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单词 Sympathetic
(1) She was very sympathetic when I was sick.
(2) I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate.
(3) We work best in a sympathetic atmosphere.
(4) He was enormously sympathetic when my father died.
(5) I found the doctors quite sympathetic.
(6) He was always there with a sympathetic ear .
(7) I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear .
(8) She was endlessly kind and sympathetic.
(9) I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.
(10) She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.
(11) He was very sympathetic to me when I was ill.
(12) I'm sympathetic to parents who are worried about what their children see on television.
(13) I don't find her a very sympathetic person.
(14) Most were sympathetic once we pricked their consciences.
(15) Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ear.
(16) A counsellor should always be sympathetic and non-judgmental.
(17) The general attitude of the public is sympathetic.
(18) I don't find her very sympathetic.
(19) Tourists are, in the main, sympathetic people.
(20) Her parents had been more sympathetic towards her.
(21) Drug addicts need sympathetic, not moralistic, treatment.
(22) They were extremely sympathetic to my plight.
(23) He's a good doctor with a sympathetic bedside manner.
(24) Did he give your proposal/complaints a sympathetic hearing?
(25) She sounds a most sympathetic character.
(26) Sue got a sympathetic round of applause.
(27) Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.
(28) He came over as a sympathetic person.
(29) He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person.
(30) How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerate of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of this.
(1) She was very sympathetic when I was sick.
(2) I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate.
(3) I found the doctors quite sympathetic.
(4) He was always there with a sympathetic ear .
(5) I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear .
(6) She was endlessly kind and sympathetic.
(7) I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.
(8) She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.
(9) He was very sympathetic to me when I was ill.
(10) I'm sympathetic to parents who are worried about what their children see on television.
(11) He's a good doctor with a sympathetic bedside manner.
(12) He is a sympathetic person.
(13) They were quite sympathetic to our proposals.
(14) She was very sympathetic when my mother died.
(15) We are sympathetic with the flood sufferers.
(16) Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the strikers.
(31) I did not feel sympathetic towards them.
(32) He is a sympathetic person.
(33) Senator Capp is very sympathetic to environmental issues.
(34) They were quite sympathetic to our proposals.
(35) The government is broadly sympathetic to our ideas.
(36) Her eyes brimmed over with sympathetic tears.
(37) A sympathetic neighbour came to his assistance.
(38) She made suitably sympathetic noises down the phone.
(39) She was very sympathetic when my mother died.
(40) We are sympathetic with the flood sufferers.
(41) My boss is being very sympathetic about my problems.
(42) Huston had assembled a remarkably cohesive and sympathetic cast.
(43) Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders.
(44) She is sympathetic and full of forgiveness.
(45) He's always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear .
(46) It helps to have a sympathetic manager.
(47) When I told her why I was worried, she was very sympathetic.
(48) If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.
(49) You've got to be firm, but at the same time you must be sympathetic.
(50) You have to be firm, but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic.
(51) You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not.
(52) Never having been ill himself,[/sympathetic.html] he wasn't a sympathetic listener.
(53) Clint Eastwood's character is the most sympathetic in the movie.
(54) Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.
(55) Women often feel men are too direct and not sympathetic enough.
(56) She manages to combine a sharp mind/intellect with a sympathetic manner.
(57) The Labour party are supposed to be sympathetic to/towards the unions.
(58) The managers did not expect a sympathetic reception from the striking workers.
(59) We hope always to provide a friendly sympathetic ear .
(60) You haven't got much chance of your plan getting a sympathetic hearing.
(61) The authorities were not sympathetic to the students' demands, neither would they tolerate any disruption.
(62) It may be that he sees you only as a sympathetic friend.
(63) The assistance of a skilled, sympathetic third party is of great help when marriage conflict gets out of hand.
(64) She comes across as a more sympathetic character in the film.
(65) Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the strikers.
(66) It's a good idea to discuss the problem with a sympathetic teacher.
(67) . The counsellor provided a sympathetic ear for students with problems.
(68) He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient.
(69) He sounded genuinely sympathetic.
(70) My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.
(71) She met people in London who were sympathetic to the Indian freedom struggle.
(72) He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem.
(73) Beneath that aloof exterior, Gayle is a warm, sympathetic person.
(74) Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.
(75) We asked for her support in the election, but she wasn't sympathetic .
(76) The director would like you to play the sister as a sympathetic character.
(77) There was a sympathetic response immediately.
(78) Like voodoo, or sympathetic medicine.
(79) She was very sympathetic, Bern.
(80) Dr. Williams is such a sympathetic person.
(81) I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.
(82) Why don't you talk to Elizabeth? She's always sympathetic.
(83) Desmond Fairchild gave him a sympathetic wink.
(84) Charles didn't find many sympathetic characters among the cast.
(85) Sheila nodded and gave him a sympathetic look.
(86) Cornelius Nepos wrote a most sympathetic sketch of Hannibal.
(87) Mr and Mrs Wilson had been very sympathetic.
