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单词 Passive
1. Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.
2. He had a passive expression on his face.
3. In spite of my efforts, the boy remained passive.
4. He's very passive in the relationship.
5. His passive attitude made things easier for me.
6. When changed into the passive,[http://] 'The dog chased the cat' becomes 'The cat was chased by the dog'.
7. Kathy seems to take a very passive role in the relationship.
8. The normal word order is reversed in passive sentences.
9. Jeremy's passive attitude was hard to fathom.
10. He has a passive disposition.
11. They tried to achieve their aims by passive resistance.
12. Passive smoking can be deadly too.
13. He has a passive expression on his face.
14. Women are reduced to merely playing a passive role.
15. She acted in passive obedience to her boss's directions.
16. We should translate this sentence in passive voice.
17. Doctors say passive smoking has caused his lung cancer.
18. He played a passive role in the relationship.
19. They want less passive ways of filling their time.
20. The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.
21. We are passive recipients of information from the world around us.
22. Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children.
23. She wore a passive expression on her face as if she didn't care what happened.
24. You find a greater use of the passive in scientific writing.
25. If we lag behind other nations in economy, we will be thrown into a passive position.
26. It's a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking.
27. In the sentence 'He was seen there', 'was seen' is in the passive.
28. My father won't let me go out tonight. Let is not used in the passive.
29. This construction should not be confused with the regular passive.
30. I can't just walk in there cold and give a lesson on the passive!
1. Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.
2. In spite of my efforts, the boy remained passive.
3. He's very passive in the relationship.
4. His passive attitude made things easier for me.
5. When changed into the passive, 'The dog chased the cat' becomes 'The cat was chased by the dog'.
6. Kathy seems to take a very passive role in the relationship.
7. He has a passive disposition.
8. We should translate this sentence in passive voice.
31. The government has belatedly recognized the danger to health of passive smoking.
32. The phrase 'innocent women and children' is a way of infantilizing women, making them seem passive and helpless.
33. Men have always played an active part in leading worship while women have been confined to more passive roles.
34. The study aims to assess the effects of passive smoking on the non-smoking population.
35. They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.
36. Mass culture turns audiences into passive consumers,[http:///passive.html] their participation limited to the choice between buying and not buying.
37. Can you play the piano? It is also used with verbs of seeing, noticing, etc.:I can hear someone calling, and with passive infinitives:The video can be rented from your local store.
38. This pattern is only used in the passive. It is feared he may have been kidnapped.
39. 'Catrin told me' is an active sentence, and 'I was told by Catrin' is passive.
40. 'He was released from prison, ' is a passive sentence.
41. In his fantasies, women became passive and sometimes even willing victims.
42. The heroine plays an essentially passive role in the drama.
43. She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with.
44. This school is too awful to deserve passive acceptance.
45. They committed 18 turnovers against a passive defense.
46. Passive harassment became more and more active.
47. Passive smoking has come to the fore.
48. And beware of the passive fitness syndrome.
49. Money loves hardworking, responsible and enterprising people. Money dislikes lazy, irresponsible and passive people. Dr T.P.Chia 
50. However, the railways are not passive recipients of such political pressure, but political actors and manipulators in their own right.
51. He is hapless, passive and maybe just a wee bit smug.
52. I appeared twice like an ink blot on a folded sheet of paper: a passive, meaningless blur.
53. Elders are not passive objects merely conditioned by stimuli from society or their body.
54. The passive smoking issue holds enormous fears for the tobacco industry.
55. Why review articles on the health effects of passive smoking reach different conclusions.
56. The extremely rare use of the bare infinitive with the passive of perceptual verbs adds further proof that this is the case.
57. Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites.
58. Specialist medical evidence in the case showed that he had developed lung cancer as a result of active and passive smoking.
59. An individual who is passive, utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen.
60. The second, 1 Cor 6: 9-11, speaks about both the active and the passive participants in homosexual activity.
61. For decades it has cowed public employees, left them docile, passive, and bitter.
62. Analytical reading of history texts should never permit a passive acceptance of other people's interpretations of the past.
