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单词 Flush
1. She began to flush with excitement.
2. The river is flush with rain.
3. His words brought a warm flush to her face.
4. Sam felt her cheeks flush red.
5. A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.
6. Don't forget to flush the toilet.
7. This medicine will help to flush out your body.
8. Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again,(/flush.html) but life goes on.
9. Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.
10. Give the toilet a flush.
11. He's no longer in the first flush of youth.
12. His tan was pinked by a liquor flush.
13. The door should be flush with the wall.
14. Robyn felt her cheeks flush scarlet.
15. He is always flush of money.
16. She felt a sudden flush of anger.
17. The door fits flush into its frame.
18. He hit him flush on the jaw.
19. The river is flush with its banks.
20. There was a slight flush on his cheeks.
21. I tend to flush old medicines down the toilet.
22. Again I planed the surface flush.
23. He heard the flush of a toilet.
24. Father asked me to flush off the garage floor.
25. The champagne had caused his face to flush.
26. A flush of anger appeared on her cheekbones.
27. I'm flush this week-I'll pay.
28. The first flush of enthusiasm had passed.
29. Someone's forgotten to flush the toilet.
30. Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.
1. She began to flush with excitement.
2. The river is flush with rain.
3. His words brought a warm flush to her face.
4. Sam felt her cheeks flush red.
5. A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.
6. Don't forget to flush the toilet.
7. This medicine will help to flush out your body.
8. Planes bombed the guerrilla positions yesterday in an attempt to flush out snipers from underground tunnels.
9. Flush out the pipes with cold water after adding the cleaning powder.
10. He is always flush of money.
11. Father asked me to flush off the garage floor.
12. There was a flush in her cheeks.
13. Please flush these test tubes.
14. We used a dog to flush out the rabbits.
15. He's no longer in his first flush.
16. The criminal put the torn papers in the lavatory and tried to flush them away.
17. The lavatory won't flush.
18. He is in the full flush of success ; nothing was an obstacle .
31. There was a flush in her cheeks.
32. Flush the pipe out with clean water.
33. The door is flush with the casing.
34. Please flush these test tubes.
35. We used a dog to flush the rabbits out.
36. I've just been paid so I'm feeling flush.
37. Drinking water helps flush out toxins from the body.
38. By cross-checking claims(), we will flush out the fraudsters.
39. A pink flush spread over his cheeks.
40. The government is determined to flush out the terrorists.
41. We used a dog to flush out the rabbits.
42. My children never flush the loo/toilet after them.
43. Please flush the toilet after you've used it.
44. Flush clean water through the pipe.
45. Why do children never remember to flush the loo?
46. He's no longer in his first flush.
47. April brought the first flush of grass.
48. The flush isn't working properly.
49. I'm feeling flush at the moment.
50. A flush of embarrassment came to her cheeks.
51. A flush of embarrassment rose to her cheeks.
52. I can't get the toilet to flush.
53. The promise in his voice brought a warm flush to her cheeks.
54. He was no longer in the first flush of youth.
55. Drink a lot of water to flush the toxins out of your system.
56. The engineer decided to flush the hold of the ship.
57. The criminal put the torn papers in the lavatory and tried to flush them away.
58. The sewege pipe is blocked; give it a good flush.
59. The caravan is equipped with a sink and a flush toilet.
60. I want the light fittings to be flush with the ceiling.
61. The lavatory won't flush.
62. Though no longer in the first flush of youth she's still remarkably energetic.
63. The sick boy had an unhealthy flush and must have contracted pneumonia.
64. The spring brings a flush of young animals to the farm.
65. Make sure that the cupboard is flush with the wall.
66. In the full flush of success, nothing was an obstacle.
67. He is in the full flush of success ; nothing was an obstacle .
67. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
68. She felt a dull flush of anger creeping into her face.
69. The deathly pallor of her skin had been replaced by the faintest flush of color.
70. Drinking lots of water will help to flush toxins out of the body.
71. There was a faint flush of colour on those pale cheeks.
72. Punch in the nails and then fill the holes flush with putty.
73. He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.
74. Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes.
75. That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.
76. She felt a flush of shame at what she'd done.
77. Drink lots of water to flush the poisons out of your body.
78. The police are hoping to flush out the criminals without any shooting.
79. Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles.
80. He went flush from school into the construction of the first nucleur power station.
81. They flush clean water through the pipes once a day.
82. You have to flush the rabbits from their hiding place before you shoot them.
83. Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn.
