单词 | Rational |
例句 | 1 Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression. 2 It all seemed quite rational to me. 3 He was too upset to be rational. 4 Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion. 5 Man is a rational being. 6 There is no rational explanation for his actions. 7 All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man. 8 The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful. 9 I work on the assumption that people are rational beings. 10 No rational person would ever behave like that. 11 It's impossible to have a rational conversation with him. 12 At the time she was perfectly rational. 13 Integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers are all real. 14 He is impervious to criticism and rational argument. 15 I'm sure there's a rational explanation for all this. 16 It was a rational plan and bound to succeed. 17 Man is a rational animal. 18 Humans are essentially rational beings. 19 Try to be rational about it. 20 Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational. 21 The examiners put a premium on rational argument. 22 Education stimulates the development of rational thinking. 23 The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought. 24 Culley was quite rational at the time of her baby's death. 25 No rational person would go to work in his pyjamas. 26 He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision. 27 Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a rational decision. 28 What I'd like us to do is put our cards on the table and discuss the situation in a rational manner. 29 With children working from the age of ten, large families were economically rational. 30 The arrangement presumes that both lenders and borrowers are rational. 1 It all seemed quite rational to me. 2 He was too upset to be rational. 3 Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion. 4 Man is a rational being. 5 There is no rational explanation for his actions. 6 All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man. 7 He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision. 8 Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a rational decision. 31 The reasoning seems rational. 32 The youngest, the neocortex, governs our rational thinking processes. 33 Though very seriously ill, she was clear-headed and rational. 34 Activity has been made to conform to rational pattern. 35 It was not a rational buy. 36 Baldwin had no comparable speed, no comparable rational processes. 37 Don't think you come over as logical and rational. 38 Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence. 39 Within those areas covered by the rational basis part of the test there would be greater certainty. 40 Presumably, the rational shareholder would do this up to the point at which marginal benefit was equated with marginal cost. 41 The market clearing paradigm is reasonably robust and the Rational Expectations assumption is here most plausible. 42 The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making. 43 Instrumentalists regard administrative elites as simply functionaries who make policy according to the rational interests of the capitalist class. 44 To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis. 45 The norms of domestic life it set forth drew a clear ideological boundary between rational members of society and the feckless. 46 This aggregate supply curve is of fundamental importance to the macroeconomic policy conclusions often drawn from the rational expectations hypothesis. 47 Faith's value, some even suggest,() grows in direct proportion to its lack of a rational basis. 48 The aspiration towards some sort of rational understanding of the causal relationship is probably the best we can achieve. 49 Spontaneous social orders, by contrast, are evolutionary in nature and are not the product of rational design. 50 Of course, making a rational decision about when to have children is asking a great deal of lovers. 51 One of the contradictions of the liberal state is that capitalism has required rational administration and greater state intervention. 52 Changing approaches to resourcing issues arise out of the same organisational thinking, particularly the experimentation with rational techniques. 53 The universally-shared human motive of rational self-interest makes human action predictable, generalisable and controllable. 54 Taking care to avoid certain members of his household ... So the rational mind lays its rational plans. 55 Second, political objectives can not be as clearly specified as the scientific or rational model seems to demand. 56 And if religion was rational, and basic truths were plain, what justification could there be for compulsion? 57 Faith is the commitment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof. When man rejects reason as his standard of judgement, only one alternative standard remains to him: his feelings. A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition. Faith is the equation of feelings with knowledge. Nathaniel Branden 58 It assumes a thoroughly rational environment-something that never exists in government. 59 It formulated a programme for the rational layout of towns, preceded by analytic study. 60 Through their various plights, the drama questions a world where feminine ideals regularly defy rational explanation. 61 It was instinct as much as rational decision - thought was still far beyond me. 62 Or to create a rational design that goes against vested interests will likely not be implemented. 63 It is important not to read Quinn as calling for the destruction of formal corporate planning or rational analysis. 64 Given his initial assumptions and central beliefs, his political involvement has been rational. 65 According to the first view, inspiration is an enhancement of natural, rational discernment, not a suspension or abolition. 66 However, the rational wealth maximizing company may refrain from such conduct even if there are strong incentives to use the information. 67 It is now time to call attention to an incongruity in the conception of the rational man from which this chapter started. 68 Conventional economic and accounting theory tends to assume that the process involved is highly rational and orderly. 69 The Presocratics were rational, certainly, and employed a certain non-formal logic. 