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单词 Impulsive
1. Rosa was impulsive and sometimes regretted things she'd done.
2. His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
3. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister.
4. He is impulsive in his actions.
5. He has an impulsive nature.
6. Don't be so impulsive - think before you act.
7. She is impulsive in her actions.
8. In a burst of impulsive generosity, I offered to pay.
9. It thus excludes situations involving impulsive gravitational waves.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. The violence is purposeless and impulsive.
11. They include an impulsive component and a step component.
12. She could have bitten off her impulsive tongue.
13. It was all some impulsive reaction to her father.
14. She was impulsive, self-absorbed and careless about the future.
15. When and, the approaching waves contain an impulsive component.
16. These children tend to be impulsive and restless.
17. Impulsive buyers, who purchase products quickly 2.
18. And Anne - she's so impulsive.
19. Such restraint ... Unlike your impulsive blundering leap.
20. If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally impulsive person, you are more likely to lose your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
21. Even to being impulsive, an uncontrolled state of irritability; it is a weakness and is accompanied by physical weakness.
22. Their absence led Barras into a series of impulsive and often self-destructive behaviors.
23. The use of this negative, impulsive punishment is inconsistent with what is desirable to teach chil-dren.
24. But since they had married, as young impulsive teenagers, his charm had evaporated.
25. Impulsive A choice based on inadequate information responding to a feeling of urgency.
26. Jack had very decided misgivings about Minto's impulsive suggestion that Warnie should live with them.
27. Beneath that wild, impulsive exterior lurked as sophisticated a character as she was ever likely to encounter.
28. C is the most intellectual and best informed, less impulsive than A and B, but very resistant to change.
29. Harry's charm lay in his quick, almost mischievous smile and impulsive eagerness for life.
30. In terms of colliding plane waves, these solutions all involve approaching waves with initial impulsive components.
1. Rosa was impulsive and sometimes regretted things she'd done.
2. His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
3. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister.
31. They contain impulsive wave components, and therefore do not satisfy the conditions of Tipler's theorem.
32. The years of being branded impulsive, scatterbrained, too idealistic rushed back to mock her.
33. If Jack had been at all concerned that his impulsive gesture would result in an awkward silence he need not have worried.
34. Had he merely been swept along by the force of her own impulsive feelings?
35. Kid that age, impulsive, headstrong: not much you can do.
36. She's so impulsive -- she saw the house for the first time and said she'd buy it straight away.
37. It was not wickedness that led him into crime but a cheerfully impulsive nature and an almost complete lack of reasoning power.
38. Thus, it is not necessarily inconsistent to observe what seems to be impulsive behavior after the will is present.
39. In this case(), the discontinuity in the electromagnetic components causes impulsive gravitational waves to be generated.
40. Compared with the impulsive and irrepressible Ellet, he was rocklike.
41. An older historiographical tradition depicted Louis as an impulsive weakling, at the mercy of his overbearing wife.
42. Whether or not she believed his excuses, her own body, her own impulsive longings, would betray her.
43. She dreads an impulsive act which would bring everlasting remorse afterwards.
44. Although she comes across as impulsive, Harper is actually very cautious and indecisive.
45. People who aren't impulsive think through the consequences of their actions before taking decisive steps.
46. His early training was in the sciences and he displays a cool rationality about what can be a rather impulsive profession.
47. A person who writes concise e-mail messages may seem impulsive, opportunistic, pushy, overbearing, foolish, or simply rude.
48. It was too soon to be fitzAlan, she told herself, reason overwhelming her first impulsive hope.
49. Ranieri was impulsive in a way that business school case studies seldom account for when they analyze managerial decision making.
50. The existence of will does not mean that behavior is never impulsive.
51. She was unpredictable, explosive, impulsive and easily distracted.
52. Impulsiveness is not impulsive epitaph.
53. Aunt Tamara was docile , girlish, sensitive, impulsive.
54. Her impulsive passion was a positive defect.
55. Bathsheba's was an impulsive nature under a deliberative aspect.
56. Equilateral pyramid, concise power, an impulsive force of view.
57. After analysing the mistakes of present calculating on impulsive force a new method is put forward.
58. Is impulsive, self-assertive, restless, always wanting quick results and giving the impression of urgency.
59. The main 3 types of personality disorder of violence criminals are impulsive, illiberal and antisocial personality disorder, respectively.
60. In the crossing site of the gravity wave along the low jet stream and that of forward sector of backflow, the impulsive force might be very strong, and a squall line just appeared there.
