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单词 Conjunction
1. An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
2. The moon is in conjunction with the sun.
3. It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.
4. The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding.
5. 'Because' is a causal conjunction.
6. We are working in conjunction with the police.
7. Mars and Venus will be in exact conjunction on the first of September.
8. The worksheets are designed to be used in conjunction with the new course books.
9. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program.
10. The theory is that there was a rare conjunction of certain bright planets that created the image of the so-called 'Star of Bethlehem'.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation.
12. The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.
13. The conjunction of heavy rains and strong winds caused flooding.
14. There is a team of writers working in conjunction on the book.
15. The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.
16. It could only show, in conjunction with other cards.
17. David Yeomans and Alan Powers gave lectures in conjunction with their exhibitions.
18. Now we have the most attractive conjunction of home prices, incomes and interest rates since 1977.
19. These booklets and associated worksheets were used in conjunction with class visits where the librarian gave an introduction to the library.
20. They usually work best in conjunction with the two senses we can record, sound and sight.
21. The goal would be in conjunction with a goal to freeze average product-development costs at Ford at 1995 levels.
22. Next, use a hand mirror in conjunction with the wall mirror to get a back view of yourself.
23. Preliminary action was initiated in conjunction with the Strategic Study to discover more about the changing perceptions and requirements of clients.
24. In conjunction with a panel of 15 personal financial journalists, weightings were attached to these characteristics to produce an index.
25. That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the literal method.
26. Increasingly U-series dates are being used in conjunction with electron spin resonance dates using the same materials.
27. Two or more sentences may be joined together by a conjunction.
28. I now have pleasure in enclosing an Information memorandum which should be read in conjunction with this letter.
29. The book was compiled by a panel of experts, working in conjunction with the publisher.
30. Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom.
1. An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
2. The moon is in conjunction with the sun.
3. It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.
4. The conjunction of heavy rains and strong winds caused flooding.
31. This demand has to be made in conjunction with demands for greater control over public housing, by those who inhabit it.
32. These are created in conjunction with a skeleton layout for whatever document you wish to produce and consist of a number of tags.
33. In conjunction with this they produced a communications system designed to offload the text on to a host computer with the maximum possible reliability.
34. The development of tests for the feasibility project Test development and administration Test development was undertaken in conjunction with teachers in the liaison groups.
35. The long established Opera Nova have a reputation for presenting good quality opera performance using local musicians in conjunction with some professional aid.
36. Micron has been developing the PatchSpray system in conjunction with Silsoe Research Institute.
37. Used in conjunction with a moisturising conditioner, it will give your lank locks the best of both worlds.
38. However, apposition is distinguished from co-ordination by criterion B, since the conjunction of co-referential elements is unacceptable.
39. This type of package is sometimes offered in conjunction with cheap rail fares and bus vouchers.
40. Fig 4.11 outlines the way in which the bigram and matrices are used in conjunction.
41. The automatic vacuum brake was fitted in conjunction with a hand brake for the guard's use.
42. This in conjunction with previous research would provide a continuous monitoring of the industry from the early sixties.
43. Distribution in conjunction with a particular publication can be expensive both in the distribution fee and in the cost of producing so many copies.
44. Maximum resonance occurs at a specific conjunction of microwave frequency and magnetic field strength.
45. Can you suggest alternatives to the hair to use in conjunction with quite hard boilies?
46. A job-sharing policy should be devised in conjunction with staff organisations.
47. The issue, though,[http:///conjunction.html] is the more sensitive if it is read in conjunction with missile defence.
48. Adjacent to this was a quenching tank for use in conjunction with the gas ring.
49. In conjunction with a state of emergency the President might also impose temporary direct presidential rule over a union republic.
50. But this is only possible when it is used in conjunction with the Maker's will and under the Master's instructions.
51. Time Warner has announced that it will open up a digital music download site developed in conjunction with RealNetworks.
52. How much money has his Department spent in conjunction with the health board on those applications?
53. I understand that in conjunction with the Design Controller it will select the needles for intarsia knitting.
54. What my father felt about this conjunction I can only guess.
55. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.