70 I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives. Jane Austen 71 Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet? 72 But how do rational agents put themselves in a position of being able to anticipate changes in the money stock? 73 But the urge to indulge, never rational(/rational.html), never completely disappears. 74 Rationality According to classical criminology we mostly behave in a rational manner. 75 We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality. 76 Later we devote a full chapter to the application of rational expectations to the theory and estimation of the aggregate consumption function. 77 In that case the rational expectation of the average price level must be P 2. 78 It connoted a rational, efficient method of organization-something to take the place of the arbitrary exercise of power by authoritarian regimes. 79 MacLeay's view of natural relationships presupposed that the living world is constructed according to a rational plan. 80 The research examines this conclusion since it is at variance with rational economic planning. 81 The myths and rites will be given different interpretations, different rational applications, different social customs to validate and enforce. 82 Sometimes I wish he was more passionate, not so rational about everything. 83 Despite these criticisms, recent approaches to decision making have sought to pursue the rational approach. 84 Pleasure is the object, duty and the goal of all rational creatures. Voltaire 85 He must therefore demonstrate this rational content without appealing to church doctrine. 86 Direct observations on what people are expecting allow a second and stronger test of the rational expectations hypothesis. 87 Others include lateral thinking, straight and crooked thinking, potential problem analysis, rational decision-making, and so on. 88 The more our rational faculty is suppressed, the more obsessed we are by it. 89 Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational, morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal, overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness. 90 The talk was lively and, compared to Morrison's drivel, refreshingly rational. 91 The implication, they fear, is that when the chips are down it is only rational human beings that really matter. 92 Atheists and secular people are more liberal and less prejudiced and dogmatic, whereas theists and religious people are more conservative and less rational and tolerant. Dr T.P.Chia 93 Its importance for the believer lies in the fact that it is essential to the rational practice of worship and prayer. 94 In the absence of rational criteria to guide theory choice, theory change becomes akin to religious conversion. 95 From a rational choice perspective, you would be rather foolish to vote in a presidential election. 96 In his latest book on fertility decline, J.A. Banks dismisses the argument that fertility control results from economically rational behaviour. 97 Racism is not founded on rational thought, but on fear. 98 Meader found that by any standard, even if one disagrees with their decisions, voters exercised informed judgment and rational choices. 99 The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry. 100 Have we ever figured out a rational way to explain and triage which drugs should be banned for which reasons? 101 Both theories are exercises in analytical moral philosophy which aspire to provide rational principles to support particular conceptions of just social arrangements. 101 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 102 As long as we are alive, rational and able to move the hand, we can sign our name. 103 Its triumph in everyday discourse is the demand for rational or empirical justification. 104 The most rational therapy in these conditions is calcium supplementation and vitamin D replacement. 105 And most recently, Freud eliminated the discontinuity between the rational world of the ego and the irrational world of the unconscious. 106 They need to provide the factual knowledge and the reasoning skills that a rational mind requires. 107 In speaking thus, there is a claim to rational discourse and an implicit defence against any criticism of being irrational. 108 Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism. 109 If finally I become wholly submerged in this solipsism there could be no other rational ethic for me than egoism. 110 It is perfectly rational for individual banks to want to foreclose early on companies having trouble repaying their loans. 111 The Rational / Bureaucratic model can produce overly restrictive formal systems that stifle initiative and reduce responsiveness to change. 112 The other weakness of the social contract model lies in its excessively rational and legalistic nature. 113 It certainly owes nothing to any rational assessment of electoral support. 114 At a rational level, and fully conversant with contraceptive methods, they know their fear is unwarranted. 115 Intellectually rational and emotionally intelligent people are the winners in life. Dr T.P.Chia 116 Therefore the rational expectations hypothesis suggests a valid method of incorporating additional information when estimating macroeconomic models which contain expectation terms. 117 Conventional histories of penology tend to represent these developments in penal thought and practice as rational, progressive, scientific and humane. 118 In the second place, the claim of rational thought to limitless applicability has been disproved. 119 Statement E: Racism as rational self interest I think that's absolute nonsense. 120 To take these points in reverse order, the initiation of the student into the rational life should occur in two directions. 121 Rational philosophy explored the human condition without the element of spirit. 122 Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 123 A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole. 124 These very norms, rules and standards are themselves open to rational criticism. 125 This implied that it was possible to construct a rational theory based on these objective laws. 126 Should they, then, be branded as spurious designators and banished from rational discourse? 