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单词 Indirectly
1 They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.
2 They were approached indirectly through an go-between.
3 Perhaps I was indirectly responsible for the misunderstanding.
4 He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute.
5 Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence.
6 The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen.
7 The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
8 She still controls the company indirectly through her son, who is the managing director.
9 Another possibility is that caffeine affects skeletal muscles indirectly.
10 These measures were seen as indirectly reducing condoned truancy.
11 So Harvester tried to close the mill indirectly.
12 Indirectly, perhaps, but not quite that openly.
13 Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.
14 Indirectly, this helped to stimulate industrial development.
15 Directly or indirectly, ownership provides the dollars and authority an enterprise needs to conduct its business.
16 Losses associated directly and indirectly with regional conflict between 1980 and 1988 are estimated at US$16 to 17 billion.
17 Its initial presentation indirectly reflected the growing polarities within Christendom.
18 Community organizing indirectly produces positive health impacts, through strengthening social networks, community participation, psychological empowerment, and community competence.
19 This did affect the Croydon area indirectly, by the withdrawal of tram route 12.
20 Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
21 These are composed largely of local councillors indirectly appointed by their local authority but not directly elected to these bodies.
22 But the state - indirectly - contributes over 50 percent of annual funds in the form of subscriptions paid for news services.
23 This usually occurred indirectly,[] but none the less effectively introducing this information which Parliament had tried to rule out as admissible evidence.
24 The new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly.
25 Things in a system are intertwined, linked directly or indirectly into a common fate.
26 In other cases the access would have to come indirectly through vignettes and case histories.
27 The actual drafting of every constitution is either directly or indirectly controlled by those with political power in the society.
28 Climate can affect marine organisms directly, through temperature intolerance, and indirectly, through affecting food resources.
29 In some cases costs and benefits must be estimated indirectly or inferred because pertinent market prices do not exist.
30 In fact the entire circuit is either directly or indirectly biased from this potential divider.
1 They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.
2 They were approached indirectly through an go-between.
31 It was a place for the very rich, indirectly managed by the priesthood, within the walls of the palace compound.
32 His five provincial councils were to be appointed rather than indirectly elected and concerned primarily with intergovernmental relations.
33 Those likely to have some relevance, either directly or indirectly, for nature conservation are examined below. 1.
34 Carnitine absorption from the gut is indirectly suggested by a carnitine deficiency state during carnitine deficient diets.
35 Overall, the evidence suggests that IgE-mediated allergy probably can affect the brain, either directly or indirectly.
36 Countries that seem unable or unwilling to communicate directly with each other can do so indirectly by providing information to the media.
37 By improving the working environment of teachers, governors could indirectly improve relationships between staff and pupils.
38 Most school officials came to regard me, and indirectly the hospital, rather positively.
39 Paradoxically, community councils are an insidious form of planning since they stem indirectly from the dominant ideology.
40 Aldermen were indirectly elected by the councillors for a six-year term and comprised one-quarter of the total council membership.
41 Countries not so reliant on oil because of lack of industrial development can be hard hit indirectly.
42 We have seen that the principal intellectual characteristics of adolescence stem directly or indirectly from the development of formal structures.
43 Many people accused the government of mismanaging the environment and indirectly causing the flooding.
44 Here, Congress has acted indirectly under its spending power to encourage uniformity in the States' drinking ages.
45 These results suggest that caffeine indirectly affects many neurotransmitter systems through its direct effects on adenosine receptors.
46 Vegetation indirectly created the protective ozone shield by pumping oxygen into the atmosphere.
47 Women in particular should be on guard against apologizing for themselves indirectly by this sort of tentative behaviour.
48 These findings suggest that lipoprotein abnormalities in the diabetic state may also indirectly affect platelet function by damaging vascular endothelium.
49 Labour markets are indirectly affected by monopolistic competition in product markets.
50 Research into colorectal tumours has directly or indirectly contributed to the discovery of three new tumour suppressor genes.
51 Professional roles in offering support both directly and indirectly through other helpers will remain important in facilitating this process of accessing opportunities.
52 Modern legislation had increasingly vested quasi-judicial powers in officials and excluded or indirectly diminished the authority of the courts.
