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单词 Graph
1. The statistics can be depicted as a graph.
2. They made a graph of weather.
3. Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
4. This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.
5. Plot a graph of height against age.
6. Keith was drawing a complicated-looking graph.
7. We plot about eight points on the graph.
8. The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall.
9. Martin showed me a graph of their recent sales.
10. The figures are all plotted on a graph.
11. Results can be shown in numeric or graph form.
12. The graph showed peaks and troughs of activity.
13. First, plot the temperature curve on the graph.
14. We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.
15. From this graph, it can be seen that some people are more susceptible to the disease.
16. The unemployment-income curve on the graph has a negative slope.
17. She drew a graph showing the relationship between costs and sales.
18. The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s.
19. We can see on this graph how the company has grown over the last year.
20. The intersection of the lines on the graph marks the point where we start to make a profit.
21. It is clear from the graph that sales have dropped sharply.
22. Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.
23. We need some sort of graph on which we can chart our progress.
24. They made a graph of how hot the weather was every day for a month.
25. The importance of the connexion graph is emphasised.
26. Our soundings are displayed in the form of a graph.
27. It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.
28. There are two other points to note from this graph.
29. The results can be presented visually in the form of a graph.
30. I decided to show the results in a bar graph.
1. The statistics can be depicted as a graph.
2. They made a graph of weather.
3. Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.
4. This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.
31. The dotted line on the graph denotes profits.
32. The graph is a linear regression of.
33. For a shorter version, just use the main graph.
34. Graph the two equations to substantiate your answers.
35. A development licence for the Graph Widgets costs £3,000.
36. A search space is a labelled directed graph.
37. Here you can set the speed of the transition effect and the length of time each graph is shown on screen.
38. The upper graph shows the economy's initial general equilibrium position in the real and monetary sectors.
39. The graph below shows the number of performance quality breakthroughs from 1991 through 1994.
40. As to the arrangement of the motif, for a full-length version use the stalk-extension graph before starting the main graph.
41. A Graph Window is used to build and customize graphs based on data from the Notebook window.
42. This data is plotted on the graph and a line is drawn to link the points.
43. The output was a bar graph to show how much the new input resembled each of the ten people.
44. What you get from it is a graph showing a complex pattern of forces.
45. A bar graph shows present depth and maximum depth reached.
46. A baseline graph actually consists of two graphs placed side by side.
47. In Chapter 2 I gave a breakdown of the five minimum requirements of the graph search mechanism.
48. About how much of every £100 is spent on each item shown in the divided bar graph?
49. The major advantage of the line graph is that it is easy to analyse the relationship between variables.
50. Special types of graph paper can be useful in different circumstances.
51. The Government produced in the autumn statement a graph of consumer confidence.
52. Breadth-first search is admissible,(sentence dictionary) i.e. guaranteed to find the highest scoring path through the graph.
53. The oscilloscope graph of both voices was flattened in the lower register: tension was restricting the movement of their vocal chords.
54. The paths through the graph are calculated through a process of graph reduction.
55. Basically, a graph of all possible letter-segment combinations is set up and an optimum path through the graph is calculated.
56. The top graph on page 160 shows the precipitous decline in the number of people involved in awareness-driven initiatives.
57. The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible - compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14.
58. The scatter seen on the graph is the normal biological variability of plant material.
59. Allow the graph to dry overnight before hanging it up.
60. It is best to work out a pattern in advance and draw it out on same graph paper.
61. Make sure that your cursor is in the sum column of the answer table, and choose the option Image Graph Viewgraph.
62. Birds twitter outside the open window as the nuns scrutinise each graph and diligently take notes.
63. From this graph it can be seen that, generally, as the level of processing increases reaction time increases.
64. Use the half pattern below and enlarge it on dressmaker's graph paper.
65. Next, we come to the notion of a directed graph, sometimes called a digraph.
66. At the end of each level you take an exam and you can record your results as a graph.
67. We will also assume that perfect segmentation has taken place; there are no competing alignments of overlapping phonemes in the graph.
68. It will analyze and graph your daily intake and compare it with the recommended dietary allowances set by the government.
69. All the information from each knowledge source is then compiled together in a unified graph representation.
70. Williams and Jeanloz then plotted the rising melting temperatures on a graph against the rising pressures on the sample.
