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单词 Notoriously
(1) The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.
(2) "Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
(3) Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.
(4) Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.
(5) The weather here is notoriously fickle.
(6) The television world was a notoriously fickle one.
(7) Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.
(8) The building trade is notoriously unstable.
(9) English pronunciation is notoriously difficult.
(10) The local bus service is notoriously unreliable.
(11) Truth is a notoriously elusive quality.
(12) Civil court proceedings are notoriously slow.
(13) Maps of the region are notoriously inaccurate.
(14) The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient.
(15) The law is notoriously vague on this point.
(16) Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients.
(17) The monarchy was notoriously reluctant to embrace change.
(18) She is notoriously bad at writing letters.
(19) The human memory is notoriously selective.
(20) He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life.
(21) Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict.
(22) The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.
(23) He was a notoriously verbose after-dinner speaker.
(24) Cost estimates are notoriously uncertain in this business.
(25) The world of popular music is notoriously fickle.
(26) The program is notoriously difficult to learn.
(27) This route through the mountains is notoriously dangerous.
(28) The M40 through Oxfordshire is notoriously prone to fog.
(29) Icebergs are notoriously unstable and are likely to turn over.
(30) Let us deal with the question of his notoriously Neanderthal attitude to women.
(1) The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.
(2) "Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
(3) Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.
(4) Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.
(5) The weather here is notoriously fickle.
(6) Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.
(7) Maps of the region are notoriously inaccurate.
(8) A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
(31) English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.
(32) A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
(33) Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.
(34) When performing his stunts he was notoriously careless of his own safety.
(35) Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should.
(36) He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine.
(37) Large meetings are notoriously less productive and more difficult to handle.
(38) However, averages are notoriously unreliable.
(39) Notoriously, he wrote in very short sentences.
(40) They are notoriously slow workers.
(41) Manhattan's community planners are notoriously resistant to change.
(42) His books are notoriously impenetrable.
(43) The trains are notoriously unreliable.
(44) They paid royalties, though offering notoriously low advances.
(45) And it's always meant a notoriously steep learning curve.
(46) Our printing forefathers were notoriously careless about their pagination.
(47) Our power stations are notoriously inefficient.
(48) But good intentions make notoriously treacherous paving stones.
(49) My grandmother was a notoriously fussy housekeeper.
(50) A busy man, Johnny Cash, with a notoriously short attention span.
(51) He was notoriously avid for every shilling he could earn.
(52) In April the notoriously unreliable official figure for the state's unemployment rate dropped for the second month running - to 8.6%.
(53) Notoriously these words have crept into ordinary usage from medieval philosophical Latin.
(54) For this reason lupins, poppies, carrots and parsnips are notoriously difficult to transplant successfully.
(55) Bank customers are notoriously slow to shift their business, even if they are miffed.
(56) Video poker machines in almost every bar are notoriously rigged-yet punters can't get enough.
(57) Criminal fraud is notoriously difficult to establish and the evidence required to do so needs careful and skilled assessment.
(58) Odometer readings are of course notoriously unreliable as a guide to the distance travelled by the car.
(59) Yet charities' resources are often severely limited and funding in this sector is notoriously precarious.
(60) Commanders, R.N., are a notoriously hard-drinking breed, which scotched that suspicion.
(61) He was known to have made a fortune on the stock market, but was nonetheless notoriously tight-fisted.
(62) As Wolff notes, these wealth data are still preliminary and even in final form are notoriously difficult to draw conclusions from.
(63) On another occasion Moore, notoriously edgy about risking his neck, had to film with crocodiles in the Everglades.
(64) Her ability to keep the notoriously impatient monarch amused was greatly appreciated in royal circles.
(65) Although the Newtonian equations governing the elements are well known, long-term weather prediction is notoriously unreliable!
(66) He is notoriously tough on staff, often challenging them on facts and figures during council meetings.
(67) But employment in the building trade is notoriously irregular, and such artisans alternate self-employment with wage-paid work on the building sites.
(68) Local authorities have been notoriously lax in projecting aims and policies and facing up to weaknesses.
(69) But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.
(70) Graduate students in most institutions are notoriously late risers, who work way past conventional bedtime.
(71) Government growth projections for National Income have been notoriously unreliable, often excessively optimistic.
(72) Goods, especially ideological ones, have a habit of being tampered with in transit: they are notoriously subject to sea-changes.
(73) This is a great shame because scientists are notoriously bad at communicating the importance of what they study to non-scientists.
(74) Quality of tuition was notoriously difficult to judge: in-class assessment of teachers bore no correlation to examination results achieved.
(75) In fact, economists have proved notoriously inept at predicting upturns and downturns.
(76) Nuclear power stations are notoriously unreliable and construction costs go way over original estimates.
(77) Spitfire restorations to airworthy status have notoriously exceeded initial estimates of timing and cost, irrespective of start point condition.
(78) Autarky: Coordination between enterprises from different sectors and ministries is notoriously poor in the Soviet Union.
(79) Comet forecasting is notoriously risky, but some daredevils say the unusually large Hale-Bopp could be the brightest of the century.