84. He was killed in an airplane accident in the first flush of youth.
85. Again, no showers or flush toilets.
86. But apparently it is not flush with card tables.
87. Listen: I want to flush him out.
88. The facility has showers and flush toilets.
89. Flush your plant and rock periodically with pure water.
90. Flush right copy aligned along the right margin.
91. They are still in the first flush of passion.
92. They're doing checks to flush them out.
93. It doesn't contain water, but makes an authentic-sounding flush.
94. I flush. What is wrong with this picture?
95. I'll buy the drinks, I'm feeling flush just now.
96. The flush of the olive cheek.
97. Then our ash closets were exchanged for flush toilets.
98. Jamie has $600 saved; Adam isn't quite so flush.
99. There was an unhealthy flush across his lean face and a wild look in his eyes.
100. The flush in the pocket types,(http:///flush.html) then bought hot sausages on sticks. Get my drift.
101. Many roses, especially the ramblers, have one single flush and no more.
102. They want to flush out the Resistance workers and the guerrillas - as well as the deserters from their own army.
103. Solar-powered pumps draw water from a lake to flush the lavatories at the Cragside estate in Northumberland.
104. If the actor was in there, then Creed wanted to flush him out.
105. She felt her cheeks flush with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
106. If either of these apply, then it probably makes sense to buy a replacement while you are still feeling relatively flush.
107. The heavy pine door of room 301 stood ajar, numerals depicted in hand-painted tiles set flush with the white-stucco wall.
108. She could not merely flush her body like a toilet bowl.
109. The thought made him flush hot with embarrassment even though chilled to the marrow.
110. Half an hour after the inspector left, as if to prove his point, the lavatory refused to flush.
111. We have a greater chance of being able to flush this assassin out.
112. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to flush out your system.
113. Flush fitting sides mean you get the look of a built in cooker is so desired.
114. Now aged 31, Cardus is no longer in the first flush of youth.
115. We are getting divorced, after the first flush of twenties marriages.
116. Tape Worm Those new-age prats think they can flush me out with a bit of colonic irrigation.
117. It was against this first flush of a comprehensive modern worldview that the Romantics spoke out.
118. To get rid of it you usually need to remove the radiator so you can flush it out.
119. The bright blue eyes looked a bit bloodshot, and there was a flush of colour across the cheekbones.
120. I saw him flush it down the toilet so that no-one will laugh at his spotty chest in the showers!
121. It was ultra-streamlined, with retractable undercarriage, and a windscreen which folded down to lie flush once height had been gained.
122. The recommended daily intake of water to help flush away toxins is 2 litres-so sip constantly all day long.
123. That money will allow the Growth Lobby to make sure new subdivisions have something to flush.
124. Although her face was pale it was lit by a flush of unmistakable triumph.
125. Every flush meant carrying a bucket of water up three flights of stairs.
126. He still recalled, with a flush of shame, that first, all-important interview.
127. She wanted to empty the contents of the tin into the sink and flush it away.
128. Her imagination conjured up an erotically vivid picture and she knew a hectic flush had risen to her cheeks.
129. You bury one hemisphere in one bed of sand round end down, flat side flush with the top of the mold.
130. The face of the rail has to be planed down until it lines up flush with both front and back legs.
131. She waved for them to start and felt her face flush as she sat down and lit the candle.
132. I see the rictus and an entirely gratuitous glowing flush on her throat.
133. In early June, a flush of tiger swallowtail butterflies has emerged and now sails on warm breezes over the brushy clearing.
134. Rebus had the same smile as when he'd repossessed the Hotel Oscar Tango X-Ray and its flush toilets.
135. Afraid the water-table will go down if we flush them all at once?
136. Soon the Presleys will know the whoosh of flush toilets and the squish of carpet underneath bare feet.
137. Its easy-to-clean hob fits flush with your work surface and incorporates four evenly rated burners sealed into two deep spillage wells.
138. In the first flush of glasnost much information was made available and deputies often asserted themselves aggressively.
