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单词 International law
1 The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.
2 This action constitutes a violation of international law.
3 He specializes in international law.
4 International law is a minefield for anyone not familiar with its complexity.
5 All this constitutes torture under international law.
6 They are special in international law,[] very special.
7 International Law prohibits the use of chemical weapons.
8 His specialty is international law.
9 Yet international law, not some quirk of humanity, requires that under certain circumstances it must be done.
10 Under international law there was considerable doubt about the legality of Noriega's seizure.
11 There is a basic assumption in international law - and in common sense - that a state will protect its citizens.
12 It is a principle of international law that every state has the right to defend itself.
13 Crucially, it is argued, international law lacks the necessary sanctions and hence the definitionally necessary characteristic of enforceability.
14 In fact, international law is both more pervasive and more effectual than we generally realise.
15 Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law .
16 The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law".
17 The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.
18 The fact that a person acted pursuant to an order of his government does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.
19 The United States sees intellectual property rights as sacred, said Thomas Klitgaard,() an attorney specializing in international law.
20 He works for this firm in a legal capacity, giving advice on international law.
21 This requires the intense work of international political theorists in relation to the creation of a legislative process for international law.
22 Such a situation is one which allows other countries to put aside international law and act according to their own judgments.
23 Fifthly, the periodic meetings of Great Powers which together acted as self-appointed guarantors of international law and order.
24 The organisation Liberty claims the proposals are in breach of international law.
25 What is needed is an acceptance of our responsibilities under international law.
26 The Administration proposed a declaration clarifying the relationship between this Article and international law.
27 A new State is bound by the rules of customary international law in existence when it acquires Statehood.
28 The overwhelming mass of academic evidence given to the committee ruled that the bombing of Kosovo was illegal under international law.
29 This book analyses the current position of third parties in international law through an examination of third party claims.
30 These serial bilateral relationships are created both by treaties and the operation of rules of customary international law.
1 The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.
2 Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law .
3 The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law".
31 This was to ensure by international law that children everywhere would be covered for all their needs.
32 Changing our conception of international law could therefore have a bearing on our capacity tor achieving peace.
33 They argued that the use of atomic weapons violated both conventional and customary international law.
34 There is a long-standing presumption that Acts of Parliament are not intended to derogate from the requirements of international law.
35 The International Law Commission finally accepted the Article in the form cited above.
36 It also shows the shortcomings of international law in not providing a mechanism for dealing with such situations.
37 He's interested in the branch of international law that deals with war crimes.
38 The rule protected States from intervention by other States in their external affairs and maintained the inherent bilateralism of international law.
39 Shouldn't they at least be discussed within the same context of international law and crimes against humanity?
40 Subjects within international relations include war, interstate conflict resolution, international law, regional alliances, colonialism,[] and international organizations.
41 London experts in international law said that his release would provide little comfort for others who transgressed the norms of civilised behaviour.
42 If international law can place no limitation on Parliament's powers, can time do so?
43 We must be clear, this shooting of civilian aircraft out of the air was a flagrant violation of international law.
44 The range and quality of Jenks's contribution placed him among the foremost writers on international law of his generation.
45 Diplomats say that immunity should not be used to avoid culpability, but it has had a meaningful place in international law.
46 In the 1960s Soviet specialists reinterpreted international law to bolster Moscow's declared opposition to foreign military bases.
47 Novelists can hardly be expected to be aufait with international law and religion.
48 The effectivity of the duty to disarm is probably the most crucial issue in international law and international relations of this era.
49 This is not a new version of the Austinian denial that international law is law properly so called.
50 International law, even though much of the writing about it was still almost a form of antiquarianism, was developing.
51 If international law would recognize the legitimacy of their claims to sovereignty, an enormous amount of carnage could be avoided.
52 International law To this conundrum there were to be at least three alternative answers.
53 Although formally non-binding the impact of such instruments upon the development of international law can not be ignored.
