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单词 Expectation
1. Expectation is the root of all heartache.
2. The result is contrary to expectation.
3. I'm sorry to disappoint your expectation.
4. The expectation is that property prices will rise.
5. There's no expectation of snow tonight.
6. His expectation adds to the pressure on my shoulder.
7. There was a general expectation that he would win.
8. It's our expectation that you will be the best.
9. He has little expectation of passing the exam.
10. He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
11. When there's no expectation, losing won't bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.
12. For some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.
13. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.
14. He has little expectation of winning a prize.
15. We certainly had a reasonable expectation of success.
16. The costs of the vacation surpassed my expectation.
17. The movie fell short of expectation.
18. The beauty of the scenery surpassed my expectation.
19. The scheme has produced results way beyond expectation.
20. There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. He came short of our expectation.
22. The results were contrary to expectation.
23. There is still a general expectation that married couples will have children.
24. I have every expectation of cheering the team on to victory in the final.
25. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 
26. A letter contains bitterness,taking away yearning and leaving loving thoughts behind.Another letter is another expectation(),and my love for you will never change in the following years.
27. I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.
28. The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist.
29. Considering the injuries he's had there can be little expectation of him winning the race.
30. The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal expectation of life.
1. The result is contrary to expectation.
2. I'm sorry to disappoint your expectation.
3. The expectation is that property prices will rise.
4. His expectation adds to the pressure on my shoulder.
5. There was a general expectation that he would win.
6. It's our expectation that you will be the best.
7. He has little expectation of passing the exam.
8. He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
9. For some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.
10. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.
11. I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.
12. The plaintiff is aged 30 and has a normal expectation of life.
31. What should you do when an employee's performance is disappointing and below expectation?
32. The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war.
33. The article was written before the election result in the clear expectation of a Labour victory.
34. Anne left Germany in the expectation of seeing her family again before very long.
35. The building work was completed on time, contrary to expectation.
36. He outsoared us in expectation.
37. The laughter died instantly and everyone waited in expectation.
38. Maybe 5-6 was a reasonable expectation.
39. Female advantage in life expectation is not universal.
40. Maker and wearer share a breathtaking expectation.
41. Theodora got up in the expectation of being dismissed.
42. Music plays: mysterious strings, tremulous with wonder and expectation.
43. The need would be to show, against reasonable expectation, that the second did not divert attention from the first.
44. It had something to do with skills, and something to do with expectation and hope.
45. As the wait grew longer and the day nearer,() expectation filled the air.
46. When the normal expectation of life is very low, sickness and death are normal hazards.
47. The law is framed widely, in the expectation that it will be enforced selectively.
48. Many are firms that expanded and invested with no expectation of 15 percent. interest rates.
49. The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
50. The expectation in both camps is that a bombing so close to election day would mean certain defeat for Peres.
51. In the 1590s he favoured a tactic of moderation in the expectation of a favourable political change.
52. If five members are to be elected in your constituency your natural expectation would be that you should have five votes.
53. All this seems to contradict the expectation of the manipulation theorists.
54. And so can schoolchildren who volunteer to participate in athletic programs and whose expectation of privacy in the locker room is diminished.
55. In addition to the expectation of continuity in subcontracting partnerships,[] larger companies share semi-permanent trading agreements and are often stockholders in rival firms.
56. And events since the Report have exposed the emptiness of any such expectation.
57. Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead. Kurt Vonnegut 
58. A real expectation that an opinion will be respected, make a difference.
59. Sometimes when we project into the future we have a reasonable expectation, based on experience, of what will happen.
60. The expectation from government industrial ReD is one of reducing dependency on imports without wanting to achieve self-sufficiency.
61. A profit of £30-50 a session is a reasonable expectation.
62. P 500 companies showed 190 with earnings above expectations, 94 with earnings below expectation and 36 equaling expectations.
63. He had had no expectation of doing more than exasperate, and supply a distraction.
64. In that case the rational expectation of the average price level must be P 2.
65. The sun was on his back as he swung himself over her and her long legs parted in expectation.
66. Employee discretion and expectation of skills and career development still applied, however.
67. These figures are based on the expectation that the economy will continue to improve.
68. People have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy in cellular as in other forms of telephonic conversation.
69. The Reports were published amidst a general expectation among informed opinion that the Poor Law would indeed be reformed or abolished.