56. A related economic principle is also at work in conjunction with the principle of substitution.
57. You may want to refer to it in conjunction with this section.
58. It was a conjunction of two people at once unlikely and yet inevitable.
59. Decisions about advertising expenditure will usually be made in conjunction with assessments about the position of the product in its life-cycle.
60. International driver's licenses are only valid in conjunction with a state license.
61. Such training includes environmental awareness carried out in conjunction with the Environmental Department.
62. It works in conjunction with existing professional indemnity insurance and enables estates to be wound up without delay.
63. Today they are out doing an excavation, looking for whatever is down there in conjunction with their theme on dinosaurs.
64. He succeeds Larry Brook, who continues working with the Foundation on a part-time basis in conjunction with establishing his own consulting firm.
65. Combined Power Systems, in conjunction with Norweb, installs the units and maintains them.
66. The assembly of this, used in conjunction with the circuit diagram, should give no problems.
67. In particular, homogeneity of description-type and direct conjunction through the connective and produce the most favourable environments for plural production.
68. But the grammarian is tongue-tied without his labels: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, pronoun.
69. If you are booking a late-offer holiday any information and conditions issued in conjunction with that offer are also part of your contract.
70. But the major inflationary impetus was provided by the conjunction of two factors.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
71. The Directors' Workshop - a three-day business review workshop for directors of medium size companies run in conjunction with the Institute of Directors.
72. If significance is supposed to accrue with each repeated conjunction, it fails to do so for me.
73. Two other valid criteria for weeding may be employed in conjunction with use and publication date.
74. Answer guide: The answer should be read in conjunction with the notes on question 3 above.
75. The scheme is the latest in a series of environmental projects Wedgwood has run in conjunction with the school.
76. Whatever the individual circumstances, this facility liberates borrowers, perhaps in conjunction with their financial advisers, to make their own repayment arrangements.
77. There are additional advantages in setting up a timeshare development in conjunction with an existing hotel.
78. Repeat trials in conjunction with Silsoe Research Institute are under way to confirm that potential.
79. In conjunction with our radio broadcasts, we often run the campaign in the local press and Evening News.
80. This emphasis on quantification and categorization occurs in conjunction with the belief that either / or categories must be ranked.
81. The design and content of the programme will be developed in conjunction with nominating companies working closely with the College.
82. So an electrically-operated flow valve was developed, in conjunction with Silsoe, to replace the air-actuated system.
83. The ideas embodied within the Aten cult were not new but had always been accepted in conjunction with many other interpretations.
84. The regulators will consult widely with consumer groups and customers before setting out standards, in conjunction with the industries.
85. It is these terms and conditions in conjunction with the Partnership Act which will regulate the running of the enterprise.
86. In conjunction with the teacher, examination of all the computer talents is needed by the program designer.
87. Bellway is also working in conjunction with Thenew Housing Association.
88. It's recommended that these are used in conjunction with brushes to keep them from clogging.
89. School groups can be accommodated in a lecture room where project work or pre-arranged activities can be provided in conjunction with the displays.
90. The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.
91. A connective word, especially a conjunction or conjunctive adverb.
92. Venus was in superior conjunction with the sun.
93. The conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune shows creative imagination.
94. This electronic dictionary consists of six parts, they are adverbs part, postposition part, conjunction part, mood word's part, enchoing word' parts, model word' part and so on.
95. Subsequently, we monitored the ligand-dependent HER profiles based on receptor expression, phosphorylation, and dimerization in conjunction with measurements of cellular susceptibility to gefitinib.
96. SLEUTH model is a kind of CA, it is composed by four growth rules and five coefficients, in conjunction with the excluded layer and the slope layer, it can successfully model the urbanization.
97. His boldest new idea is to give the federal government powers, in conjunction with state insurance regulators, to reject excessive premium increases.
98. The finance department and the legal department are working in conjunction on the new share issue.
99. In conjunction with the glutathione reductase/peroxidase system, NADPH maintains the sulfhydryl groups of globin in their reduced state.
100. On the US-Mexico border, a joint event is planned in Las Cruces,[] New Mexico in conjunction with the launch of US National Infant Immunization Week.
101. When & quot ; in & quot ; I will come when I can & quot; is a subordinating conjunction.
102. This system operates in conjunction with pretreatment and sludge solids disposal or storage facilities.
103. Functions : two stage shut - off, flow - rate control in conjunction with any electronic register with digital flow control.
