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单词 Jointly
1. They organized the festival jointly with the French cultural service.
2. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
3. The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. The teenagers were jointly charged with attempted murder.
5. The event was organized jointly by students and staff.
6. She owns the house jointly with her husband.
7. The committee will be headed jointly by two men.
8. The project is jointly funded by several local companies.
9. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize with Alex Mueller.
10. The company is run jointly by a triumvirate of directors.
11. The tournament is to be jointly hosted by India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
12. The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.
13. The programme will be jointly run with NASA in the US.
14. The Port Authority is an agency jointly run by New York and New Jersey.
15. Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent.
16. Partners are jointly and severally liable for a partnership's debts.
17. Sometimes divorced parents will jointly host their daughter's wedding.
18. They are jointly known as financial intermediaries.
19. Visits can be made jointly by teachers and librarians.
20. The fund was developed jointly by GPA and Citibank.
21. The land is jointly owned by both local clubs.
22. Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed churches jointly fell by 23 % and Anglicans by 14 %.
23. Taken together, they may be applied jointly to produce a better estimate of the cost of equity capital.
24. The two countries were laying plans for a jointly operated early-warning centre that might help this.
25. Wilmot, of Waterloo, Liverpool, is jointly accused with another man of stealing a radio cassette player from a car.
26. In spite of different opinions, we must stay together and jointly oppose the enemy.
27. Between 1977 and 1987 illegitimate births increased from 55,400 to 158,400; 76 percent of this increase was in jointly registered births.
28. Liaise with Stationery on the fulfilment of consumables requests, jointly monitor issues, and advise on stock levels and suppliers.
29. An immediate surgical consultation was sought and the patient was managed jointly with the surgical team.
30. A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.
1. They organized the festival jointly with the French cultural service.
2. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
3. The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. She owns the house jointly with her husband.
31. If at all possible, it's wise to discuss attitudes to communal living before jointly moving in.
32. But, Lowe wondered, what if they pooled their resources and produced a paper jointly?
33. He left the house, his only tangible asset(http:///jointly.html), jointly to my aunt and myself.
34. He was jointly responsible for writing at least one tune which became a hit and made a name for the other writer.
35. The goal of this meeting is to review the information provided by the reviewers and to decide jointly how to proceed.
36. The decision follows a review that he chaired jointly with the chief dental officer, Robin Wild.
37. We have seen how coherence is created by our interaction with the text and is jointly created by both sender and receiver.
38. The College's resources have been deployed on the estate, and jointly controlled by staff and residents.
39. Lauder also admitted jointly interfering with a van without consent.
40. It was also agreed on Dec. 30 that space research would be carried out jointly by CIS member states.
41. It is intended that this be jointly developed by the Council, the Police and the Region's bus operators.
42. International sponsors the team jointly with one of its key clients, offshore fabrication group McDermott International.
43. The explanatory statement often takes the form of a letter from the financial advisers of the target and the bidder jointly.
44. The shack sat on about 1-1 / 4 rugged acres he bought jointly with his brother for $ 2, 100.
45. This may be achieved by allowing parents to nominate their own expert to observe or jointly conduct any examination or assessment.
46. The Exchange intends that the new clearing house will be jointly owned.
47. Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consulting have reportedly jointly purchased 20,000 copies of the package, with an option to buy 40,000 more.
48. He had been tried jointly with another businessman, Jeffrey Smith, who was eventually cleared at a retrial.
49. If they are not prepared to accept them jointly, they should not have children at all.
50. It should be noted that, jointly with maternal age, parity is also associated with maternal mortality.
51. Persons acting in the name of the company prior to its registration are jointly and severally liable.
52. The plant, jointly owned by Maserati and Fiat, has built Innocentis since 1974.
53. You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.
54. Fox has managing control of Fox / Liberty Sports and typically runs the ventures owned jointly.
55. They are jointly accused of conspiring with others to cause an explosion likely to endanger life.
56. If the house is owned jointly the profit can be split for tax purposes.
57. They acquired joint and exclusive occupation of the flat in consideration of periodical payments and they therefore acquired a tenancy jointly.
58. Jointly valued at £5m, Graseby believes they should provide a good base for improved performance in this area.
59. Here the facilitator and originator jointly select a group of experts within the organization to review the idea.
60. Couples who register pledge to be jointly responsible for their basic living expenses.
61. Most bankruptcies involve couples who jointly file a petition to have their debts wiped out.
62. The action is jointly defended by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, who supplied much of the information for the pamphlet.
