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单词 Milestone
(1) The company passed the £6 million milestone this year.
(2) The invention of the wheel was a milestone in the history of the world.
(3) Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life's way.May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.
(4) The invention of the computer was a milestone in the history of man.
(5) This victory was a milestone in our country's history.
(6) Today we have passed another milestone on the road towards peace.
(7) This voyage marked an important milestone in the history of exploration.
(8) The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.
(9) The film proved to be a milestone in the history of cinema.
(10) The treatment of diabetes reached a significant milestone in the 1970s.
(11) The plastics division reached a milestone this year.
(12) Dole passed his first milestone with success.
(13) The expedition marked a milestone in the history of exploration.
(14) The debate is a milestone signalling the final stretch in the campaign leading to the caucuses.
(15) My second milestone was Sholay. My role though small, required detailed study. I was given the specially made costume and wig and also books of World War II which ex¬plained Hitler’s various gestures. I was even made to go through a trial attended by the writers as well, to ascertain whether I fitted into the role or not. The film was a super success and till date, people remember my dialogue, "Hum Angrezo ke zamane ke jailor hain". Asrani 
(16) The exhibition became a milestone in feminist analysis of contemporary culture.
(17) We have always seen it as a milestone on the road to closer integration and closer unity.
(18) This is a milestone in the Western scientific quest to understand the workings of our own bodies.
(19) So its success marks a significant milestone for the local industry.
(20) I felt as if I was at a milestone now, on the threshold of something.
(21) Lewis Milestone took over the helm, and he too found Brando impossible to direct.
(22) The changes represent an important milestone in the development of social work services.
(23) It was delightful news for me to learn that you have received a Doctor's Degree from Chicago University.To have reached this milestone at a young age is simple great.I really envy you the opportunities that lie ahead.Hearty congratulations.
(24) " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
(25) He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history.
(26) He felt that moving out from his parents' home was a real milestone in his life.
(27) The album 'Kind Of Blue' proved to be a milestone in the development of modern jazz.
(28) At the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery there is a show which marks a milestone in this struggle.
(29) So reaching profitability, even if it came with an asterisk, was a major milestone.
(30) The value and integration of the VerioStore plans represents a new milestone for the e-commerce marketplace.
(1) The company passed the £6 million milestone this year.
(2) The invention of the wheel was a milestone in the history of the world.
(3) The invention of the computer was a milestone in the history of man.
(4) " Our work ", he continued, warming to his theme, " will be a milestone in scientific history. ”.
(31) There's something about those milestone birthdays that brings out millennial gloom rather than the gaiety in us all.
(32) Four surviving children, 12 grandchildren, 26 great grandchildren and six great, great grandchildren helped mark the milestone in style.
(33) The bill is an important milestone in preserving America's natural resources.
(34) He chooses instead to focus on a slightly more manageable milestone: the turn of the century.
(35) A milestone on the way was the onset at Pirelli in the summer of 1968 of an avalanche of wildcat strikes.
(36) It is as simple and as revolutionary a milestone in human culture as the invention of the wheel.
(37) This time it was to mark a milestone in the history of exploration.
(38) Now the milestone has been passed - and there is still no end in sight to the slaughter and suffering.
(39) Clinton did not mention the milestone in his remarks to the business executives.
(40) For most people, the birth of their first child is a milestone in their lives.
(41) And Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson recognize that pending milestone with a party in honor of our cultural traditions.
(42) He looked for a milestone, but none was in sight.
(43) It fits uncomfortably into Braque's oeuvre but it is nevertheless a milestone in the history of Cubism.
(44) To me it seemed such a milestone: I had earned myself a permanent place in his life at last.
(45) We believe that what we have agreed today will be a milestone on the road to true peace and prosperity in our country.
(46) This year has seen another milestone in the life of the Society, in that our assets passed the £3 billion mark.
(47) They provide an identified and secure milestone in the development path.
(48) At home, Johnson would have reached the milestone by halftime.
(49) His decision to accept the university's offer was an important milestone in his career.
(50) What also remains a tantalising possibility is that two circles include a milestone as a marker.
