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单词 Knit
1. Knit the brows and you'll have an idea.
2. I had endless hours to knit and sew.
3. My grandmother taught me how to knit.
4. Do you know how to knit?
5. How long will it take you to knit up this sweater?
6. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon.
7. Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower.
8. A knit dress packs well.
9. The broken bones have knit well.
10. Cast on and knit 10 rows.
11. Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs.
12. Harold is part of a tightly knit team.
13. The two groups are knit together by common interests.
14. A broken bone can knit.
15. Ferris wore a heavy knit sweater.
16. Her brows knit in thought.
17. Knit two plain,() two purl.
18. Knit two,purl two.
19. The two communities are closely knit by a common faith.
20. Our letters enabled us to knit up our old friendship.
21. In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.
22. The broken bone should begin to knit in a few days.
23. The doctor knit the two broken bones in his arm.
24. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.
25. The two edges of that broken bone will knit together smoothly.
26. That's a groovy hat you're wearing, did you knit it yourself?
27. Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.
28. Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.
29. How many balls of wool did you need to knit that sweater?
30. The pin holds the bones in place while they knit together.
1. Knit the brows and you'll have an idea.
2. I had endless hours to knit and sew.
3. My grandmother taught me how to knit.
4. How long will it take you to knit up this sweater?
5. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon.
6. Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower.
7. A broken bone can knit.
8. Our letters enabled us to knit up our old friendship.
9. The doctor knit the two broken bones in his arm.
31. Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
32. Mom knit me a pair of socks.
33. When this happens, knit four rows of plain knitting.
34. The black brows knit, and solid silver laurels bobbed.
35. She had married a large, closely knit family.
36. Knit one row across both beds.
37. But how will the machine and controller knit this?
38. Maybe a sideways knit, diagonal knit, collar or insert?
39. Knit several rows with both carriages set to knit.
40. On all machines, knit one row across.
41. Knit two rows of stocking stitch between transfers.
42. She was poorly dressed in a tattered knit sweater.
43. Donna Karan's slithery silver lurex knit. 5.
44. Knit 1 row and cast off in same manner.
45. Cotton Aran chunky knit sweater with embroidered flowers, £32.99.
46. Gold, black and brown patterned chunky knit cardigan, £135.
46. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
47. Trowark himself would most likely have been found under the thick cable-knit cover of his Cornish Knit Frock.
48. It is possible to knit a bias strip of mesh lace to use as a collar.
49. Using at least two full sizes tighter than main tension, knit the number of rows given in pattern for rib.
50. And the work eschews the kind of formal structure that would knit the cast into some larger imaginative world.
51. On some weird machine she started to knit, Jumpers and frocks which were quite a good fit.
52. However, it is not in reality a homogeneous, tightly knit electronic world community.
53. Knit three to four rows on ribber bed only, increasing stitch size by two dots on each row.
54. When planning the time to knit a garment, always try to choose the best day to knit each piece.
55. After doing a preliminary design, you would think about it, modify it and then knit it.
56. Bring up two more needles, one each side of each group in working position, knit two rows and so on.
57. If you regularly knit different garments for the same people, you might like to have a separate directory for each person.
58. To knit a single diamond, weave two rows, knit two rows without weaving.
59. In one direction the carriage will knit, while in the other the needles will make the tucking movement.
60. The carriage will knit, bringing the needles back to B position as it does so.
61. Knit together the first two stitches but only knit three stitches before you do the next knit two together.
62. She wore a wasp-waisted print jumper, black long-sleeve knit shirt and ponytail for the opening scenes.
63. The trade agreement will attempt to knit together three vastly different economies.
64. For a Chunky machine and a full needle rib setting use double knit yarn.
65. Nothing will happen, since you haven't yet selected any needles and this carriage can not knit.
66. A tuft of gray hair protruded from beneath her knit hat.
67. Why not knit a cottage garden in bright colours to remind you of summer all year around?
68. To ease working the next row, bring the six cable needles to E position and knit ten rows.
69. Talking about weights, I was taught always to use the minimum number of weights which enable the machine to knit correctly.
