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单词 Outward
1. A stellar wind streams outward from the star.
2. To all outward appearances they were perfectly happy.
3. There were no outward signs that anything was wrong.
4. He got injured on the outward journey.
5. The two ends must be bent outward.
6. Chaplin walks with his feet turned outward.
7. Mark showed no outward signs of distress.
8. He got lost on the outward journey.
9. She simply observes the outward forms of religion.
10. There were no outward signs that the house was inhabited.
11. He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.
12. All the outward signs of growth in the market are there.
13. Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.
14. The outward appearance of the building has not changed at all in 200 years.
15. The economy and outward appearance of the area have changed considerably.
16. The medicine is for outward application only.
17. He was to all outward appearances dead.
18. The teacher made an outward show of disapproval.
19. The outward flight/journey took eight hours.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. We met him on our outward passage.
21. An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness.
22. The ship is outward bound.
23. She gave no outward signs of her problems.
24. Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something.
25. Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury.
26. If he is suffering, he certainly shows no outward sign of it.
27. The ship is outward bound , sailing away from its home port.
28. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
29. Love doesn't consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
30. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.
1. A stellar wind streams outward from the star.
2. To all outward appearances they were perfectly happy.
3. There were no outward signs that anything was wrong.
4. He got injured on the outward journey.
5. The two ends must be bent outward.
6. Chaplin walks with his feet turned outward.
7. Mark showed no outward signs of distress.
8. She simply observes the outward forms of religion.
9. There were no outward signs that the house was inhabited.
10. He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.
11. All the outward signs of growth in the market are there.
12. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.
13. Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.
14. The outward appearance of the building has not changed at all in 200 years.
15. The economy and outward appearance of the area have changed considerably.
16. The teacher made an outward show of disapproval.
17. Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something.
31. It was pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees.
32. She had an outward appearance of calm, but deep down she was really worried.
33. Soon they were outward bound for the Great Barrier Reef.
34. To all outward appearances everything was fine, but under the surface the marriage was very shaky.
35. The company car is an outward symbol of the employee's status.
36. The two ends of the wire must be bent outward.
37. Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.
38. Other poor countries looked outward, strengthening their ties to the economic superpowers.
39. The door opens outward.
40. In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.
41. What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order.
42. She gives no outward sign of the sadness she must feel.
43. His clenched fist was the only outward sign of his anger.
44. The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one .
45. The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.
46. The outward flight was very uncomfortable.
47. Their outward journey was comparatively easy.
48. The middle-class neighborhoods sprawl outward from the city center.
49. To the outward eye he was austere, even bleak.
50. The City's only the outward, concrete form of it.
51. My parents showed no outward signs of affection.
52. That moon flight as an outward journey was outward into ourselves.
53. Through much of 1984, there were few outward signs of trouble.
54. She gave no outward signs of her problems when she went on a walkabout.
55. Now clench your jaw tight, then on an outward breath let it flop open.
56. Again, although deceptively simple in outward appearance, this salad satisfied completely with its subtle flavorings.
57. Ingrid, her close friend and companion, knew that was only the outward achievement.
58. Despite these tensions, government delegations came and went; the outward signs were that all was well.
59. They represented one more barrier between the stricken and the hale, one more outward sign of difference.
60. The circular arrangement presents similar alternatives if one reads the lines of each hexagram from the center outward.
61. Then, with military precision, signs, flags and other outward markings will change.
62. They are now regularly used by groups of people involved in Outward Bound activities and school parties.
63. Alternatively, for the outward journey only, cancellation coverage up to the holiday invoice cost. 8.
64. The people working in the bakery escaped alive only because its wall collapsed outward into the alleyway.
65. To all outward appearance, he looked benign enough, with a mild, unsullied face, the perfect choirboy.
66. The snow may crust at night, due to outward radiation, even thought the air temperature remains well above freezing point.
67. Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct.
68. The outward rolling of the forefoot which occurs during the gait cycle.
69. Success or failure was in their own hands and the outward bound instructors acted only as safety supervisors.
70. Five star rating Outward Bound centre - canoeing, caving, rock climbing pony trekking etc.
71. Perhaps it is better to say that the direction of her interest turns from outward to inward.
72. Though by all outward appearances a woman of propriety, she had a penchant for mischief.
73. The outward calm she was managing to project was achieved only by a supreme effort of will-power.
74. But there were no outward signs that diplomatic efforts would soon defuse the fighting.
75. Right across the social scale, religion made little perceptible difference to the outward shape of life.
76. This surface reaction of oxygen and carbon releases carbon monoxide which migrates outward and upon encountering oxygen burns to carbon dioxide.