139. People who neglect to flush public toilets may be fined.
140. Pick off just the first flush of flowers from the ever-bearing kinds.
141. With adjustable height skid feet and flush fitting sides, the Phase 2 fits easily into your kitchen cabinets.
142. As well as a beautiful polished brass fire it has central heating, a shower and a flush toilet.
143. He did it three times, and each time the shell came up flush with the barrel.
144. I stand Watching his stillness, like an iron nail Driven, flush to the head, Into a yew post.
145. Larry felt flush and well fed, a little tipsy, all the right things.
146. Britain now, on the international stage, is a busted flush.
147. Draw cold water up into the syringe through the needle, flush out the water and repeat.
148. The flush in the pocket types, then bought hot sausages on sticks.
149. To reduce slippage, tack coarse-gauge chicken wire flush to the deck.
150. But you should really go for the ultimate: a royal Flush.
151. New openings Transform plain flush doors into elegant features without hanging new ones.
152. True, but few produce so amazing a second flush in late autumn or early winter.
153. The door is flush with the wall and the mirror above the bedhead.
154. We flush the runaways from the swamps of poverty and oppression and dispose of them as the enemies of our society.
155. The victims, from New York's Columbia Univeristy, were undergoing dialysis to flush the thallium out of their bodies.
156. It was the Princesse's evident flush which made Katherine begin to speculate.
157. Only a few months ago university freshers started student life feeling quite flush.
158. The average toilet uses 5 gallons of water per flush.
159. During this operation the housing joints were filled in flush with soft wood blocks to make an uninterrupted inside curve.
160. Why had he and Zoe, in the first flush of affluence, decided the desirable residence was truly desirable?
161. Mills was flush, with no debts and a $ 3, 000 monthly income that sufficed easily in Coahoma.
162. There are 11 tent / recreational vehicle sites but no showers, flush toilets or boat ramp.
163. She talked to Susan about it being flushed away and that Susan could flush the lavatory when she had finished.
164. Once hardened, the repair can be shaped flush with a plane and chisel,() before a final finish with abrasive paper.
165. He had gone to the lavatory and pressed the flush absent-mindedly with the damaged hand.
166. We must flush out the bad seed and eliminate it, wash it away, remove it from among us.
167. If the system started to drift away from the requirements of a coral reef, Gomez would flush the trays.
168. Just as with word processing type can be set flush with the left-hand margin, centred or justified.
169. The environmental organisation detected radionuclides in zooplankton from the tidal currents which flush Mururoa's lagoon.
170. The muscles of his arms and chest were rippling as he moved and she felt a hot flush creeping over her body.
171. Robbie felt her cheeks flush scarlet and she looked about her in angry embarrassment.
172. Don't be deluded into thinking that they are locked because they are flush with the wing surface.
173. Included among the Euromyths are: The Euro-lavatory, limiting the amount of water cisterns may flush.
174. Financial buyers, flush with cash from their private equity funds, could be interested in Superdrug.
175. They are still in the first flush of lust and romance, when everything your partner does is absolutely bloody marvellous.
176. As well as taking kids, eagles also try to flush or knock older goats off ledges.
177. He stood now flush against the side of the bluff on a narrow ledge, his hands over his face.
178. A flush door will have a block of wood inserted at a convenient point so there's something solid to cut into.
179. As a student, I was the one who could flush a cooling system.
180. I could feel myself flush with hot, painful embarrassment as he escorted us from his office.
181. The forest had already been defoliated and the oaks and aspens were expending precious energy sending out a second flush of leaves.
182. Stephen's dark blue eyes were very bright and there was a flush on his cheekbones.
183. Above all, Netanyahu should avoid, in his flush of triumph, giving more hostages to fortune.
184. Thus, in the bowels of the flush toilet we see the archetype for all autonomous mechanical creatures.
185. Being all in one, the Concept slides neatly between kitchen cabinets without gaps, adjusting to fit flush with the worktop.
186. And what young man is beyond such indulgences in the early flush of being the recipient of a woman such as Marie-Claude?
187. Could any one house be sufficiently interesting to fulfil this dual role after the first flush of passion passed?
188. The hectic flush on Isabel's face gradually faded as she watched fitzAlan leave.
189. Dispel facial red blood silk ( telangiectasis) and flush.
190. If we're feeling flush we'll probably give them champagne.
191. Installs to store the water volume small flush toilet.
192. Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?
193. Please urinate in the trough, please flush after defecating.
194. I had a flush to win the card game.
195. You expect me to buy that story? Flush it!
196. She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.
197. Flush the toilet after use.
198. But all the bloomy flush of life is fled.
199. I hasten clearance, a small fire flush right hand.
200. The analysis of the first flush in dimensionless cumulative method indicated that the first flush was evident for roof runoff.