(51) Reaching adulthood is a much longed-for milestone.
(52) The whistle jigs to a milestone.
(53) Develop and maintain a project milestone status report.
(54) To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone.
(55) The 300th outing came against Siena and Carlo joined previous coaches such as Viani and Rocco at that milestone,(Sentence dictionary) and no doubt he would love to double that total .
(56) And stands like a blank milestone along the way to eternity.
(57) This technology milestone was accomplished after years of research conducted by The University of Maine-based Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Center in Orono.
(58) When the RV is fixed, we will go directly to Baton Rouge and pick up both of them at that iteration milestone.
(59) It is an established practice for each team member to sign-off on a milestone deliverable.
(60) The milestone marks a quick march toward sovereignty after the US-led invasion in 2003.
(61) Sky's City editor Mark Kleinman said: "The agreement by financial regulators to overhaul the rules governing the supervision of the world's biggest banks is a genuine milestone.
(62) The publication of the Asteraceae, very usefully revised, will be the next major milestone of the Flora, and it should take place before the end of this year.
(63) To celebrate the milestone, six people pushed Uribes wheel-equipped iron bed out to the street as a mariachi band played and a crowd gathered.
(64) As an ideal pattern in modern corporation system, the limited liability company is a milestone in the history of modern corporation law.
(65) The fee rate reform of motor vehicle insurance from 2003 indicated a milestone in the course of motor vehicle insurance development.
(66) Our achievement was viewed as a national milestone as this was the first time we indigenously produced a memory chip for CRT TVs.
(67) It was another milestone in a career that this 1988 inductee into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame promises is far from over.
(68) Although Twitter's role in social action is overestimated, we still have to admit that the Micro-blog service, which is only available for less than four years, set up its own milestone in 2009.
(69) In search of Lost Time is milestone work for the French novelist Marcel Proust, the great modern masterpiece.
(70) After the efforts for more than one year, the founder of the Nuremburg Adjudgement and the international military court made this adjudgement a milestone in the history of international l...
(71) The successful introduction and large-scale popularization of tree cotton is a milestone in the history of economic development and also an important revolution in the history of agriculture in China.
(72) The success of the tramcar marked an important milestone in the history of Hongkong ...
(73) One milestone in the Cool Japan campaign is, bewilderingly, a gathering of the IMF and World Bank in Tokyo next year.
(74) The industry hailed the verdict as a milestone in the fight against software piracy in China.
(75) Zhang Zai's doctrine of Qi thinking was a milestone in the history of Chinese philosophy while Nan Min was an individual philosophist in the history of South Korea.
(76) Ghaziabad, the country's newest booming urban center, is helping drive that milestone.
(77) In 1997, the sequencing of the first snippet of DNA from a Neandertal by a team at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, was hailed as a major milestone.
(78) "It is a milestone for the city of Taranto and for the whole region, " said Lorenzo Nicastro, from Apulia Region Ministry of Environment.
(79) Milestone: All finalists will receive complementary awardspresent, travel allowances and Finalist Certificates.
(80) Drag the links data set to an empty data cell in the milestone items table.
(81) The company is Fannie Mae (FNMA), the government-controlled mortgage investor whose collapse three years ago was a major milestone along the road to national financial ruin.
(82) E-mail notification based on these "milestone" state changes will provide value to the submitter.
(83) Primark had a milestone year in 1995 with the development of the UK business following the acquisition of the BHS One-Up discount chain.
(84) Shannon sampling theorem presenting displayed a history milestone purpose for some theorems about image processing.
(85) Note that this milestone is not aligned with the actual delivery of any results from any (governed) project.
(86) A critical aspect of a technical solution is an explanation of the deliverables that are produced at each project milestone.
(87) After a decade of focused research and development, the auto industry worldwide has passed a milestone with the arrival of the first test fleets of seemingly roadworthy fuel-cell cars.
(88) Of late years, landscape ecology become thrive and milestone of building city greenbelt.
(89) The milestone is being celebrated with events over three days, culminating Saturday with the inaugural address of the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture.