127 There was a rational explanation for all this and, when Carol arrived, he'd discover what it was. 128 So the social contract is selfishly motivated; it comes about through our rational ability to perceive a personal advantage from it. 129 Some constructs may reflect pre-verbal bases of organization which can not be accounted for by rational explanation. 130 However, despite early adoption there have been considerable doubts as to the effectiveness of such rational approaches. 131 Lawyers are extorting money from audit firms on the principle that auditors are economically rational and settlements are cheaper than defences. 131 try its best to collect and build good sentences. 132 There is also the fact that in our culture romantic love eludes both rational analysis and individual control. 133 In any case, Amiss's mind was racing, grappling with a situation devoid of any rational explanation. 134 They are all part of that continuing process of gaining experience in rational curriculum planning which forms the theme of this book. 135 Planning and the rational model fell into disrepute in the mid to late 1970s for a number of reasons. 136 The only rational alternative, I shall argue, is to adopt a structuralist approach. 137 Atheists are people who think for themselves and defenders of reason, and their conviction that God does not exist is making a significant contribution to the development of thinking, rational and open- minded people. Dr T.P.Chia 138 Capitalists resisted, which was an instinctive response, but also a rational one. 139 What this discussion reveals is the difficulty that the consumer faces in making a rational decision when it comes to sport. 140 Rational discourse on public policy is vital to a democracy. 141 She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side. 142 It should be seen as seven functional stages of the budgetary process which take place in a political or rational context. 143 Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis. 144 Such beliefs serve to explain the system to its members: they make social inequality appear rational and reasonable. 145 One stresses that a rational and moral order can be created from a universally valid set of moral principles. 146 The simplified and more rational legal framework that it introduced is unified by some powerful principles that speak to those issues. 147 Reason is smarter and the mind is more rational under positive emotions. Reason is polluted and rationality is crippled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia 148 We first consider tests of the rational expectations hypothesis in those relatively few cases when the expected variable is directly measured. 149 Grossman's analysis offers a more analytical treatment of why rational economic behaviour would require higher participation by higher income groups. 150 Some ways of keeping the discussion calm and rational: The Chair should be firm in not allowing people to interrupt each other. 151 Rational agents are not repeatedly and systematically duped by the actions of the monetary authorities. 152 It pays lip service to local choices but provides no specific means to make them more rational and efficient. 153 Rational techniques were introduced to try to solve what were perceived to be problems at the time. 154 Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways. 155 The personalized nature of disputes caused litigants to pursue all possible legal strategies even when it would have been more rational to compromise. 156 There is nothing in the criteria which it stipulates for rational behaviour that confines its application to a market clearing framework. 157 There is a sense of all rational control or deliberation seeping away or being under much less deliberative control. 158 Man is so constructed that such isolation is too immense to conceive and the young cabin boy loses his rational faculties. 159 In contrast to the Rational / Bureaucratic model, formal authority relationships are minimized in the Collegial / Consensus model. 160 Are we free to modify Our moral sense by rational reflection and conscious goal-setting or not? 161 Cognition is to do with the rational domain: logic(/rational.html), reasoning and problem solving uncomplicated by irrational behaviour. 162 In turn, this presupposes treating the other as a person, as, at least partly, a rational being. 163 The project explores the foundations of rational choice theory, probing the limitations of this theory and developing new approaches. 164 Yet these are feelings which seem to contradict the universalist, rational aspirations of liberalism. 165 The label rational basis would simply be reflective of a conclusion already reached that the court does not wish to intervene. 166 The mental stance the rational person seeks to organize in this way includes both beliefs and attitudes. 167 Contracting arrangements Editor, - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting. 168 They were the rational, atheistic two, lost to the evangelical religion of their father. 169 Must we then conclude that the Zande are in these terms irrational, incapable of rational,() cause-and-effect reasoning? 170 This is, after all, the most spectacular and controversial example of the radical implications of rational expectations in macroeconomics. 171 This is the mystery of sin which has no rational explanation, for it is ultimately and radically inexplicable. 172 Even the betting person makes a carefully calculated and rational decision about where to put his or her money. 173 So indeterminism is a necessary condition of the later development of morally important freedom in rational beings. 174 It is more prudent, more rational and more natural to use organic materials - manures. 175 A criterion of reasonableness or rational basis is obviously a narrower standard of review. 176 Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges. 177 It is the specification of those basic intrinsic values that all rational beings would desire. 178 What characterises bureaucracy is the rational and systematic way in which official duties are defined and distributed. 179 Personal control over change and rational decisionmaking are important aspects of treatment. 180 And the heavy-metal lyrics and art exhibits already symbolizing the millennium with images of imminent apocalypse are more gloomy than rational. 