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单词 Seduction
1 The film depicts Charlotte's seduction by her boss.
2 Her methods of seduction are subtle.
3 It is a tale of courtship, passion and seduction.
4 People who bought it did so on seduction.
5 He also hated the King because of Henry's seduction of his sister.
6 Their seduction had long been used on men of the cloth, often with rewarding results for the cook.
7 In a disturbing dumb show of sorry heterosexual seduction, she lured him inside and up the stairs.
8 She must wait until after his seduction before she made herself known to him.
9 The story describes the seduction of a young girl by a middle-aged professor.
10 The seduction of study and playful analysis must not be allowed to overshadow genuine project objectives.
11 Marlin's record collection was chiefly seduction songs of his sixties adolescence,[] which suited her fine.
12 And in the matter of seduction itself, once more it is the male who is expected to make the first move.
13 The ancient seduction of the marketplace is universal, drawing people from across the street and continents away.
14 The Seduction Science guy isn't hypnotized dance floor.
15 This flirtatiously scented body balm is pure body seduction.
16 One about seduction, and falling in love.
17 The seduction hypothesis is merely a formal abstraction.
18 A ritual of seduction or a war declaration?
19 But flirting always brings the risk of seduction.
20 The initiative seduction always consists in awakening slumbering appearances.
21 The moral is: Seduction can be dangerous to men and women both.
22 Don't assume that seduction is just about sex, because it is NOT.
23 This was a case of sly, evil seduction as well as murder.
24 All those little gestures formed hut a background to the real art of seduction.
25 When donned, it crumbles to dust, but it confers the skills Charm, Mime, Mimic and Seduction.permanently.
26 What we are witnessing is the eager consummation that follows a long and passionate seduction.
27 Daphne has no money for him to take, but there is the perennial fear of seduction.
28 Rudolf had some notion of the lure and the seduction of all that.
29 If lager and lying about, boutiques and boozing, sun and seduction are what turn you on, forget the north.
30 Afterward, Mr Dent walks him home, shares a nightcap and makes a pathetic attempt at seduction.
31 You don't think that slightly impedes your plans for seduction?
32 More generally, all the perverse forms of seduction have the following in common: they betray its secret and the fundamental rule, which is that the rule remain unspoken .
33 Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
34 With this accusation of the misuse of borrowed funds, we recognize the strange and, I think in this context, rather ill-fitting subtext behind Comus' seduction.
35 It revolved around handsome young men - dressed up gaudily, highly trained in seduction, paid to lounge around in special bars.
36 I've been relying on the kindness of strangers and the occasional serendipitous seduction to make sure I've had somewhere to plug in my laptop.
37 So some criminals began committing perpetration through QQ, such as some illegal operation or deal, seduction of some pure young lady or dissemination of some pornographic picture or live show.
38 Apart from being lethal[/seduction.html], Bond is best known for his seduction.
39 For example, I used the Elongated Seduction Model to recently close a top model who happens to be the poster girl for one of the hottest and more prestigious clubs in London.
40 Olaquindox has the toxic function of cumulation, heredity and seduction.
41 The logic was insane, except as a polyrhythm of fear and reassurance, a seduction.
42 This is what makes the suicide pact similar to a demonic sexual seduction.
43 Energetically , such seduction often looks like a large fan that is projected from a certain chakra region enveloping both you and the seducer.
44 Seduction continues to appear to all orthodoxies as malefice and artifice, a black magic for the deviation of all truths, an exaltation of the malicious use of signs, a conspiracy of signs.
45 It requires no complicated theories of a preference for authoritarians or personal seduction.
46 The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in'till the bittersweet enthralling end.
47 The unmarried woman is pregnant because of compulsory intercourse and seduction; the pregnancy is within over three months and two months after accouchement .
48 The model's seduction is obvious: China's growth has been extraordinary.
49 In the 1994 movie "The Last Seduction," a femme fatale coaxes her lover into killing her husband for money.
50 Pure seduction, My desire, Strawberries and champagne, Love spell, Amber romance, Pear glace.
51 In the seduction of love, the fantasy can be used to transfer information, chi, records, moving energy systems or karma from the seducer to the seduced or visa versa.
52 Heaven and hell were peddled, so priests could rule through seduction and terror, save our souls that we never lost in the first place.
53 Sometimes sexual seduction can also move the pain from the seduced to the seducer allowing the seduced to feel better after making love.
54 This is true whether the seduction is for comfort, self-aggrandizement, money, or, in the most egregious public instances, sex.
55 The Seduction Science guy doesn't flinch when approaching a woman.
56 Are they high priced courtesans?Mistresses of seduction?Or something more illusive?Whatever a geisha is, it's more than a role, it's an all- encompassing way of life.
57 If desire is a will to power and possession, seduction places before it an equal will to power by the simulacrum .
58 Love is, encouraging him hypocritically when he is facing some seduction.
59 Russian school is teaching women the skills of seduction - to attract rich men.
60 It is the quintessence of seduction, with its fun and modern roll-on applicator.
61 It was blatant seduction, but he was powerless to stop himself.
62 One closes behind one the little gate of mere boyishness and enter an enchanted garden. Its very shades glow with promise. Every turn of the path has its seduction.
63 Suppose that all the major, diacritical oppositions with which we order our world were traversed by seduction, instead of being based on contrasts and oppositions.
64 The seduction of knowledge causes the seducer to program the seduced with a fantasy that they hold more knowledge than the seduced .
65 The Seduction Science guy across the room deliberately, with purposeful control.
66 Not learning proper Inner Game techniques can lead to ALOT of frustration AND embarrassment too using seduction tactics that seem incongruent.




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