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单词 Obscure
1. The details of his life remain obscure .
2. Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions.
3. He always speaks in obscure legal jargon.
4. The meaning of the passage is obscure.
5. Is the meaning still obscure to you?
6. The origin of the custom is obscure.
7. The origin of the word remains obscure.
8. The origins of the tradition have become obscure.
9. There are many minor and obscure poets in the age of Elizabeth.
10. We went to see one of Shakespeare's more obscure plays.
11. The story to finally, don't remember who first obscure eyes.
12. His real motive for the crime remains obscure.
13. The room is too obscure for reading.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. For some obscure reason, he failed to turn up.
15. Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.
16. His answers were obscure and confusing.
17. The derivation of its name is obscure.
18. The motives behind the decision remain obscure.
19. Last night, an obscure project peered upon my mind.
20. The point of his speech is obscure.
21. I found her lecture very obscure.
22. Official policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure.
23. The obscure charges against him lacked specification.
24. The motives behind this decision remain somewhat obscure.
25. The contracts are written in obscure language.
26. I wrote tortuous essay for obscure journals.
27. The joke did not obscure the underlying seriousness of his point.
28. The emphasis on social integration often served to obscure the real differences within the community.
29. His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say.
30. He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.
1. The details of his life remain obscure .
2. He always speaks in obscure legal jargon.
3. The meaning of the passage is obscure.
4. The origin of the custom is obscure.
5. The origin of the word remains obscure.
6. The origins of the tradition have become obscure.
7. There are many minor and obscure poets in the age of Elizabeth.
8. We went to see one of Shakespeare's more obscure plays.
9. He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.
10. The room is too obscure for reading.
11. The point of his speech is obscure.
12. The obscure charges against him lacked specification.
13. I wrote tortuous essay for obscure journals.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The joke did not obscure the underlying seriousness of his point.