54 His love of international law he communicated to his students both at an undergraduate and a postgraduate level.
55 A new international law made it a duty to dispense justice to victims, whatever reason of state might be invoked.
56 Apart from the laws of war, many other parts of international law have a bearing on issues related to nuclear weapons.
57 Remission is a special system of Private International Law.
58 She wrote a textbook on international law.
59 International law and municipal law merge each other.
60 Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified.
61 There do exist international law regarding expropriation and compensation.
62 Ne bis in idem is an important principle of international law, which has greatly developed throughout international justice.
63 Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law?
64 His basic degree is Mechanical Engineering. He has a diploma in Industrial Administration and Management, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and LLB (International Law).
64 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
65 In addition, international law prohibits as war crimes those attacks directed against personnel involved in a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.
66 Jessup is a well-known international moot court competition on international law whereby teams from law schools all over the world compete in Washington D.
67 Increasingly in the twentieth century international law is being declared by judicial decision.
68 BITs are an anomaly in public international law because they grant private investors the right to bring claims before an international arbitration tribunal.
69 Hanoi says both incidents occurred well within the 200 nautical miles guaranteed to Vietnam as an exclusive economic zone by international law.
70 In modern international law, treaties are an important carrier to create customary international law.
71 As an emerging legal branch, WTO law overlaps with the traditional international law, international economic law, international trade law, meanwhile, constitutes a dynamic legal branch.
72 Introduced ofofsources of law , international project financing risk control of the basic international law - like state.
73 From the very beginning, public international law has been greatly influenced by ancient Roman Law.
74 According to the tradition of private international law, the applicable law that the parties choose must be municipal law.
75 But only now is that birth being refused all guardianship, in defiance of international law.
76 International law possesses the attributes of norm and coerce, which are the common natures of law.
77 Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.
78 Thereof it is of practical significance for re-examining the marine fishing principle of the customary international law.
79 Core International Crimes and Ordinary International Crimes stem from the customary international law or conventional international law, and they are all stipulated by some treaties.
80 The French appealed to the PCIJ arguing that Turkey had violated international law, because, France said, only the flag state has jurisdiction over criminal incidents on the high seas.
81 It is very difficult to separate completely International law and national law 's own legal. The demarcation line between international law and national law is becoming smudgy.
82 Japan's private international law has complete system and remarkable character in choice of laws.
83 All parties must work together to resolve differences through peaceful, multilateral efforts consistent with customary international law.
84 Consistent with customary international law, legitimate claims to maritime space in the South China Sea should be derived solely from legitimate claims to land features.
85 Secretarial experience with an international law firm, accounting firm or Multinational Corporation preferred.
86 AFFIRMING that matters not regulated by this Protocol continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law.
87 This is a universally accepted principle of international law that the territory sovereignty doesnt admit of infringement.
88 No convenient court principle theory in private international law is very big problems of a dispute.
89 Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.
90 He took Private International Law as an elective course this semester.
91 Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence of the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general international law.
92 to violate international law.
93 Have discussed the relation following relation, and natural law with the domestic law at ease with the public international law respectively.
94 The issue of outer continental shelf showed that the geographical factor is an important factor of many issues in the fields of international relations and international law.
95 All questions of procedure and rules shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Official Rules of the 2010 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
96 Amal Ali Salman, a graduate of the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Gaborone, Botswana[/international law.html], described the ILEA program there: "It was a good training course.
97 The University of Hull Law School offers a one - year taught LLM in International Law.
98 Public International Law, Private International Law, International Trade Law, WTO law, International Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, International Investment Law.
99 Military government is placed within the domain of international law, while martial law is within the cognizance of municipal law.
100 Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a great Dutch jurist and thinker, was not only one of the fathers of modern international law , but also the author of an influential natural law philosophy.
101 The status of international law in municipal law is of great significance to African countries devoted to the constitutional reform.
102 You will use the legal analysis and advocacy skills you have developed at law school to convince judges with arguments based on established rules found in public international law.