70. Not far from the railway line lived a closely knit family, Mr and Mrs Gorman and their only daughter, Marion.
71. Each row of the pattern as marked on the mylar sheet takes two rows to knit.
72. She was dressed poorly in a tattered knit sweater and a shapeless skirt.
73. Knit one, purl one.
74. Knit three rows, * push up needles marked X on the back bed, knit one row.
75. There can be no question that the family of J.M. Barrie was closely knit.
76. Select the needles and move the lace carriage to the left,[http:///knit.html] as shown by the straight arrow and knit two rows.
77. Knit a few rows of plain knitting and prepare to try Card No. 18.
78. The main carriage is free again and can knit two more rows.
79. Her harlequin sweaters and Fair Isle striped knit shirts were a nice diversion from the usual cable knits and ribbed turtlenecks.
80. Now knit back towards the right and all the needles will knit back to B, working position.
81. You then knit two rows, and cast off using the linker.
82. A variety of different designs can be used to knit ruched fabrics of this type.
83. Thread with waste yarn and knit 4 rows on the main bed only.
84. As you knit, the edge needles will knit back every two rows.
85. Another time I was so fascinated by her clicking needles that she offered to teach me to knit as well.
86. Always put the hook in on the carriage side, knit the row and then put in the other hook.
87. Push 30 needles at left to hold. Knit one row.
88. Mrs Oliver's specific enquiry was whether she could knit single motifs on her Zippy DeLuxe.
89. Cast on, transfer edge stitches and knit a few rows.
90. Therefore, we need to knit with the background colour from right to left.
91. The background colour will select to knit normally and the black areas will create the tucks.
92. Under his blue knit watch cap he wore small Walkman earphones, and he heard everything they said.
93. If you are going skiing, why not knit Rebecca's jumper which will be appearing in our October issue.
94. Now you're ready to knit the next row and that's all there is to it.
95. Remember what a slip stitch is, it is where the patterning needle does not knit.
96. Remember to knit a loose row first before using the transfer carriage.
97. The extraordinary thing about these life-and-death medical ethics cases is that they knit a tangled web of contradictory principles.
98. Put the side levers to O, conveying the message that you now want all the stitches to knit.
99. End with a four row knit section, and cast off.
100. You can't knit such complex patterns this way, but you're not limited to 24 stitches.
101. On Brother and Toyota machines, the needles that are selected forward of the needlebed are the needles that will knit.
102. Leonora had a good cry, made herself some tea, then settled down to knit furiously.
103. Under her page boy haircut, her brow is knit; she tries to choose her words carefully.
104. Using yarn from bobbin, knit back by hand through each back bed needle.
105. You then knit one or two rows and cast off.
106. He had become a key player in the New York real-estate game community, which is both tightly knit and secretive.
107. They advise that if you want to knit lace you buy the lace carriage with the machine.
108. Knit two rows as shown by the curved arrow then select the needles and move the lace carriage to the right.
109. Did Simpson tell them why his hairs were entwined in the knit cap that lay by the bodies?
110. Select needles on both beds and knit the zigzag cast on row.
111. The lace carriage is going to transfer the selected stitches and the main carriage is going to knit them.
112. In wintertime the spinners gathered together in their cottages to spin and knit the yarn.
113. Pick up the second edge of the band keeping the stitches in the hooks again, then knit them through. 11.
114. Finally, set both carriages to knit and using tension 2, knit the rib.
115. Knit the same number of rows as knitted on the ribber, increasing stitch size by two dots on each row.
116. The plating feeder holds them so that one yarn is always on the purl side and one on the knit side.
117. So, I bring all the remaining needles forward to knit the background colour.
118. Hartmann's style is utterly consistent, the formal plans are tightly knit, the tone of voice is quickly identifiable.
119. A circle will knit as a circle not an ellipse, a square, a square not a rectangle and so one.
120. Knit section one as stitch pattern A. Call stitch pattern B from the console.
121. What you see on the left-hand side of the centre line, you knit on the left-hand side of the machine.
122. You can't knit circular rows using the settings given in Figure 1 when using a punchcard.
123. Usually the right side is the purl side, while on the knit side the weaving hardly shows at all.
124. Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck.