63. But Amy was neither a passive heiress nor a passive wife.
64. The three categories of passive,[] aggressive and assertive behaviour are a useful way of differentiating and describing interpersonal communication styles.
65. The scent of dense green growth, irrigation mist, massive trees not butchered for their fodder, fattened, passive cattle.
66. But, serious accidents can happen along the way when you use the passive voice.
67. This hypothesis requires further analysis of the passive voice before it can be considered confirmed however.
68. Popular culture instead reproduced essentially passive individuals as labour power for monopoly capitalism.
69. The female adopts a more passive role in conception than the male, and physiologically she has less to do.
70. You can become a passive victim of situations that are far beyond your control.
71. Here the passive enables the speaker to conceal the identity of the informant.
72. A religious insight like Julian's shows that a passive,() unquestioning acceptance of received dogma is not enough.
73. It implies a less passive consumer than the market research model with the emphasis on market preferences and consumers' rights.
74. It is possible that a similar flexural effect is associated with great escarpments along passive continental margins.
75. And without me the school might sink into torpor. Passive acceptance would be the order of the day.
76. This scheme launched enterprises with dramatic results, instead of doling out aid to passive clients.
77. The passive role of television viewers simply heightens its effect.
78. This altered Romeo strikes us as oddly passive after Juliet is exiled for killing his cousin Tybalt in a street brawl.
79. That is, he or she is viewed as a passive and helpless victim of ruling class, media and state propaganda.
80. Edward was far more, however, than a mere passive conduit for funds.
81. Men can be passive without grave psychological damage only if the women are passive also.
82. Rich, well connected Vanessa exudes good breeding, but her passive veneer conceals a passionate nature.
83. The West End and even cinema audiences were tiny compared to the huge passive mass of armchair viewers.
84. Not doing anything is doing something and choosing to look away is a passive but no less mortal sin. Bill Maher 
85. In a literary essay, however, you should be cautious about leaving out the actor in a passive sentence.
86. More recent investigations with rat jejunal brush border membrane vesicles, however, have found evidence only for passive transport.
87. Aggressive people become more aggressive around passive people, Ruth said.
88. Thus results from passive avoidance and imprinting might begin to converge, which should be good news for both labs.
89. No longer passive recipients of instruction, pupils are encouraged to be active collaborators in the learning process.
90. The directly concerned populations are invariably viewed as passive recipients of plans.
91. He often visited her in the early months, talking as if the passive figure in the background wasn't there.
92. Duffy refuses to fall into the trap of spoon-feeding the material to passive students, which only increases their passivity.
93. The authors conclude that the risk of respiratory conditions resulting from passive smoking, although small, is not negligible. 2.
94. There would therefore be an additive effect on the passive water absorption that occurs secondary to solute absorption.
95. It would have an elite of politically conscious and publicly conscientious active citizens and a majority of couldn't-care-less passive citizens.
96. Wind power and passive solar are competitive with the cost of nuclear power.
97. Departments of Commerce changed from passive complaint bureaus for the business community to active promoters of economic development projects.
98. Such detachment models predict that two types of passive margin will be produced by continental rupture.
99. He takes it for granted that in human generation the female is the passive principle, the male the active.
100. Sartre decrees that Gustave was never homosexual; merely passive and feminine in his psychology.
101. Joette, never one for passive visitors, has soon arranged my visits to coincide with the weekly pumpkin observations.
102. We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice- that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it.". Sydney J. Harris 
103. Children who are very passive and uncommunicative should alert us to the possibility that problems exist in the life of the family.
104. If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus, an exponential increase would have been expected.
105. For a woman, releasing the creative process in herself is in fact a passive state.
106. It is much cheaper and easier to treat residents as passive and incapable.
107. A woman as passive and yet responsive as she was could well suffer emotional distress which she would not overtly express.
