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单词 Barbed
1. His land is fenced with barbed wire.
2. The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.
3. The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
4. At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
5. A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the view.
6. His land was fenced with barbed wire.
7. She made some rather barbed comments about my lifestyle.
8. We savored the barbed hits in his reply.
9. Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.
10. The barbed wire had lacerated her arm.
11. She barbed her answer angrily.
12. The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders.
13. The grounds are fenced in by barbed wire.
14. The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire.
15. His property is fenced with barbed wire.
16. The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.
17. His coat was torn to ribbons by the barbed wire fence.
18. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
19. Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence.
20. The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped.
21. You could do yourself a mischief on that barbed - wire fence!
22. The watchtowers had gone(), so had the barbed wire.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. The chain-link fence is capped with barbed wire.
24. After a few minutes, the barbed wire arrived.
25. Then came the barbed wire, the security guards.
26. Caught in a barbed wire fence.
27. Ducks, disgruntled among barbed reeds, took flight.
28. Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.
29. The prisoner finally managed to disentangle himself from the barbed wire.
30. His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
1. His land is fenced with barbed wire.
2. The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.
3. At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
4. We savored the barbed hits in his reply.
5. The barbed wire had lacerated her arm.
31. He surrounded them with barbed wire.
32. A wall that bristled with bayonets and barbed wire.
33. I put up an entirely illegal barbed wire fence.
34. The building site was surrounded by a token fence consisting of two slack strands of barbed wire.
35. The fresh air felt like barbed thread passing through his nostrils.
36. A few days later the emergency evacuation of civilians from Suez to within the camp's barbed wire perimeter fence began.
37. These meadows were divided by hedges and barbed wire and in them great red cattle were grazing.
38. The wall was topped with rolls of barbed wire and jagged ends of glass stuck into the eight-foot concrete slabs.
39. The courthouse itself was protected by barbed wire and ringed with police.
40. Government officials insisted that they were not going to build walls or put up barbed wire round the embassies.
41. She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.
42. The mad drive up the M4 with pain like barbed hooks turning in his arm had all been for nothing.
43. The barbed wire fences and security shields made the air base very difficult to penetrate.
44. Behind it is a raw new settlement, plots of land demarcated by barbed wire.
45. The embassy building is surrounded by high walls topped with coils of barbed wire.
46. They had a hundred wrecked cars behind barbed wire and a thousand specks of broken glass every square foot.
47. A single strand of taut barbed wire was strung along the top of the garden wall.
48. She had a pair of batons with wickedly barbed ends.
49. Well-concealed redoubts were guarded by a triple barrier of barbed wire, fifty yards deep.
50. Oliffe has already admitted keeping 300 sheep in pens surrounded by broken bottles and barbed wire in Gloucester.
51. The roads into the docks were closed off by solid gates, rusty barbed wire, padlocked chains.
52. But after walking for about fifty yards we came to another thinner wall of barbed wire with a gate in it.
53. My heart felt like it was wrapped in barbed wire.
54. A footpath blocked by barbed wire and it's certainly ruined the outing for this group.
55. The entire complex is surrounded by a ten-foot Cyclone fence crowned with multiple rows of barbed wire.
56. Instead of barbed wire and endless gray mud, it was surrounded by apple orchards, gardens,[http:///barbed.html] rivers and lakes.
57. It was like being wrapped in barbed wire by a gang of fox terriers.
58. The next cluster of ugly barracks surrounded by barbed wire would be even bleaker because it was unfamiliar.
59. North park was divided into areas for cattle grazing by iron fencing and barbed wire.
60. The aroma of fish and bread will drift over the hungry children standing behind the barbed wire fence, watching, waiting.
61. So the interested parties projected barbed missiles at each other from behind their quick-to-assemble, remains-upright-in-a-force-9-mixed-metaphor barricades.
62. The specials look like prisons - high walls, barbed wire, electronic doors and large bunches of keys.
63. And going to the facility, he asked all the usual questions: Is the campus fenced in with barbed wire?
64. I closed my mouth and felt as though I had gargled with barbed wire.
65. Oscar Hansen has seen a lot of cars almost spin Out on the long turn and come up through his barbed wire.
66. You may not, however, top your wall with broken glass or barbed wire without the consent of your local authority.
67. Each section of Mr Hall's fence had to be finished off with a strand of barbed wire running along the top.
68. Soon the wild beauty of the canyons is caged behind miles of ominous barbed wire.
69. A barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities.
70. He flashed his torch up on to the walls and had another look at the barbed wire.
71. Symmetrical coils of barbed wire obstructed most streets, and houses were sloppily sandbagged.
72. Now, the Berlin Wall has fallen and the barbed wire rusts away.
73. There were also artillery batteries and thousands of yards of interlocking systems of barbed wire defences.
74. Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
75. Although we are spared the details, it resulted in all the barbed wire on the course being removed.
76. There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire.
77. On the other side of the double row of barbed wire a guard was standing still holding his rifle at the ready.
78. The place was littered with barbed wire and rotting lumber and a dozen old boats in various stages of decay.
79. If he told her the fence would be best in barbed wire she'd believe him.
80. Several civilian employees at Cu Chi were later found dead in the barbed wire set out around the perimeter.
81. Small patrol helicopters hovered over the treetops beyond the barbed wire.
82. Creepers grew on the walls; deciduous, they stretched out their bare stems in a complicated network like barbed wire.