77. The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success. Henry Ward Beecher 
78. Airbags, designed for adult males, may punch outward too forcefully for children and small adults.
79. Starting from the centre,() pipe in an outward spiral to cover the pies.
80. The effect of a strong inner beauty, with no outward form, for example, can be both powerful and disturbing.
81. Despite the powerful persuasion of such experiences, there is no centrifugal force pushing you outward as the car turns.
82. Augusta resumed her pacing, throwing her hands outward in little distracted gestures.
83. As Peter looked outward, he was able to motivate others to change their perspective too.
84. The suggestion is that the central core area should be absolutely sacrosanct with slightly less stringent restrictions as you spread outward.
85. It revealed an unrepentantly superficial world where life revolved around the minutiae of outward appearances and public display.
86. She took no pleasure from the countryside as on the outward journey.
87. According to Ziad, Jamal had no problem at Netzarim junction on his outward journey.
88. Wright had presided with calmness over six years of considerable outward change, while preserving the inner spirit of the School unaltered.
89. What it does reveal is a teenager, to every outward appearance comfortable with his lot.
90. This timekeeper, now known as H-5, has all the internal complexity of H-4 but assumes an austere outward appearance.
91. Paul uses it of the Spirit, without any indication of any outward sign.
92. The city was indeed the most striking outward symbol of the industrial world, apart from the railway itself.
93. She'd seen things ... But in general it was good for mankind to look outward to the stars.
94. Over the years industrial capitalist society has been casting off many of the more obvious outward signs of inner distress.
95. This outward looking emphasis does not stop with the clergy but is even more demanding for the bishops.
96. Their outward appearance gives no hint as to the wealth of amazing finds that have come from local beaches in the past.
97. In fact I hear that several Outward Bound schools are offering fortnight-long residential courses on the safe removal of the fleecy top.
98. Such a change can be positive, giving a breathing space and a chance not to become too fixed in outward images.
99. He would probably try releasing Osman even if he gave no outward sign of acquiescence.
100. The outward tips of his bushy eyebrows were tilted upwards slightly, giving him a demonic appearance.
101. In fact, its sense organs and body are only an outward expression of this inward patterning, which we call instinct.
102. Even so, my right hand is clenched into a fist, the only outward sign that I am afraid.
103. Firstly, the qualifications and skill mix of the labour force, which might be undermined by outward migration.
104. This tension between change and continuity is the key to understanding the inner meaning as opposed to the outward form of working-class sport.
105. By this time, Leibniz was moving outward toward an application of his system with practical consequences.
106. People are born with these defects but often show no outward signs of problems.
107. Is the tote bag an exterior uterus, the outward sign of the unmentionable burden?
108. Funeral furnishing was a trade in which the outward and visible signs of his merchandise helped to advertise his craft.
109. It is comparable with the oddness which might visit all our outward appearances if we stopped looking in mirror.
110. Apart from one being inward and the other outward, Locke regards reflection and sensation as being very similar.
111. But to all outward appearance she was, let it be said, the slightest bit slatternly.
112. Six weeks later, most of its organs are present and its outward appearance begins to resemble that of a baby.
113. At the end of their financial tether, they converted Outward Bound into a charter yacht.
114. Such killings are only the most dramatic outward manifestation of the powerful social forces that keep women trapped in dangerous situations.
115. Can the combination of both inward and outward investment be made complementary to rather than a substitute for domestic investment?
116. In these projections the movement is not of external reality inward but of the self outward.
117. As this strong shock wave races outward from the impact site, it raises a storm of dust.
118. Though they seemed to have refined the outward form of marriage, I suspected that underneath not everything ran smoothly.
119. The outward symptoms arose out of Tudor Grange's ambitious expansion programme, which could only be fuelled by borrowings.
120. Barnes is a very intense young man, in spite of his cheeky-chappy outward look.
121. The current account compares the value of exports and inward money flows to imports and outward money flows.
122. A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live. Lao Tzu 
123. One realizes that all springs from the same common source and all is merely the outward expression of its restless creative power.
