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单词 plea bargaining
释义  Related topics: Lawˈplea ˌbargaining noun [uncountable]  SCLwhen someone agrees to admit in court that they are guilty of one crime, in exchange for not being charged with a more serious crime 〔为避免受重罚而在法庭上承认罪名的〕控辩交易 —plea bargain verb [intransitive, transitive] —plea bargain noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusplea bargaining• But they say methods such as plea bargaining help to stop the courts becoming congested.• The system in Britain is not as dominated by plea bargaining, but it is certainly present.• The general sentiment among lawyers is that the Commission is likely to favour plea bargaining if sufficient safeguards can be built in.• A classic case of plea bargaining.ˈplea ˌbargaining nounChineseSyllable  court admit Corpus to someone in agrees when




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