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单词 Cumulative
1. Learning is a cumulative process.
2. This drug has a cumulative effect.
3. Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.
4. The evolution of human life was a gradual, cumulative process.
5. The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be disastrous.
6. Scientific knowledge is cumulative.
7. But the cumulative effect is gridlock.
8. Could a form of cumulative selection get going?
9. Some have argued that change has a cumulative effect.
10. The cumulative effect has been dramatic.
11. The cumulative process is directed by nonrandom survival.
12. Tiny mutations would make cumulative selection too slow.
13. The cumulative totals for each column are also entered.
14. The cumulative effect provides an even more impressive testimonial.
15. Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.
16. Cumulative Density Function By definition, an uncertain quantity is one whose value can lie anywhere along a specified range.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. What about cumulative selection; how much more effective should this be?
18. The cumulative results impressively followed suit, and that improvement could be found across the board.
19. Natural selection, the cumulative development of more efficient replicators in a competitive situation, is certainly an important factor in evolution.
20. Using the unit cumulative normal frequency distribution we may compute confidence limits for our estimate of beta.
21. Then there is the cumulative effect of accidents, small and large.
22. Before that there were many generations of cumulative selection, based upon some quite different replicating entities.
23. Consideration could be given to the interaction and cumulative effects of various pollutants.
24. Neglia and colleagues2based their estimates of cumulative risks on Kaplan-Meier statistics, which commonly overestimates the true cumulative incidence.
25. Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.
26. It therefore is converged upon by cumulative selection from two very different starting points.
27. It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.
28. Chance is a minor ingredient in the Darwinian recipe, but the most important ingredient is cumulative selection which is quintessentially nonrandom.
29. I shall introduce its fundamental essence in Chapter 3 under the title of cumulative selection.
30. This situation, although made worse by the war, was a cumulative problem dating from the period of colonial dependency.
1. Learning is a cumulative process.
2. This drug has a cumulative effect.
3. It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.
4. Scientific knowledge is cumulative.
31. The essential difference between single-step selection and cumulative selection is this.
32. Since the time to clinical progression was known, we used Kaplan-Meier analysis to estimate cumulative incidence.
33. Visitors to the studio could gain an impression of his work as a whole and grasp the cumulative effect.
34. Looking over the cumulative collection, she sighed and began to count up the total.
35. The figure illustrates the cumulative ulcer free survival curves of patients randomised to each drug.
36. Some missiles would be likely to leak through each layer but the cumulative effect would be to limit the damage greatly.
37. Recession, therefore, has the unfortunate and cumulative effect of working backwards.
38. It was difficult for the authorities to detect this cumulative process at work.
39. The cumulative effects of upward adjustments 2 through 6 more than offset the first downward adjustment.
40. Though single pieces were restrained, the cumulative effect of a group exhibition was to reorganize spatial perception radically.
41. LEAs are to assess the cumulative educational effect of these decisions.
42. This process requires a table of 2849 entries, each showing the cumulative total of records up to the start of that set.
43. This brings the cumulative total donated to charity since the scheme began in 1990 to £25,500.
44. Once triggered, however, a process of cumulative causation sets in.
45. Drugs which are rapidly inactivated have advantages, because the risk of overdosage is minimized and there are no cumulative effects.
46. As if it were something cumulative that accrued around me, like the hardening shell of a crustacean.
46. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
47. In our computer models in Chapter 3, we deliberately built into the computer the basic ingredients of cumulative selection.
48. The cumulative effect of all of these efforts would ultimately turn the tide.
49. At the same time the downward rigidity of wages prevented social demand from cumulative collapse.
50. The cumulative effect of this conscientious blandness denied Lisa a distinctive personality, which limited the fervor of its users.
51. During the reign of Charles the Bald, however, such developments not only continued but showed cumulative effects.
52. During a period of sleep deprivation the effects of sleeplessness may become cumulative.
53. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the power of this cumulative selection as a fundamentally nonrandom process.