31. For some obscure reason , the group is very popular.
32. The meaning of his comment was obscure to everyone but himself.
33. Ferries are now still plodding obscure routes through obscure waters.
34. These figures obscure the fact that a lot of older people live in great poverty.
35. The hymn was written by an obscure Greek composer for the 1896 Athens Olympics.
36. We mustn't let these minor details obscure the main issue.
37. Her paintings became more obscure towards the end of her life.
38. The recent improvements should not obscure the fact that general standards are still far too low.
39. These obscure groups were of little account in national politics.
40. The true nature of this revolt is still obscure.
41. Sadler's activities as a notary in Chancery remain obscure.
42. No morning sickness, no backache, no obscure cravings.
43. The connection between the studies is somewhat obscure.
44. Mr Serrano's motives are still obscure.
45. The word means an obscure figure of speech.
46. Fitful clouds were beginning to obscure the sun.
47. Indovina's lyrics are mostly cryptic and obscure.
48. Much academic language is, in practice(/obscure.html), obscure and verbose.
49. They hiked obscure trails into the hills.
50. The exact logic behind these dispersals remains obscure.
51. The proposed arrangements however are rather obscure.
52. Each sprang from the obscure underside of the society.
53. Denial can obscure obstacles and stiffen resolve.
54. By the 1740s, Stukeley's beliefs were becoming more obscure.
55. I feel an obscure resentment against her motherliness.
56. The next stage of his personal beliefs is obscure.
57. He writes jingles and obscure Broadway tunes.
58. Best's art is eccentric and obscure.
59. Otherwise you may obscure the development of your essay by failing to distinguish its overall direction.
60. Otherwise his last years are as obscure as his earliest.
61. He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography, intellectual property and cognitive theory.
62. Policies emerge that are not merely compromises but also remain obscure on key points of implementation.
63. Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. Blaise Pascal 
64. Its precise origins remain obscure; its ultimate impact on society is necessarily still a matter of conjecture.
65. Henry Fitzhugh aims for a deliberate mix of obscure or up-and-coming artists with the glitterati of the art world.
66. Duck sometimes has these patches obscure, when uniform face is best distinction from other two scoters.
67. Congress, of course, never intended to suspend $ 50 million dams to prolong the dubious existence of obscure fish.
68. For some obscure reason you had to be taken over.
69. But when a Duchess descends to mingle with a person of obscure birth, does she not then degrade herself?
70. And that faced her with a course of action which, for some obscure reason, seemed rather distasteful now.
71. The Vadiamians keep some open and make forays on to the surface for obscure sorts of research.
72. I also tried to be a little more obscure and interesting in my song selections.
73. Until the final stages of the war the future form of radical and socialist politics in Britain remained obscure.
74. The need for sigmoidoscopy in patients with obscure iron deficiency anaemia is contentious.
75. Of course employers can claim unawareness of obscure medical journals.
76. Perhaps this was deliberate( ), in order to obscure the prices which were as spectacular as the decor.
77. Many teachers try to obscure the fact that they are teaching in a multiracial school.
78. However, such simplistic answers often obscure rather more than they reveal.
79. You're not expected to input anything too obscure though, so frustrations in this respect are kept to a minimum.
80. Some other cellular event was involved, but its nature remained obscure and unexplained for another 30 years.
81. The obscure world of warfare between microbial species had suggested some promising substances, but was even less successful than chemotherapy.
82. About the most obscure thing touted is the fountain in Fountain Hills.
83. Time has since overlaid this corpus with errors that obscure what the original patriarchs taught to their descendants.
84. At night, it was so impressive when there were no clouds to obscure the countryside below.
85. Once an obscure backwater of the publishing business, computer books have gone mainstream.
86. The lines were written by an obscure English poet named Mordaunt.
87. This bureaucracy, for reasons still obscure, had decided that my posture was a disgrace and had to be corrected.
88. His book had to be published by the obscure Middle Passage Press.
89. There were no institutions of higher learning except for an obscure agricultural college in Mogilev province.
90. These movements and earlier erosion have tended to obscure Mesozoic and Paleozoic structures.
91. Its strident headlines implied that the march of modern Jacobinism was about to be started by an obscure parliamentary report.
92. Though described as a gentleman, and obviously well educated, his birth, parentage, and schooling all remain obscure.
93. The use of quantification in studies of crime tends to obscure this diversity.
94. He scanned the list for obscure schools in certain locations, then wrote away for an application.
95. Blemishes like these upon the work of the profession obscure but do not efface the public services it renders.
96. She knew the origin of every obscure couplet imaginable, and could usually recite the whole poem which went with it.
97. Begrimed by obscure use, otiose warehouses shadowed the rigid, corky bobbing of gulls.
98. That Magic Johnson will play another season and obscure the Clippers more than ever.
99. It is when I struggle to be brief that I become obscure. Horace 
100. We do so through a largely unconscious selection process, plus the obscure activity of our own maverick imaginations.
101. This is justified by his belief that abstractionism does more than obscure the truth of immaterialism.
102. While causes of dyslexia remain obscure, there is growing evidence that it is neurological in nature.
103. But all the jollity doesn't totally obscure his illegal activities.
104. This kind of obscure approach is never going to win many people-but what's the alternative?
105. What need to import further obscure perplexities into an already complex situation - particularly when simpler and convincing explanations lay to hand?
106. However, this relative prosperity tends to obscure the precarious living conditions of the 3.5m Kurds who live in the area.
107. This was obscure, but it seems to have something to do with going downhill with an out-of-control supermarket trolley.
108. Eliot's demand for difficulty, in retrospect, by now looks perverse as well as obscure.
109. This aesthetic can obscure Formal art appreciation as it often resorts to exclusivist ideas about painting and sculpture which are highly philosophical.
110. The house of Albret had emerged from obscure origins to become the most important single lineage in the duchy.
111. Occasionally, for some obscure reason of her own, Elinor was pleasant.
112. He's using an obscure old law to try to stop the new road being built.
113. They obscure a hiatus in the expansion of Merovingian power.
114. Others have been acquired from other sources, although the exact origins of some of these remain somewhat obscure.
115. Their coming, unlike ours, is shrouded in mystery and obscure infant memories.
116. In a key area Bush tried to obscure his differences with Gore.
117. This should not obscure the obvious fact that they are also profit-making concerns, too.
118. Apparently he would watch any sport, however obscure, apart from rugby league, which he just could not stick.
119. The tactical model leads from a political position to pseudo-research, where facts are ignored because they might tend to obscure argument.
120. On November 24, they came to Madison and chose it, for reasons still obscure, over more water-blessed locations.
121. But that debate should not obscure the fact that private investment was the key that unlocked the Channel Tunnel door.
