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单词 treatise
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingtrea·tise /ˈtriːtɪs, -tɪz/ noun [countable]  TCNa serious book or article about a particular subject 专著,专题论文treatise on a treatise on medical ethics 一部医学伦理专著Examples from the Corpustreatise• Most of the critical treatises in the classical tradition are trite and commonplace.• The watchmaker of my title is borrowed from a famous treatise by the eighteenth-century theologian William Paley.• Those who lament that Berlin never wrote a great treatise miss the point.• There he wrote philosophical treatises for which scholars remember him.treatise on• a treatise on drugs and youthOrigin treatise (1300-1400) Anglo-French tretiz, from Old French traitier; → TREAT1trea·tise nounChineseSyllable  serious book about Corpus article a or a




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