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单词 Psychiatry
1 Psychiatry has come a long way since the 1920s.
2 Freud was the father of psychiatry.
3 Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.
4 Each lectures on psychiatry at leading medical schools.
5 I believe she associates psychiatry with palmistry.
6 A community psychiatry system was adopted which had the mental health centre at the middle.
7 The ethos of psychiatry suits the marketing of Western drugs and fails to address racism.
8 He was also an honorary consultant in psychiatry at the Littlemore Hospital, Oxford.
9 Furthermore, psychiatry has been affected by the general reduction in admission beds.
10 Comparative mythology combined with psychiatry is a mixture of dangerous brews.
11 Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it. Alfred Hitchcock 
12 Saunders had a degree in psychiatry, but he was breaking the law by using residential property for the transaction of business.
13 The error is rampant in psychology and psychiatry, but not limited to these fields.
14 It may be asked why psychiatry has made such heavy weather of coming round to that view.
15 Organized psychiatry must publicly articulate our vision, positions and commitment to the amelioration of human misery.
16 Students know that our generation chose psychiatry for compassionate, intellectual and philosophic reasons.
17 No psychiatry nonsense, no mumbo jumbo about theories and the other paraphernalia of the fiction writer.
18 Prompted largely by developments in psychiatry, a change occurred in the very definition of deviance.
19 There is a confusion in the public mind between psychology and psychiatry.
20 Because of this experience he came to champion the cause of psychiatry and of a high-minded version of socialism.
21 The doctor has been sent on leave from her post as an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard.
22 We recently published a study of predictors of shortlisting and appointments for training posts in psychiatry.
23 And it is just possible that Western ideas in psychiatry could be incorporated into a relativity model.
24 Second, support can be drawn from related disciplines where psychodynamic methods enjoy considerable influence, e.g. psychiatry.
25 All of a sudden I know two things: why they were on the same brain cell, and how psychiatry works.
26 This disclaimer appears to address the cultural reality of pervasive sexism and to declare psychiatry sensitive to it.
27 These half way conditions have long been of interest, though until recently mainly among psychoanalysts or other writers outside mainstream psychiatry.
28 This was a mistake, however, for it developed that the Math Teacher was not at all keen about psychiatry.
29 The predictions are that this will go further to encompass accident and emergency, maternity and even psychiatry.
30 To the extent that this is true, it is entirely consistent with the history of child psychiatry in this country.
31 Accordingly, the psychiatry of the early twentieth century based its image of sanity on that model.
32 Influential in child psychiatry for over thirty years, Kahn moved into that field from the excellent springboard of general practice.
33 Let us skirt round professor Joan Bicknell, a major authority in child psychiatry.
34 She is associate professor and director of the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
35 Psychiatrists may increasingly be working alongside general practitioners, but there are few training posts in community psychiatry.
36 Music used in psychiatry and during childbirth Rationale for using sound aid: 1.
37 Well, I know a little bit about how psychiatry works.
38 Racism has permeated Western society, and Western psychiatry is no exception.
39 D., a professor of psychiatry, epidemiology, and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
40 Psychiatry, impotency and breast reduction.
41 The condition is practically unknown outside psychiatry clinics.
42 Some of the medicines that are most widely used in psychiatry, such as L-DOPA, methylphenidate and neuroleptic drugs, act on dopaminergic mechanisms.
43 The findings by Duke University researchers appeared appear in the Archives of General Psychology Psychiatry.
44 Branch of the Chinese Medical Association's chairman of psychiatry unit set up in the Second Xiangya Hospital.
45 Objective To realize characteristics of murder case by forensic psychiatry expertise.
46 That approach was tested in 441 patients enrolled in a Washington state health maintenance organization. Results from that trial were published in May in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
47 Objective To study the intelligence of criminals with no psychosis diagnosed with forensic psychiatry.
48 "I tell my patients there is pain in being single, in being married, and in being alive. "says Roberta Temes, assistant professor of psychiatry at New York's Downstate Medical School.