122. So you can find a diverse range of factoids and opinions on even the most obscure subjects.
123. As a system gets larger the logic becomes more obscure, modification more risky and debugging increasingly problematic.
124. For the most part, however, Butz remained an obscure figure among more than 1, 000 university teachers.
125. However, the new ruling will be relevant only when the court is satisfied that the law is ambiguous or obscure.
126. We learn, mistakenly, that good writing is obscure, dense and full of hard words.
127. From the small gallery above the operating theatre the whole process was obscure, if sickeningly bloody, to the watching Cowley.
128. He advises young entrepreneurs not to worry if their business ideas sound weird, crazy or obscure.
129. Picasso's first exhibition received only a short mention in an obscure Parisian newspaper.
130. War has had a searchlight effect on historians as well as contemporaries, rendering the area outside the beam yet more obscure.
131. He merely watched the obscure corners of the busy planet and poked his stubby nose into dusty crannies.
132. She snatched at the memory but it was too obscure.
133. A great many obscure languages were spoken and some children remained silent because no one else spoke their language.
134. The precise status and terms of reference of this committee remain obscure.
135. The historical origins of the rule that there is no general duty to provide reasons are obscure.
136. Independent developers had written dozens of word processors,() and even programs for obscure functions like cattle management and tarot card reading.
137. As discussed in Chapter I government statistics obscure almost as much as they reveal the extent of poverty among women.
138. The arms may be covered by a thin covering of skin which may obscure the plates.
139. There will be no repeated searching of the dictionary for obscure words.
140. For example, the days of dull, impenetrable forms that seemed designed to obscure rather than to convey information are passing.
141. The last sentence may seem obscure or - in the light of recent outcry against paedophilia - a hedging of bets.
142. The poems are delivered with the pompous self-importance of an obscure poet addressing a small band of intellectuals.
143. An immense pile of out-of-date articles will possibly obscure the purpose in view and deter the student from learning.
144. Counterpoints may therefore be counterproductive, especially if they are obscure.
145. They held impressive but obscure titles, occupied spacious and comfortable offices, and indulged in frequent travel and long lunches.
146. There was a loud thud, and a torrent of abuse in an obscure Venusian dialect.
147. They clattered on as far as the door; under workbenches, into cracks, finding every obscure corner.
148. The Silver Apples are one of those obscure bands that you might hear about, but never actually hear.
149. The reasons for Government initiative in this area, however disjointed during this period 1966-77, are rather obscure.
150. Ostensibly, the furore was over the possibility that the offices would obscure one of the famous views of the castle.
151. The immense size and power of the Government of the United States ought not obscure its fundamental character.
152. Norma is very obscure; its brightest star, Gamma, is only of magnitude 4.0.
153. Borders, passports and state institutions exist, but they often obscure deeper passions and identities.
154. Both the personality and the work remain famously obscure in a way which seems almost contrived.
155. I don't get the impression that they tried to make a statement by getting more and more obscure.
156. The music, using Gamelan instruments, is a pleasure, though it can occasionally obscure the text.
157. Archer understood that he ran the risk of having his mandate withdrawn, and for some obscure reason he disliked the prospect.
158. The packaging may not produce an outline visible on a radiograph, and shadows due to constipation may obscure their silhouette.
159. The vision of the vain, silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way.
160. But even in such constructions the contributions of syntax can be obscure.
161. It is really surprising the number of obscure groups who will get together for a celebration.
162. The skill with which Coenwulf conserved Offa's imperium, however, can obscure some fundamental shifts of emphasis.
163. Dark passageways and blind alleys obscure the light at the end of the tunnel.
163. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
164. The history of that volume in the following five or ten years, however, is rather obscure.
165. The reasons for this have been widely discussed yet remain relatively obscure.
166. The effect is still good, but harmonically more obscure and dissonant.
167. Because of its application to both speech and writing it has helped to obscure the difference between the two.
168. The box set has given stature to popular and obscure artists, by providing context.
169. I found this word in the dictionary meant an obscure figure of speech.
170. For reasons that remain obscure, caffeine significantly increases the analgesic effectiveness of both aspirin and aspirin substitutes such as acetaminophen.
171. My colleagues and I will vote against the Bill, and not for any obscure reason.
172. Nearly a hundred years ago there emerged from an obscure Suffolk parish an eight hundred year old manuscript book of the Gospels.