53 All the major players now offer a range of minimum price contracts,[http:///indirectly.html] which will use options and futures indirectly.
54 The theory also goes some way towards answering the question of why people speak indirectly.
55 You will have to buy this directly or indirectly from one of the telephone companies serving your local area.
56 Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
57 The investment will create 750 jobs directly and a great many more indirectly.
58 First of all, the brain controls many bodily functions, either directly via nerve impulses or indirectly via hormones.
59 Safety equipment contributes directly to efficiency and productivity and indirectly to financial savings from a reduction in accidents.
60 These are inherent weaknesses that are best exploited only indirectly, lest criticism backfire.
61 In other words, poverty can cause illness directly and indirectly, and vice-versa.
62 How does a hearer know if a speaker is speaking indirectly as well as directly?
63 Childhood adversities also affect parenting indirectly through their effects on choice of spouse.
64 This involves accessing, directly or indirectly, the intuition of a native speaker.
65 Indirectly, the titles given to various types imply that distinctions were considered possible.
66 His daughter Anna might well have expected to benefit from his death. her boyfriend likewise, though indirectly.
67 The mainframe business has been affected, too, but only indirectly ... so far.
68 Eight others connected directly or indirectly with the dig later died in mysterious circumstances.
69 The spacecraft results also confirm that ground-based observations can indirectly tell us about fluctuations in the solar constant.
70 It directly affects our exchange rate and interest rates and, indirectly, jobs, trade, investment and economic growth.
71 A third way of dealing with a topic indirectly, perhaps the most difficult to handle, is to use analogy.
72 Sparc Technology will also sell Sun system designs, hoping to expand indirectly into the portable, X terminal and embedded markets.
73 Five directly elected deputies are sent to the National Assembly in Paris and three indirectly elected members to the Senate.
74 The list of all the voluntary agencies concerned directly or indirectly with family welfare would be too long to provide here.
75 The actress was found to be the settlor of the settlement because she had indirectly provided the funds of the settlement.
76 Lipoproteins may indirectly affect platelet function by altering vascular endothelial cell function.
77 Whoever the commentator is, the opinions expressed are often only beliefs based on sketchy information that is only indirectly relevant.
78 The two painters downstairs impinge - directly through their crazy behaviour arousing suspicion against themselves, and indirectly through Porfiry.
79 A number of estimates have been made of the effects of regional policy in terms of new jobs created directly and indirectly.
80 The money comes directly from the investment-banking firm, and indirectly from the investors to whom that firm sells the bonds.
81 Many of them also presumed it to be the result, directly or indirectly, of air pollution.
82 Similarly, transitive verbs contrast directly with intransitive verbs,[] but only indirectly with adjectives.
83 Ruben Figueroa was indirectly implicated, since he oversees the state government.
84 As for things outside the domain of sound, the voice can imitate only indirectly.
85 In some cases, such fine nuances provide little protection against decisions which discriminate directly or indirectly.
86 When the trial kicks off Wednesday, federal prosecutors hope to turn Kaczynski indirectly into their star witness.
87 Any law which directly or indirectly discourages the publication of views from within the criminal justice system must be viewed with suspicion.
88 Many of these relations directly or indirectly affect land using decisions which lead to environmental degradation.
89 All those rules which constitute natural justice are related directly or indirectly to the idea of presenting proofs and reasoned argument.
90 Central government clearly earns a substantial tax revenue from sport, both indirectly, on expenditure, and directly, on incomes.
91 The basic food of herbivores is plants, so even the largest carnivorous animals are indirectly dependent on plants.
92 Since it is not directly observable, it must be measured indirectly.
93 Indirectly this must have represented a challenge to the influence of Aethelred of Mercia in the East Saxon region.
94 This is all attributable, directly or indirectly, to administrative costs and the work of the Bar Council and its committees.