(90) There was a big push on armor sets in the milestone before the break, which included a new female wizard unarmored look.
(91) Shenzhou seven man - in - space flight's complete success, is in our country astronautics history another milestone.
(92) Hans Moravec, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, says ASCI Purple represents an important milestone for the computing industry.
(93) The horse stepped out with swift, regular stride, rapidly passing the milestone.
(94) The team has set a tight development schedule for Unladen Swallow, making quarterly milestone releases.
(95) It is standard practice for each team member to sign-off (after tests) on a milestone deliverable.
(96) I will escrow funds for each milestone before work starts but will not release it until work for that milestone is on my server, retested and bug free.
(97) The Law will be a milestone in legal system history, marking the construction of Chinese social model of right standard and the production of folk society in contemporary China.
(98) These results mark milestone achievements for the Wireless Network After Next (WNaN) program, which is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Air Force Research Laboratory.
(99) The Project Milestone Management Framework just fills that blank of CMM with its project management working procedures.
(100) Comenius is a milestone personality in the history of education. It was he who wrote the very first systematic theoretical work Magna Didactics , which was pedagogically specialized.
(101) I think this is a very important milestone in the relations between our two countries.
(102) After watching the exhibition game this afternoon at this 30-year milestone, I would venture to say that this is still true today.
(103) CASE system will be a milestone for the human resource building on work safety in China.
(104) Undoubted(), this is a on phylogeny of Hainan harbor boat important milestone.
(105) The use of the vessel is a milestone for China's marine law enforcement patrol work, as it can combine air and surface surveillance, said the report.
(106) Professor Andrew Hamilton, the university's vice-chancellor, described the school as "a huge milestone in Oxford's history."
(107) Her creativity will bring her career to another new milestone.
(108) Prof Andrew Hamilton, Oxford's vice-chancellor, said: "The school represents a huge milestone in Oxford's history.
(109) The depth in a drilling well at which the drilling contractor receives a lump-sum payment for reaching a particular milestone.
(110) In addition, hall of fame system will record the milestone of the company and let the record breaker become the hall of famer.
(111) Starting school is a milestone for both children and parents.
(112) Alfred de Musset, a great French Romantic writer and poet of the 19th century, ranks as one of the most representative writers that serve as a milestone in the history of French literature.
(113) As the milestone person of Japanese film the first director who gains Academy Honorary Award in Asia,(http:///milestone.html) Akira Kurosawa play the key role in the filmdom.
(114) The Initial Operational Capability milestone determines whether the product is ready to be deployed into a user acceptance environment.
(115) But the Thames Tunnel is ahistorical milestone in tunnel engineering .
(116) Scholars consider that portrait a milestone in the history of European portraiture.
(117) Implementation of each level of granularity (for example, technical function, business function, business process, and so forth) and the associated choreography should also form a key milestone.
(118) The milestone for a central role of lipids in signal transduction was manifested by the discovery of the phosphoinositide cycle.
(119) Scientists working on the world's first-ever malaria vaccine are calling the RTS,S trials a significant milestone.
(120) Therefore, it may become a CG film history as a milestone, but will not become an epoch-making work.
(121) To keep the report accurate, you might also want to run the report again on a particular schedule, such as every week or at each project milestone.
(122) Our next major iteration milestone is Cousin Sid in Baton Rouge.
(123) Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have reached a milestone in the study of emergent magnetism.
(124) Application of overall accuracy control technology is the milestone of realization of modem shipbuilding industry.
(125) With its feature of continuous evolution and improvement software process, the Project Milestone Management Framework is designed to accord with CMM architecture.
(126) As a popular edition in these years and a masterpiece like a milestone, the edition of Tai Ping Guang Ji which is proofread and punctuated by Wang Shaoying got a very high scientific achievement.
(127) The six violin Sonatas without company composed by Bach in 1720 have laid a milestone for polyphony performance in melody instrument and are reputed as " the Bible for Violin Music".
(128) Chinese thesaurus is a milestone in the development history of the Chinese information retrieval language.
(129) The project plan contains the functional specification (combined plans of each team) and a schedule. The project plan approved milestone is permission from management to proceed with the deployment.