173. However, these generalizations obscure the pockets of quite marked poverty which also exist in Easton.
174. If musicians want to do jazz albums or make obscure folk records there are routes for that.
175. It was satisfying to send away and get this obscure stuff in the mail.
176. So, for what purposes may parliamentary material be admitted where a legislative text is ambiguous or obscure?
177. These simple comparisons obscure important differences among the presidential democracies that may have a bearing on democratic survival.
178. Twenty years ago, two obscure pieces of land on opposite sides of the world were grabbed by their neighbors.
179. It will highlight 1, 000 courses, some obscure, and delve into history, trivia and tradition.
180. In any event, the Labour party's suggestion of a minimum wage is in itself rather obscure and bizarre.
181. Corruption in the process of translation has tended to obscure more than names.
182. The origin of the bullets is obscure and a real understanding of their energetics is needed to pin it down.
183. Composers sometimes use an attenuated form of this cluster effect to obscure what would otherwise be perfectly normal chord sequences.
184. Just why this is called a boil-off and just why auditors are fond of the term is obscure.
185. The account which follows is pieced together from different sources: uncorroborated details are excluded and some motivations remain obscure.
186. They obscure our deeper conviction that what is in the blood will out, that shared blood means shared susceptibilities.
187. Until her assassination she had led a quiet and relatively obscure life.
188. Republicans do not want obscure the hearings' primary focus or see them terminated before all questions are fully explored.
189. He is viewed as an outcast because of his obscure origin and mixed blood.
190. This was also necessary in order to obscure all traces of the original pencil drawing.
191. Even the glory of the Annunciation can not obscure the almost wholly subordinate role played by women in the New Testament.
192. On the available photostat of the photostat some ranks and names are unfortunately rather obscure.
193. Laurence Hurst has pursued an obscure hint of a gender-altering parasite among human beings.
194. Is he oppressed by the same obscure shame that I felt when I read the letter?
195. Sometimes ingenious Bible expositors have led whole generations of clergy down obscure backwaters of scriptural exegesis.
196. Free translations are best made when a language helper is with you to clarify obscure points.
197. Despite his obscure origins Warltire established himself as a fashionable itinerant lecturer on chemistry and a supplier of laboratory chemicals.
198. We frequently telephone asking him to illustrate some obscure or abstract concept.
199. Medical illustrators keep the Pernkopf Anatomy on their drawing boards for ready reference as they depict obscure internal organs with computer-generated images.
200. Lacan has been very influential(Sentence dictionary), although he is an almost impenetrably obscure writer.
201. He took on several enterprises, but their exact nature was always obscure and there were no evident profits.
202. Publishers would not print his earlier poetry because they felt it was too obscure.
203. This striking rate of growth should not obscure the fact that the absolute level of industrial activity was still extremely low.
204. The mayor, the mayoress and an obscure royal rode in the first sleek open limousine.
205. Soon, they would catch up with the sun and obscure it.
206. Off-balance sheet financing is a term used to describe techniques designed to obscure a company's true financial obligations.
207. There was always the possibility of an obscure clash escalating into full-scale conflict.
208. The upward route is ten times harder and more obscure.
209. Weeds and flaking paint obscure nuggets of history on many of the distinctive black-and-silver roadside markers.
210. The actor was a little more obscure about expressing his enthusiasm for Gingrich.
211. But then again, so much about this brilliant, underappreciated composer, arranger and pianist has remained obscure for decades.
212. Then the Shorthand Subsection, which could attack the most obscure foreign shorthand systems.
213. The trees have grown so tall, they obscure part of the view, she noted.
214. Hidden among its sunburst symbols was an obscure, sadistic pleasure.
215. Her aide, Fiona Shurll, the ex-editor of an obscure knitting magazine, was unbelievably like an owl.
216. Richard's statement was disgracefully obscure.
217. The flow of the film clotted by obscure arguments.
218. This language serves to disguise and obscure.
219. How these behavioural changes come about was, until recently, obscure.
220. Jacques Lacan is very famous for his obscure and abstruse thought.
221. But for enough influence or money, at least in this obscure oasis, Paris was still Paris.
222. Integration and burn-in tests are a good place to capture those obscure integration problems often missed by lower-level testing.
223. Shape and margin: Most tumors had an irregular shape with obscure margin, infiltrating around the structures of the eyeball, lacrimal gland, extraocular muscle,(http:///obscure.html) optic nerve and (or) bone.