61. The issue of impulsive synchronization of chaotic dynamical systems is investigated.
62. He had found her waiting for him upon his return from the council chambers, still ruffled from her impulsive flight to the fortress, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen.
63. Borderline Personality Disorder – Instability in relationships, job, mood, and self-image, including uncontrolled flashes of anger, impulsive behavior, and self-mutilation.
64. The stability of time-delay and time-varying large scale systems with impulsive effect is investigated by means of the comparison principle and vector Lyapunov function with discontinuous derivative.
65. The direction of acoustic beam and angular width of main lobe can be changed by properly amplitude-weighting, decreasing the frequency of impulsive signal and adjusting the interval of array elements.
66. In order to measure the stress in the rock and concrete structure under impulsive load during blast of ammunition or penetration of projectile, a ytterbium foil stress sensor was developed.
67. Vector median filter(VMF)is a kind of traditional highly effective vector filter which is mainly used to remove impulsive noise from color images.
68. Catalytic thermal cracking performance of modified ZSM-5 zeolite is evaluated through pure hydrocarbon impulsive micro-reaction pilot unit.
69. They usually hold tremendous conviction about the correctness and importance of their own ideas as well. This grandiosity can contribute to poor judgment and impulsive behavior.
69. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
70. The formula of solutions is established for the initial problem and period boundary value problem of first order variable coefficient linear impulsive differential equations.
71. The existence of periodic solutions for a class of impulsive differential equations with piecewise constant argument is studied by constructing periodic sequence solutions of difference equation.
72. hyperactivity and quick-fire change that adolescents are more likely than children and adults to want to try out new experiences, to be impulsive and take risks.
73. Study of ignition transient characteristic of impulsive micro thruster was conducted.
74. Lower order alpha stable distribution processes can better model the impulsive random signals and noises in physical observation.
75. The sufficient conditions of the weak exponential asymptotic stability of impulsive differential system are obtained.
76. Venus in Aries indicates an impulsive, passionate, extrovert and bold romantic nature.
77. Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
78. Finally use the dynamic three axle shear test to research impulsive load function under red clay mechanics and distortion characteristic.
79. The impulsive force of breath originates from breath, therefore the breath training in singing is, in the end(), breath training.
80. And impulsive response matrix and transfer function matrix are defined and discussed in detail.
81. The existence of periodic solutions for a class of impulsive differential equations of mixed type is studied by constructing periodic sequence solutions of difference equations.
82. A new type of spectral element was proposed to solve the problems of 3D multi-layer plate on semi-infinite foundation subjected to impulsive load.
83. It is found that the calculation value of impulsive force is related with the mechanics parameter of above layer of ground soil medium, the section size of the chimney and the density of the material.
84. A new non-iterative algorithm with time-domain weighting is described for reconstructing fast, step-like, or impulsive signals that have been measured with a sampling oscilloscope.
85. Was there, then, something wrong in being warmhearted and impulsive like that?
86. Experimental results show that using the collision force generation and feedback method, the user can sense realistic impulsive forces via the CyberGrasp data glove caused by virtual collision.
87. Keeping records will do the same for you - it will immunize you against impulsive gambling.
88. Most children can be inattentive , hyperactive, or impulsive at times.
89. With skillful lines, mysterious layouts and broad opening and closing, his works exert an impulsive force visually.
90. In being deflected, steam exerts an impulsive force on the blades, which causes them to rotate.
91. After analysing the mistakes of present calculating on impulsive force, a new calculating method is put forward.
92. A technique based on 2D OSF(order statistics filter) was proposed to filter impulsive noise and radio frequency interference(RFI) in ionospheric backscatter sounding.
93. And concatenated inner Block Code Modulation ( BCM ) can help the OWPM system to impulsive noise burst.
94. First, there is a correlation between unhealthiness and impulsiveness of food items: Unhealthy food items also tend to elicit impulsive responses.
95. These characteristics determine the fast moving consumer goods consumer buying habits are: simple, rapid, impulsive, emotional.
96. Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.
97. A new type of spectral element was proposed to solve the problems of three-dimensional multi-layered system subjected to an impulsive load.
98. Kevin. Bacon has starred in a heat and impulsive young man singing dance piece, light and smooth development of the plot, was taken in break dance popular in 1984.
99. The result of simulation shows that big and small of impulsive force and its ...
100. The impulsive controller is designed to switch the in-phase synchronization state and the phase synchronization state.
