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单词 Precedent
1. The judgment set a new precedent.
2. This case could serve as a precedent for others against the tobacco companies.
3. The judgment on pension rights has established/set a precedent.
4. The court's decision has set a legal precedent.
5. They were determined to break from precedent.
6. The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.
7. There is no precedent for such an action.
8. Such protests are without precedent in recent history.
9. He erected a new doctrine of precedent.
10. I am unwilling to set a precedent.
11. An epidemic on this scale is without precedent.
12. The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases.
13. Is there a precedent for what you want me to do?
14. Would it be breaking with precedent for the bride to make a speech?
15. An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules.
16. There's not much precedent for men taking leave when their baby is born.
17. The achievements of this period were without precedent in history.
18. This lowering of standards sets a dangerous precedent for future developments.
19. There is no precedent for a disaster of this scale.
20. Precedent 2 reflects this position,(/precedent.html) as discussed above.
21. Decisions and actions are bound by precedent. 3.
22. In doing so he departed from the precedent set by many of the best known formula constructors, including Flesch and Dale.
23. UN involvement in the country's affairs would set a dangerous precedent.
24. Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement.
25. The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent .
26. Imposing a lenient sentence for such a serious crime sets a dangerous precedent.
27. Some politicians fear that agreeing to the concession would set a dangerous precedent.
28. Principles and rules have petrified with the accumulated weight of precedent.
29. They're keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent.
30. School officials say releasing those kinds of notes would set a bad precedent and inhibit communication among teachers and administrators.
1. The judgment set a new precedent.
2. UN involvement in the country's affairs would set a dangerous precedent.
31. Clause 9.2 of Precedent 2 contains a standard clause preventing sub-contracting.
32. He established a precedent that the president can act far more extensively than the constitution allows.
33. Here he was following a precedent created by Lanfranc,(http:///precedent.html) who had already consecrated bishops of Dublin in 1074 and 1085.
34. Precedent, however, suggests that his comments will offer only cold comfort to Mr Jiang and Mr Li.
35. That probably accounts for some of the scepticism after the decision to ape stock market precedent and end business barriers between underwriters.
36. For the Soviet Union, the return to any nation of territory occupied during the war would create a dangerous precedent.
37. Clause 7.4 of Precedent 3 is a simple example of such a clause.
38. The decision to change the rules of precedent in the House of Lords was not a sudden one.
39. Precedent counts for much, especially in the dreadfully slow handling of individual cases.
40. If exchange and completion is to be simultaneous, conditions precedent are often included as a checklist for all parties.
41. So, Major may be going for broke by breaking with precedent.
42. We were quite proud of this achievement as it would seem to have no precedent.
43. It was without precedent in the United States, which explains the difficulties encountered by the preservationists.
44. We shall return later in this chapter to the doctrine of precedent.
45. Thirdly, there was now a legal precedent upon which to mount attacks on politically inspired censorship.
46. Those who gladly accept Berezovsky's money today point to the precedent set by Bonner.
47. Then I began on custom and practice - a fascinating subject, because so much depends on precedent rather than formal agreements.
48. The unions also attacked the Labor government's precedent in compensating employers in an industrial dispute.
49. The doctrine of precedent is bound up with the need for a reliable system of law reporting.
50. The pattern of assessment followed precedent, with only two courses requiring examinations.
51. Rampart Dam, however, was an ecological disaster probably with-out precedent in the world.
52. In the current climate the referendum has created a dangerous precedent.
53. Precedent 3 is intentionally a minimalist document, which contains little boilerplate, and little by way of exclusion clauses.
54. An understanding of it is not so essential as that of the working of precedent.
55. Clause 12 of Precedent 1 deals with the point in the correct way to avoid this problem.
56. That has created a precedent which, it is argued, could also apply to the presidential term.
57. Both he and Wilkins were able to invoke past precedent for their concepts of biblical accommodation.
58. Often the drafter will be able to improve on a precedent.
59. The ruling also set a firm precedent against deals reached among lawyers handling business lawsuits to keep court filings secret.
60. The law operates retrospectively on the basis of precedent, examining each individual case on its merits.
61. The outcome will set a precedent with far-reaching implications for the whole restitution process.
62. The final point, not covered by either precedent, relates to cancellation at will for convenience.
63. There seems to be a coldness at the heart of much hard-left philosophy, where theory takes precedent over practical help.
63. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
64. The guiding principles then of etymology and precedent would not be acceptable today.
65. Davis' original move to Los Angeles established the judicial precedent that a team can move without approval from other owners.
66. So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.
67. Although not intransigent, Wash was clearly uneasy about the specific link with Bedfordshire as the precedent to establish a principle.
68. Certain principles have never yet been contested in any court of law so that precedent for their consideration has never been laid down.
69. This precedent, if strictly honored in 1984, would throw the legal system into chaos.
70. Preston says the tribe is looking at a precedent set in a similar incident litigated and settled out of court.
71. They deny their own law, denying my right, and the precedent is there to stead them in the next encroachment.
72. In other areas, precedent established some years ago in the light of circumstances then may be disputable in relation to the present day.
73. If upheld in appellate court the case could form an important precedent in family law.
74. Those who do this follow a precedent set by all great composers.
75. During the examination, PTO should indicate the precedent registration.
76. This is a classical marine judicial precedent.
77. It is a condition precedent to every right action.
78. But the pervasiveness of the online media had convinced the trial judge to overlook nearly 70 years of precedent outlawing similar prior restraints.
79. For recent years, American court has explained and developed the principle of"minimum contact" in its judicial precedent. It sets the initial rules and standards for network's jurisdiction.
80. The doctrine of precedent has an important status in the common law system.
81. On judicial aspects, we should construct the civil code judicial precedent institution.
82. The filter-through of stimulus cash to the pachinko parlours has historical precedent.
83. If a precedent of the latter type is in fact unpersuasive , the judge is free to disregard it.
84. Then, on the foundation of SWOT strategic analysis, the paper demonstrates four policies including human resource construction, precedent field, capital input and resource scheme.
85. From a more macro standpoint, if China is indeed bogarting its supply of rare earths to strong-arm Japan into making political concessions, it could be setting a dangerous precedent.
86. Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.
87. The precedent is the 20% shareholding that Lower Saxony still holds in Volkswagen.
88. This provides precedent for facies - controlled modeling of complex block reservoirs of fluvial facies.
89. In foiling the Republican scheme, Mr Reid, by a simple majority vote, established a precedent that will make it harder to attempt such ruses in the future.
90. Voters demanded that the candidates keep the pledges made as a condition precedent to election.
91. As your request, we make an exception to our customary practice by accepting time credit at 30 days for shipment, it will in no case, set a precedent.
92. If there was a precedent for the Treaty of Nanjing, indeed, it came from trading rights granted in China's far west, in Kashgar and Yarkand, to the troublesome khanate of Kokhand in 1835.
93. Is often nosebleed is leukaemia preclinical? Does leukaemia have cured precedent?
93. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
94. Whether the insured undertakes the obligation of warranties is the condition precedent for the insurer to undertake the obligation of insurance in the British law.
95. These raw assemblages have precedent: McGee's vibrant patterns capture the enthusiasm of 1960s op and pop art, and his Mr Magoo-like men invoke a particular style of 1950s graphic imagery.
96. The problem is this: even partial recognition of such a debt would create a precedent that could bring untold claims in its wake.
97. In 1870, England balance court established floating charge system with the judicial precedent, and then many nations accepted it.
98. The Criminal Judicial Precedent is not only a product of the mischief of Statute Law but also the specification and proper supplement of Statute Law .
99. The judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.
100. Last night we were put in chains , creating a precedent for political prisoners.
101. When fast cut off the gas, imperial Majesty rejects to let others move him to macrobian palace, this violated the precedent of big clear country.
102. If no taxpayer money was put on the line, how could the LTCM rescue set a precedent that "loans to unsound financial institutions would be made good by the Fed"?
103. In Blackmun's view the constitution and judicial precedent failed to establish that personhood applied to the unborn.
104. Yes. I think he needs to set a precedent that Wall Street doesn't call the tune.
105. As head of a state, Yuan puts state laws and regulations under his thumb, which sets a bad precedent for those malfeasant rulers of the Republic.
106. This paper will get something in common by comparison of Qing Dynasty's leading case system and British judicial precedent system in order that it can benefit for our legal system modernisation .
107. In Japan, the statement of a case just base on judicial precedent , orit break law.
108. Improvement in the standard of law reporting and the establishment of the doctrine of judicial precedent have considerably lessened these difficulties.
109. The precedent set by the FDA has been used to pressurise other countries into authorizing the adoption of GM crops for cultivation – or at least for import as food and feed.