125. Hold this end of the yarn lightly to stop it jumping off the needles and knit a row.
126. Whatever you see on the right-hand side of the centre-line, you knit on the right-hand side of your machine.
127. All this becomes obvious once you have set up the machine to knit lace.
128. A pin holds the bones in place while they knit together.
129. On the Chunky and double knit ribbers, this third control is a lever at the top of the tension dial.
130. Continue to knit with this second program and you will have the dress section you require.
131. Set the back carriage to knit and knit four rows.
132. Cast on over this number, in waste yarn and knit about 10 rows.
133. When you knit with the ribber, there's no sinker plate and the connecting arm forms an arch.
134. You will find that the stitches do not knit cleanly off and you will get patches of bad knitting.
135. Next row: Knit the first two stitches of the row together.
136. The hat can be knitted in almost any yarn which will knit at the given stitch size in half Fisherman's rib.
137. One fiend, so sorry, friend,[] visited him when I was trying to knit.
138. Her husband, she says, comes from a very closely knit family and so she continues to feel uneasy.
139. Hard slides from guys in plaid pants, white belts and knit shirts the color of baby cheeks.
140. Cast off stitches 2,3,4, and 5. Knit stitch 6 by hand.
141. Knit an even number of rows without weaving before knitting another two-row woven stripe.
142. Knit one row then continue to knit in pattern as desired.
143. Not at all unlike the Gaian idea of global interdependence, environment and organisms knit together as one.
144. This is simply because the second, or front, bed makes knit and purl knitting possible within the same row.
145. Now you want to knit a garment in an all-over four-colour design.
146. The bone has failed to knit properly and his hand must remain in plaster.
147. If you have been meaning to knit with the garter carriage, why not try something very simple?
148. In the closely knit ranks of the Sussex gentry such a royal action could only further enhance growing doubts of Stuart intentions.
149. Satin smooth Telltale lines are taboo under clingy tops and knit fabrics. Lycra blends give the smoothest outlines.
150. All needles on one bed tuck for one row, while all needles on the opposite bed knit in the same row.
151. Leave the front carriages set to knit and knit slowly from right to left.
152. Basically you can set up your machine for making pleats and then knit in double jacquard.
153. It's the needles that knit the cotton thread only that give the lacy effect.
154. Some folk use machine knitting because they can not, or do not wish to, hand knit.
155. To knit punch lace the main yarn is threaded through feeder 2.
156. Centre Line green silk suit, £930; yellow viscose knit turtleneck, £400; both by Gianni Versace.
157. Carriage at right: Knit 1 row to left with background colour. * Carriage at left: Pick up colour 2.
158. It is possible to knit this stitch on Brother machines because there are two buttons for slip and tuck stitch.
159. Knit a hem in the usual way in stocking stitch ending with the carriage at the right.
160. Michael Kors' taupe knit with prom corsage over chestnut satin. 12.
161. That is all it does, once the stitches have been transferred, the main carriage will knit the row.
162. Within each paragraph consider the various sentences and whether they each knit together logically.
163. When you knit punch lace, the cotton thread in feeder 2 knits every needle on every row.
164. To knit single bed tuck and slip stripes, the yarn goes in feeder 1 of the YC6 colour changer sinker plate.
165. This m arks when you actually want to knit the new colour.
166. I hope that you are all now inspired to knit jackets and cardigans galore just to practice buttonholes.
166. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
167. In this tightly knit situation there can be no escape and what upsets one will eventually cause chaos among all.
168. The controls are set to knit alternate stitches on every row.
169. Suppose we want to knit a circle as part of the pattern.
170. If that still comes out too thick, weave for one row, knit two rows and so on.
171. This carriage can be set to knit alternate needles on the ribber.
172. Silver recommend bringing both edge needles to the holding position and having one holding lever set to hold and one to knit.
173. Her high forehead was knit in concentration as she listened to the the litigator.
174. Transfer alternate stitches and knit two rows of stocking stitch throughout, always transferring in the same direction.
175. It's a woolly doll for Pete's sake - knit one, purl one - I saw it.
176. The stitches in B position will knit and those in E position will remain under the carriage.
177. By selecting an interesting range of different types of yarn or unusual colour combinations, it is possible to knit beautiful fabrics.