108. Woman is not the passive chattel that the tussles of despots, described in the last chapter, have implied.
109. Her licentiousness was entirely passive, reflecting not her own desires but those of the man she was with.
110. A passive fatalism at the capriciousness and heavy-handedness of authority prevailed amongst the thirty-year men.
111. They lead a double life, on the surface passive, even servile, but inside they suffer.
112. Delusion-formation in paranoid disorders makes use of this process to provide defence against the passive homosexual wish.
113. Yet because of their passive acceptance of the ministrations of their neighbours they become the focus of attention.
114. Some system developers and their software programmers assume that consumers are itching to be converted from passive to interactive television watchers.
115. Lovable but passive William has carried on by keeping a mistress on the side, whose existence is acknowledged by all.
116. In his couplings Tom was always the active, never the passive, partner.
117. The state is passive in the productive system, allowing private actors to operate in a relatively unconstrained manner.
118. There she was as passive as possible to the weather, neither wracking nor bending unduly on the crests of the rollers.
119. Traditionally, women have been viewed as dependent and passive, and males as aggressive and assertive.
120. That use of the passive in written language which allows non-attribution of agency is typically absent from conversational speech.
121. This is the basic one-trial passive avoidance learning model that had attracted me.
122. The other approach has been to argue that rats have difficulty with passive avoidance because they can not remember recent events.
123. Mere passive knowledge will not be sufficient: actual involvement in the contravention must be established.
124. Royal Lytham was so passive, even a 12-handicapper could have checked in around par./passive.html
125. Whether or not we will shortly have a passive computer lobby, it certainly gives a new meaning to the hacking cough.
126. The sticky nature of the outer shell may also facilitate passive spread of eggs.
127. Do not be a passive observer in your life. Be an active participant in your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
128. SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience.
129. Methods One trial passive avoidance response method was used.
130. They put up a passive resistance.
131. In passive mode , It'simply statically inspects the code.
132. But the U.S. firm has in recent years become a passive investor, and has been looking for another domestic partner.
133. Objective To study the effects of continuous passive motion(CPM)on the biomechanical properties of the semitendinous tendon autograft used for anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)reconstruction in rabbits.
134. However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity to elicit passive results, such as formation, thrombopoiesis,() form ation of encrustation or stone.
135. Based on these data, this paper analyzed thermal performance of passive solar house under different weather situations.
136. Passive safety system protects the passengers in case of an accident such as airbag and seat-belt tightener. Active safety systems help prevent accidents such as ABS and TCS.
137. Then follows theoretical analysis of influence that active and passive element does to phase noise.
138. The passive sentence in this paper is the narrow sense and notational Chinese passive sentence.
139. Feminists believe that females in the patriarchal society are "feminized" into introversive and passive object and the other, while the males become active, extroversive subject.
140. The striated sphincter contains fatigue - resistant , slow - twitch fibers that are responsible for passive urinary control.
141. A novel receiver system for non-cooperative passive detection is proposed and the analogue cancellation of the radio frequency is used.
142. The propeller shaft frequency is one of the important target recognition features for passive sonar.
143. The enclosure structure of a passive solar house is not only a collector of solar energy but also a store and a radiator and it is a convenient and economical way of heart supply.
144. Drugs may cross a biologic barrier by passive diffusion, facilitated passive diffusion, active transport, or pinocytosis.
145. This paper discusses passive acoustic sensing technique for target localization.
146. Objective:To compare the effects of Methylphenidate on the passive avoidance responses of mice induced by aluminum or scopolamine.
147. As the media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in the 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information.
148. English news items are cited to explore the pragmatic functions of the passive voice: foregrounding and backgrounding, hinting, evasion and ambiguity.
149. Therefore, effective isolation method is investigated by combining active and passive vibration isolation technology for out small disturbance.
150. The course describe "power electronic converter and its control system", and instruct the control system of the SCR commutate circuit, passive inverter and its circuit.