201. He went flush from school into the construction of the first nuclear power station.
202. Flush contaminated area with large quantities of cool water or a diluted baking soda solution and expose the area to fresh air as soon as possible.
203. The pint-sized manager wanted luxury toilets at his training camp, but he'll be hoping his side don't flush their chances away with poor defending - they let in 20 goals in qualifying after all.
204. Then, the front of the flush pipes are out Tangshui, finally even the body of the connecting pipe Department also "can not help but" spit out water.
205. It sat flush on Ninety-fifth Street in a mostly residential neighborhood.
206. Aerospace; rivet design values, static load, for flush head rivet joints, single shear, dimpled, rivet material 2.4360, metric series.
207. Low - flush toilets and miserly showerheads mandated in 1992 produced years of consumer grumbling and disobedience.
208. The utility model provides a filtering device for a steam trap which has the functions of a flush filter screen and the condensation water drain pipe bypass of steam equipment.
209. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current , which was always flush.
210. Sediments choke some stretches of the Yellow, hindering its ability to flush out pollutants.
211. At the end of an easy-money era that buoyed and then battered both Wall Street and Main Street, one global market player stands out as noticeably flush: China.
212. Characteristics - joint flush valve: they are - lapse, self - closing, beeline of water route.
213. The technical proposal not only can make use of the pressure of the tap water to increase the flush pressure, but also can control the water output according to the ordure quantity.
214. These are very easy to flush out with some basic research: how many deals has the fund done in the past 3 years and when was their current fund raised (many funds are 10 years in length).
215. Twenty - four Hour Sentinel Flush keeps fixture fresh during periods of nonuse.
216. The Mate constraint type is also needed for the next selection set, however, you use the Flush solution type to modify the constraint.
217. consumption or dual - flush toilets; low - consumption or waterless urinals; and low - flow lavatory,(http://) sink and shower < ...
218. The runtime statistics include: Java Heap, System CPU, Terracotta Transactions, Terracotta Flush and Fault Rate.
219. God looks over to his side and sees the Queen of England douching in the corner. He looks back at Pamela and says, "Sorry, a royal flush always beats a pair ."
220. To flush toilet, put your hand in front of the sensor.
221. Because pilfer edition is flush, chinese software company wanders linedeath all the time.
222. Vitamin B complex and vitamin C are water - soluble and your kidney should just flush them out.
223. With such a discrepancy a European visitor cannot help but feel flush.
224. The adverse reactions were mostly transient, mainly including flush, headache, ankle swelling and they were mild in felodipine group.
225. This paper is concerned with 3D simulation finite element method of composite flush end-plate joint in steel frame beam-column, while the finite-element analysis is compared to the test results.
226. Method: 85 cases of neonatal diaper dermatitis were treated with MEBO after their flush skin was cleaned with normal saline.
227. One of reasons with scampish flush software, it is the ad that a lot of enterprises buy scampish software developer.
228. Screw - hinge , for flush doors and LH application, with PA bushes.
229. Once this lever is roughly cut from the round backplate, use a grinder to shape it so it conforms to the flush round figure of the backplate.
230. How many ways are there to make a Full House in poker? Or a Royal Flush?
231. The detergent is a solid block suspended in flush tank of lavatory bowl , releasing effective washbowl.
232. She won with a royal flush, ie the five highest cards of a suit.
233. The ends of the vertical channels must be flush with the upper and lower channels. Click the Lengthen - Shorten Frame Member tool.
234. Can be used to flush the hard shoulder, parapet of road and sidewalk; can also be used to flush, water trees, or sprinkle pesticide.
235. Integrated door handles set flush within the B - pillar give the doors a clean, uncluttered look.
236. Then this paper analyzes the operational characteristics of upflow filter and draws a conclusion that the flush process will affect filtered water quality.
237. Grind all uneven surfaces until the actuator cam barrel extends flush with the knuckle face plate.
238. Perhaps this kind of inference is the circuity of style of a kind of student, connect average person because of this at one's convenience can is the network force that argue identifies flush?
239. In an environment in which many short concurrent transactions occur, by default each COMMIT statement triggers one log buffer flush to disk.
240. Mitre: To cut the ends of rules at an Angle of 45 degrees so that the corners fit flush to form a border.
241. Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract.
242. "I like Rupert enormously," she said, with a directness which made Pat flush.
243. Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat.
244. Developers and state-owned enterprises, flush with cash amid a boom in lending, piled into the land auction market, setting new record highs.
245. Lin Pei - shan broke off, and a faint flush crept into her cheeks.
246. Effects of trunk strangulation on soluble carbohydrate and endohormone contents in flush leaves and young fruits of 'Shatian' pomelo during physiological fruit drop period were studied.
247. It involves using a mild saline solution to flush out the thickened mucus and allergens causing your sinus congestion.
248. In text set flush left, the lines will break naturally(Sentencedict), resulting in a "ragged" right side of the column.
249. Second, the drug disulfiram, which causes acetaldehyde to accumulate in the body, discourages alcoholics from drinking by causing nausea, vomiting, and other severe alcohol flush reaction symptoms.
250. High card, One pair, Two pair, Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Four of a kind, Straight Flush, Royal Flush, Full House.
251. To readers, this flush left style looks more contemporary than the indented paragraph style.
252. He claims these high-performance toilets are better designed to flush waste and keep the toilet bowl clean.
253. Excessive amounts do not just flush from the tortoises system, but can and do lead to malabsorption of essential fatty acids and other deficiencies such as iron, zinc, iodine, cooper.
254. SURFACTANTS - Aid in helping to keep toilet bowls and urinals stay clean and shinny with every flush.
255. Characteristics cross - joint flush valve: they are time - lapse, self - closing, beeline of water route.
256. Linares, to his credit , did something . He flush uppercut that once again jacked Pacquiao's head back.
257. Cycle, break off the stray from the herd and flush him to the right.
258. Too much vitamin B3 can result in the "niacin flush", a burning, itching, reddening, tingling sensation, usually to the face, neck, arms and upper chest.
259. Only the elite, flush with oil money, could afford the white goods and Japanese sound - systems.
260. The cyclic loading tests on the beam-to-column composite joints with flush end-plate connection are carried out.
261. His skin will flush - indicating that capillaries are operating at full capacity.
262. Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5 - HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce tolerably close imitation.
263. It was pretty simple during flush times, "when people were fat and happy," to purvey indifferent goods with fancy labels, said Robert Burke, a luxury retail consultant.
264. Straight flush dragon : a hand including a combination of three sequences of 123456789 in same numerals.
265. Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification.
266. The main differences here are that I save the DocumentFactory used to build the dom4j document representation (line 5) and flush the writer after outputting the modified document text (line 10).
267. Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.
268. Check your medicine cabinet for expired or unidentified medicines. Flush them down the toilet.
269. Use to disinfect a liquid(for example chloric acid sodium aqua) to flush root-canal inner part.
270. Small changes in the gene pool of a population may actually initiate a flush.
271. Dispose of the used condom hygienically . Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin(do not flush it down the toilet).
272. Poop is stinky , so we need to flush the toilet.
273. See every time or hear their achievement, I always can flush hot tear.
274. The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.
275. During the flush production stage, the oil is produced in relatively large, but rapidly declining amounts from the natural reservoir energy.
276. She reuses her drinking cup for days without washing it, and she saves her dishwater for plants and unheated shower water to flush the toilet.
277. Japanese firms afford to be so acquisitive because, unlike companies elsewhere, they are flush with cash.
278. When the support arm is not in the socket, the gate element (126) provides a substantially flush surface with the front surface of the housing.
279. The pressure sensor shall be flush with the cavity surface in order to avoid interference of the material flow.
280. Model features rigid keyboard shelf or a flush mount slide-out keyboard tray, and is available with a variety of optional equipment.
281. A few weeks later in 2001, Dau, who had never seen electric lights or flush toilets, landed at the Syracuse, New York, airport.
282. McGee is a hard-nosed "salvage expert" — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.
283. Calcitonin, when administered intravenously, turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent.
284. The only way to fix it is to flush it away.
285. The brown of her complexion gave way on the cheek to a perceptible flush.
286. In salary negotiations, if you have unique skills or experience, highly valued training or highly specialized education, you may be up in the royal flush range.
287. Results Flush with perspires was found only in 5 out of the 52 patients (9.61%),() which was lower than the incidence after traditional parotidectomy.
288. Before installing, flush pipe line to remove scale and debris.
289. The uteroscope enters the womb from the vagina, after mesenchymal tube intubation the high-pressure waterflood, may flush the adhesion the oviduct.




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