95 We wish to thank everyone who has contributed directly or indirectly to the preparation of this document.
96 The cocoon is another material resource used, directly or indirectly, for musical purposes.
97 There are three ways of dealing with a topic indirectly.
98 Third, there is the number of jobs created directly and indirectly as a result of regional policies.
99 Tube tetrode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
100 Methods: To observe with cyanomethemoglobin and indirectly measurement.
101 Tube triode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
102 Tube pentode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
103 Indirectly construct it using a document template.
104 The president is indirectly elected by parliament.
105 I heard the news indirectly.
106 Make a suggestion indirectly or tactfully.
107 Because of this, it is possible for you to provide funds indirectly to people with productive investment opportunities and earn interests.
108 Advertising indirectly generates revenues for brand owners through the increase in sales revenues that are thought to result from these ads.
109 And international trade markets, crude oil prices will indirectly through other market on time charter market.
110 Heat from the firebox is transferred indirectly through a water bath in the body of the vessel to the emulsion being heated in the flow-tube bundle.
111 Conclusion UPP could reflect anatomical changes in posterior urethra and prostate volume indirectly, which is useful for the treatment of BPH, but UPP seems has minimal value on the diagnosis of BOO.
112 Bilateral contract prices also have a tendency to be indirectly affected by spot-price trends.
112 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
113 It has thus indirectly promoted fierce competition in international banking.
114 Human beings have been creating many things according directly or indirectly to corporeity experience.
115 But if it is you experiencing the headache, I can establish its factualness only indirectly.
116 Time doesn't heal all wounds - or if it does, it only does so indirectly.
117 Using carubinose as standard, DNS as color developing reagent, the content of mannan in coconut shell was indirectly determined by spectrophotometry.
118 With those words, Luther indirectly implied that Zwingli was denying the true humanity of Christ in his pursuit for a rational understanding of the Supper.
119 In several animal disease models, relaxin can reverse cardiac fibrosis. Relaxin may also indirectly promote myocardial regeneration and repair by suppressing fibrotic healing.
120 In this paper, a simplified mathematical simulation of heat transfer in indirectly cooling zone of float glass annealing lehr was presented.
121 IGBT with high switching speed is described based on the dynamic controlled anode- short, which incorporates a normally- on, p- MOSFET controlled by the anode voltage indirectly.
122 This paper builds up a regression model by use of dichotomous variable and estimates the seasonal index indirectly by the parameter estimation of seasonal dichotomous variable.
123 When single-phase-to-ground fault occurs in the indirectly power system, with the compensation current of the arc-suppressing coil , it is difficult to select the fault line.
124 The kidney can aggravate the proceeding of hypertension and damages of all end organs through humoral regulation and producing vasoactive substances directly or indirectly.
125 BigBelly employs fewer than 50 people, but like many businesses in fast-growing markets it indirectly supports a much larger number of jobs.
126 Thinking can indirectly and resumptively reflects intrinsical attribute and inherent rule of function of human brain.
127 If there is keyword item UIC in. TRAN Card the transient analysis will use the initial conditions directly and if there is no keyword item UIC, SPICE will use the initial, conditions indirectly.
128 Socrates' pupil Alcibiades was suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.
129 The village handicraftsman lost their previous independence of the form of operation, they attached to the buyer-up directly or indirectly in many ways, such as capitals, materials and market.
130 The appearance and disappearance of the visible meaning of perfect tense in Tungusic languages prove indirectly the hypothesis of unidirectional development of language unit.
131 Furthermore, because Zerotree represents significant coefficients indirectly, it will decrease the quality of reconstructed image.
132 It may even help to indirectly test some components of superstring theory.
133 Similarly, specialization has indirectly affected quite ordinary people in every walk of life.
134 Ammonia oxidation which is driven by some prokaryotes produces N2 directly or indirectly, hence, plays a significant role in the nitrogen cycling in lake ecosystems.
135 Sandbanks have appeared, navigation has slowed, fishermen complain of derisory catches, and the 60m people whose livelihoods directly or indirectly depend on the river are worried.
136 All pressure differences between places on the earth's surface can be traced , directly or indirectly.
137 Incapacitation by sickness or disease caused directly or indirectly by your misconduct.
138 All of these means can directly or indirectly damage crops, forests, and ornamental plantings.
139 Objective:Adopting the improved volar plate constriction operation to correct the claw hand talipomanus and indirectly enhance the fingers extension and flexion strength.