63. These courses are taught jointly with Medical Microbiology and Biochemistry respectively.
64. We jointly hosted an informal Sunday lunch for a distinguished group of actors on their day off.
65. The three groups jointly sponsored a public workshop describing the program, at which representatives of the city were present.
66. Parental education will be confounded with social class and it is therefore important to consider them jointly.
67. Soon preschoolers will get their shot using new peripherals and software developed jointly by Compaq Computer Corp. and Fisher-Price.
68. Couples filing jointly could exempt $ 26, 000 from taxes.
69. They are jointly charged with conspiracy to cause explosions and possessing Semtex and six assault rifles on or before April 13.
70. The full deduction would be available for couples filing jointly with adjusted gross incomes of up to $ 100, 000.
71. The regular training programme is jointly planned by adult education advisory tutors and senior speech therapists.
72. They jointly chose to ignore their employer's orders and statutory safety regulations, by testing detonators without taking shelter.
73. At the same time, the two sides have engaged in talks on jointly combating the drug trade.
74. Ian Schmidt, Object Design's product marketing director, says the software will be sold jointly by the companies.
75. Many of the cycle tracks are available for use jointly with pedestrians.
76. The institute will be run jointly by government, churches and non-governmental organisations.
77. The bond was signed jointly and severally.
78. Such tort - feasors are jointly and severally liable.
79. The two boys owned the boat jointly.
80. They took care of that problem jointly.
81. Development jointly with our partner is our foundation stone.
82. Sit with the team and jointly criticize other work.
83. That decisive and important step was taken jointly.
84. And in turn, as a matter of fact, the current situation of high profit and low wage in primary distribution and profit-oriented companies jointly induce the fast growth of investment and export.
85. An agent and a third party collude to cause damage are jointly and severally liable therefore.
86. In order to ascertain the credit limit of colleges and universities and evaluate the credit risk of them, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education have jointly developed the relative model.
87. Early in the 1960 s, France and West Germany jointly proposed to rebuild Euro - pe through the EC.
88. Management by objectives(MBO)is a system in which specific performance objectives are jointly determined by subordinates and their superiors.
89. In 1943, the "Basic Seven" image appeared in a National Wartime Nutrition Guide produced jointly by the USDA and newly-created War Foods Administration.
90. It provides an opportunity to jointly assess performance , re-align the job and decide on the development needs of the employee.
91. The Sum Insured of the Contract is set jointly by the Applicant and the Company during application and stated on the Policy.
92. In order to improve the tag read rate of the passive RFID system, a novel passive RFID system jointly using frequency division multiple access (FDMA) and TDMA technologies is proposed in this work.
93. To obtain the MIMO capacity gains in indoor NLOS environment, antenna interval and antenna structure should be considered jointly when designing the antenna array .
93. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
94. It is being implemented jointly by the Republic of Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda.
95. China's Ministry of Information Industry and the US Department of Commerce jointly held Sino-US International Seminar on Y2K Problem on March 31 this year and achieved a great success.
96. What they mirrored modernization of new China socialism jointly is labyrinthian and brilliant development course.
97. The thin copy of the thesis on Baudelaire's Cat , jointly written in French by Roman Jakobson and Claude Levi-Strauss, which I had been searching for years, was found in a small bookshop in Paris.
98. Picture a serpentine tangle of a thousand snakes, piled together cozily, calm and sleek in their subterranean nook, jointly awaiting the signals of spring.
99. It has 5 full-capital enterprises including Halobios Technology Development Limited Company and a jointly ventured Jiejing Pharmacy Limited Company.
100. Comparing with traditional underwater acoustic system which just utilizes pressure information, combined sensor system processes pressure and particle velocity information jointly in sound field.
101. Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday November 26.
102. The velocity and source function of homogeneously elastic media are inversed jointly by adopting Hybrid GA.
103. South Korea's Posco and NPS meanwhile will jointly buy 5% of the unlisted Brazilian company.
104. The same shall apply to the inheritance of jointly owned building property.
105. My partner and I are jointly and severally liable for any debt.
106. The results showed that the thermowell was fatigue fracture. The content of sulfur element is over standard and the high temperature promoted the fracture jointly.
107. 2010 to 2011, our school and the United Kingdom SANDON school curriculum on the literary and dramatic art project jointly carried out a one-year educational exchange activities.
108. We hope that China and Turkey will cooperate more closely and jointly prevent any damage inflicted by "Eastern Turkistan" on China-Turkey relations.
109. Wen stressed that jointly combating the three forces, which include forces for "Eastern Turkistan", is an important part of China-Kyrgyz cooperation.
110. Pareto suggested that the 30 recipients will jointly have a strong incentive to lobby, influence, and even corruptly “buy” the votes of the politicians able to pass this redistributive legislation.
