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单词 Destructive
1. It is the most destructive storm in 20 years.
2. Clearing trees by burning is highly destructive of the forest environment.
3. An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statute.
4. These substances can be destructive to health.
5. Their policies have been colossally destructive.
6. Are all small children so destructive?
7. He was unable to contain his own destructive feelings.
8. Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads.
9. Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.
11. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally destructive activities carried out in Wales.
12. I worry about the destructive effect that violent films may have on children.
13. Those anticancer drugs are effective, but also destructive to white blood cells.
14. Emotions can become destructive if they are suppressed and denied.
15. It isn't yet clear how destructive this so-called 'super virus' is.
16. In the end, it will be destructive of our whole society.
17. What is good for the individual can be destructive to the family.
18. Residents were awed by the earthquake's destructive force.
19. The interior, too, contains elements which are potentially destructive.
20. The destructive side-effects of pesticides are now well known.
21. It encourages a cynical, destructive decadence.
22. It is also a potentially destructive one.
23. The most destructive criticism is indifference. Edgar Watson Howe 
24. Humbleness is productive, narcissism is destructive. Dr T.P.Chia 
25. Delusions are sometimes insidiously destructive.
26. Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.
27. Under cross-examination, he admitted the state troopers used more destructive ammunition than usual.
28. The implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive.
29. Computer viruses are at the very least annoying and often actually destructive.
30. The war was a paradigm of the evil and destructive side of human nature.
1. It is the most destructive storm in 20 years.
2. Clearing trees by burning is highly destructive of the forest environment.
31. Alcoholics often tend to have stormy and destructive relationships.
32. Guilt can be a very destructive emotion.
33. The border war has been wasteful and destructive.
34. Her destructive powers are even greater than Ewan's!
35. Cizek's method of criticism is constructive, never destructive.
36. It was far worse, more insidious, more destructive.
37. Jealousy is a very destructive emotion.
38. Good imagination is constructive, bad imagination is destructive. Dr T.P.Chia 
39. Nothing is more destructive to a partnership than for one partner to feel that he or she is being taken advantage of.
40. But it was the Chickasaw, commanded by George H.. Perkins,(http:///destructive.html) that fired the most destructive shots.
41. Nizan's writings of this period are charged with the destructive dynamism of the newly converted.
42. This doesn't mean, I hasten to insist, that natural selection is a purely destructive process.
43. Surely there could not have been a more destructive fire than Calvary; but more was to come.
44. None the less, he was aware of John's vulnerability and John's need to be protected by adults against his destructive impulses.
45. An irresistible attraction to destructive men ran a close second.
46. This avenging boar, the agent of the insulted goddess, is henceforth identified with the destructive forces that produce tragedy.
47. Their destructive power was enough to upset the whole economy of a strong and healthy country.
48. Why can't you do that, instead of being so ... so destructive.
49. Could this be a prelude to a trade war even more destructive of world prosperity than a military war?
50. The result is a gripping sense of guilt which locks victims into an even more destructive process of self-blaming.
51. This emphasizes also his primitive appeal to fire as the most destructive force.
52. In addition to spray drift, intensive farming has a destructive effect on the surrounding fauna and flora.
53. The way confrontation is handled should not be destructive to the counsellee.
54. Civil wars were not the only destructive forces in the Merovingian kingdoms.
55. Fanning the flames of hatred on the street, on television or in the so-called intellectual press feeds destructive forces.
56. But more competitive does not necessarily mean more environmentally destructive farming.
57. If multiple warheads are deployed, the different blast waves reinforce each other, increasing their destructive power.
58. Of all the reversals, though, the most destructive in the long run was the about-face of the Communist world.
59. This is unfortunate, for such marriages are destructive to both partners.
60. Step ten is seen as a practical means for avoiding a slip back into destructive thinking patterns and drinking.
61. Although it is good to see the end of environmentally destructive quarrying, the landscaping seems a little excessive.