101. The impulsive force estimated based on the impulsive momentum while chimney toppling down to the ground is safer and more conservative than the practical figures.
102. "Restraint bias offers insight into how our erroneous beliefs about self-restraint promote impulsive behavior," says lead author Loran F. Nordgren of Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management.
103. The system of boosting charge and impulsive discharge is an important part and one of the core technology of the device.
104. They can be impulsive , faithful and take risks others may cringe from.
105. He must recognize his role in putting on impulsive trades , undisciplined trades , trades without stops.
106. This paper is concerned with the existence of extreme solutions of integral boundary conditions for a class of first order impulsive differential equations.
107. Dus to above principle the impulsive force and vibrating noise can be eliminated or decreased greatly, and the volume can be reduced.
108. Nonlinar acoustics is applied on impulsive noise in firing - gas jet field of rocket.
109. It's due to this brain region's hyperactivity and quick-fire change that adolescents are more likely than children and adults to want to try out new experiences, to be impulsive and take risks.
110. The traits are the self-obsession of narcissism; the impulsive, thrill-seeking and callous behavior of psychopaths; and the deceitful and exploitative nature of Machiavellianism.
111. The combination of inlet fluid impulsive force with vibration force accelerated the failure of pipe bundle.
112. In fact, I found him personally likable, if irresponsibly impulsive.
113. In part II, by the same way, we consider first-order impulsive differential equations with integral boundary value problems.
114. After an impulsive visit to a fortuneteller, three friends discover that the power of suggestion has forced them to consider the reality of fate.
115. On the basic of TV home shopping and impulsive buying, stimulating factors of impulsive buying was analyzed, and its influence was settled through verification setting.
116. At the same time, the impulsive force stretched the longitudinal and transverse compressive strain in the weld, and relieved welding residual stress.
117. With respect to the periodic solution to a impulsive system, a study is carried out on the existence of periodic solutions by means of the contraction mapping principle.
118. The schizoid devours the eyewinker may be caused by thinking obstacle, also may be the method that a kind of impulsive act perhaps considers to serve as the suicide with this.
119. Concepts of impulsive exponential stabilization for general differential systems are proposed.
120. Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer.
121. The impulsive force of breath is the motive force of sound production when a person is singing; so it is the key link in vocal music training.
122. Both the proposed method and finite element method were applied to analyze the dynamic responses of a two-layer plate subjected to rectangular impulsive load, and the results show a good agreement.
123. Abstract: The sufficient conditions of the weak exponential asymptotic stability of impulsive differential system are obtained.
124. Everything is a wrong date which is an impulsive promise made by bullheaded and proud people .
125. The acting forces of the main movable parts of SYZJ of impulsive load generator are analyzed.
126. The magnetic flux density distribution of flat spiral coil simulation by impulsive current usually used in electromagnetic metal forming is researched.
127. The impulsive controller is designed to switch the in-phase synchronization state and the anti-phase synchronization state.
128. This kind of impulsive choice can be studied in animals, and now researchers working with rats may have found a brain region that plays a key role in spur-of-the-moment decisions.
129. They be impulsive, faithful and take risks others may cringe from.
130. By analysis of the whole process of mechanism motion general equation of the dynamics, the change law of the acceleration and impulsive force of the punch pin isg iven out.
131. The impulsive force of the hammer of the Machine can reach 30T, to replace the big hammer , and air pick , which can well treat with the cement concrete .
132. Both revealed that the spring coupling should be used in the transmission system of slab conveying roller in order to reduce the peak-load while bearing a great impulsive torque.
133. It is revealed from the study of the two-dimensional model that the non-conservative impulsive force plays a significant role in the exchanging process of energy.
133. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
134. He poured out words of gratitude and tenderness with impulsive ravishment.
135. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of lateral inclining angle of pouringbasin on the pouring impulsive force.
136. The oscillation property of two dimension impulsive time - delay direct control systems is studied.
137. A kind of the use of impulsive control mode, the drive and motor closed loop, but not feedback to the numerical control system, this drive, in a sense, can open loop control called the servo control.
138. You mustn't mindan old fellow like me telling you you're very headstrong and impulsive.
139. Investigation showed: the fuel assembly of electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is firm enough to suffer from the impulsive load, so it suits using in the reactor.
140. From the stability of linear impulsive systems, we can get the stability of a general mode for ontogenetic growth.
141. Moreover, I designed, factured, and debugged the system circuit of boosting charge and impulsive discharge, and taked part in experiment, installation and debugging of the whole device.




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