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单词 Grudgingly
1) He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake.
2) 'Not bad,' she conceded grudgingly.
3) The boss grudgingly raised my salary.
4) He grudgingly admitted he'd been wrong.
5) He grudgingly handed me the money.
6) She grudgingly admitted that I was right.
7) The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working.
8) Grudgingly, she took the job.
9) This is often conceded only grudgingly.
10) The latter grudgingly handed over a stash of notes.
11) It had been granted grudgingly and she knew she was on thin ice as far as her superiors were concerned.
12) The lights changed and the cars grudgingly screeched to a halt.
13) Proposals for higher taxes on incomes have been grudgingly accepted, but the introduction of VAT on domestic fuel has not.
14) The donkey-driver sat down and rather grudgingly accepted a small tumbler of retsina.
15) I have to admit grudgingly that this is interesting, and I trudge up the path with Tony just behind.
16) Grudgingly, he would grant all requests soas to cease the torture inflicted on his friends.
17) Upper House came out of its concrete grudgingly, like an opal from the matrix.
18) Before opening it, he grudgingly used the microwave to heat a cup of cocoa, then sat at the kitchen counter.
19) She gave ground grudgingly, and we wound up agreeing to a three-way split.
20) Their parents grudgingly assented to the marriage.
21) In the end he'd done a good job, Caroline admitted grudgingly.
22) The members of the Warren Association of churches only grudgingly supported some of his measures, but were in a compromising mood.
23) He answered a few questions in a desultory fashion, even, it seemed, a little grudgingly.
24) Even baseball purists appear to be accepting that, if grudgingly.
25) Taking into account the thundering magnificence of your new single, the jury must grudgingly return a verdict of not guilty.
26) This meant they had less education and continued to depend on state welfare, which was more and more grudgingly supplied.
27) No wonder the rights of citizenship were granted only grudgingly, except when the town urgently needed to increase its population.
28) Those old animosities within the union leadership, as well as the rank and file,[http:///grudgingly.html] give ground grudgingly.
29) All those words he had hoarded for so long and released so grudgingly.
30) "Sam, you have to apologise to her" -- "I know," Sam conceded grudgingly.
1) He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake.
2) 'Not bad,' she conceded grudgingly.
31) His ideas at first grudgingly accepted, finally won favor.
32) He gave his permission grudgingly.
33) They were at first grudgingly and later passively accepted.
34) But eventually,(http:///grudgingly.html) I grudgingly gave in.
35) They grudgingly accept dwarves as allies against evil.
36) The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women.
37) The slightest order was received with a black look, and grudgingly and carelessly obeyed.
38) With no guarantee that it would be working when I finally got there, I grudgingly decided that I had to economise and so ended up in a dormitory room at Samarkand's cheapest backpacker hostel.
39) But Washington is providing only a trickle of help, and even that grudgingly.
40) But change they must , however grudgingly and painfully, for this is dictated by the general trend.
41) Grudgingly they had to admire his determination particularly when Captain Janders began to rail against him.
42) Viddre laughed, but grudgingly, at one of Flora's off jokes.
43) As long as they avoid neighbourly confrontation and keep their congregations below a certain size (usually about 25), the Protestant ones are mostly tolerated, grudgingly.
44) Grudgingly, we all confessed to feelings of loyalty, however unfashionable that might be.
45) In one shop, bound with chains and prompted by three well-armed drow, a dwarf smithy grudgingly repaired fine weapons and jewelry for his captors.
46) Their parents unwillingly [ grudgingly ] consented to the marriage.
47) He grudgingly agreed to have a drink in a hotel close by.
48) Nevertheless, Maiev grudgingly acknowledged the new high priestess and followed her orders.
49) The slightest order a black look, and grudgingly and carelessly obeyed.
50) The boy sighed, grudgingly rose to his feet and asked Hung - chien for his card.
51) You are an interloper in my world, grudgingly tolerated at best. Beware my wrath. I can kill you on a whim.




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