71. To convert a design, use graph paper and mark out blocks of six rows.
72. Underneath the bar graph are listed the inbred mouse strains or transgenics from which the analysis was made.
73. There is no longer any guarantee that the optimal path through the graph will not be pruned.
74. The Upper Bound: Roughly speaking this is the unique local minimum of the gradient of the graph.
75. If you do not get a satisfactory graph, try resetting the graph settings to the default.
76. In order to construct a line graph, at least two sets of tabulated data are required.
77. The left-hand graph shows that at low pressure the volume of a fixed amount of gas is high.
77. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
78. The restrictions embodied in the lexical graph will eliminate some of the paths through the phoneme graph.
79. The graph on the right reveals that the response depends on the escape.
80. When plotting monthly or quarterly data, graph paper ruled into twelve divisions instead of ten is invaluable.
81. We can map out our budget and time performance on a graph.
82. Paths could then be continued from all new short words that are stored on the word graph. 7.3.1.
83. They reduce the average branching factor and hence the potential combinatorial explosion of paths through the graph.
84. The graph paper is useful for the teaching of electrocardiograms.
85. This method gives you something like a template for a graph, which you can use time and time again.
86. The lower left-hand graph is the short-run aggregate production function and the lower right-hand graph illustrates the economy's labour market.
87. The lines on the graph show predicted population sizes using the best estimates of the parameter values.
88. Semantic net infrastructure A semantic network is a graph where natural language terms have been used to label the nodes and links.
89. Sitting down with a slip of graph paper and jotting down a few ideas will help, you make sense of your thoughts.
90. This consisted of drawing on graph paper ten figures of slightly varying geometric size, made up of squares.
91. The resonant frequency is detected as the maximum of a graph of amplitude against frequency.
92. It is not yet clear though whether this marks the beginning of a sustained upturn or an aberrant blip on the graph.
93. It takes a bit of time to learn to use these more specialized sorts of graph paper but it is worth the effort.
94. The neural network takes each pixel, does calculations, and enters information on a graph.
95. There are various ways of presenting a graph in terms of binary digits.
96. This can be done on an annual basis with a bar graph which reveals the annual growth rate.
97. If it is thin enough you will be able to trace the outlines of a plot originally drawn on graph paper.
98. Similarly, a graph of syntactic categories will eliminate some of the possible word sequences.
99. The graph provides an overall picture of the data which makes spotting trend or correlation of data in your spreadsheet.
100. Instead, the number of adverse outcomes is plotted against the total number of cases on a graph.
101. With any luck, you should see a graph of the data appear.
102. Children comparing ideas about keeping healthy could make a class graph showing what they consider contributes to health.
103. True, the global figures advanced by Soviet historians to plot the graph of peasant disorders leave much to be desired.
104. The graph shows housing costs for Arizona, New York, Nevada, and Utah.
105. Probability graph paper exists to show the extent to which a distribution deviates from the Gaussian shape.
106. This permitted the use of arithmetic graph papers for plotting.
107. It is possible to plot the relationship between a number of variables on the same graph.
108. When computing uplift from a Marie-type graph such situations would give rise to an overestimate of uplift for the Carboniferous.
109. The point or date of the intervention is represented on the graph by a solid vertical line.
110. The graph restates all the historical figures on the new basis.
111. In any graph, each node is different from all the other nodes.
112. His natural habitat is the graph, his occupation the computer simulation.
113. As the graph shows, in the postwar period up to 1972, real wages rose in line with productivity.
114. Draw your allotted area to scale on graph paper, sketching out patterns that you find attractive.
115. For example, this graph shows sales of tin openers from January to June.
116. The programme plots speakers in terms of their scores on two principal components, represented as axes of the graph.
117. Another use would be in a graph plotting program to accept the mathematical equation you wished to plot.
118. On the plus side, charting capabilities are excellent - there's a vast range of graph types.
119. You can then print out the graph and get the pupils to figure out what happened when.
120. He should draw a graph of the increasing pressure upon his work.
121. In a fourth-grade math class, children might estimate and research and graph the average summer temperatures of various 190 countries.
122. Finally, the graph search perspective helped to focus on the dynamic aspects of speech processing.
123. The vertical line on the graph represents the time taken, and the horizontal line represents the distance travelled.