70. This is an expectation which may well have been frustrated in the experimental situation.
71. It is an intentionally achieved schizophrenia, with the expectation of a spontaneous remission-which, how-ever(), does not always follow.
72. Defences such as duress or provocation may be analysed in the expectation of laying bare the rules which apply.
73. President Bill Clinton paid a two-day visit to Northern Ireland with little expectation of achieving a breakthrough in the beleaguered political process.
74. I think that the case is based upon what nowadays would be described as a legitimate expectation of being heard.
75. In Sperber and Wilson's terms, it creates an expectation of optimal relevance.
76. Contrary to mathematical expectation, the presence of Rupa and Dullah did not decrease the loading time by two thirds.
77. She felt them tremble with expectation, parting, a little out of control.
78. He has probably thus created a legitimate expectation that he will continue to apply this policy.
79. It was useful to know of the expectation that Business and Communication check local papers regarding any adverts relating to the Centre.
80. Thus[Sentencedict], emphasis must be placed upon gradual acceptance rather than the expectation of instant success.
81. In my spare time. Without any expectation of getting rich.
82. There seems to be a general expectation that the tiny societies will finally disappear in the next 20 years.
83. Still less is it intended to mirror the expectation of life of the deceased or his dependants.
84. His magnificent grey velvet suit seemed to be floating aimlessly in a raging sea, as if petrified in the expectation of waking.
85. There's always an expectation that some one who runs a nightclub lives in a nightclub.
86. Aiding the domestic industry to gain or maintain international competitive advantage has never been an explicit expectation.
87. There, the first step was to abolish the agency, with the expectation that competitive markets would then develop.
88. Second, women have a longer expectation of life than men.
89. Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon. Expectation. Denis Waitley 
90. Indeed, the expectation of such misfortunes quickly brings them about.
91. To succeed in life and achieve results, you must understand and master three mighty forces— desire, belief, and expectation. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
92. How that expectation is calculated is certainly open to debate and criticism.
93. The little office was fairly bristling with tension and expectation.
94. He drew some comfort from the expectation that revision would be necessary inside a year or two.
95. He allowed this to continue in expectation of eventual compensation, but in April 1962 issued proceedings against the company.
96. Expectation of treatment by government and police also varies among educational levels.
97. And in this expectation, even were it to be misguided, there is certainly more human dignity.
98. They will have failed to maintain an adequate level of expectation about what life can be as non-parents.
99. A computer with an exposed unearthed metal chassis would fall short of the expectation of safety.
100. But what of the expectation of life of some one who has reached the age of forty?
101. I have every expectation that this chocolate team will melt in the glare of a warm Elland Road reception.
102. Their role has changed from turnkey to nurse but many grew up with the expectation that Rampton would be their career.
103. It was so brief, so out of expectation, that it almost didn't register.
104. Traders and steel users bought more than they needed in 1994 and early 1995, in expectation of a surge in prices.
105. This legitimate expectation was recognized only in public law and not in private law.
106. They can thereby create patient expectation of the level of demand that will be serviced.
107. This would indicate that the expectation of impotence in old age can play an important role in actually bringing it about.
108. Second, our expectation that all elderly are ill is clearly misplaced.
109. Letting the child play with food for a while without the expectation of eating it will reduce the tension around meal-times.
110. Thus a reasonable expectation for the strength of a material would be: which could hardly be much simpler.
110. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
111. A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.
112. To offer the best was to set a general standard and to create a wider public expectation.
113. Note how in this case the tremolo creates an expectation of the forcefulness and dynamism which is to follow.
114. His method is rather to suggest ambivalences of meaning by subtle deviations from expectation.
115. Clearly explicit in many policies is an expectation of this.
116. His normal expectation was to live on the edge of starvation.
117. And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
118. We never live; we are always in the expectation of living. Voltaire 
119. Improvements in expectation of life are slight in the eighteenth century.
120. Anyone who loves in the expectation of being loved in return is wasting their time. Paulo Coelho 
121. Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation. Eric Hoffer 
122. He expected to die, but the expectation was always of something remote, deferred.
123. It is likely to slip further, as exporters delay converting foreign exchange into pesos in the self-fulfilling expectation that it will.
124. To love without need or without expectation of restitution, that is how we ought to love. Criss Jami 
125. How do you break free from the expectation that your stories will be heavily dosed with magic realism?
126. What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. Chuck Palahniuk 
127. So much can depend on the kind of expectation on which an arrangement is entered upon.
128. I was astonished when we began walking down the now weed-strewn path to feel a familiar feeling of fear and expectation.