110. In the Anglo - American system , of course, precedent is a fundamental precept.
111. When the results of the two evaluations are inconsistent , the national economic evaluation takes precedent.
112. The judge's decision set a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.
113. Finally, a judge may always simply overrule the clearly applicable precedent.
114. The fourth chapter studies the international syndicated loan agreement and its main clauses, such as conditions precedent, representation and warranties, covenants and sharing clauses.
115. There has been a precedent that the countervailing regulations do not apply to non-market economy country, which has been mostly followed in practice.
116. Any and all modifications of this Agreement shall be made in writing and must be executed by all parties as a condition precedent to implementation of such a modification.
117. Today's situation, with everyone having instantaneous access to millions of sources , is without precedent.
118. Milton had no precedent for this. There's no precedent for this depiction of a god or a holy spirit as a kind of hermaphroditic being.
119. The second section mainly analyzes the different operating mechanism between Qing Dynasty's leading case system and British judicial precedent system in their judicatory practice.
120. Then it is suggested that our country should establish the judicial precedent system for the implementation of the code of criminal law in order to meet the needs of the judicial practice.
121. Chapter one, different countries and area' s legislation, judicial precedent and theories.
122. The theory of trademark dilution originated from the scholarly exploration in America and the judicial precedent in Germany. It's been legislated in some countries.
123. "As the first of every thing, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent, " he wrote James Madison, "it is devoutly wished on my part,(http:///precedent.html) that these precedents may be fixed on true principles."
124. A contract subject to a condition precedent becomes effective once such condition is satisfied.
125. The idea that the inflation genie can be painlessly rebottled has no historic precedent.
126. Based on the legal tradition , reality and trend of merge between the two legal families, we should establish the administrative precedent system under the domination of the written law.
127. Statutory Law has inherent limitation which can't be broken by itself, precedent has some advantages that can overcome it.
128. Where by this clause any dispute or difference is to be referred to arbitration the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action by either party against the other.
129. Positive law is the main source of continental legal system, while the source of law in Anglo-American countries is based on judicial precedent.
130. While foreign decisions do not rank as precedent, Kagan answered that they could be informative in much the same way as one might gain knowledge or insight from reading a law review article.
131. This is an explorative project without precedent, and the results methioned important theoretical and experiment value.
132. Establish the criminal judicial precedent system with our Chinese feature.
133. Follows the precedent, which is the traditional supporting strength, becomes an important judicial principle and core and foundation of the England legal system.
134. Any important decrease in overall DAH following the current economic recession would have little historical precedent and claims of inevitability would be unjustifiable.
135. Jhering's theory had great influence to German law-making and judicial precedent and gave impetus to the law-making of countries belonging to the Continental Law System.
136. Employment with the Company through December 31, 2007 is a condition precedent to receipt of any portion of a bonus under the Plan, except as provided by applicable law .
137. Muammar el-Qaddafi. But from a legal viewpoint, Mr. Obama is setting an even worse precedent.
138. In the same time, we analyze the elusion of the precedent mechanism.
139. Most problematically, setting a precedent of blocking websites simply makes it that much easier for a government or ISP to extend filtering as they wish.
140. Remember, an appellate precedent carries more weight than a trial court decision.
141. If it was a lovely sister, maybe it can also become good friends, I am going to precedent, huh, huh, Encipherment QQ chat to look at his record is a shortcut.
142. "For Latin America, this is not only a precedent, but an example to follow, " he adde.
143. In judicial actions the countries of continental law system have made some room for judicial precedent while persisting in formal law.
144. Management, unlike law, is not a science based on precedent.
145. The main study of the third section settles the position that the Qing Dynasty's leading case and the British judicial precedent stand in their legal system.
146. Once a problem has been solved satisfactorily in the British system , that solution tends to be used again in similar situations , and becomes a precedent to govern future actions .
147. If you'll forgive a somewhat fanciful comparison from the realm of science fiction, we could follow the precedent set by Isaac Asimov.
148. This regime refers to precedent that an archipelagic country enjoys sovereignty over its archipelago and its waters, and also regulates what rights other countries have in its waters.
149. Dil, following this precedent of preparing for the end of the world, went into the shop and bought a kilogram of goat meat.
150. Because each judicial opinion serves as a precedent for later decisions, as a result, common law is sometimes called judge-made law.




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