(130) This "proof of concept" ISRU experiment—even if it produces only one milliwatt of power – will mark a critical milestone in the advancement of humankind on the space frontier.
(131) This article defines the timeline/milestone pattern and its behavior as a reusable software component.
(132) But for 18-year-old Constance McMillen, a milestone was reached sooner than she had anticipated when she emerged as a cause celebre among gay rights advocates around the nation.
(133) An important milestone in our entertainment and communication history was the development of transparent roll film by Eastman.
(134) In May, she and three student researchers reached a milestone: They concocted(8) a chemical mixture that turns from blue to colorless when Rohypnol is added.
(135) Payment Schedule is $50 down deposit to show good faith, and then we can work out the rest of the milestone payments.
(136) The earthquake may be remembered as a milestone in that peaceful evolution.
(137) However,() the next milestone in the development of communication systems will be multimedia communication.
(138) I have every confidence that you will make another milestone on Election Day, May 24.
(139) In May, she and three student researchers reached a milestone: They concocted a chemical mixture that turns from blue to colorless when Rohypnol is added.
(140) The Merry Widow is an excellent work of Franz Lehar, a milestone in the history of Viennese operetta and a gem of the operetta.
(141) The next milestone about six years later was actually a kit computer called the Altair.
(142) The signing of the treaty of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation represents a milestone in the history of bilateral relations.
(143) The "Anti-footbinding" movement was an important milestone for the women's liberation as it released durance of women for the last centuries.
(143) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(144) The PDR is a major milestone for spaceflight projects, allowing managers to check a spacecraft's design progress.
(145) This legislative session will be remembered for New York's acceptance of same-sex marriage, a milestone in the national fight for this fundamental freedom.
(146) Project attributes provide an effective way to differentiate the resource demand on these proposals, based on the last milestone achieved.
(147) Known as the "parting stone, " this 18th-century milestone points the ways to Dedham and Rhode Island to the left and Watertown and Cambridge to the right.
(148) You will need to sign U. S. documents to hand over production rights to us before payment. Feel free to request a milestone.
(149) Einstein's theory of relativity is a milestone in the science field.
(150) Full or milestone payment only when I see image snapshots of working program.
(151) Schiller is the second milestone only next to Goethe in the German classic literature.
(152) Drag onto a Gantt chart to add a new milestone task to your project schedule.
(153) Comparing with Bach as the summation and the milestone of the Baroque period, creactive characteristics of rococo presented by Francois Couperin more than 200 harpsichords.
(154) Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan, broken open like the lips of a volcano – the burial-place of a tribal chief, perhaps, or the milestone of some lost nomad advance.
(155) Drag onto a Cylindrical Timeline to add a milestone division and callout.
(155) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(156) The Second Vatican Council had far-reaching influence on the development of Christianity all over the world, and became the milestone in modem Catholic history.
(157) For example, the National Ignition Facility located in Livermore, California, is predicting a major milestone accomplishment of ignition sometime in 2011/2012.
(158) The business user can also define the key performance indicators (KPIs) for each milestone defined in the milestone model described earlier.
(159) Thereby, the advancement of duality theories is a big milestone in functional analysis.
(160) Droid, Milestone, Eris, Moment, Spica, even the Hero, all have had their Eclair, one way or another.
(161) It was a milestone that shared bus switch fabrics had been replaced by crossbar fabrics.
(162) Pictures are nice, but I don't need any reminders for such a milestone in our lives.
(163) Thank you for the Milestone, it's really unputdownable to me.
(164) This cento mentioned here is another classic work composed by Bao Yuankai after the cento named Yan Huang Feng Qing, furthermore, it's the milestone of the development in Chinese ethnologic symphony.
(165) Therefore Wavelet analysis is called a microscope of signal analysis and a milestone of Fourier analysis.
(166) Their study is the latest milestone in MIT's long association with chaos theory.
(167) If these measures are implemented, it will be a milestone for business ethics in China.
(168) Completion of this milestone confirms the system meets requirements and allows the satellite to proceed to final factory test activities prior to launch.




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