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单词 Neglect
(1) A little neglect may breed great mischief. 
(2) Never neglect an opportunity for improvement. 
(3) Neglect of health is doctor's wealth. 
(4) If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.
(5) The building had been dilapidated by neglect.
(6) He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
(7) The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
(8) The children had suffered cruelty and neglect.
(9) Don't neglect your duties.
(10) Don't neglect your health.
(11) She is always harping on the family's neglect of her. In fact we go to see her every week.
(12) The law imposed penalties for the neglect of children.
(13) The artist was embittered by public neglect.
(14) It won't do to neglect this work.
(15) Don't neglect paying him a visit now and then.
(16) The place smelled of decay and neglect.
(17) Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution.
(18) The garden has dilapidated through years of neglect.
(19) No country can afford to neglect education.
(20) Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.
(21) It would never do to neglect official obligations.
(22) The area is enveloped in a pall of neglect.
(23) Don't neglect writing to your mother.
(24) The doctor was guilty of serious neglect of duty.
(25) Don't neglect to lock the door.
(26) My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those[sentencedict .com], what he needs most is some intelligent neglect
(27) It is an act of moral cowardice for a society to neglect its poor.
(28) The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.
(29) So many children who commit violent crimes have themselves been brutalized by years of abuse and neglect.
(30) The eighteenth-century interior of the building has survived through benign neglect.
(1) If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.
(2) The children had suffered cruelty and neglect.
(3) It is an act of moral cowardice for a society to neglect its poor.
(4) Don't neglect your duties.
(5) Don't neglect your health.
(6) The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.
(7) The eighteenth-century interior of the building has survived through benign neglect.
(31) You oughtn't to/shouldn't neglect the garden.
(32) It is wrong to belittle or neglect popularization.
(33) The whole place reeked of neglect.
(34) The house had a feeling of neglect about it.
(35) She was severely criticized for neglect of duty.
(36) She abused him roundly for his neglect.
(37) The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.
(38) The buildings suffered neglect for centuries.
(39) The garden was in a state of total neglect.
(40) The children suffered mental cruelty and neglect.
(41) The car shows signs of neglect.
(42) The messy garden is in a state of neglect.
(43) All too often the animals die through neglect.
(44) Pollution and neglect have conspired to ruin the city.
(45) After years of neglect the house is at last being restored.
(46) They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere.
(47) Today's housing problems are the product of years of neglect.
(48) She had concentrated on her music to the neglect of her other studies.
(49) Five officers were court-martialled for cowardice or neglect of duty.
(50) The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect.
(51) The problems were made worse by the legacy of centuries of neglect.
(52) Feed plants and they grow,[http:///neglect.html] neglect them and they suffer.
(53) Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their child was taken away from them.
(54) The whole district had an air of abandonment and neglect.
(55) The maximum penalty for child neglect is ten years' imprisonment.
(56) Many children are still at risk from neglect or abuse.
(57) We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies.
(58) No country can afford to neglect the education of its young people.
(59) Mindful of small matters to the neglect of large ones.
(60) Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem.
(61) A teacher may be fired for neglect of duty .
(62) After years of neglect, the roads were full of potholes.
(63) After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up.
(64) Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should.
(65) Over the years the church has fallen into a state of neglect.
(66) He enjoyed his reputation as a man's man, but was careful never to neglect his family.
(67) The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.
(68) This sector is one of the major growth areas and we cannot afford to neglect it.
(68) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(69) If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.
(70) I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies.
(71) Tenants are complaining about the landlord's neglect of the property.
(72) It is bad for us to pay attention to one side and neglect the other.
(73) Don't neglect to study.
(74) The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous.
(75) Another survivor of seat belt neglect.
(76) The inattention, the nothingness, the neglect hurt them deeply.
(77) Many poor countries neglect their national parks.
(78) They never neglect their duties.
(79) A man should never neglect his family for business. Walt Disney 
(80) Rangoon's old buildings are crumbling from neglect.
(81) It is the basis for age discrimination through neglect.
(82) A policy worthy of the suspicion of benign neglect.
(83) Each state statute that mandates reporting of child abuse or neglect specifies the procedures reporters are required to follow.
(84) You may have a family but that does not mean you have to neglect your own sport and leisure pursuit.
(85) The need to feed the addiction takes priority over all other activities, leading to personal neglect, anti-social behaviour and crime.
(86) Most of them are in a ruinous state with their upper storeys missing shattered by earthquake, war, neglect.