151. They are comprehensive in function: By setting any particular output summing passive element parameters, we can realize arbitrary approximation characteristics.
152. In the first stage of the study period talked above, some passive human activities such as deforest and reclamation accelerated soil erosion and resulted in more soil and water loss in this period.
153. Because this system gives no radiation wave itself and works completely in passive mode, multi-station passive detection system has attracted more and more attention in a variety of country.
154. In high pulse-density environment[/passive.html], it's hard to avoid another radar signals from the forecasting gate given by a signal tracer in passive radar seeker signal processing system.
155. Only a complete fool or a madman would cherish passive defence as a talisman.
156. This paper gives the design and experimental results of low noise NPLL frequency synthesizer and concludes that the passive loop filter is more suitable for low noise design than active loop filter.
157. On this theory basis, the output signal of MMW passive detection has been emulated.
158. The present paper has dealt with characteristics of the passive source electromagnetic array system as well as its tentative application in a copper ore district.
159. The first passive home was built here in 1991 by Wolfgang Feist, a local physicist, but diffusion of the idea was slowed by language.
160. Chaff jamming is one of passive jamming modes, which is used widely and is a great threat to radar.
161. The mathematical model of passively controlled anti-rolling tank is set up based on theories of U-type passive anti-rolling tank.
162. The corresponding circuit design not only eliminates the passive elements, but also avoids a sandwich-like structure of the traditional ternary circuits.
163. In a disease status such as asthma,() the role of ASM has been conventionally thought of as a passive tissue regulating bronchomotor tone.
164. The feature of passive detection and the necessity to research it are described first.
165. is a sexual technique involving either an active partner taking control over a passive partner's orgasm, or one person controlling their own orgasm in sexual intercourse or through masturbation.
166. The two forms most commonly used are the present active participle and the perfect passive participle.
167. Lion Enterprise Co. , has started since 1994, we major in passive component including Tantalum, MLCC etc.... Our view is offering our customer good service and high quality product.
168. Instead, build a six - inch - high passive radio wave reflector from kitchen items , like an aluminum cookie sheet.
169. An algorithm for the moving emitter passive location and tracking based on TOA and DOA measurements by a single fixed station is given.
170. This paper has presented the mathematic model and the computer simulation program of a compound passive solar house.
171. The millimeter wave radiometer passive detection technique is applied in the important fields, sush as homing guidance in anti-armour missile and smart bomb.
172. The manipulator has two prismatic joints that are actuated, while the third joint of the manipulator is a revolute passive joint which has neither an actuator nor a holding brake.
173. ABSTRACT The passive location systems play an important role in electronic countermine .
174. Thus the result could be used to assist security administrators to configure the network system. It might improve the passive detection to the active protection for the defender.
175. Therefore, the original passive mode that the deodorization is processed by spices is completely changed, in other words, an active mode that the dreggy gas is directly exhausted is applied.
176. It also can eliminate superfluous force and improve passive loading performance with compensation of structure invariance principle.
177. Presently, passive HTO samplers are being widely used abroad. It samples HTO in air based on the principle of gas molecular diffusion and permeation.
178. There's the cliche of the curmudgeonly comic – grouchy, aloof, a bit passive aggressive – and there's the one who can't switch off, and craves laughter like you or I need oxygen.
179. For the reason upwards, there are passive living existence, moral existence, implemental existence, performing existence and negative existence in education progress.
180. The active and passive sensitivities are low. Because the output impedance of the CFA is very low, the output terminals of the proposed configuration can be directly connected to the next stage.
181. At the initial stage, the pitting cores are formed and the passive film is repaired continuously, which results in the inductive component in the electrochemical impendence spectrum.
182. "Inhibition, passive smoking and restless leg syndrome, " Seth Magee, a graphic artist, wrote on his paper.
183. Another potential 'anti-stealth' system are the passive detection systems which appear to be deployed with HQ-9 SAM batteries.




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