62. Teenagers often make inappropriate responses to conflicts such as aggression, withdrawing, sulking, tantrums or destructive behaviour.
63. The effect, enhanced in buildings and enclosed spaces, can be up to 16 times more destructive than conventional high explosives.
64. Ballantyne's boys simply stare while one of Golding's boys is not appreciative and very destructive towards the tree.
65. The requirements here will depend on the destructive capabilities of the chosen fish species.
66. The potential for a destructive arms race is ever present.
67. A small but destructive minority has turned from religious zeal to crime, or to insurrection against its own governments.
68. And this can be as destructive to enjoyment and adventure as inflated claims or solemn incantations.
69. It is the hiding that is destructive(), not the pain.
70. Conflicting views' Of course arable land in some places is going out of cultivation because of erosion and other destructive forces.
71. After a couple of intense, passionate but ultimately destructive relationships, I craved a gentle, understanding mate.
72. Without failure, Earth might never discover your power and strength to defuse the most cruel of destructive experiences in human lives.
73. The problem solver pushes into the unknown intermediate region, alternatively employing constructive and destructive processes.
74. Either we become regarded as gratuitously destructive iconoclasts, or the shepherd himself becomes suspect for having withheld information.
75. Bush has become embroiled in destructive skirmishing at home even as his aides maneuver adroitly to avoid pointless battles abroad.
76. Sugar was one of the most destructive elements of the new diet.
77. The social consequences of compulsive gambling and risk-taking, workaholism, compulsive overspending and other behavioural addictions can be utterly destructive.
78. Kim was also very destructive of any property not her own.
79. Other conditioned psychological needs can be an extension of a horse's basic requirements, and may be quite destructive to it.
80. In later poems she is usually shown as treacherous and malicious, exerting a deadly and destructive power over men.
81. Both are born of rationalism, and both are equally wrong and finally destructive of true faith.
82. Little Red Cap, who has outgrown her oral fixation, no longer has any destructive oral desires.
83. The neo-Confucians, by contrast, limited the scope of human destructive power to humanity itself.
84. The latter two are simple destructive plate margin volcanoes, but the Plate Tectonic setting of Vesuvius is a bit complex.
85. Self-defeating organizations are nothing if not adroit at minimizing the costs of their destructive or ineffectual actions.
86. Being destructive elements in the play they have destroyed themselves and already added much to the destruction of their father.
87. To say the least, this is a curb on the creative process, and artistically destructive.
88. Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact.
89. It was seen as having both healing and destructive power.
90. Clearly, people choose to act selfishly and in destructive ways despite the pain their actions will bring to others.
91. Babies are not born suffering from chronic guilt, anger of any other of the destructive emotions.
92. It was the most destructive that had been fought during the war, considering the length of time the engagement lasted.
93. Obviously waves may have frequencies of intermediate magnitude and so be difficult to classify as either destructive or constructive.
94. But the final word must be reserved for the destructive, disruptive role played by George Bush's administration.
95. Arguably it was the last point that has proved most destructive of the international effort.
96. The effects of trampling by large mammals on pellets can be destructive, especially if the pellets are fresh or wet.
97. Mr Brown said he really couldn't wish for a more destructive class.
98. But, given the destructive power of modern weapons, they did not believe that civilization could be protected by war.
99. Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.
100. Love is the greatest joy and love- caretaker(), as well as an emotionally selfish and destructive force in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
101. It's clearly destructive to your game if your attempt to gain distance instead results in sliced and topped shots.
102. Like most of the true crabs they can be very destructive in the reef tank.
103. Slanging matches rarely achieve anything positive, and other anger responses can be even more destructive.
104. All that destructive force - and all of it directed towards her.
105. This is civil war, and civil wars are ipso facto destructive for all involved.
106. And now, on with the considerably more destructive process of deleting applications from Windows.
107. Yet another effort to save the banks from the destructive effects of this river.
108. The Titans introduced into the world of man the disruptive and destructive force of strife and killing.
109. Though many may wonder about the destructive theory[], it requires a moderate amount of mathematical training to develop the conservation laws.
