the Supreme Court in the Vermont Yankee case.
114. This week on our series, we tell more about James Buchanan. And we discuss his influence in the Supreme Court ruling in the case of a slave from Missouri named Dred Scott.
115. It invested "all legislative Powers" in the Congress, "the executive Power" in the President, and "the judicial Power" in a Supreme Court and in inferior courts established by Congress.
116. Many Supreme Court and Provincial High Court Justices are now effectively under house arrest.
117. The Senate possesses an effective veto over those choices, and the Constitution assigns to Congress the power to fix the size of the Supreme Court and to restrict the court's appellate jurisdiction.
118. Moreover, the Supreme Court weakened its responsibility in protecting civil liberty.
119. In some instances, the Supreme Court also hears cases from the court of last resort in a state system.
120. In its 1986 Term, the Supreme Court decided three important takings cases.
121. The United Stats Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972.
122. Supreme Court members, in a majority opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, convinced themselves that Frederick's banner was a public promotion of the use of illegal drugs.
123. In the early 1940s the Supreme Court announced in rather definitive terms that the First Amendment did not cover obscene or libelous speech, fighting words, or commercial speech.
124. This program is recognised by the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory and the State of New South Wales .
125. Massey's chairman had spent three million dollars to help elect him to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. That was after the company lost a jury trial over a business dispute.
126. Reported decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and of most of the state appellate courts can be found in the official reports of those courts.
127. To solve this problem, the Supreme Court had instructed to introduce an appropriate special assessment mechanism by the professional bodies recognized for the damages, when conditions are ripe.
128. No , the collective mind of the Supreme Court press corps never stops thinking.
129. Nothing can be done about this because the Supreme Court ruled in 1974, in Milliken v Bradley, that desegregation cannot be required across school district lines, even if it is compulsory within them.
130. Among them: a session of the state Supreme Court, a senior assisted-living facility and an animal shelter for abandoned pets.
131. Finally, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Missus Parks's case. It made racial separation illegal on city buses.
132. Roe v. Wade, court case of 1973 in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that a woman has a constitutional right to an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy.
133. The Valley Club was founded in 1954, the year the supreme court ruled on Brown v Board of Education making racial segregation illegal.
134. What's a second act to being editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Review, clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and authoring biographies?
135. Infallible papal pronouncements would be seen as tentative, revisable, like Supreme Court decisions, which have the force of precedents but can be and occasionally are overruled.
136. Sandra Day O'Connor, former Supreme Court Justice, majored in economics at Stanford.
137. One southern member of the Supreme Court was James Catron, a good friend of James Buchanan.
138. A former Supreme Court law clerk and white collar criminal defense litigator, she previously hosted her own show on MSNBC and was a commentator for CBS News.
139. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld busing to achieve racial balance.
140. Oliver Wendell Holmes (a Supreme Court justice from 1902 to 1932) commented that public scrutiny provided the security for the proper administration of justice.
141. The Supreme Court apparently agreed with the lower court that" effects on human health can be cognizable under NEPA,[] and that human health may include psychological health".
142. At least partly at his behest, on February 25th the Supreme Court disqualified Mr Sharif and his brother, Shahbaz, Punjab’s chief minister, from holding public office.
143. Some of the states even have supreme court decisions affirming Frye.
144. The Supreme Court of the United States considered this issue in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971), often referred to as the Pentagon Papers case.
145. The solicitor general's office represents the United States Government in cases before the Supreme Court and supervises the handling of litigation on behalf of the government in all appellate courts.
146. The Supreme Court of the United States established flexible the forum non convenience doctrine in practice.
147. The 1971 Act, which abolished the assizes and quarter sessions, set up in their place the Crown Court which it made part of the Supreme Court of Judicature.
148. The 1954 Supreme Court decision that led to racial integration of American schools is hard to imagine without Earl Warren as chief justice.
149. Just last year, the Supreme Court of the United States received more than 1,000 visitors representing more than 90 countries.
150. Winarta says the Indonesian Supreme Court will certainly review the case and he hopes whatever decision it makes will be accompanied by a supporting legal opinion.
151. Dear, for your information, the Supreme Court has rejected prior restraint!
152. Generally, the constitutional interpretative organ can be divided into three models: the Supreme Court in the common-law system, the independent constitutional court and the legislative organ.
153. But the U.S. Supreme Court weakened the protections in 1977 when it ruled in Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison that anything more than a minimal cost to the employer was an undue hardship.
154. On the other hand, the state supreme court, which presumably would have the final say on the counting of ballots, had more judges appointed by Democratic governors and was thought to be less partisan.
155. Similarly, the solicitor general decides whether to seek Supreme Court review of adverse appellate court rulings.
156. The Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice called on lawyers in the state to provide pro bono assistance to people facing foreclosures.
157. Led by Mr Corral, the 47 filed a motion of unconstitutionality with the Supreme Court.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:48:14