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单词 Attic
1 They hid me from the police in their attic.
2 Their new house has four storeys including the attic.
3 He housed his old books in the attic.
4 These stairs will take you up to the attic.
5 We'd better clean out the attic this week.
6 We fixed up the attic as a study.
7 He's clearing rubbish out of the attic.
8 You'll find a dusty attic up these stairs.
9 It was pitch dark in the attic.
10 We need the steps to get into the attic.
11 Lea decided to turn out the attic.
12 I unearthed the portrait from the attic.
13 They decided to give the attic a spring clean.
14 I've stored my winter clothes in the attic.
15 We're a bit cramped for space in this attic.
16 They brought all the boxes down from the attic.
17 There's a trapdoor into the attic.
18 We've given the attic over to the children.
19 We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.
20 Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.
21 I spent the day ferreting in the attic .
22 Her photography studio was a converted attic.
23 I came upon this beautiful vase in the attic.
24 I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.
25 I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.
26 I went to the attic and dug out Grandad's medals.
27 The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in the attic.
28 I've cleared out all that old junk in the attic.
29 Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
30 The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
1 They hid me from the police in their attic.
2 Their new house has four storeys including the attic.
3 He housed his old books in the attic.
4 The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in the attic.
5 I've cleared out all that old junk in the attic.
6 Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
7 The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
8 I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.
9 We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.
10 He converted the attic into a bedroom and put in a skylight.
31 She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic.
32 Her tiny attic room had poor ventilation and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.
33 According to the sleeve notes, she recorded all the songs at home in her attic.
34 I came upon this book in the attic - would you like it?
35 I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic, which I really should throw out.
36 Insulating the attic is a good way to reduce heat loss.
37 Putting in a skylight made the attic seem big and bright.
38 We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.
39 He converted the attic into a bedroom and put in a skylight.
40 Mother went into the attic where she poked about among old boxes and trunks.
41 Bernadette cleaned the attic and then shut it up for another year.
42 The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC[Sentencedict], with a basement and attic.
43 Norah made plans for the transformation of an attic room into a study.
44 The box had been tucked away in an odd corner of the attic.
45 Hope it's still in my parents' attic somewhere!
46 Getting cold water into the attic is no problem.
47 Overheating the attic can also damage the roofing shingles.
48 I found them in a trunk in the attic.
49 It was pitch dark inside the attic.
50 The man in the attic was coughing again.
51 We moved into the attic of my grandparents' house.
52 The attic stairs were rather narrow.
53 On a Saturday she went up to the attic.
54 She thought his attic bedroom was absolutely fabulous.
55 Iris borrowed beds from friends and turned the attic into an impromptu dormitory.
56 They even had a playroom of their own, an attic under the eaves.
57 I wish I had a cosmic panopticon and could see into every Paris cellar and every attic in the banlieue.
58 Then we slipped into the kitchen, got up on the sink, and hauled ourselves into the little attic.
59 Nell's private letters were tucked away in a box in the attic.
60 I performed kow tao to the empty spot on the attic floor.
61 Boris Zhukov's photographic studio was a converted attic on the fourth floor of a cycle repair factory on Chukovsky Avenue.
