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单词 Justified
1. The act was barely justified by the circumstances.
2. Are you sure that these measures are justified?
3. Is he justified in all his actions?
4. Can her actions be morally justified?
5. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.
6. His pride in his achievements is justified.http://
7. The suspicion proved amply justified.
8. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.
9. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.
10. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
11. Force is only justified in extreme circumstances .
12. Copernicus justified his innovation by citing respected authorities.
13. I accept that the criticism is completely justified.
14. In some senses the criticisms were justified.
15. He's absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.
16. In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.
17. They own that the claim is justified.
18. She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.
19. Was the employment of force justified?
20. Only time will tell whether Broughton's optimism is justified.
21. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.
22. I don't think he is justified in his action.
23. This widespread pessimism does not seem justified.
24. This sort of increase simply cannot be justified.
25. I think you were quite justified in complaining.
26. Her pride in her achievements is justified.
27. He justified his innocence by sound facts.
28. Her forebodings about the future were to prove justified.
29. In the Chief Constable's view the use of force was fully justified .
30. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified.
1. Are you sure that these measures are justified?
2. Is he justified in all his actions?
3. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.
4. The suspicion proved amply justified.
5. In the Chief Constable's view the use of force was fully justified .
6. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.
7. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified.
31. His elevation to sainthood is entirely justified.
32. He was justified in some of his condemnatory outbursts.
33. The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action.
34. His fears proved justified.
35. Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.
36. She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
36. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
37. They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.
38. The meagre result hardly justified the risks they took to get it.
39. There are reasons to doubt that a second trial is morally, legally or politically justified.
40. As the goods were damaged, she felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
41. Under the circumstances, the principal was justified in expelling this student.
42. The use of compulsion in psychiatric care cannot be justified.
43. Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions.
44. Are you prepared to argue that killing is sometimes justified?
45. The team justified their billing as the clear favourites to win.
46. He knew from her face that his forebodings had been justified.
47. I hold no brief for those who say that violence can be justified.
48. If you found someone loitering at the back of your house after dark,you might feel justified in bringing charges against him.
49. The decision is justified on the grounds that there is no realistic alternative.
50. The prisoner has certainly justified his claims by his actions.
51. Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.
52. This offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified.
53. A false belief may nevertheless be justified.
54. Before, it had justified their arbitrary rule.
55. So share prices were justified by discounted future earnings.
56. Holbrooke has a justified reputation as a hard-nosed negotiator.
57. Finally, is the Liberal confidence in its historical study justified?
58. In the letter Ratzinger justified discrimination against gays and lesbians in instances when there was an overriding social interest.
59. We do not publish anonymous letters, although we may withhold a writer's identify if it is justified.
60. The union will engage in negotiations with the employers in an attempt to persuade them that the wage claim is justified.
61. Their bowed shape can be justified on the assumption that both inflation and unemployment become increasingly unpopular the higher they are.
62. The rubbish companies run into other problems as they try to push through the higher charges justified by their rising costs.
63. But when are things like self-defense and armed struggle justified?
64. The neo-classical analysis can be justified only if the new equilibrium positions are reached quickly.
65. Fears to the contrary were understandable, but could not be justified under the known scientific facts about the disease.
66. Second point: is the constructivist's fundamental assumption not justified if knowledge is our subject of study rather than successful behaviour?
67. Fifthly,[ ] regular reviews were made of outstanding warrants to see whether their continued operation was justified.
68. Strikes which damage the innocent are as justified in achieving the stated aim as burning heretics.
69. Until evidence of such ore bodies can be produced, skepticism regarding their existence is fully justified.
70. Shellac records were simply too fragile to be posted; so the special circumstances of war justified the first vinyl records.
71. They justified the ceasefire thatthey announced last December, and said they were prepared to put an end to acts of violence.
72. Harry Reasoner, the lead attorney for the insurers, said they were justified in withholding payment on several grounds.
