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单词 Obliterated
(1) Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.
(2) He obliterated the blackboard before break.
(3) The town was obliterated by the bombs.
(4) The village was totally obliterated by the bomb.
(5) The village was obliterated in the war.
(6) The entire village was obliterated by the tornado.
(7) The building was completely obliterated by the bomb.
(8) The snow had obliterated their footprints.
(9) She was obliterated from my memory.
(10) The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.
(11) The sand - storm obliterated his footprints.
(12) The view was obliterated by the fog.
(13) All of a sudden the view was obliterated by the fog.
(14) Everything that happened that night was obliterated from his memory.
(15) Miss Mary defused and obliterated every other talent on stage.
(16) The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.
(17) Its gentle green bosomy hills were obliterated in the mid-nineteenth century by pit-heads[Sentence dictionary], ironworks and regiments of cheap terraced housing.
(18) The rest was obliterated by buildings and private and public gardens.
(19) The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.
(20) In addition, an AR-IS semiautomatic rifle with an obliterated serial number was found abandoned on the riverbank.
(21) Frequent flooding eventually obliterated all traces of the community that used to live there.
(22) Paths were lost which the water had obliterated and silent highways were marked by great trees lying prostrate across the track.
(23) Tonight, however, the lesser worry was obliterated by the greater.
(24) The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
(25) He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.
(26) That when it did, she believed that they would be obliterated totally, like midges slapped into nothingness by a giant.
(27) Robert would not have said that the fanlight was almost obliterated with bird droppings.
(28) We know little about the earlier advances because the evidence was obliterated by the ice itself.
(29) The distinction between agreements under hand and covenants under seal has been largely obliterated.
(30) Temperatures have been near-10 to-200F for months now every night, and the deep snow has obliterated even the banks.
(1) Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.
(2) He obliterated the blackboard before break.
(3) The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
(4) The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.
(5) The sand - storm obliterated his footprints.
(6) He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.
(31) In Bhachau, which was also obliterated, 78 girls died when they were buried inside their school building.
(32) Large areas of the city were obliterated during World War II.
(33) Important qualities and features differentiating one student from another are obliterated by the baldness of grades.
(34) Her mouth was being taken with a possessive intensity that obliterated thought and left only sensation.
(35) And the only marks of their passage have been obliterated by the next generation.
(36) During a stormy meeting at the club, objectors claimed their house values would fall and greenfield views would be obliterated.
(37) And the blow also obliterated his reputation, which bled away into oblivion.
(38) Entire sections of the city were obliterated by the repeated bombing.
(39) Any traces have been obliterated by the advance of the ethos that we have inherited from our Cro-Magnon ancestors.
(40) Soon the screen was obliterated by the fuzz of burning light behind Ari's eyes.
(41) The heavy rain obliterated all footprints.
(42) Her contribution to art can not be obliterated.
(43) With extensive involvement(), the pleural space may be obliterated.
(44) The village obliterated in the war.
(45) The criminal obliterated all fingerprints.
(46) I have obliterated him from my memory.
(46) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(47) The tide has obliterated the footprints on the sand.
(48) He completely obliterated himself as an architect.
(49) Whole villages were obliterated by fire.
(50) It obliterated a teashop down the block with an explosion so strong it spit broken glass and debris in their faces and left Abdullah temporarily deaf.
(51) By noon, all the gains of the previous year had been obliterated.
(52) What has been put down in black and white cannot be obliterated.
(53) But, byelaw also obliterated person pork to search positive one side, stemmed the channel that anti-corruption of a network defeats.
(54) No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.
(55) The facts of history cannot be denied [ obliterated ] .
(56) No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.
(57) This is a margin which is going to be obliterated. For me, it is an attempt to disclose a kind of collection of rupture, destruction, and weakness caused by powerfulness from my own experiences.
(58) Tuscaloosa Mayor Maddox told CNN that the twister "literally obliterated blocks and blocks of the city."
(59) Grozny, Chechnya's capital, was all but obliterated; Russia reassumed power and installed a puppet leader.
(60) In our country's institutional revolution period, Brahms' music's art value was obliterated for it wasn't directly involved in the political battle on the impact of art philistinism tendency.
(61) No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war at cities would be obliterated.
(62) The institutions of civil society, suppressed by centuries of tsarism and obliterated by Soviet-era state brutality, remain weak.
(63) Think about, being born on earth, how many people have obliterated wideness along the way?
(64) He was even willing to pay Talon Karrde 70,000 credits to ensure Mount Tantiss was obliterated.
(65) Huck's confidence in the human race was well - nigh obliterated.
(66) Titania probably underwent an early endogenic resurfacing event which obliterated its older, heavily cratered surface.
(67) If the containers are repetitively used solely for the same BPC, all previous lot numbers, or the entire label, should be removed or completely obliterated.
(68) No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war great cities would be obliterated. But this is one of the minor disasters that would have to be faced.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:41:36