181 Are they rational decision-makers of the kind proposed in microeconomics and Game Theory? 182 This mysticism is the only language which transcends the rational schema of oppression. 183 She has a very logical, rational mind when it comes to a problem. 184 In it we know ourselves to be rational agents detached from spontaneity, judging on objective grounds what will serve our ends. 185 What an irony: the great rational philosophical Enlightenment opens the door to paganism! 186 Positive emotions produce kind, humble, rational and wise people. Negative emotions create unkind, arrogant, irrational and foolish people. Dr T.P.Chia 187 Perhaps the most significant aspect of the technical and rational mastery of the modern world has been bureaucracy. 188 Adhoc arrangements of this nature are far from a rational approach towards planning an appropriate budget. 189 Until welfare reform, staying home to receive those benefits was, unfortunately, a rational economic choice. 190 Bazarov is an idealist and a brave man, and his aims are rational. 191 Here again a rational trader will want sufficiently advantageous terms in the forward market to compensate for the extra costs of transacting. 192 Either way,(http:///rational.html) there has to be some rational explanation of Clinton's conduct. 193 By any rational political calculation, the timing of this move could not have been worse. 194 I believe this to be most important if we are to have rational investment decisions and efficient allocations of resources. 195 Or, conversely, do alleged causes finally need to make sense in a system of rules and rational choices? 196 Rational economic and financial analysis will be vital in presenting proposals, examining relationships between strategic subsystems, and so on. 197 Her paintings often contrast the mystical activities of women with the rational activities of male scientists. 198 What is needed to counter it is the simple reflection that there are some things that every rational person desires and values. 199 I told myself that there must be some simple, rational explanation, something Illingworth had overlooked. 200 But rational coherence is only as good as its premisses; and the Presocratics' premisses are based on guesswork more often than observation. 201 The rational view after yesterday's announcement must be that Charles will never become King. 202 Only now have scientists begun to offer rational explanations for this phenomenon. 203 There are also facilities to display the data's standard errors and select polynomial and rational functions. 204 I am not convinced that the principle of natural selection alone makes the emergence of rational beings probable. 205 My position on this important matter has nothing whatsoever to do with the rational, of course. 206 They explicitly denied any independent role for rational women and simply ignored the whole process of reproduction. 207 The aggregate supply curve slope can be explained along rational expectations lines due to misperceptions of prices. 208 It was this criticism of the adaptive expectations hypothesis that led to the development of the rational expectations hypothesis. 209 The play is more an act of self-immolation masquerading as rational justification. 210 The restrictions generated by rational expectations models are very often non-linear and are also imposed across equations rather than in a single equation. 211 Third, the major powers need to network rational expression. 212 It is rational, but scientifically unanswerable and hence uninteresting. 213 Only through a thorough understanding of the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence can we construct a rational exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence. 214 The mode which merged with the present enterprise accounting system is the rational choice of the development of enterprises environment accounting. 215 The conclusion comes out that a rational life cycle maintenance strategy can prolong the life time of rail, save maintenance cost and improve the effect over environment. 216 Aristotle believed that virtue is a rational middle way and evil is the deviation from mean. 217 This article elaborates the solution of asymptote of rational function curve, pointing out both the common way of finding limit value and the elementary way. 218 Her conceptional forms are life metaphors that leave form a rational and at the same time expressive process. 219 The rising of the national insurance industry and the progress of insurance legislation showed that the ideas and behaviors of capitalist class selfish departmentalism became rational. 220 AIM To explore the practical value of repairing the defects of rabbit calvarial with tissue engineering technique and the way of rational application of BMP. 221 The software automatic plotting activityonnode network is developed, and the diagram plotted by it has clear logical relations, rational layout and simple appearance. 221 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 222 AIM : To provide rational use of gastrointestinal prokinetic agents ( GIPA ) for clinicians reference. 223 By rational use of the technical parameters of electroresection and electrocoagulation, and the cooperative techniques, we performed ESD for 29 lesions in 28 patients. 224 The Air-Drilling technology is a more efficient technology means, the rational use of this technology can greatly improve the effectiveness of drilling and reduce the overall cost of drilling. 225 Rational Method Composer (RMC) provides a unique way to design a customized software development process. 226 Human beings are a complex mixture of rational and irrational, a subtle combination of head, heart and guts. 227 The empirical succinctness of scientific theories is one of the rational indices of scientific progress. 228 Where there is big data, there are opportunities for pattern analysis, rational decisions and recommendations based on that data. 229 He thinks the talk is motivated by blinkered ideology, not a rational assessment of natural change. 230 Control: emotional, language and behavior. Think: Life, death and eternity. Abandon: evil, ignorance and betrayal. Train: a rational and humble and curiousness. 231 However, she caught in post-modernism, she can not be detached from it and can not be rational criticism. 