73. There is also a great deal of quite justified apprehension over what is in store in the coming months.
74. That is why we feel justified in saying that Realism has held sway for the last forty years.
75. The major institutions of society are justified by the belief that they are meeting the functional prerequisites of the social system.
76. When is the sub-editorial felt-tip justified? It is bad when the inevitable exclusiveness of vernacular becomes the reason for using it.
77. At our present state of knowledge(), statistical calculations of what could happen are justified and achievable.
78. At its strongest, sexuality within holy matrimony was only justified as a necessary part of reproduction.
79. The agnostic who doubts the existence of God, and the free thinker who feels that the existence of God is unnecessary and not justified, constitute a majority of non- believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
80. On the other hand, Merritt's singing this time justified his reputation as an exponent of this bel canto Heldentenor role.
81. A lax attitude to accident prevention can not be justified by the perennial excuses of financial hardships and pressure from high work-loads.
82. The court would have power to dispense with the non-owner's consent if justified.
83. But it is not immediately obvious how to write a similar argument against the notion of justified belief.
84. That is why the social anthropologists are justified in devoting such an inordinate amount of attention to the field of kinship.
85. While Schweitzer tended to dwell too exclusively on this aspect, he was certainly justified in stressing it.
86. Police arrested Hale, because they believed the altercation with Tavai had not justified the use of deadly force.
87. I do not believe that the Commissioners justified their proposal to raise the ceiling.
88. Not even George Herbert's counsel that the country-parson's rage might here and there be justified had comforted.
89. Justified because so clearly embraced by circumstances they had only the subtlest hand in bringing into being?
90. To decide whether this emphasis is justified, we should translate the results into everyday experience.
91. It therefore seems justified to recommend amoxicillin/omeprazole as the treatment of choice to eradicate H pylori in H pylori related gastroduodenal diseases.
92. This might be justified as a means of signalling the connection between drunken driving and fatal accidents.
93. His concern was justified when the no confidence motion was defeated by only 447 votes to 412.
94. In itself, the offence justified instant dismissal under company rules.
95. Seeing events from this perspective, I felt and still feel justified in defending Jack.
96. We not merely retained it but expanded it, and it has fully justified our confidence.
97. One more step could prove to be justified in certain jobs: should you request a security check on the candidate?
98. The suggestion inherent in her question - that the signalling is antiquated - does not appear to be justified.
99. In conclusion it is justified to examine ICAM-1 expression as a potential prognostic risk factor for colonic carcinoma.
100. Now direct experimental evidence has proved the assumption justified, at least when the prey are nauseous chicken eggs and the predators crows.
101. Slaughterers constantly complained of the stockpile as a depressant keeping prices lower than available tonnages justified.
102. In my opinion it is very doubtful whether all this disruption to so many people was justified by the experience I gained.
103. S.-supported facilities carry traffic other than that dedicated to the particular application that justified the link.
104. Moxon's decision to drop Ashley Metcalfe and keep faith with Simon Kellett turned out to be fully justified.
105. We can not argue straightforwardly that a false belief can not be justified.
106. Such measures are obviously justified where extreme violence has taken place or serious acts of vandalism have been committed.
107. To these people, whom they held in deeply justified contempt, both women paid ample lip-service.
108. An initial diagnosis of the Gettier counter-examples may be that it is just luck that Henry's justified belief is true.
109. Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
110. It is important to emphasize that all of the second trials were legally and morally justified.
111. He could deal with anger and steel himself against pity: but justified reproach slid through his armour like a poisoned dart.
112. In so far as it justified the oracle, the story of Herodotus was first broadcast from Delphi.
113. The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.
114. A will also be justified in reaching an accommodation with B rather than exercising his strict legal rights under the contract.