224. Unless you are writing something very avant-garde – all gnarled, snarled and "obscure" – be alert for possibilities of paragraphing.
225. To read or interpret ( ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter ).
226. In the bowels of the museum, thousands of obscure artifacts wait to be categorized, such as a carpet celebrating the friendship of Bulgaria and the People's Republic of Mozambique.
227. We have notice that the time of wedding was obscure in documents and different in marriage custom surveys.
228. His success had come by devious methods , had been reached by obscure means.
229. The exact pathogenesis of the deformity is still obscure, but most authors believe that macrodactyly is related to neurofibromatosis or lipomata degeneration.
230. You think because I'm poor and obscure and plain that I'm soulless and heartless?
231. Beyond The Beat Generation is a fantastic Internet radio station that plays obscure 60s rock, from mod to acid rock to merseybeat to psychedelia.
232. Look at CSS. Great in concept, but obscure as all get-out to program and inconsistent on browsers.
233. At last, more than thirty million years hence, the huge red-hot 11)dome of the sun had come to 12)obscure nearly a tenth part of the darkling heavens.
234. Fuzziness is introduced into database systems to process this kind of obscure data, which leads to the emergence of fuzzy relational database.
235. In the middle age, the history of Braga during Visigoth and Arab times is very obscure and represent periods of decadence for the town.
236. Two years before the Darwin - Wallace paper, an obscure Austrian monk by the name of Gregor Mendel had started work on crossbreeding varieties of peas.
237. His method was always the same: using high-flown rhetoric and obscure language while dissembling and faking his way through life.
238. Hedge - fund managers can be adept at exploiting pricing anomalies as well as obscure market niches.
239. There was an utterly obscure Germany one in late 19 century, which is I've never heard of before, it's unpronounceable.
240. I tried to make out his sense without the help of the compiler's notes, jotting down in my own note book all the more obscure words with their context as many times as they occurred.
241. According to biographies of the actress, she reportedly agreed to do this obscure telefilm just for the fun of it.
242. Yours 9 th obscure how long will cargo is delayed advise definite shipping date.
243. Mercury is actually as bright as a first-magnitude star, but thehaz twilight e and the murkiness by the horizon often obscure the planet's luster.
244. an obscure German poet.
245. Do you think because I'm poor and obscure and plain that I'm soulless and heartless?
246. At present, problems concerning ungrammatical, incoherent, mechanical and obscure effects of translation are found in the domestic or foreign translations of Chinese Medical English literature.
247. At last, more than thirty million years hence, the huge red-hot dome of the sun had come to obscure nearly a tenth part of the darkling heavens.
248. Rumour,[http:///obscure.html] myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed.
249. The origin of the Laos states on the Mekong is obscure and legendary.
250. The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend.
251. The court referred to the concept of arra contractu imperfecto data, a rather obscure institution of Roman law (paras 44-55).
252. He struck down the hill northwards and came to an obscure public - house.
253. Yet the Revolution turned upon the most obscure and recondite minutiae of astronomical research.
254. To forge the obscure into 2D images, while sludging through the cultural molasses.
255. Gypsum board ceilings and looks obscure compared Liu sharp color beautiful couple more settle on the aluminum alloy ceiling.
256. He wrote in a highly individual, sometimes obscure, way that was in sharp contrast to the compressed intellectual style of T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden and other contemporary poets.
257. Rare is the folk album that is comfortable referencing the Neighbours theme tune alongside obscure Victorian parlour music.
258. What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure.
259. Following the query by humming algorithm, a obscure comparison similarity measure for humming segment search is proposed.
260. Symmetrical and rigorous adornment is indicating master style and position. Special distinctive headboard , under cover arses if in simple geometrical logo a certain obscure truth.
261. Do you think I'm poor , obscure, plain and so little, I'm soulless and heartless? You think wrong!
262. This theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data.
263. Sticking to the original text too much makes their translation obscure, and hence the aim of cultural communication and cultural schema translation is hard to achieve.
264. Also, the overuse of Annotations may obscure AOP's obliviousness property.
265. Using an obscure word incorrectly can be deleteriousto your illusion of perspicacity.
266. You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure.
267. The totality of this work was obscure to computer science and completely unknown in biology.




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