124. Other products are treated in the same way, building up a graph of the aggregate sales of existing products.
125. Unlike the punchcards, where you indicate a button on the graph, this is the needle that will be selected.
126. Student and teacher alike may be surprised and positively reinforced by viewing a graph that shows progress.
127. Breathing rhythm was established by the movement of a bar graph displayed on the computer screen.
128. Input to the process is a graph of inactive edges marked with phoneme labels and possibly other information such as acoustic probability score.
129. The results from the mechanical time log are presented in graph, chart and tabular form.
130. The graph on page 6 shows population growth over the past 50 years.
131. In a graph, the x-axis is perpendicular to the y-axis.
132. Certainly there may be the odd chart or graph thrown in for luck but the basic requirement is for high quality text.
133. It can be seen that the graph slopes up and although an exact relationship does not exist, a systematic ones does.
134. I produced a full size drawing on cartridge graph paper and cut out templates for both inner and outer surfaces.
135. This would lead to a graph of illegalities graded according to moral turpitude.
136. This shows a graph G which is actually a tree, and its cover G-.
137. To demonstrate this astonishing finding, she showed me a graph she and Swetnarn had prepared.
137. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
138. Have each group take turns gluing their items side by side on the graph.
139. The animal is knitted as a single motif just as it appears on the graph.
140. The results can be plotted in a graph, like the one below.
141. G is a minimal connected graph.
142. the vertical axis of the graph.
143. A graph with no articulation points is nonseparable.
144. An orientation of a complete graph is called a tournament.
145. This happens if the graph is disconnected or has a cutvertex.
146. The electronic beam oscilloscope plots on a fluorescent screen a graph of electrical current versus time.
147. Firstly, the illuminator scheduling model is established using Markov' theory of stochastic process and the resource constraint graph is built from the set of resource intervals.
148. Studying such a kind of stability problem is more powerful for analysing whether there is an infinite amount of tokens accumulated in the timed event graph.
149. A directed graph, or digraph G consists of a finite nonempty set of vertices V, and a finite set of edges E, where an edge is an ordered pair of vertices in V.
150. man-machine simulation of mining method based on colour character and graph display is presented.
151. The path graph transformation is a natural and interesting generalization of line graph transformation.
152. There are three important graph polynomials in graph theory, they have a close relationship with each other: chromatic polynomial, Tutte polynomial and flow polynomial.
153. This curtain in the graph is done not have flatly pensile, and make its lumpy , and respect of colour and lustre uses warm color, give a person with decorous and flow, warm feeling.
154. In this paper, three measure of the connectedness of a fuzzy graph:fuzzy connectivity, fuzzy edge connectivity, fuzzy nuclearity and their properties are presented.
155. In this context a graph is hardly more than a visual or computational aid.
156. In essence, 3D ventilation network graph is a 'figurative' ventilation network graph, and it surpasses the technical level of the conventional planar network graph.
157. To support causal analysis, extended event graph(EEG) is put forward to rebuild the events and their causal relations happened in simulation.
158. Firstly, it trains a set of classifiers and constructs a complete undirected graph with weight by using individual and diversity value between individuals.
159. Second, the principal graph algorithm is adopted to generate skeleton line of zebrafish embryos based on the idea of principal curves.
160. The inheritance hierarchy is a actually a directed acyclic graph.
161. In respect that the graph model itself is graph or can be transformed as graph by some method, the graph transformation is highly fit for graph model transforming.
162. Graph of changed scope of compliance about renal participating in compensatory adjustment were drawn out in chronic respiratory acidosis and alkalosis separately.
163. From the transfer function of the system, and transform the signal flow graph to its log-domain form, then use the corresponding log-domain circuit to realize the log-domain filtering.
164. The Acyclic Dependencies Principle: Allow no cycles in the package dependency graph.
165. set size is also useful in conjunction with the multiplot command, which is used to produce more than one graph on the same output screen or file.
166. This paper proposes a novel spectral partitioning algorithm, viz. recursive spectral bisection, for weighted graph partitioning that models large scale distribution feeder reconfiguration problem.
167. Then the paper brings forward the overset relationship graph to deal with the problems brought by multi-level overset grids.
168. The edge chromatic number of join graph with fan and complete balanced bipartite graph was obtained.
169. Gives the infimum of the numbers of dege in 2 - connected nontrivial geodetic graph; Renew some results.
170. However, the motion graph method has its inherent fault which the efficiency and functional of generated movements subject to its original motion capture database.
171. A cyclic object graph cannot be transformed into a tree structure.
172. By discussing two different conditions of double-cycles graph, chromatic polynomial on double-cycles graph is solved.