115. Professionalism implies a contract with society; a promise that good faith will be justified.
116. Nevertheless it is useful and justified to look at living systems from the functional point of view.
117. Whether the cries of anguish for 1991 alone are justified remains to be seen.
118. In a companion study, 94 per cent of carers of patients with dementia considered the practice to be justified.
119. Though the Bank has accepted the report's findings, it insists that continued support for the project is justified.
120. It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
121. Reasons of that level can themselves be justified by reference to the deeper concerns on which they are based.
122. The great expenditure on education could be justified as a means to a thoroughly acceptable common end: economic growth.
123. Even the political system, however strong the attachment to it, tends to be justified in pragmatic terms.
124. Leave aside, for the moment, the question of whether it was justified in principle.
125. Today Oxfordshire's Tim Henman justified the tributes being paid to him in court circles!
126. Investment in some technology can be justified as it leads to more efficient billing.
127. One requires a background of considerable behavioural complexity before one is justified in attributing to any creature beliefs,[ ] intentions and so on.
128. In some ways, she might be justified in using that argument.
129. It has not yet been well defined, whether a similar approach is justified for bile duct injury after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
130. It was at least gratifying to know that his initial dislike of the young man had been justified.
131. Just as with word processing type can be set flush with the left-hand margin, centred or justified.
132. Any departure from the standard must be justified by the individual circumstances.
133. No doubt there are scenarios where such draconian measures are justified.
134. However, any treatment to relieve pain and suffering may well be justified even if this leads to an earlier death.
135. An employment tribunal has ruled that food retailers are fully justified in refusing to employ men who wear them.
136. No way, no how, no hope had to be countered by a passionate belief in justified struggle.
137. It is certainly not justified on the basis of the 1991 earnings per share - 2.58p - or the outlook for 1992.
138. An alternative hypothesis, which has considerable intuitive plausibility, needs to be refuted before this assumption can be justified.
139. It can be justified as preserving the independence of the organisation, and the freedom of action to perform its functions.
140. What follows is an examination of each with examples of how each might be justified.
141. Provided that the court felt that the issue was collateral, then intervention was justified.
142. Pessimism about the possibilities of political action is not justified.
143. This was fair comment at the time; some of it doubtless justified.
144. The company car, the company plane, the special privileges will have to be justified.
145. We are justified in using it for a quality of material things only if the quality is like the bodily sensation.
146. Berger's irrationalist pessimism about the fate of ideas in history is neither fully justified by history nor required by logic.
147. More than that, it had served to prove yet again that Sweetheart was quite justified in calling him worthless and good-for-nothing.
148. The human eye and brain are much happier reading short to medium length unjustified lines although books are conventionally justified.
149. He was fully justified in leaving the matter untouched.
150. They owned that her claim for damages was justified.
151. In some cases, these crossover dreams may be justified.
152. The arbitration tribunal may extend that time limit if it deems that there are justified reasons.
153. The enormous expenditure of effort that ist entailed did not seem to be justified by the meagreness of the fruit.
154. Yet, Jesus told the story of two men praying; one self-righteous and one humbled by his failures: "I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God.
155. The Kentucky High Court high court decided that in loco parentis just by justified that rule.
156. Other justified reasons for failing to file the application within the statutorily prescribed time limit acknowledged by the public security administrative review agency.
157. In a similar way , pre - emption can be justified by the nature of today's threats.
158. We are fascinated by rogues, from Chaucer's Pardoner to Del Boy. 9 We are bad at risk-assessment, and repeated surveys show that we fear crime far more than is justified.
159. So, they keep making experiments with dissection and cardiogram, but it is an eisegesis which cannot be justified by the extreme materialists themselves.
160. The verb tear, which goes back to Middle Engl. tere(n), had open long e, so that its spelling is justified.
161. The comparison is justified by their shared culture and history, as well as by their comparable levels of socio-economic development at the outset of the post-communist transition.
162. With its semantic indeterminacy, fuzzy language is often pragmatically justified and thus enjoys popularity in communication.