129. For quite some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.
130. Here the individual might have a legitimate expectation that the licence would be renewed.
131. As the banks were rather steep the defenders spent several days cutting entrenchments and embrasures in expectation of battle.
132. Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
133. They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice.
134. He accepted the arguments of an independent actuary that policyholders' realistic expectation they should benefit from inherited estates was limited.
135. She was given a very short expectation of life by the doctors.
136. An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality. Brian Tracy 
137. Lord Denning M.R. stated that where there was no legitimate expectation of being heard there was no requirement for a hearing.
138. The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation, is unknown.
139. About seven more years had been added to expectation of life up to 1901, after which the pace accelerated sharply.
140. She decided to delay the moment, however[Sentence dictionary], and increase her expectation by leaving the letter until later on.
141. Expectation had been rampant throughout June but, come the pre-season friendlies of August, football fever had reached dizzy heights.
142. Life expectation at birth is about 45 years in developing countries and more than 70 years in developed countries.
143. At least that was the expectation as 8,000 people gathered in a vast, beautiful hall in London last month.
144. The whole town are all agog with expectation.
145. Their achievements were answerable to expectation.
146. His smooth, speculative face is composed to benevolent expectation.
147. His new book did not come up to expectation.
148. What is the role of expectation in information processing?
149. His mind was throbbing with expectation.
150. Breakout Four : How to bridge the design expectation gap?
151. If the price of some asset is soaring according to expectation, speculative capital is immediately magnetized.
152. This paper summarized research actuality and expectation of biotech drugs in China.
153. By the both reason , as a vegetable, China Toona wined a lot expectation.
154. The forthcoming election and its aftermath were to bring opportunities and excitements beyond all expectation.
155. They have adopted the measure contributing to realize the expectation aim.
156. Expectation that legislation will authorize value - based land tax.
157. And the of actuarial mathematic formula for calculating expectation - of - life under linear assumption of great significance.
158. Bank of Japan pays attention to economy recession risk, consumer inflation expectation and inflation risk simultaneously.
159. All the main rapid reaches cannot meet the navigation expectation of ten - thousand - tonnage fleet.
160. Shun Securities analyst Lin Sheng frankly, yesterday's South Unit A car's performance to his expectation.
161. Put forword vastitude exploring foreground of lathyrus sativus and some expectation in food process industry.
162. You have a give with a mind set of non - judgmental expectation.
163. Is a good expectation, but also a perpetual dream - chaser!
164. At the end, a compendious sum - up and an expectation were brought out.
165. The expectation - maximization ( EM ) algorithm is a standard frame for maximum likelihood estimation in finite mixture models.
166. Traders have been stockpiling iron ore with expectation that prices will rise forward.
167. A digestibility value of 70 - 80 percent seems a reasonable expectation.
168. To give without expectation, what is it that makes it hold tight to what we have?
169. Natural gas will become the preeminent fuel of the 21 st century, according to widespread expectation.
170. Expectation on the applications of CE and CEC is also outlined.
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
171. The choice of Bernanke , an accomplished scholar, apparently reflected Bush's acceptance of the public's expectation appointee.
172. Four experiments delineate the effects of price expectation and confidence on the internal reference price.
173. The essence of psychology contract is modern organization and its members expectation of bodiless psychology.
174. Dear auspicious: am in all the time deposit this idea, expectation can receive interest.
175. Do we have to lower our expectation and our standard of living?
176. Represents a style of Caesarism, which expresses people's desire, and expectation of being of fashion.
177. The analyst believed that Washington Reciprocal benefit bank failure is not beyond expectation.
178. Based on random variable expectation and variance, some inequalities are proved.
179. I am on the tiptoe of expectation for his coming.
180. Sergeant Troy , being entirely innocent of the practice of expectation, was never disappointed.
181. Through propitious decorations the Chinese people expectation of pursuing a happy life.
182. And the criterion is the background knowledge and the expectation of the target audience.
183. The test proves that, the expectation body principle is superior to ellipsoid body principle.
184. That we sere awarded a gold metal for our product was indeed beyond our expectation.
185. Finally, we also get multi - loop hysteresis by Monte Carlo method which matches the expectation of landau theory.
186. The water light floats your dream expectation in the white lotus.
187. Stakeholders " expectation is considered by decision maker matrix in final decision. "
188. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. - L . M. Alcott?
189. We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.




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