54. Figure 1 shows the cumulative absolute changes in bone mineral content/bone width and bone mineral density after ranking each patient by age.
55. While this growth is less spectacular than that of the past few years, the cumulative impact is significant.
56. A class of K-sample tests for comparing the cumulative incidence of a competing risk.
57. Their cumulative effect would give rise to the microwave background radiation.
58. Jurors in the three previous trials have voted by a cumulative total of 23 to 13 to convict.
59. Cumulative alcohol intake certainly plays a role and other environmental factors, in particular nutrition, may also be important.
60. The cumulative effect of only two hours of unbroken sleep a night can make you very sick.
61. The answer is that it provides us with a way to understand evolution as a gradual, cumulative process.
62. No significant correlations were apparent between creatinine clearance and either duration of mesalazine treatment or cumulative mesalazine dose.
63. The cumulative effect of all these changes do not auger well for the supply of teachers.
64. Cumulative incremental backup on the other hand, backs up all the blocks used since the most recent backup at level n-1 or lower.
65. Multielement characteristics of Chinese human hairs have been studied in cumulative frequency distribution, correlation and in relation to sex and age.
66. RESULTS The cumulative penetration amount of papaverine was linear related to time.
67. A cumulative voting system shall be earnestly advanced in shareholders meetings FOR the election of directors.
68. A phenomenon of audience behavior usually expressed as the ratio of a station's cumulative audience to its average quarter hour audience.
69. Tier 2 capital: the total of capital stock (perpetual cumulative preferred stock), reserve for trading losses, reserve for losses from breach of contract, unrealized gains on financial products.
70. The first Base Attack Bonus is cumulative for Multiclass characters, which will determine how many additional attacks the character can make and their bonuses.
71. This paper examines a recent critical exchange over cross-national and temporal analysis of educational homogamy to interpret societal openness, drawing on cumulative insights from mobility research.
72. Since the trading floor Wednesday, the cumulative decline in oil prices more than 9 %.
73. In this thesis, we propose a new method for tuning this key parameter, which is related to the cumulative probability density function of the radius of the codebook shell.
74. In this paper, nickel toxicity data of 17 species based on Chinese soils were fitted with different cumulative probability distribution functions.
75. In this platform, laser sensor is used for absolute location to remove cumulative error from odometer periodically to make a precise and real-time location system.
76. Methods:The noise intensity and spectral analysis were monitored with HS6288 noise inspector. Cumulative noise exposure(CNE) was calculated according to noise intensity and working age.
77. According to current FCC and ETSI regulations,[http:///cumulative.html] cumulative interference from multiple UWB devices to the downlink of GSM cellular system in indoor environments has been studied.
78. Cumulative replace function, can replace the replacement string for prefix and suffix to achieve cumulative.
79. With the increasing work pressure, the cumulative frequency of smaller droplet diameter was produced, and the atomization would be better.
80. At last, cumulative method was used to synthetic assessment of the effect of all decreasing factors on turbine engine stability.
81. The unused balance of each shipment is not cumulative to the following shipment.
82. First, we introduce the trapezoid drop method based on cumulative error, and give a study way of adaptation.
83. The actual travel behavior is better described by the descriptive model of decision based on Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) in risky traffic networks.
84. To illustrate, let us assume that Solarwind Company has 10 shares of common stock and 10 shares of $6 cumulative preferred stock outstanding throughout the year. Net income for the year totals $100.
85. The original application cases should be analyzed with imaginative joiner of offenses or cumulative punishment.
86. The act-degree distribution, act size distribution, the relationship between act degree and the saleroom, and the cumulative distribution of the saleroom are all studied.
87. The unused balance of each shipment is cumulative to the following shipment.
88. The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to read values from a cumulative ogive.
89. There are three parts of this dissertation, dealing with the foundation and value of the cumulative voting system, the operation of the system, and the suggestions of improving the system in China.