178. To make the needles knit, the carriage must be set as for stocking stitch.
179. So how do you use these sections? Knit section one as stitch pattern A. Call stitch pattern B from the console.
180. When you have finished row 1, move the piece of paper down to reveal row 2 and knit accordingly.
181. The rectangles drawn around the row numbers indicate the rows on which you knit with the background colour.
182. If you use a ribbing attachment, again, knit at the lowest stitch size.
183. I can knit, thought Leonora with a sudden flash of self-knowledge.
184. Then again by hand, knit two tubular rows on these same eight stitches.
185. We have just started a knitting club in Snaith which we call Knit and Nag.
186. Now knit the next four stitches in the ordinary way.
187. It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
188. I also wore my own garments with pride and let it be known that I would knit for others if they wished.
189. Before you try it on your garment(), knit a test piece of band so that you can perfect the technique.
190. If it doesn't, the motif yarn may knit into the background.
191. Start at base of face. 2 Knit three rows of plain knitting.
192. Put the empty needles in non-working position and knit on.
193. In this situation I knit the joining rows by hand, making sure on the final row to knit using large stitches.
194. However, many knitters find that it is still difficult to plan and knit garments.
195. For this design knit the single teddy starting on the seventh stitch to avoid knitting part of the balloon.
196. How closely knit are pollinating animals and plants in rain forest?
196. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
197. Shelagh Hollingworth One of the popular reasons for buying a knitting machine is to be able to knit very quickly.
198. Now our lady is going to knit a garment for sale.
199. At least when you're knitting on the bigger gauges you have fewer rows to knit than on a fine or standard gauge.
200. Police released a composite sketch of him Saturday; in the picture, he is wearing a knit cap.
201. Knit them at a stitch size as low as the machine will comfortably knit.
202. The carriage will then slide across those you do not wish to knit.
203. Intarsia knit icon graphic at center front.
204. Cow leather gloves, striped cotton back, knit wrist.
205. David and Jonathan were knit in friendship.
206. Soft and comfortable intarsia knit cotton sweater.
207. Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs.
208. The essay is well - knit.
209. Intarsia knit graphic at center front.
210. Send for our free patterns to knit yourself.
211. Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece.
212. Also make sure outerwear out - of - wear is made of water resistant resistent and tightly knit mint material.
213. As a loose - knit organisation, an agreement between contracting parties , the GATT differed organisationally from the IMF.
214. Feather-weight papers: These are very bulky papers, light in weight, loosely knit and not very durable. They are used for book production where bulk is required.
215. Discover how to do a knit stitch with expert tips from a knitting instructor in this free video about how to knit.
216. Knit ( small, shrimp - like animals ) feed on phytoplankton.
217. Gradually I began to realize the necessity for a more closely knit organization.
218. Learn how to knit a pearl increase or Stockinet in knitting in this free online instructional video on how to knit.
219. And it's worse than ever now, for I'm dying to go and fight with Papa. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman!
220. The three girl always stay together. They form a very close - knit group.
221. A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem. " In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.
222. A knit stitch is one of the two basic stitches of which all your patterns are made from.
223. A fourth is that, however loosely knit and varying in beliefs and practices adherents may be, they constitute an identifiable group or identifiable groups.
224. Dress up the days that suits a plane to go up cozily , do not be afraid of knit also won't all over uneasy.
225. Except knit Appear like peel face small crackle, usable brush dips in besmear of gallinaceous egg white is in at crackle, agent of the light on finally can.
226. Therefore, based on the Law of Ming Dynasty and complemented with various legal forms,[http:///knit.html] a closely knit law network was established for the severe punishment of heresies.
227. A well - crafted beer produces a tightly knit, dense, uneven head comprised of small, uniform bubbles.
228. The tightly knit clans of Kiffu at first did not want Vos to leave his home.
229. a white knit dress.
230. Pumpkin-shaped tower fall and winter knit shawl is the charm of 08 new designs, the whole body distribution of soft breath.
231. Susan can knit up a baby's coatee in a morning.
232. Mei knit her brows. She was still the same disturbing personality.
233. Thought is closely knit with logic, so translation, a special activity of thought, cannot be done without the application of logic.
234. If you can, join social groups, become part of a mastermind group, or build a closely knit network of peers.
235. The number of contacting particles and the shortest distance among particles were the key factors, which decided the completeness and closely knit degree of the framework.
236. Also, make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly knit material.
237. Knit one ( ie make one plain stitch ), purl one.
238. Whether you golf or knit, play tennis or quilt, a hobby can cause repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) just as different types of work can.