(80) Notoriously, they hardly changed their spending habits when it ended.
(81) But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced, and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.
(82) There had been no announcement of her substitution, but theatre people were notoriously careless about such things.
(83) As creative types, we're notoriously unpredictable, and thus liable to put our foot in it in front of touchy clients.
(84) Katmandu airport is notoriously tricky, located in a narrow saucer-shaped valley surrounded by snowy mountains and pine hills.
(84) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(85) In Britain the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen.
(86) Our culture also cautions women not to raise pesky issues of parenting lest they frighten men off-men being notoriously reluctant fathers.
(87) But international lenders have notoriously short memories and start to lend again remarkably rapidly.
(88) Today's final 78 miles of stages are over the notoriously deceptive Yorkshire forest roads.
(89) The region's exposed position also means it's often notoriously windy.
(90) It may lend a certain dignity to the whole transaction but is notoriously slow.
(91) In his first year at City College he had taken nothing but remedial courses and the notoriously undemanding introductory black studies course.
(92) Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
(93) The M-forty through Oxfordshire is notoriously prone to fog ... campaigners say overhead lighting is urgently needed to save lives.
(94) And here we are in one of the most notoriously capricious seas in the world, aboard a fantastic yacht called 2041.
(95) Potential listeners also are cautious about venturing on to a campus with circuitous roads, dense eucalyptus groves and notoriously problematic parking.
(96) Furthermore the sense in which we describe certain dilemmas, impulses, intuitions, or decisions as moral ones is notoriously imprecise.
(97) Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud, market manipulation and insider dealing.
(98) His dress is famously unfashionable, his temper famously short, his profanities notoriously rich.
(99) The legal aid charity has helped overturn some notoriously unjust verdicts.
(100) But even notoriously conservative newspaper publishers recognize that the Web is a radical and powerful publishing medium.
(101) But many investors have proven to have notoriously short memories.
(102) I heave a sigh of resignation, knowing how notoriously difficult it is to put unity into words.
(103) Researching the prevalence of elder abuse is notoriously difficult, and information on the abuse of black elders is non-existent.
(104) They are the traditional white grapes of Hermitage, though some growers have sworn off the notoriously fickle roussanne.
(105) Notoriously, long and gruelling work is needed to make the notion of political equality fit both these kinds of demand.
(106) In matters concerning his domestic life, Wakelate was notoriously sightless.
(107) Confession is good for the soul, particularly when it comes from journalists, who have a notoriously difficult time admitting error.
(108) Steering was never one of the Captain's strong points and the waters were notoriously treacherous.
(109) A Fortune 500 company in a notoriously competitive business sponsoring a workshop on fatherhood?
(110) The earnings of metal miners are notoriously difficult to estimate because intricate systems of payment by results produced wide fluctuations.
(111) Here the most notoriously violent clans of the two tribes are fighting along the Neretva river.
(112) Forest Service officials have been notoriously lax in pursuing forest clear cutting elsewhere.
(113) The reliability of sales figures, record charts and air play statistics is notoriously suspect.
(114) Smoothly synchronised endocrine function, an intrinsic factor in determining youthfulness, is also notoriously liable to become unbalanced through stress.sentence dictionary
(115) However, the establishment of cause and effect in education is notoriously difficult.
(116) Statistics can be notoriously unreliable, particularly in a sport as emotionally excitable as football.
(117) Though relatively healthy animals, state health officials warn that they are notoriously susceptible to bubonic plague.
(118) Children can be notoriously careless with their glasses or obstinately refuse to wear them.
(119) Unfortunately for our beloved Sean Elliott, the Spurs are notoriously soft underachievers come playoff time.
(120) Perhaps still more impressive is Corning's record in exploiting its technology through joint ventures, a notoriously difficult form of business.
(121) Eastern European pollution control has been notoriously ineffective.
(122) Balancing tests are notoriously unpredictable in their application.
(123) Hot money notoriously unstable and even more notoriously procyclical.
(124) Guest signatures are notoriously illegible.
(125) Professors are notoriously difficult to manage.
(126) Andrew Jackson was a notoriously poor speller.
(127) Child labor is notoriously difficult to measure or even to define.
(128) INTERIORSThe City Squire Bryan Ferry, Roxy Music front man and "Slave to Love" songster, is notoriously private.
(129) Iron - ore producers are notoriously tight-lipped about their negotiating tactics and the prices ask for.
(130) Terrorizing the country with the notoriously savage werewolf Fenrir Greyback (Dave Legeno) and other Death Eaters, she has even left the wizards' beloved Diagon Alley in ruins.
(131) The big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen.
(132) Neuropathic pain is a widespread and distressing condition, and is notoriously difficult to treat.
(133) Don Corleone, notoriously straitlaced in such matters, though his stout wife was screaming joyfully with the others, disappeared tactfully into the house.
(134) In the domains of letters, it is notoriously known that writers tend to disparage each other.
(135) Experiments with mitotic inhibitors, are however, notoriously difficult to control.
(136) Understanding these sandbars is critical to study of beach erosion and climate-related sea level rise, but the surf zone is a notoriously hostile research environment.