62 What rare objects, what richness, the attic of a vicarage must hold!
63 From my attic bedroom I thought I surveyed the world.
64 They may as well have been a small part of a photograph album gathering dust in the depth of some one's attic.
65 Suppose that a slate falls from our roof, leaving the attic exposed.
66 All of my old books are stored in boxes in the attic.
67 His room lay at the very end of the corridor, beyond the locked doors of closets and bedrooms and attic steps.
68 At a quarter to eleven she galloped back up to the attic room.
69 Doyle thrust him into the attic and locked the door,[http:///attic.html] not bothering to stay and guard him.
70 Did I mention, I discovered a dozen rolls of the original wallpaper in a tin trunk in the attic?
71 Indeed, he was nervous when I was out of the attic.
72 And as Mike Rowbottom reports, it seems that a trawl around the attic can turn out to be very profitable.
73 There is simply too much heat lost to the attic, making the roofs fatally warm.
74 Perhaps objects like these had been fashionable in churches once upon a time, but no longer, hence the attic.
75 Under Dauntless's watchful eye, Cleo prowled around the attic, exploring.
76 One day, when a downpour crawling on the windows made even the trees look grey, he went up to the attic.
77 Otherwise the attic or the coal cellar had to suffice, but concealment had been the fashion.
78 Before getting into his mattress he went into the front attic.
79 As the musical begins, a guy named Hughie steps into a cobweb-filled attic and begins thinking back on his life.
80 Venting the attic, and allowing the roof to breathe, often helps prevent asphalt roof shingles from curling.
81 They pronounced the attic unfit for human habitation and Jean-Claude inadequate to support me.
82 It apparently started in a trash can and spread to the attic area of an 80-room wing of the motel.
83 With ice dams come leaks through the roof into the attic and through ceilings, staining them and often doing more damage.
84 There was Cousin Noreen, all alone in her dazzling white attic, listening, and waiting for inspiration to strike.
85 One afternoon I lay down and looked through a large attic skylight.
86 I found some old pictures of my mother up in the attic.
87 This was my case, dusted down from Granny's attic when they were taking me away from the farm.
88 All of our camping equipment is stowed in the attic.
89 She copied the poem from an old book of Grandma's in the attic.
90 I lounged on the couch in the attic sitting-room, pyramidal in shape with deep-set windows.
91 Euripides' satire on the paranoia of the idealist has always been the cult play of the Attic repertoire.
92 The attic rooms are especially spacious and comfortable. Full continental breakfast.
93 She was to discover that she could see for miles from the attic windows - almost the whole of Bristol.
94 It would need to be brought down from the attic, which was a job for Dooley BarIowe.
95 It comes from a collection of letters I found in a box at the top of the attic.
96 Q.. My recessed bathroom light extends through the ceiling into the unfinished attic, and it has no insulation around it.
97 She started her new job on Monday and she said she needed her beauty sleep before tackling the front attic.
98 A pin dropping in the attic would have shattered the silence.
99 Outside the fog blanketed the tiny attic, a thick, grey blanket of splintered frost.
100 After breakfast and a hot shower, Maria took us both by the hand and led us upstairs to the attic.
101 Then had come the shock of seeing a face peering out at him from the attic window.
102 Finally she shut herself in the attic room on Ella's day off and sobbed until she ached in body and soul.
103 They watched her switch from the attic Shirley to the downstairs Shirley with appalled, enthralled admiration.
104 Of the twenty-one bedrooms, seventeen are spacious with private facilities, and the remaining four are attic rooms with shared bathrooms.
105 Mrs Hooper sat in the attic morning, noon and night, and their presents lay unopened under Noreen's artistic tree.
106 An enormous tin trunk was brought down from the attic, and systematically packed with everything needed for a month's holiday.
107 She stared at herself for some time in the full-length mirror of the attic bedroom.
108 He lived in the top attic right, up against the east end gable of the building.
109 Philip lived in the attic and earned his keep by tutoring the officer's son.
110 He lies there in the peeling pyramid of the attic bedroom, on his cot shaped like a gutter.
111 This will keep heat in the house, where it belongs, and out of the attic. 2.
112 By attic ceiling I presume you mean insulation in the roof, between the rafters.
113 You can also view the open-plan attic, in which Johnson and his six helpers put together the dictionary.
114 All these hazards, winter and summer, are the reasons an attic should be well ventilated.
115 If push comes to shove, a furnace can be installed on the second floor instead of the attic.
116 Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house, where Charles hid for the night in the attic.
117 There were times he would retreat to his attic room and not want to be disturbed.
118 I could not understand why they had been banished to this dusty attic.
119 Attic sherds of En-gedi belong mainly to the late fifth and early fourth centuries.
120 However, a change in the air conditioning design halfway through construction opened part of the attic space to the air conditioning.