90. Standard & Poor's 500 stock index this quarter decreased by 12.8 % cumulative.
91. Objective: To introduce the methods used in repeated categorical data of clinical follow up study:cumulative logits model and adjacent category logits model.
92. Although the cumulative dip plot method can improve resolution of fine dip variation, it will induce pseudomorph as sampling is not even in depth.
93. The cumulative time you'll spend on this may well outweigh the effort needed for the application logic itself.
94. Look for a break point in the cumulative percentage line. This point occurs where the slope of the line begins to flatten out. The factors under the steepest part of the curve are the most important.
95. Researchers uesd a system of measurement called cumulative promotion index to find graduation rates.
96. The simulation results show that the improved approach can restrain the cumulative error including distance error and positioning error effectively and enhance location precision.
97. War Frenzy (58): Increases player?s resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.
98. Yet the cumulative time devoted to creating Wikipedia, something like 100 million hours of human thought, is expended by Americans every weekend, just watching ads.
99. In this particular case, the time spent in the node itself was 11372 ms and the cumulative time for the node and its children was 13623 ms.
100. China has utilized foreign capital with a cumulative value of 780 billion US dollars, making itself the largest FDI recipient country in the world in cumulative terms.
101. The cumulative voting system is one of the most important systems in corporate management.
102. Test results show that the coupling action of initial static deviator stress and cyclic shear stress and the drained conditions have great influence on cumulative strain rate.
103. CPU Cost -- Estimated cumulative total cost (in timerons) of executing the chosen access plan up to and including this plan operator.
104. As of today, a cumulative total of 6234 probable cases with 435 deaths have been reported from 27 countries.
105. Arithmetic coding is based on the concept of cumulative Probability proposed by Shannon.
106. But, if the SQL is popular and is executed millions of times a day, addressing hundreds of thousands of rows each time[/cumulative.html], the cumulative total could be significant.
107. Prediction rate is the cumulative distribution function of the area percentage of the landslides not used to construct a model with respect to the classes in the prediction map generated.
108. WHO will add these numbers to its cumulative total following further verification by an external H5 reference laboratory.
109. Company Law which is operated has defects and cumulative voting system is necessary because the system is feasible in current lawful environment in China.
110. The model types include frequency histograms, cumulative frequency distribution graphs and theoretical model with double logarithmic coordinates.
111. A new on aim control method, cumulative sum statistical control(CUSUM) was introduced. The design of CUSUM was presented and its application in polyester industry was discussed.
112. The reserve costs of China Petro-Chemical Corporation from 1986 to 2002 are calculated by the different statistical methods of year mean, cumulative mean and running mean.
113. The election of independent director should be applicable cumulative voting system, and it should consolidate election with general director.
114. First: Impact of China's implementation of the cumulative voting system factors.
115. The original production and the original cumulative production of the model is zero.
116. Figure 2: Cumulative percentage of tests complete using traditional regression testing methods.
117. PI modulation was adopted to control the ratio of output voltage, which eliminate the cumulative error and improve the static performance of the system.
118. Because some products show no failure in the random truncation test period, this paper uses the mean rank order method to calculate the empirical cumulative distribution function.
119. This paper addresses the optimization of equally cumulative hazard preventive maintenance(PM)strategy of flow line production system with minimal repair at failures.
120. In November 2007 U. S. oil giant Chevron, by then the field's operator, announced that cumulative production had reached two billion barrels.
121. Using this formula, then obtains the real cumulative time cost grid chart again through the grid calculator, Fundamental unit for minute.
122. In the LBW group, 21 infants (1. 9%), including 10 LBW infants born at term, had higher than 0. 4 mGy cumulative dose compared with 1. 0% of NBW infants.
123. As two major limitations to applying optical flow to motion estimation, oscillating of wavelet coefficients and cumulative error highly affected precision in calculation.