104. Needle valve pressure better than other valves, sealing performance, it is generally used for small flow, high pressure gas or liquid sealing medium, also used in conjunction with the pressure gauge.
105. Antagonism can be easily accomplished by conventional dosages of edrophonium or neostigmine administered in conjunction with the appropriate anticholinergic agent.
106. A method for increasing the floccule size and volume of alumina trihydrate during the Bayer processing of bauxite ore using a flocculant in conjunction with a water continuous polymer.
107. Giraldez s lab, in conjunction with researchers at Cold Spring Harbor, upended that dogma when they discovered important micro-RNA activity could take place without Dicer.
108. Fascinatingly more, sesamin's potent effects are further amplified when used in conjunction with essential fatty acids.
109. This thesis deals with the semantic and syntactic representation in noun phrase conjunction.
110. The scatting of SH waves by a scalene triangular hill above a subsurface elastic cylindrical inclusion is investigated following the conjunction thought.
111. Thoth tells us that there has never been any other of these available archangelic pathways used in conjunction with a device like an Ark on the Earth.
112. Conclusion Transverse sinus meningeoma is rare and surgical resection in conjunction with gamma knife therapy should be effective.
113. It is suggested that the form of protection in the area of simulcasting should be examined in conjunction with the consideration of the general question of protection of webcasting.
114. How to find a perfect conjunction spot in the national characteristic between the audiences and the commercial character is this paper pays attention in particular.
115. During designing process, illustration and conjunction matrix are used for validating the network topology structure.
116. Do not use this water heater in conjunction with a spa or hot tub.
117. In conjunction with HDMI, HQV-Reon VX enables 1080p upscaling of all video inputs, regardless of source resolution.
118. There is also a glitch that allows the Southern Hospitality to be used in conjunction with The Gunslinger. The Gunslinger is not usable and not visible in world view.
119. They will pull out the double sharp tooth of its behind 1, please tiger tooth to return to go in the tooth row under the function in the being in conjunction with of lips cheek muscle.
120. FalseworkThe term" falsework " is used in referring to the temporary works associated with the casting of concrete structures, usually in conjunction with the construction of bridges.
121. The experiment indicates that the anti- aggressivity of the algorithm working in conjunction with the protocol increases obviously than using it alone.
122. Analysis and collating relevant literature in conjunction with the actual conditions of our hospital.
123. By the conjunction of an array assignment using of spatial correlation feature, two cases are used as examples to demonstrate the array assignment-routing flow.
124. Any discount coupon or promotional offer cannot be used in conjunction with 3 star hotel offer.
125. Italy, it was often used in conjunction with a public square, as in Florence's Loggia dei Lanzi (begun 1376).
126. A coordinating conjunction joins two things that are more or less equal in importance.
127. The symbol for the conjunction is a small circle with a short line rising above it.
128. The fast generation of this undulation over the East China Sea is the result of the depression, which was generated from the north trough moving southeasterly in conjunction with the south trough.
129. A core bit is used to accomplish this, in conjunction with a core barrel and core catcher.
130. Firewall 1 (FW1) is used in conjunction with Firewall 2 (FW2) to create a "demilitarized zone", where only Web servers are running.
130. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
131. The shoes were often used in conjunction with the standing pillory (a device that holds your head and wrists in place while you stand).
132. It was developed in conjunction with the U. S. Army's Future Combat Systems program, and is one of the FCS technologies that's most likely to succeed.
133. H. Rotary used in conjunction with slurry pump can be used for the drilling of rock, slurry wall for loosen stratum of the Quaternary period and deep hole drilling in.
134. A telescopic device is used in conjunction with the prism.
135. At superior conjunction Venus appears faint and small and is in the full phase.
136. Fair conditioning unitiis defects- dermis pintoches- freckles- sunutilize- pigment- etc. caused by sun dhereisage in conjunction with contra- aging.
137. In conjunction with the characteristics of NBS Survey Office in Hunan, the article uses AHP to build up an analytic hierarchy model for decision-making in Hunan SO informatization.
138. The fundamental fund functions punctually in conjunction with abundant capital.
139. Used in conjunction with Stage 2 Performance Engine Software, the intercooler produces an additional 5 horsepower as well as more consistent performance under varying driving conditions.