140 Directly and indirectly thrombogenic components in plaque, together with blood , contribute to the thrombus formation.
141 Therefore, it is possible to determine indirectly the turning angle of robot according to the speed, running time of motor, and provides the angle parameters for the path planning of robot.
142 Detecting the fault line correctly is important to clear the fault and improve power supply reliability when single phase fault occurs in neutral indirectly grounded system.
143 I finally used the ASCII value for a single quote, 39, to put a single quote in the $quote variable,[http:///indirectly.html] and use it indirectly in the substitution.
144 In the crime of accepting bribe indirectly, the relationship between the duties of the bribee and the third party is the effect of the duty of the bribee on the third party .
145 Knowledge about this great civilisation came to the Occident indirectly however in its Greek version.
146 Client involves DFG directly or indirectly in any type of fraud.
147 Those who persevere, gain new insights into their target market, and actually find out how to monetize their blog, directly or indirectly.
148 "This study suggests that blocking RSK activity inhibits fibrogenesis directly by inducing HSC apoptosis, and indirectly, by reducing liver injury and inflammation, " the authors conclude.
149 Mirror writing could be used for the screening of the degradation of brain function in dementia patients and the results may indirectly reflect the degree of dementia.
150 Wortmannin(WT), the specific inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase(PI3K), was used to reflect indirectly the possible involvment of PI3K.
151 Pyrexia may be directly or indirectly correlated with stroke via several mechanisms.
152 If the President was involved even indirectly, full disclosure would not be the course selected.
153 It was indirectly due to Cody that Gatsby drank so little.
154 In the method, GPS is looked on as reference and the frequency difference between the Rb clock and GPS may be obtained indirectly, and the expensive high-resolution counter may not be needed.
155 HCV may induce fibrogenesis directly by hepatic stellate cell activation or indirectly by promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis of infected cells.
156 Through path analysis, self-concept not only influences depression directly, but also influences depression through achievement motivation and coping style indirectly.
157 Which can be seen as physical punishment and sadomasochistic violence, verbal abuse directly or indirectly, manifested in a kind of verbal violence.
158 But they also eat it in greater quantities indirectly through corn-fed farm animals and the many starches, alcohols, and sugars made from industrial corn.
159 It does this indirectly, through its effect on the hypothalamus, as less luteinizing hormone releasing hormone is produced by the hypothalamus.
160 Invade technology more and more towards tantalization, complicates, melts, and distributed melting to develop with the direction of scale indirectly.
161 Therefore, increasing the hotel paid a percentage of profits and indirectly reduce the quality of service to the hotel, allows consumers to become part of the high cost of paying the middle man.
162 Group of citizens by taking possession of the means of production and, indirectly, to possession of the civilian workforce.
163 Hague Rules can't be applied directly in our country's maritime trial including foreign elements. But, it can be applied indirectly as applicable law based a guide from conflict rules.
164 With tetrapolar electrical impedance plethysmography, one could obtain this variation and monitor respiratory indirectly.
165 Drag onto the page to add a tube triode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
166 SOCS3 is a suppressor of JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway and indirectly regulates STAT3 phosphorylation, which associates closely with the occurrence of cancer.
167 The opium drugs affect the mesencephalic limbic DA system directly or indirectly as well as other dependence drugs, and ultimately alter the DA level in the NAc to mediate the awarding effects.
168 Carotenoid was indirectly effected by chemical composition through protein. Browning reaction and solanone were indirectly effected mostly by nicotine.
169 To save space, supercool can be erected near a wall and can illuminate the surrounding area both directly and indirectly, depending on how the shade is angled.
170 Drag onto the page to add a tube tetrode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
171 An indirectly determination of water content in sodium pyrosulphate is intro duced.
172 If the project can withstand bank audit to obtain eligibility for loans[sentencedict .com], but also indirectly demonstrate low-risk projects.
173 Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly.
174 There are several elements that are directly or indirectly related to the characteristics of Black art.
175 Grazing not only directly affects above ground part of grass communities and grassland soil, also indirectly influences underground productivity and material turnover.