(87) Most people neglect or underestimate the values of smiling, and some people view smiling as a sign of weakness or self-depreciating - to their own disadvantage. Dr T.P.Chia 
(88) It is, therefore, hardly surprising that they find themselves subjected to a similar neglect.
(89) Zhang, concluded that thousands of children die every year from neglect in orphanages.
(90) Other companies are happy to invest, with the proviso that the government does not neglect its duty.
(91) And they neglect an equally dire risk: A minimum wage that is too low leaves people to languish on welfare.
(92) Under recently passed statutes, teachers now also have a duty to report child abuse and neglect.
(93) Those who refused to do so could be removed from office or fined for neglect of duty.
(94) Also the emotional stress placed on families with special-needs children can bring on abuse or neglect.
(95) As far as physical abuse and neglect is concerned, a variety of factors may put a family at risk.
(96) The young girls she treats in alarming numbers are the victims of broken homes and parental neglect.
(97) There is a danger that we neglect a profound study of a main instrument, and end up as mediocrities.
(98) So immersed are many black kids in their sport or sports,[http:///neglect.html] they sometimes neglect their academic work.
(99) All of them do, if the abuse or neglect results in physical injury.
(100) Given the performance of most bond funds the past three years, perhaps some benign neglect was in order.
(101) Leadership was a subject that had suffered benign neglect among the managers.
(102) If the Conservative Party generally has suffered from neglect, the Edwardian Conservatives have suffered most.
(103) Your neglect of duty is a matter between you and your employer.
(104) After an extended period of neglect the decorative arts in Rome are about to have new homes.
(105) Students today can not so easily neglect financial worries as their predecessors twenty years before.
(106) The legislation also provides a deterrent against deliberate neglect of historic buildings.
(107) As a result they suffer from poverty, physical hardship, neglect, sickness and disability, loneliness, humiliation and fear.
(108) Social groups which lack the civic skills to represent their own interests are particularly vulnerable to neglect by decentralizing agencies.
(109) Outside of behaviors falling under the child abuse and neglect laws, there were virtually none.
(110) The estates had been neglected in the war and Sharpe had begun the laborious task of repairing the years of neglect.
(111) Its neglect has imperilled both the culture and the respect for social order in many contemporary towns and cities.
(112) Labor experts and activists say child labor is an outgrowth of profound poverty, entrenched cultural habits and decades of government neglect.
(113) The Party's obvious nervousness about railway and other workers and relative neglect of the rural hinterland needs a little more explanation.
(114) The combination of economic crisis with government discrimination and neglect is reflected in the education system.
(115) However, there are no reported cases of a criminal prosecution for failure to report a case of child abuse or neglect.
(116) Last year after a catalogue of neglect was uncovered on his Buckinghamshire farm he was banned from keeping livestock for fifteen years.
(117) Neglect and lack of treatment will eventually result in a coma and possible death.
(118) At its most complex and demanding, involvement may mean taking action to protect a child against cruelty and neglect.
(119) Indeed, after years of benign neglect, the job of booking acts for Reading became every promoter's dream.
(120) Consequently, they may neglect the child's need to develop a balanced racial identity and thereby a well-integrated personality.
(121) The profound neglect of psychological, social and political considerations renders such treatments shallow and incomplete.
(122) Many people are deeply concerned about the neglect of crofting land.
(123) Neglect of these rights has, in severe cases, contributed to extremism, regional instability and conflict.
(124) To a large extent, however, fashionable doctrine has been the excuse for actual incompetence and neglect.
(125) The south in particular was enveloped in a pall of neglect.
(126) People who neglect to flush public toilets may be fined.
(127) Above all, Alida Thorne said to herself, she must not receive the impression of neglect.
(128) Should counselors violate privileged communication by reporting suspected cases of abuse or neglect?
(128) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(129) The hardship and neglect suffered by the sick was confirmed by a report published by the Lancet in 1866.
(130) Laws, however much they may help, do not prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring each year.
(131) I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. William Penn 
(132) It would seem that much effort up to now has focused upon information gathering to the neglect of the other two processes.
(133) After centuries of neglect, the indigenous people are waking up.
(134) The script was treated with creative neglect, the acting embellished with impromptu flourishes and stumbles.
(135) No surprise, then, that the airline stands accused of corporate arrogance and customer neglect.
