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单词 Beset
1. Our troops was beset by enemy fire.
2. We were beset by enemies.
3. The enemy beset the town with a strong army.
4. In the swamp the army was beset by mosquitoes.
5. The country has been beset by economic woes for the past decade.
6. It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems.
7. She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.
8. The policemen beset the only road into the building.
9. The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning.
10. The business has been beset with financial problems.
11. The team had been beset by injury all season.
12. The Complaints Department was beset by angry customers.
13. The country is beset by severe economic problems.
14. The voyage was beset with dangers.
15. The task was beset by innumerable difficulties.
16. The project was beset with difficulties.
17. The crown was beset with pearls,(http://)emeralds and rubies.
18. The worker was beset on repairing the computer.
19. The city is beset with towering mountains.
20. This factory was beset by difficulties.
21. A revolutionary's life used to be beset with dangers and hardships.
22. Beset by drug problems, prostitution, violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.
23. That country is beset with difficulties at home and abroad.
24. Our village is beset on all sides by dense forest.
25. She has a gold bracelet that was beset with jewels.
26. Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties.
27. But it was beset by internal politics and narrow-mindedness.
28. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. 
29. He personally remained untainted by the multiple scandals that beset his party.
30. With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset by/with dangers.
1. The country has been beset by economic woes for the past decade.
2. It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems.
3. She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.
4. Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties.
31. But difficulties began to beset him.
32. During the 1980s problems beset Orkney's Social Work Department.
33. But unfortunately it is beset with many problems.
34. But he was beset by severe economic difficulties.
35. Like others beset by misfortune, polio patients found solace in comparing themselves to others.
36. Setting the fees for each pollutant would be highly contentious and beset by political wrangling.
37. But the girl appears to be beset by powerful ambivalent feelings as she looks at the wolf resting beside her.
38. But this sector has been beset by problems, and the evidence suggests that they have yet to be properly ironed out.
39. Nor is the Thames/BBC project likely to be beset by the teething troubles which plagued the pioneer satellite broadcasters.
40. Omar and I had a tiring discussion with him, beset by clouds of flies.
41. She was beset of a sudden by a great fear ... She was utterly alone now.
42. He was beset by difficulties; it was impossible to carry out the perambulations during the harvest season.
43. Perhaps the human race is beset by problems which it lacks the moral capital to resolve.
44. The case has been beset by the kinds of official miscues typical in rape cases here.
45. Joe was ideal to have around in a command beset by political intrigue.
46. The Mirror has been beset in recent weeks with rumours and reports that it was about to be taken over.
47. Thus is the citizen beset by the vision of a terrifying Trinity - Unaccountability, Inaccessibility and Unintelligibility.
48. Attempts to rebuild the curriculum so as more nearly to meet the socioeconomic needs of the region are beset with cultural obstacles.
49. He is particularly curious about the offensive line, which was beset by injuries and poor performances last season.
50. Distillery, beset by injuries to key players, had another shock.
51. International matches in the more traditional cricket centres of Colombo and Kandy are beset by interruptions.
52. The Church is still beset by those who believe that its ministry is the sole responsibility of the clergy.
53. She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray's companion.
54. Our industry seems to be completely beset by legislation of one sort or another.
55. The nation is beset with rumour and counter-rumour of alleged liaisons, tapes and the activities of the security services.
56. Forest trees are beset with all kinds of creatures that do not wish them well.
57. Confusion then beset the top ranks of the government and the judiciary-special commissions and prosecutors came and went.
58. Innocent must have been beset with petitions and business from all and sundry.
59. A feeling of malaise which had beset him earlier, and which he had blamed on the news from Oxford, persisted.
60. While Amelia is out dating, Laura is beset with a severe case of cold feet.
61. The Houston police force was beset by charges of racism and brutality.
62. They are likely to be beset with other major changes associated with the second half of life.
63. But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation.
64. Each one, depending on his circumstances at the moment, feels and names the fears that beset him.
65. Because of these various difficulties a count of quangos is beset with problems.
66. With a roar, he turned on the harridans and flew at them,() and the harridans were beset with physical chastisement.
67. Calcutta was then beset with unrest, and Hoppy was kept busy on internal security.
68. The problems that beset Ptolemaic astronomy were pressing ones in the light of the need for calendar reform at the time of Copernicus.
