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单词 Psychoanalytical
1. The psychoanalytical school, almost by definition has based itself on supra-historical assumptions which have been almost valueless in detailed analyses.
2. So it is justifiable to apply Freud's psychoanalytical theory to the study of the play so that it might be more comprehensible and accepted by the western readers and audience.
3. Then he will judge the same anecdote in psychoanalytical terms , giving it a different dimension.
4. Schools of psychology, like behaviourist and psychoanalytical ones, in modern times, have developed their own understanding with regard to the causes of dreams.
5. There are no psychoanalytical shortcuts into my pants , okay?
6. The author challenges the tactics of psychoanalytical view on "sex" in The View of Moon in the Lotus Pond, and believes the essay is a text to describe a personal ideal.
7. "I tested out the psychoanalytical theories, and they simply did not hold water, " he said Monday.
8. Then there was a host of American psychoanalytical studies about the relations between schizophrenia and perception.
9. Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness.
10. For older neuroscientists, resistance to the return of psychoanalytical ideas comes from the specter of the seemingly indestructible edifice of Freudian theory in the early years of their careers.
11. Based on Freudian psychoanalytical theories, the paper examines Brown's collapse of ego-ideal, his personality disorder, and his anxiety and agony from the perspective of personality drive.
12. From a psychoanalytical perspective. Dickinson may have written this poem in order to work out her own fear about death.
13. It can be argued that formalism is fundamentally irreconcilable with other readings-especially, in this instance, psychoanalytical readings.
14. He adds that what is supposed to characterise a gifted minority is revealed by psychoanalytical thought to be commonplace.
15. Traditional theories include Superiority theory from the social-behavioral perspective, Relief theory from psychoanalytical perspective and Incongruity theory from cognitive psychological perspective.
16. Now I will turn to more recent attempts to describe our culture and our globalizing world from a psychoanalytical perspective./psychoanalytical.html
17. In order to shed the impression of "simple logical thinking", this article attempts to provide a platform for examining psychoanalytical theory through hermeneutic phenomenology.
18. By the 1980s the notions of ego and id were considered hopelessly antiquated, even in some psychoanalytical circles.
19. As a novelist, Stefan Zweig was influenced by Freudian psychoanalytical theories.
20. This state of affairs was not to last long "for Jung has a proud stomach" and he parted company with Freud, to become, like his master, a luminary of the psychoanalytical world.
21. But it's not just about pills. I have tried talking therapies. I have had counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoanalytical therapy, the works.
22. What we need is for psychoanalysis applied to therapy to remain psychoanalytical and be proud of its psychoanalytical identity.




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