239. This union suit combined a knit flannel waist and drawers in one.
240. It can knit fish scale fabric, drill flannelette . These fabrics can make costume , sportswear warm furnishings.
241. It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.
242. On display are most of our products, silks, woolen - knit - wear , cotton piece goods and garments.
243. You can knit a sweater by the fireside. Sunday mornings, go for a ride.
244. As the husband works internationally, the closely knit family's schedule has a 19-hour-a-day operating time stretching from breakfast at 7am to the end of the North American work day at 2am.
245. Fully floating shoulder construction with stretchable knit fabric providing freedom of movement.
246. He is dressed head - to - toe in white knit cap - cutting a sharp figure in the inky night.
247. Intricately knit sweaters from the Aran Islands are sold throughout Ireland, but my favorites were made by a company called Lee Valley, in County Cork.
248. Close-fitting usually knit trousers, often worn under a skirt for warmth.
249. Soft French terry and a wide rib - knit waistband make these stretch pants so cozy.
250. The paper detailed describes how to knit face fabric with rectangular effect on rib machine by use of mercerized strong and ordinary twisted yarn.
251. The knitting process includes the needles that permit the loops to be formed, held on the needle until a new loop is made, and then knocked off to gradually build the knit structure.
252. Already formed from make kind, sericiculture, receive chrysalis, filature, knit silken, eye to install the series such as treatment to produce business ability.
253. He knit his brows in a tight, frown and smiled wryly to himself.
254. It was just done by the sheer nature of these churches of being very close knit and sort of ruling each other by threatening to dis-fellowship you if you didn't do like everybody else did.
255. A well - knit body; a well - knit theatrical production.
256. These are very bulky papers , light in weight, loosely knit and not very durable./knit.html
257. The domestic pig might well symbolise prosperity to man, so closely knit and tied together were their lives.
258. Intarsia knit star or heart at center front, or allover stripes.
259. The LACOSTE is on the match field wont dress the mesh of net knit a method of sport dress, those adorer also his the type see as the in the wake of target.
260. Make a knit stitch with tips from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting basics.
261. Original Atlas and Titan I crews were designed to build a closely knit team, some of which remained together for years of service.
262. So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.
263. After a shooting, the mood is closely knit and we all come together to support the officer.
264. Learn how the do the basic knit stitch in this free home hobby video.
265. Knit track jacket is made with a super lightweight and soft tricot fabrication.
266. The following morning, the son begins to knit a big fishnet.
267. Even by clannish Japan's standards, the island seems a friendly, close - knit place.
268. Also, make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly neat ( knit ) material.
269. Knit items became an integral component to accessory categories from cold weather pieces like fine-gauge knit hats and wooly crocheted scarves to bulky boot sock linings.
270. This Monochromatic palette with a hint of tie-dye on jersey knit shows a discolored effect, which gives the collection a unique look.
271. By using rotor spinning technique, a knit fabric yarn with rayon staple fibre is developed.
272. Learn how to cast on using a slipknot before you start knitting in this free online instructional video on how to knit.
273. Yea, - but the individual of that period was not so closely knit in matter.
274. The garter stitch is used after all your rows are done using a knit stitch.
275. Wrap as for a knit stitch and draw the working yarn through both stitches to make one stitch which is now on the larger, right hand needle.
276. Derek Lam presented a veritable nude symphony with a nude jersey tunic and a nude double georgette one-piece and then a nude striped knit pointelle mesh dress.
277. Sew the folded edge of the outer band (inside of the knit stitch) evenly to the medallion (inside the bound-off edge) for a neat seam.
278. If give chalybeate cure can cause a network the 2nd times, knit red blood cell right now enumerated rise, quicken blood picture to return to normal completely.
279. Kuei Chang - lin immediately knit his brows in a worried frown.
280. So all the men of Israel, knit together as one man, were gathered against the city.
281. Also, make sure outerwear is made of resistant and tightly knit material.
282. Behind the anti-coupling layer, closest to the wearer, lies the soft armor: flexible fabric woven or knit from aramid fibers and other materials, which Borkar refers to as the "catcher's mitt."
283. What kind of goods do you want, knit goods, sportswear, T shirts, or underwear?
284. An easy sweatshirt - knit pullover with wide straps, to wear layered or alone.
285. Flat perhaps in the antependium that a red wraps around on the desktop, the red with a delicate design is spread to knit blanket on the floor, can have first-rate ornament effect.
286. She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon.
287. He brought a tightly knit group of Goldman alumni with him when he moved.




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