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单词 wrongheaded
释义  wrong·head·ed /ˌrɒŋˈhedɪd◂ $ ˌrɒːŋ-/ adjective  WRONG/INCORRECTused to describe an idea, plan, or belief that someone has, that is based on wrong ideas that they are not willing to change 坚持错误的,执迷不悟的 —wrongheadedly adverb —wrongheadedness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuswrongheaded• Every aspect of administrative life is influenced by what is most fatuous, wrongheaded and vile.• wrongheaded economic policies• The young man's speech was full of wrongheaded ideas about "the evils of capitalism".wrong·head·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  has, an to plan, or used idea, someone belief Corpus describe that




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