49 Jeter WW. Fatal circulatory failure caused by electric shock therapy. Arch Neurol Psychiatry. 1944, 51 : 557.
50 Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the father of American psychiatry, was among the first to promote the notion that alcoholism was a disease.
51 One psychiatrist says the typical clerkship experience, largely unchanged since Flexner's time, no longer mirrors the way medicine in general and psychiatry in particular are practiced.
52 This lecture will discuss a program that has been developed by the Department of Psychiatry of the School of Psychology, psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, Monash University.
53 We cull information from opinion leaders across professional disciplines, including forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and neurology.
54 Prof Sally Ozonoff, lead study author and professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at the Mind Institute, University of California, explained the higher average risk figures in her study.
55 The findings by Duke University researchers appear in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
56 Alger, currently professor of physiology and psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, was Nicoll's first postdoctoral fellow.
57 So far, criminal law, penology, criminology, criminal policy, learning sociology, psychology, psychiatry, and other branches have put a lot of research on recidivism system.
58 Members represent a variety of origins, including anesthesiology, internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, physiatry, and psychiatry.
59 Menninger wroteabout the connection between Navajo healing and psychiatry andeven declared that the Navajos were the first psychiatrists,said Roessel.
60 Moreover, medicine and especially psychiatry - is an applied science that cannot afford theoretical purity at all costs.
61 The concept of transference was formally brought into psychiatry by Sigmund Freud.
62 The following MRI brain scan is from research conducted by Dr Tonmoy Sharma, head of cognitive psychopharmacology at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, in 1999.
63 The study's lead investigator was Joachim Hallmayer, M.D., an associate professor of psychiatry at Stanford University.
64 In fact, given the unique contribution that we can make to cancer treatment teams, I think there should be a subspecialty of psychiatry devoted to the psychiatric aspects of cancer care.
64 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
65 Written and directed by Australian filmmaker Adam Elliot, the film spans 20 years as the two delve into subjects including psychiatry, autism, taxidermy, kleptomania and agoraphobia.
66 Objective To explore the application of "human-centered" management idea in the nursing management in the department of psychiatry.
67 The findings are in this month month's Archives of General Psychiatry.
68 "From a clinician standpoint, the need to respond therapeutically to symptomatic children who are at risk is clear, but the question of how to respond is less clear, " she told Medscape Psychiatry.
69 It should also be noted that clinical psychology had the option of being assessed separately from the rest of psychology,() in a grouping with psychiatry and neuroscience.
70 She had been seen by experts in neurology, infectious disease, rheumatology , ear, nose and throat surgery, psychiatry.
71 Gary Small, a professorof psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles.
72 , who at the time was chair and medical director of psychiatry and behavioral health services at St. Vincent's Medical Center in New York City.
73 Emil Kraepelin was a pioneer in the development of psychiatry as a scientific discipline.
74 "Botox" the popular anti- wrinkle treatment, can also ease writer's cramp, suggests a small study published ahead of print in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.
75 "He had a bottomless memory, " recalls Daniel Christensen, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah's Neuropsychiatric Institute.
76 , a conjoint professor of psychiatry at theUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, and her colleagues conducted a study to find out.
77 He was chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Jikei University School of Medicine and was influenced by the psychological principles of Zen Buddhism.
78 It is frequently overlooked that drugs used in psychiatry are psychoactive drugs, like alcohol and cannabis.
79 Vidhya Selvaraj, M.D., is a fourth-year psychiatry resident at Creighton University.
80 Thus we again stress vigorously our view, advocated since the first edition of this book, that the future of clinical neurology and psychiatry depends on the progress of molecular neural science.
81 Dr. Barkley also suggests calling a nearby medical school or university psychiatry program and asking whether there is a doctor on staff who specializes in adult A.D.H.D.
82 Pinsky, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at USC's Keck School of Medicine, said narcissists crave attention, are overconfident, behave erratically and lack empathy.
83 They included specialists in geriatrics, long - term care , nursing, psychiatry and other fields.




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