140. A conjunction is a part of speech that connects two words, phrases or clauses together.
141. The central regulatory agency shall, in conjunction with the MOTC, assist in resolving problems related to the installation of trunk cable networks in outlying areas.
142. Observations are also conducted to triangulate emerging findings; that is, they are used in conjunction with interviewing and document analysis to substantiate the findings.
143. Grammatical cohesion includes reference , substitution, ellipsis , conjunction, tense and aspect, parallel syntactic structure and so forth.
144. Through uniform design arrangement and results, building regression equation, get optimum conjunction rate.
145. The celloidin embedding slices, used in conjunction with the HRCT, and provides precise information to image diagnosis and operation of the temporal bone.
146. Truss head rivet. Use in conjunction with other rivet ends.
147. The Attribute for repeating values is normally used in conjunction with the Binds to multi-valued data check box.
148. The method of cells and micromechanics in conjunction with the computational method is employed in this investigation to determine the local and average stress strain fields within the composite.
149. An edge corresponds to a corridor and a vertex to the conjunction of several corridors.
150. Aliases can be used in conjunction with the Wait command to create looping aliases.
151. The soulknife can make a sneak attack with a thrown mind-blade (within 30 feet) and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as imbedding a power in it).
152. Another is the introduction of on - line microscopy, which permits shape analysis in conjunction with particle sizing.
153. Eilperin was talking about shark movies in conjunction with her new book, "Demon Fish" a wide-ranging survey of sharks and their relationship with humans.
154. Toward that end, the Air Force, which preceded NASA in managing space programs, created Project Rover in conjunction with Los Alamos National Laboratory.
155. The URS contents template is designed to be used in conjunction with the URS blank template developed by the Joint Equipment Transition Team (JETT) in accordance with current GAMP guidance.
156. The properties of the 'Standard Drop' were defined and its formation and shape monitored using a photomacrographic zoom system in conjunction with a video camera and a stroboscope.
157. The thesis holds the view that conditional conjunction words can express conditional relation logically and are grammar part which are of linking function.
158. Experimental data were only acquired from the isochromatic fringes,[http:///conjunction.html] and then the result was calculated by using the Newton-Raphson Technique in conjunction with the Least Square Method.
159. The Relative Strength Index, used in conjunction with a bar chart, can provide a new dimension of interpretation for the chart reader.
160. In conjunction with a service drawdown, most of the ships were transferred to the Military Sealift Command in the 1990s for operation by civilian mariners.
161. In addition, this system can be used in conjunction with, or without, the new RLF or galvanised steel sub-frame flooring systems.
162. This switch is also useful when you want to try booting between multiprocessor and single processor mode when used in conjunction with the /kernel switch.
163. For cradle cap use in conjunction with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil.
164. The residents of the community worked in conjunction with the police and finally caught the bike stealer.
165. From the new angle of view,() we try to propose a new method to explain the derivation of phrasal comparatives: phrasal comparatives are derived from their clausal counterparts by conjunction reduction.
166. An operator class is used in conjunction with the access method to specify the operators used for building the index and during query optimization.
167. Conclusion The onlay cattle bone grafting in conjunction with screw type dental implants can be used to increase the volume of the recipient bone.
168. Mechanical test results must be evaluated in conjunction with catalyst activity, selectivity, and stability data.
169. Natural frequencies and natural modes are determined by the null-field integral formulation in conjunction with degenerate kernels, tensor rotation and Fourier series.
170. In conjunction with the Chronicle of Higher Education, the New York Times has just published a feature article on the 130, 000 or so Chinese studying on American campuses.
171. Vector Intermediate Separators and Stand Alone Baghouses are often utilized as components of central vacuum systems for in-plant use or in conjunction with vacuum trucks.
172. With the help of the said method a table of wet gas thermodynamic properties and also an ideal steam table to be used in conjunction with the former have been prepared, which are suitable ...
173. A session cookie in conjunction with a random auth token or auth login validation is both reasonable mechanisms.
174. It has signed two large power-purchase agreements, for up to 1,750MW, and plans to fulfil them using dish-engine systems built in conjunction with its sister company, Tessera Solar.




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