69. Profiteering price-hikes, and worsening inequalities between different social groups were the problems which beset Deng's reform programme.
70. If she'd been at home and beset by devils like this, she would most likely have gone for a walk.
71. Wars, revolutions, crimes all the evils that beset mankind could be traced to them.
72. Brookner probes with scrupulous attention, keen irony and a profound appreciation of the endless ambivalences that beset human relationships.
73. The Packers, meanwhile, have been beset with injuries, a little complacency and some inconsistent play by Favre.
74. The kinds of pathologies that beset the inner-city poor today were virtually unheard of in Brownsville or East New York.
75. Behind it lay a tumultuous precedent-one of the most disastrous incidents to beset the face of the earth.
76. Quite apart from the class conflict endemic in capitalism, the economic system itself is beset with instabilities.
77. The problems that beset Afghanistan are encapsulated at Kajaki.
78. Beset by ethnic strife, the province remains ungovernable.
79. Pandemics, plagues and pestilence have beset humans throughout history.
80. In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.
81. They are beset with danger lurking in every direction.
82. We are a harried people, beset by oppressors.
83. This town is beset with towering mountains.
84. The company's core business was beset by competition, and it was still paying off mountains of debt from starry-eyed investments made in the dotcom boom.
85. Beset by such forces, small bones hardly stand a chance, which explains why paleontologists are so enthusiastic about finding a pint-sized predator in 75-million-year-old Canadian rock.
86. In the Life of Saint Guthlac, written around 740, Guthlac is beset by demons, whereupon he "sang the first verse of the sixty-seventh psalm as if prophetically, 'Let God arise,' etc.
87. Unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated.
88. Most important, China is beset by significant asset - price inflation that borders on an asset - price bubble.
89. But the European effort was beset by ambivalence at its core.
90. Paul, she believes Putin once beset the faithful as a Soviet KGB officer.
91. Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.
92. The same disease problems beset the broiler industry in the early stages of development.
93. However, each kind of material demonstrated that the university graduates start an undertaking the success ratio to be low, start an undertaking the path to be beset with difficulties.
94. It stands to lose over 70 percent of its current electricity supply when South Africa, recently beset by power shortages, halts energy exports to Botswana by 2013.
95. And while a successful Games would make it seem invincible , one beset by protests and complaints might also serve only to unite party and people in a defensive laager .
96. Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends.
97. That attitude has resulted in innumerable doctrinal errors that beset American churches.
98. Less than a decade ago, Germany was a bumbling behemoth beset by chronic unemployment and pathetic growth.
99. Is it easy to bear up when one is beset with difficulties on all sides?
100. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and beset mankind. - --- Thomas Carlyle.
101. The global economy, already beset by financial market turmoil and slowing US growth, is now confronted by the risk that the gradual decline of the US dollar could run out of control.
102. The course of history could never be smooth, and sometimes it would be beset with difficulties and obstacles.
103. The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.
104. Both marine and freshwater fisheries are beset by a number of very serious human impacts.
105. Other banks have suffered declines in deposits , with the falloff at institutions beset with large losses.
106. The construction of Pipe Jacking is beset with difficulty due to the large propulsive force for several years.
107. In a few years I should be pinched, thin , and haggard,[http:///beset.html] beset with troubles and miseries.
108. These countries are beset by a chronic and serious unemployment problem.
109. Such logic two hundred years ago would have prevented expansion westward past the Appalachian Mountains, for assuredly the Eastern Seaboard was beset by problems of great urgency then, as it is today.
110. We were hopelessly outnumbered, beset by masses of armour, and almost surrounded.
111. Fancy an old friend of yours not lending you a hand when you are beset with difficulties.




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