176 Drag onto the page to add a tube pentode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
177 Based on analyzing two types of unsymmetrical TTL NAND pulse OSC, two methods of indirectly determining parameter of TTL NAND gate are presented and verified by experiments.
178 The amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was measured by using electrochemiluminescence to evaluate the changes in cardiac function indirectly.
179 In addition to that, Google has indirectly funded development the this summer and last summer through its Summer of Code program.
180 Based on the established functional relation, the V_e and the required P_d can be calculated directly, or the total liquid production rate at surface can be calculated indirectly.
181 The effective and stable extinguishment was shown in the best condition so that the measurement of amygdalin could be determined indirectly. The result was satisfying.
182 Indirectly, I did cause her death. I shouldn'thave left her there.
183 It is not very effective to monitor friction between rotor and stationary of a steam turbine by vibration signal indirectly in power station because of the restriction of vibrometer and heavy rotor.
184 Energy need is a derived demand, and originates directly or indirectly from the development of economy. Energy need depends on the function of energy, i. e. the economic benefits from energy.
185 Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts.
186 All three women died, directly or indirectly, as a result of osteoporosis.
187 An action calculated to frustrate an opponent or gain an advantage indirectly or deviously; a maneuver.
188 Extend credit trade can extend market scale, bring production scale is extended, thereout can extend indirectly employment level, draw inner demand market .
189 Drag onto the page to add a tube diode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.
190 The indirectly condensation water from monosodium glutamate crystallization processing was treated by hollow fiber microfiltration membrane dual-directional flow way.
191 As a try of temperature indirectly measure of three-phase motor, it is an extension for soft sensors.
192 Everything on the earth absorbs heat from the sun directly or indirectly.
193 Widths of liver and portal vein diameters and portacaval space will directly or indirectly reflect diseases of liver and determination of normal sizes in children can supply information of diagnosis.
194 In the process of UHT milk, we usually used tubular sterilizer to heat milk indirectly.
195 The conversion of cyano group was measured indirectly by the adsorption capacity for copper of the chelating resin.
196 A symbol synchronization method for digital communication is proposed, and it is a indirectly inserted pilot frequency based on pulse width modulation (PWM).
197 Isolation till Commodore Perry appears and ( indirectly ) precipitates the Meiji restoration.
198 Livestock are also productive assets, which contribute directly to farm output through animal traction and indirectly as a store of wealth for future investment.
199 The balance was funded, directly and indirectly, from the public purse.
200 Neutrons in the slow and moderate speed ranges can produce ionization indirectly in other ways.
201 Acute alcoholism can affect pantosomatous organ function directly or indirectly.
202 China Arbitration Law which promulgated in 1995 made strict stipulation about the effectiveness of arbitral agreement, which denied the validity of ad hoc arbitration indirectly in China.
202 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
203 F waves result from the back fire of the motoneuron activation, which may indirectly reflect the functional state of the motoneurons.
204 Indirectly through inanimate fomites (objects). Examples are staphylococcal infection, streptococcal infection, colds, hospital-acquired wound infections through use of improperly sterilized items.
205 The second electron is only indirectly aware of the presence of the first.
206 The important historical events in the Balkan Peninsula in the 20 th century are directly or indirectly related to nationalism.
207 "Frozen" ho secretly control a group of killers, directly or indirectly committed various serious crimes, therefore become "button hole" 1 enemy of Saul.
208 Whoever contributes nothing directly or indirectly to production, is an unproductive consumer.
209 The inaccuracy, ambiguity, and improperness of economic terminology translation blemished the economic research in China and influenced indirectly to the development of Chinese economy.
210 Back in the days of command lines and character - based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users.
211 By indirectly applying the Eisenstein discriminant method, this paper explores and discusses two ways of judging the integral coefficients polynomials to be irreducible over the rational number field.
212 A disaster at the mine almost kills one of them, and does indirectly kill the other.
213 At present, non-government organizations(NGOs)indirectly participate in WTO dispute settlement system as the amicus curiae is a kind of feasible way.
214 The interfaces formed between two ground surfaces are computed by these methods, and the results are indirectly verified through measuring the thermal contact resistance...