110. It will liken welfare to drugs: soothing, addictive, and utterly destructive of independence and initiative.
111. Our perception of parrots as somehow our rightful property has been destructive for the living creature in its natural environment.
112. They might be shocked if they realized their destructive influence on those they meet Last night I was at a social gathering.
113. Yet he avoids shows of emotion and personal feeling because he believes they are destructive.
114. We ran up to the firing range one morning to try out our destructive techniques for real.
115. The human species has not fully attained the goals proper to it, because of its self-entrapment in egoism and destructive desire.
116. By contrast, he did inherit a destructive family situation which weighed heavily on him for the rest of his life.
117. Its ability to absorb wastes and destructive effluent is finite.
118. All this contrasts markedly with the media image of the hooligan as a purely destructive agent.
119. Constructive and destructive waves correspond closely with two of the main types of breaker recognised today, namely spilling and plunging breakers.
120. In addition they help conserve the existing soil structure by protecting the surface from the destructive force of winter rain.
121. We might well hit on constructive ideas, no less than on destructive strategies.
122. Are there a destructive set of values associated with family life in late twentieth-century Britain?
123. Club members oppose electoral slates as these proved so destructive of the Tribune Group and Campaign Group.
124. Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame's is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. Brene Brown 
125. Methods of Excavation Excavation is both costly and destructive, and therefore never to be undertaken lightly.
126. Pesticides kill off the beneficial insects as well as the destructive ones creating an imbalance in nature and wasting valuable assets.
127. I think we as writers should respect and be grateful for the efforts of our peers to avoid destructive or insensitive criticism.
128. It is impossibly complex, outrageously expensive, overly intrusive, economically destructive and manifestly unfair.
129. But we are being diminished by our destructive insensitivity in ways that cripple our ability to enjoy, grow, create.http:///destructive.html
130. The most unfortunate, the most destructive, and oftentimes the most stubbornly-fought conflicts are those of an intra-provincial or civil character.
131. Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love. Dr T.P.Chia 
132. There are certain things in life that have no meaning at all, that are destructive and out of the ordinary.
133. The most destructive thing to do is to take complicated swing theory or swing movements on to the golf course.
134. Both are comparably effective - the Rock Lobbers being more destructive while the Doom Divers are more accurate.
135. Any attempt to dodge this is professionally demeaning and destructive of a trustful caring relationship with the client.
136. But Crowe's Maximus is no Mark Antony; there is no destructive love interest in the picture.
137. From June 1944 the flying bomb attacks were less concentrated spatially, but even more destructive.
138. Pressure was applied with cool precision: women had discovered that to sidestep male dominance was to avoid destructive rage.
139. It seemed as if the whole world might be dragged into the same destructive state of mind.
140. The Frankenstein creature is kid stuff horror: one-dimensional, mundane, bumbling, awkward, clumsily destructive.
141. Our policies are crazily extravagant and very destructive.
142. The special relationships of the world are destructive, selfish and childishly egocentric.
143. The destructive and malignant neoplasms of chorionic epithelium often arise from hydatidiform moles.
144. Rhett handed his watch into Bonnie's destructive grasp and rose lightly to his feet.
145. Wilson had arguably the most destructive foreign policy in American history.
146. The blast wave impelled by MHB rubblization construction has the destructive effort to the near buildings.
147. Atomic weapons are forbidden because of their hugely destructive effects.
148. Sphaeropsis saline is a destructive pathogen of coniferous species in many areas of the world.
149. Peat tar has similar properties to the tar derived from the destructive distillation of wood.
150. Wastes such as industrial slag heaps or city garbage dumps may be more destructive.
151. A host of unrelated incidents drove him to this destructive view.




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