124. Mean annual increment----The cumulative volume of a forest stand at the end of each decade divided by the number of years the stand has been in existence.
125. In this paper, authors advised a new method calculating the cumulative relative frequency, to study frequent distribution of plant size in the population.
126. The common representation and focused proxy of the voting shareholders in the cumulative voting is a kind of comparatively typical collective agencys forms.
127. This is the website of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.
128. Rayleigh model can be used to forecast production, cumulative production, recoverable reserves, maximum annual production and its corresponding time and cumulative production of oil and gas fields.
129. At the peak of the financial tremors last autumn, he sank some $5 billion into Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and received 10% cumulative preferred shares in return.
130. According to cumulative porosity percentage of pores with various radius of coal, the pores with coal were classified into three categories, namely micro-pore, mesopore and macropore.
131. Uige Province remains the most severely affected area, reporting a cumulative total of 208 cases and 194 deaths.
132. Stepping motor has certain step distance precision, have no cumulative error.
133. The dividend preference carried by most preferred stocks is a cumulative one.
134. In conclusion, a trend for a better patient survival was observed in more recent years but the cumulative probability of developing severe recurrent disease remained unchanged.
135. The principle of concurrent punishment for several crimes includes cumulative principle, absorption principle and limitative aggravation principle.
136. With the time of being in the army and cumulative sun-exposure period, the prevalence of tanning, photoaging and polymorphous light eruption increased, while the prevalence of sunburn decreased./cumulative.html
137. A lot of emulation examples show that the accuracy of cumulative production of oilfields performance predicted by this model is comparatively ideal.
138. Construct the 90% cumulative probability hyetograph product of typhoon into the "Typhoon Rainfall Decision Support System".
139. The experiment indicates that it is really available for the algorithm to decrease the cumulative error.
140. The frequency of ischemia attacking, paroxysmal cumulative time, motion related incidence were lower in the treated group after treatment than those in the control group.
141. Male gender, stigmata of chronic liver disease, old age, low albumin and high AFP levels on presentation were independently associated with increased cumulative risk of complications.
142. At the height of the financial crisis last fall, he invested $5 billion in Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and got 10% cumulative preferred shares.
143. The fatigue life and cumulative damage of ammunition feeding spring in automatic naval gun of medium calibre have been analysed.
144. However, since the fixed-point calculation maybe cause cumulative quantization error, the convergent performance of fixed-point equalizer is not better than that of floating-point equalizer.
145. This paper reconstructs the phase space based on stock yield sequence. We use WaveCluster method to mine temporal patterns by taking cumulative yield and density as clustering measure.
146. In this particular run, the time spent in the node itself was 9753 ms and the cumulative time for the node and its children was 8441 ms.
147. Therefore, the new Company Law adopts the cumulative voting system which we have learned the advanced experiences from some foreign countries and areas.
148. The cumulative percentage of the allocated soil parameters can reach more than 90%.
149. The cumulative hysteretic energy spectra of inelastic single degree of freedom ( SDOF ) systems is investigated.
150. A collection of 13 short stories set in small-town Maine that packs a cumulative emotional wallop, bound together by polished prose and by Olive, the title character, blunt, flawed and fascinating.
151. Synchro-mechanism is the important part of a CRF(Cold Roll Forming) machine, whose synchronized accuracy will affect the pitch cumulative errors of involute spline directly.
152. Upon receipt of this information, WHO will also include these cases in the cumulative total for Viet Nam.
153. The U.S. is still by far the world leader in the cumulative stock of foreign investment, which now stands at some $3.3 trillion.
154. In this paper the flux distribution along the wetted boundary of a rectangular furrow and the cumulative infiltration are analysed by two-dimensional infiltration model of furrow irrigation.
155. Stepping motor has certain step distance, have no cumulative error precision.
156. The cumulative power of independent artificiality saws everywhere the falsification of social life.




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