83. It wasn't electric, and they never sharpened the barbed wire at the top.
84. He had first caught sight of her riding in a ploughed field beyond the barbed wire perimeter of the air base.
85. The New Forest had become virtually a fortress of barbed wire and road blocks.
86. Barbed wire zigzagged in front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
87. Why are you putting barbed wire on that fence?
88. It has a Barbed Strangler and can drop Sporemines.
89. This is a collection room for barbed wire?
90. Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.
91. The pectinate quills of the porcupine are barbed.
92. There is no barbed wire . No stockade watchtower.
93. He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians.
94. Harold Pinter, the British playwright and Nobel laureate famous for brooding portrayals of domestic life and his barbed politics, died aged 78 on Christmas Eve after battling cancer.
95. PVP to use high - attack slow, there is no all-conquering, ice barbed spear is possible.
96. Instead, he zeroes in on the ills of contemporary Chinese society, his barbed posts targeting topics from official venality to the failings of a state-produced movie about Confucius.
97. One of the minute barbed hairs or bristles on certain plants, such as the prickly pear.
98. These weird tools include funnel glasses designed to guide eyedrops into the eye (see photo), a toilet tissue holder hat, and a barbed alarm clock intended to wake up its user quickly.
99. I came to a pot plant next to the barbed , this is my home Kirin palm.
100. Beyond the undeviating barbed - wire fences were clumps of golden rod.
101. South Korean Army soldiers patrolling along the barbed - wire fence in Paju, near the demilitarized zone.
102. Early this morning in Berlin the border police and members of the operational combat troops started to erect barbed wire and a security fence between the eastern and western sectors of the city.
103. There was a girl found strangled with a piece of barbed wire at Wandsworth last week.
104. There's the Dodge City man who collects bridle bits, spurs and barbed wire.
105. Those barbed remarks of hers just seemed to glance off his incredibly tough hide.
106. Peaceful circulation has been interrupted by barbed wire and concrete blocks.
107. Spiked Carapace - The Crypt Lord forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increase its defense and return damage to enemy melee attackers.
108. The Sinhalese army fenced it in with barbed wire and bombed it.
109. Harold Pinter, the British playwright and Nobel laureate famous forbroodingportrayalsofdomestic life and barbed politics, died aged 78 on Christmas Eve afterbattlingcancer.
110. They built high walls covered in barbed wire to shut us in the ghetto.
111. Industrial cloth: 208,729,747, fiberglass cloth, glass fiber needle, barbed felting, film and liquid filtration cloth bag and so on.
112. Past the circle, a high chain - link fence, topped with barbed wire,[/barbed.html] protects the premises.
113. I will visit South Korea and travel to the Demilitarized Zone, one of the most dangerous places on Earth , where barbed wire marks a line dividing freedom and oppression.
114. Events behind the barbed wire at Fort Bragg continue to polarise opinion.
115. The implement of this plan is introduced and the every procedure for superheater such as throwing over, barbed process and hoisting are elaborated.
116. On Your Mind tempers a bright and shiny soundscape with barbed percussion and measured use of vocal samples.
117. A variation of barbed wire is also used for military purposes . It is formed into long coils or entanglements called concertina wire.
118. a barbed wire fence.
119. A dre is like a barbed fence . It protects the premises without restricting the view.
120. Prior to this, Kitagawa has been the county seat around the barbed wire fence.
121. Another university student had used his barbed cilice belt more often than the recommended two hours a day and had given himself a near lethal infection.
122. Total length of 240 km of the isolation network connection will be made of barbed wire and equipped with electronic surveillance equipment.
123. In various unrevealed capacities he had come in contact with such people, but always with indiscernible barbed wire between.
124. Barbed wire, a web of railroads throughout the Great Plains, and enforcement of federal land laws all put an end to the open-range cattle industry and the great trails.
125. YANGON Pagodagold - coated landmark that had been cordoned off with soldiers and barbed wire only days before.
126. I finally managed to disentangle myself from the barbed wire.
127. Two or more layers of fabric are combined by pushing barbed needles through them.
128. Bougainvillea spills over long walls with barbed wire; a plain-clothes man packing a pistol questions visitors.




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