215 Results of linear structural relation model based on covariance matrix showed that psychological factors affected the development of NIDDM not only directly but also indirectly.
216 There are two other resource constraints that an application indirectly encounters when using Winsock.
217 At last the tracking laws derived above are indirectly validated using STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ).
218 Research shows that stress wave reflection method can not only detect the anchoring position and anchoring length, but also indirectly detect the bolt anchoring force through anchor wave velocity.
219 China keeps its renminbi undervalued against the dollar in order indirectly to subsidise its exports.
220 Ferrous oxide was determined by EDTA titration, and Al2O3 was indirectly measured with Copper salt re-titration method.
221 No license is hereby granted directly or indirectly under any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or know-how now held by, or which is or may be licensable by, the disclosing party.
222 First, the economy is changing continuously, as citizens freely express their economic preferences directly in the marketplace and indirectly in the voting booth .
223 Motherboard is the main computer circuit inside the PC, which holds the processor, memory and expansion slots, and connects directly or indirectly to every part of the PC.
224 It also indirectly helps in simplifying the process of cost justification for IT budgets within an enterprise.
225 The best radio channel in town is indirectly forced to shutdown.
226 "You are approached indirectly, by intermediaries — this is how it works, " said Mr. Farani, who spent his exile in Wiesbaden, Germany.
227 In vitro, STR enzymatic assay was measured indirectly by fluorimetrically detecting depletion of tryptamine feeding on secologanin in the reaction mixture.
228 Follicular fluid serving as the culture medium for the growth and differentiation of oocyte, influenced fertility and upgrowth potency of oocyte either directly or indirectly.
229 The Constitution of the U.S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college.
230 Nope, my blogging has directly or indirectly inspired several of my disabled friends to start their own disability blogs.
231 According to physical truth of titanates' structure, the contents of titanates could be judged indirectly through determining content of titanium in solution and solids at every stages.
232 The results will be a glowing, variegated, indirectly lit interior space, vaulting up 12-stories to a glass oculus roof which is also in the intersecting circle motif.
232 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
233 Transaction value of export goods refers to the total amount of money charged by the seller to the buyer directly or indirectly for the exportation of the goods at the time of exportation.
234 But in fact they received a lot of government help, directly and indirectly.
235 My sister's husband indirectly took part in the attempted coup d'etat.
236 Segovia not only taught students himself, he indirectly taught and influenced thousands and thousands of guitarists worldwide. He is truly the father of the classical guitar.
237 Electronic Payment means someone putting out their payment order directly or indirectly through the Electronic Ending for money paying and funds transferring.
238 A conclusion could be made indirectly that implicit learning acquired some kind of exemplar information.
239 It has immediate effect on the customer satisfaction, which in turn indirectly affects customer behaviour indention.
240 Without client application container support, you need to explicitly include any Geronimo or EJB classes that are referenced directly or indirectly.
241 Zweig indirectly expressed his literary views by the comments in his essays , review, letters, and works and also the words of his characters.
242 Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates.
243 HC may induce fibrogenesis directly by hepatic stellate cell activation or indirectly by promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis of infected cells.
244 A majority of the stresses can directly or indirectly induce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) of S. pombe.
245 Thus, the wavelength converting element 110 may produce light that is indirectly emitted into air (or other desired medium) through the layer 122.
246 The pressure cylinder fitting the transfer printing cylinder press the hard object, so as to printing the ink indirectly from the transfer printing cylinder to the surface of the hard object.
246 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
247 Those that work indirectly by first stimulating some process in the brain (substance: apomorphine ).
248 Halting the procreation of uninfected females indirectly benefits females carrying the bacterium.
249 In the system of neutral indirectly grounded system, there is high probability of the single phase-to-earth fault.
250 In particular, no license is hereby granted either directly or indirectly under any patent now held by, or which may be obtained by, or which is or may be licensable by either party.
251 I repeatedly declared on the vehicle to them that, Evenif you have not plotted to murder me the heart, escorts to me Fujian, also is indirectly is killing people!
252 They play key role in numerable activities in ECM, then affect the procedure and the result of osteogenesis and bone remodeling directly or indirectly.




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