124. It is not always the missionary who is reluctant to change outward forms.
125. He gets his team working together without recourse to expensive T-groups or questionable outward bound training.
126. We are new people inside, so our outward garments should reflect that.
127. Since his tragic mishap, the former marathon runner has accomplished many projects including an outward bound course, abseiling and canoeing.
128. For apart from being equipped with eyes, head and body, dolphins and whales bear little outward physical resemblance to ourselves.
129. The Colonel could tell that the noise was distracting Amanda from her pamphlet, though she gave no outward sign.
130. The outward journey was quite uneventful as far as the Wadi Tamit, a steep defile leading down the escarpment on to the coastal plain.
131. Gilford was the star performer with his iron play, especially in an outward 31 in which he had six birdies.
132. The analysis spans a period when technology and communication techniques transformed the outward face of policing.
133. In other words, a net outward migration of almost 8,000 people.
134. He tried to maintain an outward in-difference by chatting casually with members of his group.
135. It does not retrace the zig-zags of its outward journey.
136. At the moment Dole is in top form with no outward physical sign of trouble.
137. The outward appearance of gloomy taciturnity was therefore taken for the whole man.
138. He consequently had to remain solely on his own surface, looking outward for sustenance.
139. On identity, the outward and visible evidence of regional flags, institutions and bureaucracies is everywhere.
139. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
140. Now one such centre, Outward Bound Loch Eil, have decided to help rectify the situation.
141. Some people who have HIV show no outward signs of the condition.
142. Lincoln Park is set up with four softball fields facing outward, with a refreshment stand / bathroom ramada at the hub.
143. The haiku was one which ended with a downward cut, followed by a single outward thrust.
144. Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy. William Blake 
145. A specially developed Outward Bound course has also proved to be not only popular amongst staff, but most beneficial.
146. Despite the casual outward attitude toward injury and pain, the men deeply feared wounds.
147. In both outward profile and interior decor the yacht bears a very strong resemblance to her smaller sister.
148. They predict the problem will only worsen as Tucson continues spiraling outward.
149. That brings peace to us in the midst of our outward circumstances.
150. He puts his selected objects into lighted cases and projects their images outward through lenses in the peepholes.
151. These markers are outward signs portraying whether or not individuals and collections of people belong to the same ethnic group.
152. There were few outward signs, however, that the samurai was ready to sheath his sword.
153. Somehow it has measured and remembered the distance it ran on each stage of its outward journey.
154. Bowfront: Having an outward - curving front.
155. There was no outward fellowship between them.
156. It is similar to chromium plating, and the outward appearance is very excellent.
157. The midsole and outsole under the heel of this impressive debut splays outward when the foot first hits the ground to soften impact.
158. Article 102 Where an insurance company needs to place outward reinsurance business, it shall give priority to insurance companies established within the territory of the PRC.
159. In their outward order from Jupiter, these moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
160. MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they belonged to.
161. Branching, septate hyphae are close - packed here and radiating outward in this aspergilloma.
162. Several factors, including metabolic level, anti-arrhythmic drugs, and heart disease, can affect the transient outward potassium current and its intensity of expression.
163. He had the inward blindness that you feel is worse than your outward blindness.
164. The customs may, when considering it necessary, directly open the inward or outward express consignments for inspection, re-inspect them or draw samples of goods.
165. Steam in a cylinder expands to push a piston outward.
166. Parthenocissus tricuspidata "feet" like a sucker, like lying in the crevice in tightly, straining lie on the wall, is not easy to wind down, and then extend outward.
167. MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they to.
168. People who sense that they are inferior have to compensate, and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.
169. Religion consists of a dimension which is outward and another which, upon the basis of this outwardness , leads to the inward.
170. Outward Remittance A non-credit payment made by a bank to another bank, including cash, checks and EFT.
171. This beauty is not an outward decorative sensation, rather an inward contemplative enduring state of being.
172. For outward glamour, or rank they have nothing but a cool contempt.
173. Hetty was not sufficiently familiar with caresses or outward demonstrations of fondness.
174. Strabismus (or squint or heterotropia):Failure of the eyes to align properly to focus on an object. The affected eye may deviate in any direction, including inward ( cross-eye ) or outward (walleye).
175. Throw is usually taken to mean the unexpected outward projection of stones from blasting.
176. It is in vain an unbeliever to take up the outward show of another man's profession.




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