163. Behind the ( justified ) furore about payouts for failure lies a more profound question.
164. Under the circumstances , things would be righted. Her actions would be justified.
165. The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis just by justified that rule.
166. Look what he says in 3:24, "Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came so that we might be justified by faith." Well the word "disciplinarian" there is the Greek word "pedagogue."
167. If state espionage charges are used in a case stemming from a commercial contract negotiation, the worst fears of foreign companies and countries about the Chinese companies will be justified.
168. The paternalistic interference by epidemic prevention and control on individuals especially on individual voluntary and self-regarding action must be justified ethically.
169. With ROC political persecution of Roger Lin by the KMT, the co-plaintiffs in the Lin case are now justified in their fears of persecution because their Formosan nationality.
170. I was sure now that my premonition of evil was justified.
171. All the causal reasoning can only be rationally justified on the basis of the assumption of an immutable causal order but cannot be justified by reference to evidence by empirical investigation.
172. To be plunged in this state, at the age of 17, into the midst of the social sea of England would have justified considerable misgiving as to my being able to keep afloat.
173. Practice has justified that better teaching effects can be obtained only by relying on the teacher's careful preparation and students' active joining in the biostatistics teaching.
174. Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
175. There are still those who are proud of their old school tie; and who shall say that their pride is not justified.
176. Should the Web site be integrated with the company - telephone - based call center? Will the cost be justified?
177. To assess whether China's fears are justified requires a benefit-cost analysis of the mercantilism as employed by Chinese leaders.
178. He adheres to a self-styled"hacker ethic, "which justified any computer intrusion as long as the motive is pure.
179. The geometrical model built in the scale of representative volume unit is wildly applied and is justified by mechanical experiment.
180. Non - breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.
181. President Barack Obama also came out against the Quran burning, but said nothing justified the violence and the deaths caused by the attack on a U. N. compound during protests in Mazar-i-Sharif.
182. Pastures cannot be justified solely because of their contribution to succeeding tillage crops.
183. The work justified that the PVDF gauges are of high response frequency, wide measuring range and good repeatability, and is suitable for the real time measurement of LSW pressure.
184. The bosses of the firms insist that the mark-up is justified, for several reasons.
185. Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified , is covered by the Package.
186. No complaint is less justified than the lamentation that the computation methods of the market do not comprehend things not vendible .
187. In the state-owend enterprise, come to gather up of bombazine, screw reoccupy it is model worker, be in household company is perfectly justified.
188. The sharp - eared may hear , and it would scarcely be justified on the score of thirst.
189. When you wanted me to pay hush money to Anne's ex - husband , that was justified?
190. protectionism evil”, you find it outrageous that a credentialed economist might actually consider trade sanctions on China justified.
191. Then, after a short silence, he continued, "Lizzy, I bear you no ill-will for being justified in your advice to me last May, which, considering the event, shews some greatness of mind."
192. The United Nations Organization has not justified the hopes that the people of the world set on it.
193. That expression only works when it refers to "grown men" and though that may seem tautological, the "grown" is justified.
194. The legitimacy about existence and development of economic law is justified by this thesis from a view of legal philosophy.
195. Fourth, The defenses may be objectively justified , analysis in light of EC competition law and the principle of reasonable exemption clause.
196. M : Emotional reactions, born of ignorance or inadvertence, are never justified.
197. An application that is not tied to utilitarianism is that different treatments of different people must be justified by adducing some morally relevant ground for different treatment.
198. Social insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection, decision - making costs, income distribution,[http://] or paternalism.
199. The district argues that the risk of harm, Glines's implication of Redding , and other factors justified the search.
200. The company reportedly justified its decision by saying it was making only women redundant so they can stay at home and look after children and because what they bring in is a second income.
201. "General Dynamics disagrees with this most recent decision and continues to believe that the government's default termination was not justified," the defense contractor said in a news release Tuesday.
202. Can coercive measures for population control ever be ethically justified?




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