(136) Self-help has become a vicious and patronising fiction which is deployed to excuse society's neglect of its lowest earners.
(137) No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
(138) Nationwide, only one in four cases of child abuse and neglect is reported.
(139) I must keep an eye out for signs of neglect, abuse, drug use and poor attendance.
(140) Nowadays we literally can not afford to neglect the investment, the hard financial investment, stored in our built environment.
(141) If it does not kill off the golden goose, it will certainly let it starve to death through neglect.
(142) Keynes's theory of labour market adjustment has fallen victim to widespread ignorance and neglect.
(143) Some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower students and neglect the brighter ones.
(144) There have also been cases of deliberate neglect of property in order to force tenants out of the building.
(145) But his work lives on, and after decades of neglect he is rediscovered, celebrated anew and recognized at last.
(146) We have no reliable statistics on the extent of child abuse and neglect.
(147) In severe depression apathy can lead to neglect, irritability to physical harm, and depressive delusions to infanticide.
(148) Neglect yourself and self-doubt begins to creep in and that swiftly turns to depression.
(149) Many people intent on pursuing an exciting and fulfilling career neglect the other two legs.
(150) There are various symptoms that should alert educators that some form of abuse or neglect is taking place.
(151) Ned would never neglect a duty, however tiresome, never put his own comfort first.
(152) Acute schizophrenia can severely impair mothering skills when maternal distress leads to distraction and neglect.
(153) Yet at the same time he offers the black underclass, and its more urgent needs, little more than benign neglect.
(154) Therefore, as a reasonable approximation, you can neglect the extra oxygen that plants consume at night.
(155) That is the background of neglect against which we must realise that the Bill is being introduced.
(156) Business is a close second in its neglect of children, leaving workers without sufficient family time.
(157) Slightly less obvious but essential to the winding up of the nerve endings is Michael Carr's neglect of his wife.
(158) Neglect of the educational needs of people starts at the very beginning.
(159) Indeed,[http:///neglect.html] extensive neglect is likely to be a reflection of mental infirmity of one kind or another.
(160) Has this neglect of basic business principles destroyed the credibility of all online business ventures?
(161) The first lines of Tennyson's poem reflect the neglect of the grange.
(162) Go to Lutece in in expert drag; neglect to shave.
(163) Yet, because policymakers often neglect demographics, those who watch them and exploit them can reap great rewards.
(164) For the historian it is equally illegitimate to overlook what they had in common as it is to neglect the differences.
(165) The agency probably will recommend that the district attorney file misdemeanor animal cruelty and neglect charges against Broden, she said.
(166) My final reservation relates to the almost total neglect of cognitive approaches to the questions discussed.
(167) This neglect is not only by academics, but is also evident in the practice of both selective and functional assessment.
(168) It is high time for this neglect to yield to a more open discussion of these issues and a more positive approach.
(169) Currently the best-known cases seeking money damages for failure to report child abuse and neglect have been filed against physicians and hospitals.
(170) But that is no reason to neglect the risks that continue to endanger public health as a result of fraud or recklessness.
(171) The legal system currently punishes the most egregious forms of child abuse and neglect, but such crimes are difficult to prove.
(172) Where interiors have survived, it has been through benign neglect.
(173) A child may suffer serious or permanent harm and even death as a result of neglect.
(174) Treatment efforts in general are not very successful. Child abuse and neglect continue despite early, thoughtful, and often costly intervention.
(175) The Renaissance did not neglect scientific research, but it by no means gave it top priority.
(176) For example, early marriage has been noted as being associated with particular forms of abuse and neglect.
(177) She may, for example, neglect her diet, use harmful medication, and smoke and/or drink more.
(178) At midnight the lights disappeared and Gilbert was gone; his Newfoundland project lay in neglect for three decades.
(179) Today it is the home of John and Hazel Cork who renovated it after years of neglect and a serious fire.
(180) Here we present neurological evidence for the former view from studies of a brain-injured patient with visual neglect.
(181) Not just the obvious problem: preoccupation with the financial rewards to the neglect of your research.
(182) This embarrassed her more, for what could she tell him to explain her neglect of his invitations?
(183) They neglect the efforts of those who have regarded scientific and religious discourse as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
(184) A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
(185) While leprosy is slowly contagious and probably mildly contagious, its usual horrors argue the danger of neglect.
(186) Orphans of Addiction Children whose parents abuse drugs live daily with fear, neglect and helplessness.
(187) We are deeply concerned by America's neglect of its youth.