111. Article 24 A company with limited liability shall be jointly invested in and incorporated by not more than 50 shareholders.
112. He admires Russia's active cooperation on the experimental fast reactor project and hopes the two sides continue to strengthen exchanges and jointly push forward the bilateral energy cooperation.
113. Before commissioning, jointly debugging of pilot protection channel becomes a necessary and important adjustment item.
114. Open Doors 2009 was released at the beginning of the 10th annual International Education Week, which is sponsored jointly by the Department of State and the Department of Education.
115. Our two companies jointly signed a letter of intent to cooperate for this year.
116. Article 10 Where a ship is jointly owned by two or more legal persons or individuals, the joint ownership thereof shall be registered at the ship registration authorities.
117. An thermal and quality prediction system for Stelmor controlled cooling line has been developed jointly by University of Science and Technology Beijing and Chongqing Iron and Steel Co.
118. They are determined jointly with people's intention to demand and supply at future dates.
119. You should produce a similar Letter of Guarantee jointly signed by two banks.
120. Be like bilateral party to entrust technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment jointly, talk things over by bilateral party beforehand pay appraisal cost.
121. Where two or more entities jointly apply for a patent, no patent fee may be reduced or postponed.
122. The third party and the agent shall be held jointly liable.
123. The plan for installation of positions of outdoor advertising facilities jointly with the other relevant departments.
124. MethodTreat refractory nephrosis syndrome 42 cases with Tripterygium Wilfordii and Prednisone jointly.
125. The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau and the Dounmen District Government jointly held a passenger ferry emergency exercise on August 23rd.
126. Before the opening ceremony,(http:///jointly.html) Wang and Zhukov jointly attended the signing ceremony of the forum.
127. A term that applies to a group of companies operating jointly, usually in a partnership with one company as operator in a given permit, license, contract area, block, etc.
128. Agrotechnical promotion is the social practice activity that participates in jointly by promotion personnel and farmer.
129. Both prototypes are powered by the same Saturn/Lyulka 117S engines fitted to the Sukhoi Su-35 while a new engine jointly developed by Saturn and the MMPP Salyut plant is in its design phase.
130. "The raw material and capsule, troche of Astragaloside" belong to new drug item of China. It is completed jointly by Anhui Medical University and Jiangsu Medicine Institute.
131. Who is the real Bondman?Jointly with Smirnoff to look forward!
132. That concern is shared by Isabel and Tobias Hahn, cousins who jointly run the family-owned Glasbau Hahn, a glassworks in the suburbs of Frankfurt.
133. Guangzhou ethylene project invests build jointly by Guangzhou city and Chinese petrifaction head office.
134. Let us get rid of the fork to see and jointly works.
135. The obscuration Jamming of high PRF pulses based on jointly controlled in the domains of time, space and frequency is presented in this paper.
136. He and Massoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Regional Government, who heads the KDP, one of two rival parties that jointly run Iraqi Kurdistan, are increasingly rude to each other.
137. Can jointly apply for the purchase of second - hand housing provident fund loans?
138. Projects on maritime territory and land blocks jointly exploited by Chinese and foreign companies will also be exempt from import value-added tax.
139. There also she had an oracle, and, as Urania , was worshipped jointly with ares Mars.
140. Do your families jointly own the right of property inheritance and you all have difficulty in reaching an agreement to develop, manage and dispose real estate properties?
141. Laboratory controls should provide fail-safe operation, which should be defined jointly with the safety officer.
142. Both and collective assume a risk, divide up control advantageous position, share surplus income jointly.
143. Culture and innovation, then, feed upon each other and expand jointly together.
144. Wealth and privilege are most easily defended when they are possessed jointly.
145. We believe , colleague of public relations bound can be condemned jointly and boycott this kind to borrowed filthily behavior .
146. Article 14: A people's court may seal up, distrain or freeze property jointly possessed by the party subject to enforcement and other parties, and notify the joint owners in a timely manner.
147. It is joined , inserts helping jointly that its characteristic is whorl, the price is suitable.
148. It is reported, bosomy group is in short for Shaanxi Province to consider to develop lubricant of appropriative of machinery of a kind of turbine jointly with company of an United States.
149. This paper presents a method to jointly determine the operation control of hybrid systems.
150. Sameway Magazine and Melbourne Interchurch Committee jointly organized a charity sale for Victorian bushfire appeal last Saturday.
151. It carries on the estimation jointly with the pilot signal of the data symbols, so that it can track the changes of the channel to further enhances the channel estimation performance.