103 The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declaration of independence.
104 While some states are unable to protect their cultural heritage, especially in times of war, public international law does not prevent a state from destroying its cultural heritage.
105 We accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and are active in development of the international law.
106 The doctrine of the most significant relationship is a new theory in current private international law.
107 It is unique in international law in its juridical and legalistic system for disputes.
108 Its sources are the same as those of any other branch of municipal law, which is to say that private international law is derived from legislation (and decisions of courts).
109 Fifty years ago , international cooperation . collective security, and international law were as powerful concepts are today.
110 The International Law Division, headed by the Law Officer (International Law), advises the Government on issues relating to public international law.
111 Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law - in particular of the Geneva Convention.
112 The Chapter 8 introduces the latest judicial precedent development of Japanese Private International Law.
113 Legal writers often cite unratified treaties and reports of international agencies, such as those of the International Law Commission, as indi cating a trend toward general consent.
114 The binding of international agreements is definite, while the binding of customary international law is subject the will of the country concerned.
115 "International law recognises that there are exceptional circumstances where necessity precludes wrongfulness, and this will be said to be one of those cases, " Mr Sands told the BBC.
116 The actions taken by the Japanese side against the Chinese citizens have violated the international law, and infringed on the China's sovereignty. China firmly opposes the illegal move.
117 The primary beneficiaries of Islamic finance are international law firms.
118 The codification of customary international law has been achieved in 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and much progress has been made ever since.
119 In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately.
120 The Court is requested to decide the Case on the basis of the rules and principles of general international law, as well as any applicable treaties.
121 This law violates the international law of the sea, which allows for the freedom of navigation and overflight through the strait.
122 The case concerning oil platforms(ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN V UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) is a judgment made by ICJ in recent years, and mainly deals with the use of force in international law.
123 Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence on the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general international law.
124 According to the basic principle of the international law, that is, the principle of Lex Personalis, a capital export country has the jurisdiction to its overseas enterprises .
124 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
125 The Alabama Case was an famous international law case in 19 th century.
126 The unlawfulness of the DPRK nuclear test and the lawfulness of the UN Security Council's Resolution 1718 (2006) according to international law have common legal sources.
127 This article is to define the humanitarian intervention, analyze traditional humanitarian intervention and conclude that it has not yet become an accepted part of customary international law .
128 Indeed, the development and evolution of customary international law is in a continual state of flux.
129 The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law.
130 This caused the basic idea should be ensuing to change, including renvoi, the traditional private international law.
131 Firstly, the US implements hegemony policy(), uses its unrivaled strength and unilateralist policy to undermine the authority of international law.
132 The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of international law.
133 Eg:This is a universally accepted principle of international law that the territory sovereignty doesn't admit of infringement.
134 The substance of international law is a matter of judicial notice.
135 Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.
136 The rules of interpretation of treaties are regulated and codified by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which is based on the customary international law.
137 Statutes are not to be presumed to derogate from international law.
138 The assimilation of private international law is attributed to the inherent demand of international civil and commercial order which is formed by the international civil and commercial communication.
139 Permanent Court of Arbitration, Arbitration, International Law, Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.
140 Father of international law Hugo Grotius was born on April 10 th.
141 International law notwithstanding, the United States has long treated the Pacific as an American lake and China as beachfront property that we have to keep a special eye on.
142 This close relationship has undergone two stages from the customary international law to the stage of the international treaty law.
143 The monistic school would regard national law and international law as an integrated whole.
144 The international law will gradually shake off the yoke of the power politics and furthermore its role will a...
145 At the same time this arrangement has its own binding force in international law.
146 The proximate cause is a generally recognized principle of international law, but as to the principle , different countries have different understandings.
147 The training of law enforcement officers is also the focus of the International Law Enforcement Academy in Gaborone, Botswana.
148 This is a universally accepted principle of international law those the territory sovereignty doesn't admit of infringement.
149 The harmonization theory sees international law and muncipal law as concordant bodies of doctrine.
150 International Trade Law --- Research Guide to International Law on the Internet.




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