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单词 Empowered
1. Congress is empowered to levy taxes.
2. The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.
3. Wealth empowered him to live a comfortable life.
4. The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills.
5. They were not empowered to negotiate without instructions.
6. The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
7. The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency.
8. The new law empowered the police to search private house.
9. They were amazingly empowered by that system.
10. A good preacher sends you out feeling more empowered.
11. Dan regularly empowered frontline teams to recommend changes.
12. But fundamentally the workers are not empowered, because all these things can be denied at any time.
13. The new parliament will be empowered to levy a tax on its citizens to raise about $ 750 million a year.
14. It would be empowered to conduct its own relations with foreign central banks.
15. By Enabling Laws the Reich stag empowered the government to legislate in the name of the Reich stag.
16. These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas, with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation.
17. Employees are empowered to use their initiative to meet requests.
18. People feel empowered when they feel confident and in control.
19. Inspectors are empowered by the Secretary of State to question people and demand to inspect documents.
20. Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States.
21. Is it unreasonable that it should also be empowered to decide on the judgment of a state tribunal enforcing such unconstitutional law?
22. Tax inspectors should be empowered to examine a man's bank statement as well as his credit-card dealings.
23. She was not empowered by a court order or conservatorship to place him there.
24. People need to be empowered so that everyone can participate in the decisions that underpin the introduction of these crucial new techniques.
25. Within these objectives the association is empowered: To establish and maintain appropriate standards of competence for managers in the industry.
26. A recent study tour found the use of video and screens had reduced as children were better empowered.
27. It also established the first Crofters Commission as a permanent body empowered to fix fair rents and administer crofting legislation.
28. Then they can cease feeling guilty and start feeling empowered.
29. Under the 1643 ordinance to control printing[sentence dictionary], Bachilor was appointed one of the twelve divines empowered to license books of divinity.
30. That does not mean that I would discard it as an instrument of statutory interpretation even were I empowered to do so.
1. Congress is empowered to levy taxes.
2. The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.
31. If Hateley is found guilty of violent conduct, the disciplinary committee are empowered to extend the player's ban.
32. In imposing taxes for state purposes, they are not doing what Congress is empowered to do.
33. According to the new law local parliaments would be empowered to conduct inspection and auditing of local governments.
34. Emergency regulations empowered the government to declare virtual martial law at will.
35. His government, he suggested, had empowered the military to make all tactical decisions necessary to resolve the conflict.
36. Health officers in Macclesfield are to be empowered to go into houses and switch off noisy burglar alarms.
37. The Foreign Compensation Commission was empowered by statute to deal with claims to compensation under agreements with foreign governments.
38. The new law also empowered parliament to veto any government decision on direct links within 30 days.
39. Knowing more about her pregnancy should have empowered her, but in fact it did the opposite.
40. It empowered local councils to enter gardens and cut down problem hedges if their owners refuse to cooperate.
41. The board is also empowered to hold such other meetings as it considers appropriate.
42. She said many people feel empowered by the technology because they can take care of business more efficiently.
43. Umpires are even empowered to use their own initiative to ensure that a game reaches an equitable outcome.
44. Though flogging was restricted, the length of sentences which lower courts were empowered to impose was doubled.
45. They are empowered by their client, who is the boss.
46. A loss had been turned to a profit and teamwork has led to empowered people with a commitment to the business.
47. It is enacted not by the ordinary legislative authority but by some higher and specially empowered body.
48. They were empowered to improve a range of local facilities from transport, credit, and insurance to health and education.
49. Federal courts would be empowered to impose the death sentence for 51 crimes.
50. The police were empowered to direct and to route processions, but a ban could only come from the Home Secretary.
51. The Workhouse Act of 1723 had empowered parishes to apply a workhouse test by denying relief to those who refused to enter.
52. In return,[] local authorities were empowered to appoint the teachers in such schools for all subjects other than religious instruction.
53. The relevant statute empowered the council to pay such wages as it thought fit.
54. Employees may return from a seminar or workshop feeling empowered, energetic, creative, and open to new alternatives.
55. To be empowered is to be able to take care of oneself and to have influence on others.
56. Wood is empowered to return Milken to prison for up to the maximum 10-year sentence that she originally imposed.
57. They know full well that Joe Biden and other newly empowered Democrats share their doubts on missile defence.
58. Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World, got it wrong: rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families.
59. Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit.
60. Nature has empowered us with such a strong force called mind.
61. The new legislation empowered the ICC to suspend general rate increases and revise rates on its own initiative.
62. Often empowered by Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, PMs find themselves increasingly dependant on domain-specific expertise.
63. Under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the Secretary of the Interior was empowered to issue prospecting permits and leases for certain minerals such as oil and gas .
64. They were empowered by the King to confer upon Macbeth the dignity of thane of Cawdor.
65. The offer I am empowered to make is bona fide.
66. Well, you could say that American bankers, empowered by a quarter-century of deregulatory zeal, led the world in finding sophisticated ways to enrich themselves by hiding risk and fooling investors.
67. It has been not only empowered by Buddha himself, but also the teaching ground of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.
68. It was a feast which empowered me to continue my journey with SIFE.
69. Eric: As I mentioned in the previous question, SOA governance work has really empowered architects to get close to the business.
70. Our very quick turn-around time means that our user community is very empowered and engaged. This is why we have such thorough feedback integration within Tasktop.
71. The strategy for managing an empowered workforce to serve the needs of empowered customers starts with a new agreement.
72. Time and time again we see how, when communities are given opportunities they want and programmes they can own, they are empowered to achieve the lives they desire.
73. It is also empowered to recommend an embargo on drugs from or to the country concerned.
74. To begin with , the ICC was empowered, upon complaint, to investigate and lower rates.
75. His immediate plans include more air strikes, drone attacks and the re-introduction of specially empowered police teams to control the southeast.
76. But the president’s bully pulpit is not what it was before the rise of partisan cable television and the cacophony of the blogosphere empowered the obfuscators.
77. But in the end, Bust offers a peekaboo view of the world of sex that leaves one feeling not like an empowered adult but more like a 12-year-old sneaking in some sexy reading behind her parents' back.
78. They feel empowered to solve customer problems and they act resourcefully, using new technology to do so.
79. Filmmaker: Fabrizio Corona, the self-fashioned rebel paparazzi, identifies with Scarface and has empowered himself in a completely different way.
80. A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.
81. On the other hand, Dechang Power Company, which is a state-owned local enterprise, is empowered to operate power networks. However, its development is hindered due to some systematic reasons.
82. I am empowered [ authorized ] to deal with this matter.
83. Christ charged His disciples to preach the remission of sins in His name among all nations; but they themselves were not empowered to remove one stain of sin.
84. The leader's job is to empower people at all levels to step up and lead. Empowered leaders need sophisticated accountability systems with closed-loop management to ensure commitments are met.
85. In a sense,[] a Chinese-American writer such as Tan is simultaneously empowered and caught by the Orientalist discourse.
86. The emancipatory power of PAR for owners and employees to become more efficient effective, and empowered.
87. Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost.
88. To begin with , the ICC was empowered, upon complain, to investigate and lower rates.
89. Though my duties were as simple as washing dishes or explaining long division, I felt empowered knowing that I had the ability to help.
90. It is important that you clear the atmosphere around you of discordant vibrational patterns every day so that you can stay empowered within your Sacred Heart and Solar Power Center .
91. You become free, featherweight and empowered to lead the life you were meant to!
92. Business users are empowered to make rapid cycle changes to business rules, which can then be tested and rolled out to customer systems more quickly.
93. Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union, but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe.
94. The Federal Reserve is empowered by Congress to keep inflation in check, but its definition is even more wanting than the monetarist view.
95. Reporting from page Bharat Chronicle, he said that by giving the role as guardian to the woman, he has empowered and provide better life to them.
96. Instead of being enfeebled by age, the Elder had been empowered by it; he could outfly any gull in the Flock, and he had learned skills that the others were only gradually coming to know.
97. Empowered Rejuvenation: This talent now properly affects the final heal from Lifebloom.
98. In the evolved commercial system enabled by ICT and OER, organizations and individuals empowered by technology and mass amateurization can easily and simultaneously occupy many roles.
99. Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin, " to the newly empowered personal investor.
100. The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes.
101. Alliance Paladins are the followers of the ideas of Uther Lightbringer, empowered by light for their valiance or some such.




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