121 After much balancing and juggling with cocoa, book and dog they all three eventually reached the attic.
122 In his attic room he drew the curtains, turned on the bedside light and lit the gas fire.
123 It is not a good design, even if the furnaces and ducts are heavily insulated and the attic well ventilated.
124 The princess in the tower, the loon in the attic!
125 Matthew allowed Clare to do her homework in his attic study.
126 She was already feeling faint, as much from the stale heat of the attic room as for any other reason.
127 It was pure chance that had brought Jean-Claude to the attic window that same afternoon.
128 Cartons of my papers and notes rest in an Ohio attic.
128 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
129 She searched the attic, and found a hammer lying between a sewing machine and a stuffed bird.
130 Mud was not a sound reason to initiate the attic project.
131 I imagined he was destined to continue his exile with his memories in the attic at Reine.
132 I washed up and climbed the ladder to the attic.
133 He would solve the problem of the lack of a lavatory by using a bucket in the unused part of the attic.
134 At the left of the altar, he reached up and pulled the chain that brought down the attic stairs.
135 Probably she had found a sufficient stock of unused paper in the attic - yellowed enough with age to carry conviction.
136 As he turned on the attic lights and climbed the creaking steps, he smelled it more distinctly than before.
137 What had gone from the attic she could only guess(), for she did not remember half the things they stored there.
138 The single studio was extremely primitive, consisting of an attic room with two microphones, one turntable and a mixer.
139 Jean-Claude would be pleased with me for staying out of the attic.
140 Pamela Wray's father found her body hanging from an attic beam.
141 A tall man waited at the stable entrance of the lodging house where Lucille Castineau had rented two attic rooms.
142 I have tried to establish my own territory in the attic, outside the country of my ancestors.
143 It looked as if it had only two storeys, but suggested an attic under the fanlight in the roof.
144 Montaine was still living in the attic at the time.
145 Components were stacked in piles all over the factory floor like the contents of an attic.
146 That afternoon, Isabel finished packing her parcels, upstairs in the attic.
147 All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
148 There was no way this tank could get through the trapdoor into the attic.
149 For humans, like rats in the attic or birds on a wire, are governed by invisible boundaries.
150 Catherine climbed worn wooden stairs, up five flights in all, until she reached the attic storey.
151 There are radiators in the attic but they do not give out much warmth.
152 The estimated $ 6,500 cost of insulating the attic will be split three ways.
153 It was a little note from the front attic in artistic black script.
154 The pipes in the attic gurgle in the night and keep me awake.
155 Four out of a total of nine are en suite and two are attic rooms with marvellous views over the village and hills.
156 She took the correct corridor, found the Salome annexe and climbed up to the attic.
157 The attic was full of all kinds of garbage, including an old stereo and boxes of broken toys.
158 That considered, an unvented attic can be 10 to 20 degrees warmer than outside in winter./attic.html
159 Then I heard him call down from the attic for me to open the stairs door wide.
160 Others were painted black co disguise their true identity or perhaps consigned to the attic, there to lie forgotten.
161 A shaft of brilliant sunlight shone through the dusty attic window.
162 There was a glass cupola in the entrance hall reached from an attic suite with exposed beams.
163 I am going to offer you certain words: threshold, attic, cellar, kitchen, bedroom, corridor.
164 I dangled for three days and three nights in a cocoon of ropes from the rafters in the attic.
165 As a teenager I moved out of the nursery into the attic.
166 Venting an attic is difficult if the roof is hipped; that is, sloping down on all four sides.
167 Mr. Green always speaks attic salt.
168 I found a spinning wheel in the attic.
169 I outfitted an attic bedroom as a studio.
170 furniture stored in the attic.
171 Check attic and cavity wall insulation quality.
172 Cause We trust, love and attic faith.
173 We had fifty - four boxes in the attic.
174 Leakiness in the roof caused a damp attic.
175 Mr. Green always speaks with attic salt.
176 We put some odds and ends in the attic.
177 By the end, she is incarcerated in an attic room, in a cold foreign country, but still dreaming of "the smell of vetivet and frangipani, of cinnamon and dust and lime trees".
