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单词 treatment
释义 Word family  noun treat treatment mistreatment adjective untreated treatable verb treat mistreat  Related topics: Medicine, Hospital, Illness & disability, Nurses, doctors, etctreat·ment /ˈtriːtmənt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  medical 医学的 [countable, uncountable]MCURE something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill 治疗,诊治;疗法 → treattreatment of/for There have been great advances in the treatment of cancer. 癌症治疗有了很大的进展。 The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids. 治疗感冒的最佳方法是休息和多喝水。2  behaviour towards SB 对待某人的行为 [uncountable]TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDS a particular way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them 对待(方式),待遇 → treattreatment of Civil rights groups have complained about the harsh treatment of prisoners. 民权组织抱怨犯人受到虐待。special/preferential treatment (=when one person is treated better than another) 特殊待遇/优待 The two young princes were not singled out for special treatment at school. 两位小王子在学校里并没有享受特殊待遇。 Just lately, Kyra has been giving me the silent treatment (=refusing to speak to me because she is angry with me). 就在最近,凯拉一直对我不理不睬。3  of a subject 有关某一主题 [countable, uncountable]DEAL WITH a particular way of dealing with or talking about a subject 〔针对某一主题的〕处理 讨论,论述 → treat I didn’t think the film gave the issue serious treatment. 我认为影片没有严肃对待这个问题。4  clean/protect 清理/保护 [countable, uncountable]CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT a process by which something is cleaned, protected etc 处理〔指清理、保护等过程〕 → treattreatment of the treatment of polluted rivers 对污染河流的治理 COLLOCATIONSverbsgive somebody treatment 为某人治疗He was given treatment at a local hospital. 他在当地医院接受治疗。nprovide/administer treatment (=give someone treatment)Paramedics are trained to administer on-the-spot treatment to patients.get/have/receive treatment 接受治疗Two boys received treatment for gunshot wounds. 两名男孩接受了枪伤治疗。undergo treatment (=have it) 经过治疗A few years earlier she'd undergone fertility treatment. 数年前,她接受过不孕症治疗。need/require treatment 需要治疗nAll three were beaten so badly that they needed hospital treatment.respond to treatment (=become better when given treatment) 对治疗有反应nHe contracted a lung infection which did not respond to treatment.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + treatmenteffective 有效的The drug may prove to be an effective treatment for brain tumours. 该药对脑瘤或有积极疗效。medical treatment 医疗Every patient has a right to refuse medical treatment. 每个病人都有权拒绝治疗。hospital treatment 入院治疗Several people needed hospital treatment for burns. 有几个人需入院治疗烧伤。emergency treatment 急救处理nThe driver needed emergency treatment 牙科治疗nYou may be entitled to free dental treatment.cancer treatment 癌症治疗nShe began to investigate alternative cancer treatments.fertility/infertility treatment (=treatment to help someone who is unable to have children) 不孕症治疗nMrs Smith received fertility treatment using donor eggs. npsychiatric treatmentHe underwent psychiatric treatment after an episode of severe depression.nlaser treatment (=treatment done with a laser)Laser treatment can be technically difficult.nalternative treatments (=treatments that are not part of normal scientific medicine)She found out all she could about alternative cancer treatments.Examples from the Corpustreatment• Radiation is released during the handling and treatment of radioactive materials and as they are transported to and from nuclear sites.• In treatment centers, the individual nature of the disease became clear.• Many historians were stunned by the book's inaccurate treatment of the battle.• They received medical treatment at the hospital after the assault.• Doctors are trying out a new treatment for depression.• a course of treatment which should lead to an improvement in the patient's condition• Although I was the boss's daughter, I didn't get preferential treatment.• He's receiving treatment for cancer.• We're shocked by the government's treatment of young homeless people.• There is where the contemporary social treatment of legitimate power rests.• The specific treatment of hypertonicity depends upon the inciting cause.• Harper described the treatment he had received in prison.• Previously, Famvir was approved only for the treatment of outbreaks.• In some countries it is sold for the treatment of insomnia or anxiety, but it is illegal in the United States.• Natural poisons such as snake venom are now being used in the treatment of human nervous disorders.• the treatment of polluted rivers• With the exception of patients withdrawn due to deterioration, there were no apparent differences in response to treatment.treatment of/for• Chemotherapy is the most common treatment of cancer.• Currently there are no permanently effective treatments for the disease, one of whose victims is boxing legend Muhammad Ali.• His father says that David accepts the sentence, and is getting treatment for his drug dependence.• The reasons for the difference in treatment of gilding and silvering by the Romans is not clear.• For four hundred years after this formulation, mercury was the main drug of choice in the treatment of syphilis.• The value of bran, psyllium, and other bulking materials is well established in the treatment of constipation.• The same change can happen in the treatment of women.• This may suggest that the treatment of pancreatitis has improved.• The treatment of acute retention of urine occurring in a primary herpetic attack in the female deserves a brief mention.treatment of• Civil rights groups have complained about the harsh treatment of prisoners.From Longman Business Dictionarytreatmenttreat‧ment /ˈtriːtmənt/ noun1[countable, uncountable] a particular way of dealing with someone or somethingThe range of permissibleaccounting treatments is amazingly broad.The investigation found that some contractors receivedpreferential treatment (=were given an unfair advantage).2[uncountable] a process by which something is protected, cleaned, or made safean organic waste treatment planttreat·ment noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  done cure Corpus that Business is to something




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