232 The import price of steel fell, tends to a rational level. 233 As a long-time user of the IBM Rational Rose tool, my pet peeve with the tool has always been its usability. 234 The chapter 3, we study the existence of univariate osculator rational interpolants. 235 It can be seen that the frequency curve calculation is basically reasonable and show the estimation of "1482 flood" return period is rational after putting palaeofloods into flood series. 236 After blowing-down, through rational feed operation, the chute feeder was changed safely within the allotted time. 237 Marx didn't discuss modernity on the level of rational critique and reconstruction. 238 Surrounding the controlling of the poor, there was a great change in Tudor poor laws: punishment gave the way to discriminative almsgiving, poor law gradually became rational. 239 Secondly, use the rational approximation to fit input admittance curve. 240 The utility model is not designed with hall element of position sensor, as a result, the motor structure is more rational and the cost for control is reduced. 241 To carry forward its feature of teachers education is not only a kind of responsibility and emotion but also a self-determining rational and wise choice for a normal university. 242 It is the important insurance for realizing organization's working function to set up rational organization. 243 The tests make out that the structure of the frame is basically rational, and the frame can direct the working-out or recensing standards on the field of agricultural mechanization to some extent. 244 The utility model has the advantages of rational structure, reliable performance, multiple use with time and labour saving , which also can be used with a single function. 245 This provides the groundwork for the rational design of cancer vaccines for clinical trials. 246 Two new UML diagrams described in the UML specification are now supported in Rational Software Architect: the interaction overview diagram and the timing diagram. 247 Mode of thinking on practical theory is also the true and rational mode of thinking by which modern axiological philosophy studies axiological phenomena. 248 In the basic report processor, you can assign an individual Microsoft Word document template (actually a *.dot file, called an object template) for every Rational DOORS object. 249 While datapools are the easiest way to link test data with your tests in Rational Performance Tester, they can become inefficient with very large sizes (in general over 10,000 records). 250 I could not control and make self-repression on such rational basic. 251 We should cultivate the monocracy culture along the rational value orientation to further the man' s comprehensive development. 252 It's more rational to choose the higher-priced gift - but it makes people less happy. 253 This paper has theoretically analyzed the endogenous uncertainty of Chinese stock market using rational belief theory and also modified CCK model to test Chinese stock market econometrically. 254 In this paper, the horizontal and vertical place of stripping rotor and screw auger were studied, the law of different location affecting the loss was analysed, and the rational place was defined. 255 It is hoped that in the future, the gap between mankind's rational (scientific) and emotional developments can be bridged or smoothened by religion, thus giving rise to a balanced human society. 256 Rational use of those approaches and Techniques will improve of CAI course-warc programming quality and efficiency. 257 Like all psychological symbols, oneiric flight requires a multifaceted interpretation: an emotional, aesthetic, and finally rational and objective interpretation. 258 The rational deployment of teacher resource is the intrinsical requirement and essential premises as well as the hinge of achieving balanced development of basic education. 259 You can merge multiple private or shared test object maps into a single shared test object map from either the Rational Functional Tester Projects view or when you create a new test object map. 260 First, you'll be a Web service developer, using Rational Developer to create a Web service that returns the last trading price for a particular stock symbol. 261 Maths is not only a knowledge system but also a rational thinking and argument system. It is a systematism theory knowledge summation by height abstract and strict logic ratiocination. 262 Therefore rational expressions must be possessed of mature minds, judgment and analytical abilities. In addition, a certain amount of cognitive reserves is required. 263 Developing countries' concern about biopiracy is rational and in the long term it can only be solved by developing countries building their own capacity to carry out barcoding, says Schindel. 264 Inspired by platonism, the modern culture justifies the mathematics and rational knowledge with the aesthetic character of the logic. 265 But rational communication Between human societies has not increased correspondingly. 266 Limited participation can arise endogenously in the presence of model uncertainty, and overconfident investors enter the market differently from the rational investors. 267 It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market, and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man. 268 Thirdly, the impact of wheel alignment parameters on vehicle performance and their rational trend of vibration are discussed in detail. 269 Compared with the traditional method, it does not need disassembling the power spectral densities of stochastic signal covariance and is not bound to if the power spectral densities are rational. 270 The instinct to follow the herd can be rationalised as rational, so to speak, since everybody benefits in the short term by forcing the price up. 271 The - chain stitch machine 173 is the machine for rational sewing of smooth seams in difficult - to - feed material. 272 The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity. 273 The rational path choice to build the accountability system of government is to build institutionalized system, tamp the system basis. 274 However, due to the complex of computation and the need of the design, sometime we need to use polynomial approximation for a rational curves and surfaces. |
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