178 They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt.
179 Yesterday Mrs Williams gave a talk to the Women's Institute on her voyages in Asia. It was full of Attic salt.
180 After they've finished with the pantry, the medicine cabinet, and the attic.
181 In the 1970s the book gained a new lease of life when it was installed as a key text in the emerging feminist literary canon and the phrase "the madwoman in the attic" entered popular discourse.
182 There also had been hundreds of in my belfry and attic.
183 Yesterday Mrs Williams gave a talk to the Women's Institute on her travels in Asia. It was full of Attic salt.
184 Open up the paint fashion of new tech attic faith and drive.
185 Roof sheathing, examined from the attic , showed no major defects or moisture damage.
186 In this faubourg exists poignant distress hidden under attic roofs; there also exist rare and ardent minds.
187 It's exceedingly unusual to find such treasure in the genetic attic.
188 The putter was hurled into a dusty corner of the attic.
189 As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.
190 Aliens in the Attic and Shorts both looked interesting and got a few giggles from the GeekSon. G-Force and Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel did not.
191 Reconstruction of lateral attic wall provides a new space for vibration of ossicular chain.
192 Present leap building of layer, wrong layer criterion more added a lot of options, can be attic or it is a cubby by stair.
193 In the attic after dinner. Barbara shows Annie an antique wedding dress.
194 Readers and some critics were scandalised by the story of a young, plain governess who falls in love with her Byronic employer, unaware that he already has a mad wife incarcerated in the attic.
195 Our approach is to leave them home and go looking through the attic for an old Mickey Spillane.
196 In fact, the attic in this market belongs to one of the exhibition areas of the India Pavilion, from which one can get a bird's-eye view of the whole pavilion.
197 A talk full of attic salt is worth listening to.
198 Can we go up in the attic and look at the books?
199 I spent the day ferreting ( about ) in the attic ( for old photographs ).
200 Mother's attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques.
201 The little girls slept in the 1 attic in a big feather bed.
202 Instead, they find a valuable baseball card in an attic and sell it for a big profit (It is a lesson either in harvesting value or the value of 'Antiques Road Show.
203 There are five bedrooms, a large attic above, and wine cellars below.
204 She works in a dismal little room in the attic.
205 What do you do with the detritus of a former relationship? Torch everything? Sell the diamonds? Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic?
206 The twins have been monkeying about in the attic again.
207 A take full of attic salt is worth listening to.
208 He gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis.
209 The attic was used as storage room for odds and ends.
210 He was an old emigre gentleman, blind and penniless, who was playing his flute in his attic, in order to pass the time.
211 It only have an Attic faith in their heart, must win glory for oneself's nation.
212 Take a second look in your attic or basement today and scour your family possessions.
213 For the second man: in a gloomy afternoon with pouring rain, his bleeding face looks down from the dormer window in the attic.
214 The 18th- century Chinese antique was found during a routine clear-out of a dusty attic in a three-bed semi-detached house on the outskirts of London.
215 Results:Scutum erosion were found in 12 of 14 cholesteatoma, 8 of them accompanied with erosion of attic lateral wall.
216 It is not uncommon for a pair of pliers to climb all the way from the cellar to the attic in its single-minded determination to raise its owner's blood pressure.
217 It not only have the Attic of Parisian type with the spacious hall, and open-air wait-and-see alcove , but also have bougie light, country music with Western-style food.
218 And it was for the counterpane, and also for a pot of flowers which fell from the attic window into the street, that the government collected a fine of a hundred francs.
218 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
219 They have swept down the house from attic to cellar.
220 Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic?
221 Till 1979, the work The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination which systematically analyzed " madwoman " personage images of 19th century was born.
222 Tucked away in a box in the attic were old recipes from Grandpa's father, including one for lobscouse.




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