(137) The drawings of the notoriously brutal camp are being shown ahead of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and will be the first time they have been seen by a wide audience.
(138) Lawmakers in both countries say the actions were necessary to bring under control spiraling addiction and a notoriously shady business.
(139) He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium.
(140) Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text.
(141) Personality disorders are characterized by long-standing maladaptive ways of interacting with the world, and they are notoriously difficult to treat.
(142) Like many other bacterial spores, Bacillus cereus spores are quite resistant to radiation, heat and toxic chemicals, and they are notoriously difficult to kill.
(143) He was stripped of his U.S. citizenship after he was accused in the 1970s of being "Ivan the Terrible," a notoriously sadistic guard at the Treblinka death camp.
(144) Oil slicks are notoriously difficult to spot in natural-color (photo-like) satellite imagery because a thin sheen of oil only slightly darkens the already dark blue background of the ocean.
(145) Typically, preelection polls there are either conducted or monitored by the government and are notoriously untrustworthy.
(146) European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British Museum to write seditious pamphlets.
(147) Pandas are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, and most are made by artificial insemination.
(148) Whatever the demerits of microfilm as a storage medium (and it is notoriously balky, difficult stuff), at least it had a certain durability that the print article lacked.
(149) While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab , Gemini are notoriously bad listeners.
(150) He was a notoriously slow painter, and loved painting still lifes.
(151) OLD tyres are notoriously difficult to recycle, and often end up in landfills, but researchers at the Tubitak Marmara Research Centre in Gebze, Turkey, have come up with a novel way to deal with them.
(152) Although China is notoriously building one a new coal-fired plant each week, most of them are more efficient than similar facilities in the UK.
(153) Growing industrial towns like Birmingham and Manchester had no representation, but tiny villages sometimes had two Members of Parliament. The system was notoriously corrupt and bribery was common.
(154) The main ingredient of a semiconductor is silicon, but it might as well be pyrite, or fool's gold. That is because consistently making money out of chips is notoriously difficult.
(155) Some advocates go further and argue it could also make China's notoriously corrupt and high-handed local governments more responsive to citizens' needs.
(156) Its windows are grimy with soot from Beijing's notoriously bad air.
(157) Why do you think blenders and toaster ovens are so notoriously unromantic?
(158) Japan's institutions are notoriously unprofitable, to a large extent because of overstaffing and excess capacity.
(159) Network operators have been notoriously reluctant to allow Skype services on their mobile handsets, fearing it will cannibalise revenue earned from traditional voice calls.
(160) Millions in developmenting money has atrociously leaked onto notoriously gone to waste, in the 7 years since the fall of the Taliban.
(161) The notoriously slow Indian legal system, where cases can languish for decades, makes it easy for corrupt officials to go ahead without any fear of punishment.
(162) Dietary prescriptions are notoriously hard to follow, especially when the limitations involve protein, a ubiquitous macronutrient in Western diet.
(163) They also crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and the notoriously steep Lombard Street in San Francisco.
(164) Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable; variable winds; variable expenses.
(165) While there, Carrey perfected many characters, most notoriously "Fire Marshal Bill"who always went up in a blaze.
(166) What's more, Facebook may not be able to keep up the momentum of its rapid-fire growth because social-networking aficionados are notoriously fickle.
(167) China's notoriously foul air isn't just a potential showstopper for next summer's Olympic Games in Beijing.
(168) THUNDERSTORMS are notoriously unpredictable, as many a drenched picnicker can attest.
(169) His first essay in running a company was a notoriously tough undertaking.
(170) In this regard East Asian students are among the most clueless: too often incurious and self-absorbed, they are notoriously out of touch with American society, and also slow to form advocacy groups.
(171) It's based on a jailhouse confession in part, which is notoriously unreliable form of evidence.
(172) European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British museum to write seditious pamphlets.
(173) For example, one step in Newbold's solution involved the deciphering of anagrams , which is notoriously imprecise: the anagram ADER, for instance, can be interpreted as READ, DARE or DEAR.
(174) Even with perfect viewing conditions,[] the lights are notoriously hit or miss.
(175) The residual error is still large (5.377), but we console ourselves in the fact that Colorado weather is notoriously unpredictable.
(176) Sauvignon Blanc is a good match for the ham and the asparagus, a notoriously wine - unfriendly ingredient.
(177) Shanghai, the southeastern megalopolis with a population three times bigger than Greater London's, already has one of China's most notoriously under-used venues in its Formula One race-track.
(178) But they have never seen something so deeply embedded or tried to remove a line at sea from the notoriously powerful Right whale which can be dangerous when angry.
(179) The names of some are notoriously well-known: Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the organisms responsible for toxic shock syndrome and legionnaire's disease.
(180) China's state - volunteered export data is notoriously inaccurate, tending to dramatically understate both the quantity and value.
(181) We have come to regard ever zippier consumer electronics as a basic right, and are notoriously insouciant about the improvements in basic physics that make them possible.
(182) The scope of the private banking business is notoriously hard to quantify.




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