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单词 Proportionality
1. A major exception to the principle of proportionality relates to the sentencing of offenders for violent and sexual offences.
2. He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing.
3. Concepts such as proportionality or legal certainty may be able to provide a more finely tuned approach.
4. But any conscious attempt to disregard this proportionality would inflict unnecessary losses and suffering.
5. We checked the assumption of proportionality by using graphs of the log-log survivor function.
6. In the fact that there is no proportionality between the individual branches of production and the scale of personal consumption.
7. The principle of proportionality - do not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut - is straight forward logic.
8. Especially the principle of proportionality plays an important role among them.
9. Comprehensive evaluation requires emphasis on both functionality and proportionality of the evaluation index.
10. Justice Stephen Breyer referred to proportionality in a recent opinion on gun control(http://), provoking scholarly excitement.
11. On proportionality , the numbers speak for themselves - up to a point.
12. Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.
13. Also costs must be monitored and controlled, rather than ignored, especially in lower value claims where proportionality will be vital.
14. Overall, these various proportional systems achieve a greater or lesser degree of proportionality in representation.
15. The effect of such an argument is however to view proportionality as a more general concept of fairness.
16. Those who have differing political philosophies may readily accept and utilise a concept of proportionality.
17. However, I welcome without any difficulty the progression in Labour party thinking from a first-past-the-post system to a system of proportionality.
18. These equations were a major advance, since they generalised Marx's formulation, and incorporated both equilibrium and proportionality.
19. In application of the pretrial detainment the principle of exception and proportionality should be maintained.
20. Where did he get it from, and why is the constant of proportionality wrong?
21. With the practice of different types of constitutional rights cases, Germany has developed three-level theory when applies proportionality principle to scrutiny legislative facts of different cases.
22. It is obvious that the current through a photoconductive cell will not display strict proportionality to incident light if the cell terminal voltage is allowed to vary with cell conductance.
23. In simple tension experiment, the stress - strain relationship submits Hook law within the limit of proportionality.
24. Hook's Law: the extension of a piece of wire is directly proportional to the applied force providing the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.
25. Brutality and indifference to just-war principles of discrimination and proportionality can also eviscerate legitimacy.
26. But few models can realize the balance between functionality and proportionality.
27. The relation between payment and the amount of work reflects law of proportionality.
28. In the meshing of the German constitution with European law, proportionality provides a lubricant.
29. Dimensional analysis does not give any information on the magnitude of the constants of proportionality.
30. In simple tension experiment, the stress - strain relationship submits Hook's law within the limit of proportionality.
1. Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.
31. The principle of proportionality is one of general principles of the law of European Community.
32. This value is used to compare the strength of materials, but a safety factor is applied when making design calculations, to bring the working stress well below the limit of proportionality .
33. The proportionality constant M is provided and its variation with geometry and Biot number ( ? ? ) is discussed.
34. The neuron revises the factor of proportionality of the fuzzy controller online, has reached the fast and high-accuracy control result.
35. The parabola method is used in the process ef one dimensionoptimum solution of the coordinate transformation method. And also, difference coefficient proportionality is made use of jud...
36. Therefore of great importance to use the principle of proportionality in China for reference.




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