173. The best way to draw a line graph is to use an SVG element called the polyline. The polyline takes in pairs of values as X and Y points and draws a connecting line between the points.
174. For inter-ring demands, we propose an algorithm based on auxiliary graph, which ensures the success rate of demand assignment.
175. This paper describes the method of analysis of active circuits including nullors with signal flow graph.
176. According to the characteristics of the ICAI knowledge, the concept of knowledge structure AND/OR graph is presented by researching the two main relationships among knowledge points.
177. It has raw log, tabulated data, and graph views, and can save data to jpeg or .csv files (for export to spreadsheets).
178. HMO characteristic polynomial and select eigenvalues for many heterocyclic benzenoids are calculated by using chemical graph theory methods.
179. This visualizer creates a graph of data on an x-y axis to help spot outliers.
180. Finding obstacle-avoiding shortest path is an important problem in VLSI design, and connection graph is a fundamental tool to resolve the problem.
181. This method uses intermediate nodes' location information to create undirected graph at destination node, and uses Breath-First Search (BFS) algorithm to find another disjoint path.
182. Several sieves are applied during the course of modeling of disassembly AND/OR graph, and the estimate of sieving rate is the precondition of reasonable sieving sequence.
183. In chemistry the sum of distances is one of most frequently-used concepts in constructing molecular model by theory of graph.
184. A number of basic figure cells are chose from the graphic warehouse through the use of menu technique and scrabble up a whole of the graph of the station signal.
185. The Tektronix TDS 784 D oscilloscope is a graph - displaying device – it draws a graph of an electrical signal.
186. This paper studies the maximum genus of a graph $G $ only in term of some embedding of $G $ in an orientable surface, not of its other invariants, and gives the maximum genus of this kind of graphs.
187. Such a graph is defined to be a contact network.
188. By adapting matrix calculation method for using MATLAB drawing graph technology, 2D and 3D function graphs could be drawn, which is widely applied for science research and engineering technology.
189. In this artical, a kind of method of composition is given by which, the big arboricity critical graph is constructed from a little one.
190. Definition of Low Density Parity Check Codes, its classification, graph representation, and a decoding algorithm based on the graph structure are described.
191. Using this method can be based on signal spectral analysis method of fault diagnosis into a planar graph recognition.
192. Synchronizing impulse is the key to synchronize sound playing with light displaying of graph plate.
193. Aim It is difficulty in judging the transmission by defection and graph. But it can become more easily through matrix of relation.
194. Isoperimetric algorithm does well in image segmentation, and it is a fast graph partitioning method.
195. It first introduces its architecture, knowledge representation model and reasoning schema, and then the concept of Rule Model Graph (RMG)and an algorithm for reasoning using RMG.
196. The graph plotter is an in common use equipment to output graph, and it can conserve pattern on plot paper which make by computer.
197. The point at which branching of the graph occurs is called a bifurcation point and corresponds to a critical value of the load.
198. Mechanism for scaling planar graphs is defined as the mechanism that can enlarge or shrink a planar graph by driving a revolute pair.
199. Underneath the graph,(http:///graph.html) you will have your table of keywords where you can start to extract some more meaningful information.
200. The most striking feature of this graph is the lack of agreement.
201. Secondly, geodesic Gaussian basis functions are defined on the graph. A shortest path obtained by a shortest path faster algorithm is used to approximate a geodesic distance.
202. A configuration is reducible if no minimal 5 chromatic plane graph can contain it.
203. Now that the compact function connectivity matrix is built, it's time to build its graph.
204. A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree.
205. The assertion is known as the closed graph theorem for Hilbert spaces.
206. The client that reads my schema must be able to understand that I am describing such a linked list structure and thus must accept all possible versions of the XML that de-serialize to the same graph.
207. A graph is bipartite if it does not contain an odd cycle.
208. Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion, a depth-first search to the entire map, can be cut at all possible paths.
209. This paper formulates for solving the data clustering problem as a graph partition optimal problem, and proposes a parthenogenetic algorithm based on immune mechanism.
210. And the coefficients of eigen-polynomial expressions were closely related to the circular sets of a directional graph.
211. The graph in Figure 1 shows the number of connections, connect time, and insert-update time.
212. A new algorithm of chromatic number and minimal coloring of a given graph is given.
213. If ( a, b ) ( ba ) then the graph is a directed graph.




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