152. Objective To sumarize the clinical effect of using the acupuncture point, the traditional Chinese medicine facial membrane and the sapor peripateticism pill to treat the yellow speckle jointly.
153. Willam Ellery Channing wrote, " Men , it is justly said, can do jointly what they cannot do singly. ".
154. Where a registered trademark the assignor and assignee shall jointly an application with the Trademark Office.
155. In March, Coke announced that it would jointly invest with USAID $7 million in water projects in Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and Ivory Coast.
156. He and the First Lady filed their income tax return jointly and reported an adjusted gross income of $1, 728, 096.
157. This scheme would place the debt, in excess of 60% of GDP, of all euro-zone governments not already in IMF rescue plans into a jointly guaranteed fund that would be paid off over 25 years.
158. Cheng said that this year China and Russia will jointly celebrate the 65th anniversary of the anti-fascist war.
159. Emancipatory thought, rapid development, advocate culture of Anhui green network in the round, make pure network environment jointly, achieve harmonious society in all.
160. Master and terminal manager, or their representatives, should complete the checklist jointly.
161. This paper gives a new algorithm for jointly approximate diagonalization of a set of eigen matrices on the basis of the biorthogonality between left and right eigen vectors.
162. William Ellery Channing wrote, " Men, it is justly said , can do jointly what they cannot do singly. ".
163. China will remain a reliable and sincere friend of the Togolese people forever and jointly push bilateral friendly cooperative relations for new development.
164. In 1995, Wenzhou Gangyuan Electronics Co. , Ltd. was jointly established through joint venture by Shenyuan Electronic Switch Factory and Hong Kong Koon Yue Industrial Development Company.
165. The curator was to be jointly appointed by two parties.
166. Bank accounts, properties, shares and other assets can be owned jointly.
167. Two kinds of socially necessary labor decide value is to do not have interrogative jointly.
168. The audit for fixed assets investment will be developed jointly by the way of the conformity of the state government and the human resource of the social audit.
169. The NNCC and SEC have jointly compiled a series of anti - drug education pamphlets for students.
170. Seven , jointly sponsored educational institutions, schools should also be submitted to the joint agreement.
171. The two sides cooperate actively in the field of security and jointly crack down on the "three forces" including the "East Turkistan" and cross-nation crimes such as drug smuggling.
172. The loading procedure is controled by the incremental method which is jointly controled by the stresses and the displacements.
173. Foreign automotive industry carries out the large scale and custom order production mode by the ways of commonalization design, jointly developing and jointly purchasing for automotive parts.
174. Dozens of staff members expressed their indignation and jointly criticized her several times.
175. For garbage disposal, equipment suppliers and collaborators to exploit the market at home jointly are wanted.
176. Cuticular cell organization and embedded material call the skin to protect wet organization jointly.
177. In 2009, the game Aion partnered with Zero-point Coca Cola to jointly promote their products. What do you think?
178. According to reports, the daily said France and Britain 24, is working with other partner countries to jointly draft a UN resolution to lift UN sanctions against Libya, and Libya thaw frozen assets.
179. A cooperative, which jointly owned, democratically controlled, economically participated and benefited by fanner members, is an economic organization.
180. At the same time, derived two additional stiffness matrixes of foundation while the semi-infinite spatial elastic base and piles jointly work with foundation.
181. And has with a number of domestic companies jointly Stenciling Unit, created a new situation in the domestic industry Stenciling Unit.
182. In some cases, jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms.
183. More than 120 delegates from 21 countries attended the three-day event, jointly sponsored by PCST, the China Association for Science and Technology, and SciDev.Net.
184. No business tax is levied on the behavior of using immovable property to invest and buy shares, participate in receiving the investor's profit distribution and jointly share investment risks.
185. An optimal algorithm jointly considering the capacity assignment and the flow assignment algorithms for computer network design is proposed.
186. Game developer can walk on royal shoulder, bring up world-class jointly make immortally .
187. The time that in rotation worker and domestic person live jointly is little, depression of meeting generation psychology feels, cloggy get used to ability to what in rotation works.
188. If a consortium wins the bid, the parties thereto shall jointly enter into a contract with the tenderer and assume joint and several liability over the winning project to the tenderer.
189. Soon, Chmielnicki's Ukraine, on the decree of the Cossack military council, signed an alliance with Muscovy in 1654 and jointly attacked Poland and Lithuania.
189. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
190. The institute was jointly founded by Leiden university Campus Den Haag and International Education Institute of Shandong University, .
191. The United States National Park Service and a Virginia historical organization jointly Jamestown Island.
192. To prepare an annual risk management plan jointly with the General Management.




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