(188) You can not build a fair system on that stinking swamp of menace and malice and neglect.
(189) Not all indicators are included,[http:///neglect.html] nor is the presence of a single indicator an assurance that abuse or neglect exists.
(190) To neglect maintenance, however, is only to shift the burden from one part of the household budget to another.
(191) Though statistics are lacking, it seems reasonable to conjecture that these conditions foster child abuse and neglect, even infanticide.
(192) Such guardianship was seen as a way of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation, ill treatment, or neglect.
(193) The major was broken for neglect of duty.
(194) He was denounced for neglect of duty.
(195) Lee zhi fu , Cao Cao, etc. They are also not neglect Shengtang busy ad litem.
(196) Others grumble that his determination to recruit women has led to neglect of other under-represented groups, such as ethnic minorities.
(197) Are you going to tax him with neglect of duty?
(198) Previous research based on doctor evaluation and measurement of radiology and concluded that the neglect of shoulder strength and endurance and the relationship between the clavicular malunion.
(199) What is not allow to neglect,() the link group's cash flow does not calculate abundantly.
(200) The policeman was charged with neglect of duty, and smoking in duty.
(201) Exactly this contestation, make " the literature subjectivity" been risen the theories by the fulfillment, and become the new period literature theories history chain up a wreath that can't neglect.
(202) Third, the national criterion just evaluate the risk of a single asset, and neglect the influential action among different assets.
(203) Because of the most myomas is small, but the symptomless, in the pregnancy childbirth process is extremely easy to neglect, the actual formation rate is higher.
(204) The United Nations says countries also need to reverse a neglect of investment in agriculture, conversion of some cereals into bio-fuels, and speculative investment.
(205) Among people under 30, who make up 70% of the population, anger at what they call la hogra, a sense of victimisation due to the government's neglect and contempt, could turn explosive.
(206) Critics of the American tort system generally neglect this tendency to underestimate compensatory damages.
(207) We can not neglect the examination of hemocyte morphology in order to prevent leak of blast cell when we analyzed blood sample with analyzer.
(208) Based on those experiments, a mathematic model of process of intumescence was established with the neglect of the transfer motion of the bubble.
(209) Stressful or demanding relationships may preoccupy your mind and consume your time so that you neglect your own health.
(210) It might compensate in some way for his seeming neglect of her.
(211) After the middle-aged men will be especially afraid of his wife or child neglect or desertion, therefore, met the family members of a contemptuous attitude toward their own, will react very sensitive.
(212) Many men run after success, and often neglect their wives and children.
(213) Should the pastor be found to seriously err in doctrine or conduct, or neglect of duties, three representatives of the Church Board shall, in humility and love, admonish him.
(214) Mony times tinny happiness can easily drown us, but we are so insensitive to neglect them.
(215) The Bolton game last weekend shows that no team can neglect the opposition and play in a rather nonchalant or unconsidered way as we did in that match.
(216) Further studies about the evaluation, prevention and intervention are needed for child neglect in China.
(217) None of his rivals will neglect the fact that the profits of his family business in China has increased up to fifty-seven per cent during his term.
(218) Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect .
(219) Schools and parents neglect the compulsory process for boys to grow as men.
(220) In order to indulge with its light, inwardness and variegation, one maybe neglect times, even all over the world!
(221) Neglect of duty is good cause for removal of trustee.
(222) Compared to LP regression, LW estimation was proved to solve the parameter selection, and it also can neglect the impression of noise data.
(223) People always love a record album with happiness, But neglect covered with dew send out faint scent happy moments.
(224) A woman who police say had been drinking heavily before she gave birth was charged with child neglect after the baby was born intoxicated and diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome.
(225) The sentence itself contains a non sequitur - firstly discussing the severe winters of the past several years, and then accusing Mr. Durant of waste and neglect.
(226) The girl's mother has been arrested on charges that include child neglect.
(227) If you neglect both of these health care documents, your life might be in the hands of someone you don't trust.
(228) His relative neglect, a decline from a heyday of gilt-edged uniform editions and soul - stirring fireside perusal, he would have regarded philosophically.
(228) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(229) Now have of dance actor to attend to at present of benefits, whole day be occupied in business performance, neglect basic achievement of train.
(230) Neglect, dilapidation, storm and fire have gradually reduced it to a rusting hulk, like the rib-cage of a whale.
(231) His adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities.




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