(88) She gave Elmer a sympathetic look and went out.
(89) Protschka makes a most sympathetic impression.
(90) The portraits she paints are deeply moving and sympathetic.
(91) Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all unknowingly.
(92) In any backward society the role of sympathetic intermediary agents and interpreters between high and rural politics is crucial.
(93) The sympathetic and informed study of ethnic and religious minorities is crucial for the well-being of our multi-racial society.
(94) They need a sympathetic response, that is understandable and starts at the beginning.
(95) Her son Rajiv wins a sympathetic landslide in an election.
(96) Robinson begins the lengthy questionnaire, speaking in a sympathetic tone that is disarmingly neutral.
(97) No one could have been more sympathetic to the detail of the poor man's need, or more capable of vicarious imagination.
(98) Although sympathetic to Lamarck, Geoffroy attacked Cuvier from a very different position.
(99) Gwendolen, still clad in dark blue, was indefatigably marching with the party next to a most sympathetic lady.
(100) My friends were all extremely sympathetic when they heard I'd lost my job.
(101) They were very sympathetic but after a while the tension began to build with ever-increasing rows.
(102) A friendly, conspiratorial smile for Bernice, a sympathetic glance for Defries, a half-angry, half-amused growl for Daak.
(103) It may be essential for you to have a sympathetic ear if you run into difficulties.
(104) Most agencies will discuss this with you before accepting a job on your behalf, and will be sympathetic to your needs.
(105) The cardiovascular tests conventionally used for detecting sympathetic autonomic neuropathy may not be adequate to detect a mild, otherwise asymptomatic neuropathy.
(106) Noticing my embarrassment, the teacher gave me a sympathetic smile.
(107) She reported that since she had left hospital her parents had been more sympathetic towards her.
(108) Historians of the Poor Law have discerned a more sympathetic attitude towards the settled poor and even in respect of removal proceedings.
(109) Our sinister cop is able to exploit that weakness by offering a sympathetic ear.
(110) Sympathetic typifications of Catholics do little to lessen the obvious problem of being attacked while walking the beat.
(111) Mrs Pigdon had shown herself to be anything but sympathetic when she arrived at the hostelry earlier that evening.
(112) Other responses that seemed sympathetic to Mannheim's perspective doubted its role as a foundation for sociological work.
(112) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(113) Although sympathetic to this heresy I found myself intoxicated but also somewhat inhibited by de Santillana's impressionistic style.
(114) Observers have commented that he is less tolerant and sympathetic when dealing with them than with other colleagues or outsiders.
(115) Moreover, the Countryside Commission's own favoured policy is to promote landscape agreements and tree-planting schemes in cooperation with sympathetic farmers and landowners.
(116) When a sympathetic ex-boyfriend came along, she allowed herself to be seduced by him.
(117) But now he, or she, needs to be an even broader, more sympathetic figure than before.
(118) The murder had been a particularly horrible one, and no one felt sympathetic towards the murderer.
(119) Paul Alexandre, his loyal and sympathetic supporter, left Paris to serve in the army medical service.
(120) To quell a riot, she kept a sympathetic hand on the manager's arm while the young boy repeated her instructions.
(121) The Panel is not sympathetic to delay in making an announcement occasioned by an unsuccessful application for suspension.
(122) She couldn't imagine Hannah and Faith being very sympathetic towards problems of the heart among their work-force.
(123) There was a purge of ministers sympathetic to reform and office was entrusted to staunch conservatives.
(124) This is interesting because it disguises who is making the sympathetic adjustment.
(125) After a long fight to beat inflation, the government does not feel sympathetic to these demands.
(126) Protesters, including sympathetic farmers and shopkeepers, placed a symbolic coffin in front of Quimper's prefecture, or local government office.
(127) The courts have shown themselves sympathetic in cases where the charge payer does not have the means to pay.
(128) To get the message across Make contact with people sympathetic to your cause.
(129) Both seem sympathetic to pragmatist arguments, but neither has been willing to push abortion as an issue.
(130) The world's least sympathetic mountaineer is forced to continue his schadenfreude from beyond the grave.
(131) He was always very sympathetic to anyone's need for a holiday.
(132) In the book, Strayhorn comes across as a sympathetic human being, while Stan Getz emerges as a volatile character with a violent temper.
(133) That is not to say that some people are not naturally more perceptive, sympathetic and shrewd than others.
(134) You see, even the most sympathetic of employers may not be able to afford to carry on paying you.
(135) It will give you the opportunity to discuss your problems with a sympathetic listener.
(136) I was behind the daring introduction of that sympathetic gay character named JuJuBes.
(137) Even commentators sympathetic to the government saw the inconsistency of this plan.
(138) The reader zooms through the story hoping for a resolution that will satisfy the mystery without sacrificing any of the sympathetic characters.
(139) She was greeted with a sympathetic, and rather amused smile.
(140) The statement, sympathetic but faintly condescending, was suited to an era of comity already long past.
(141) Jewett said he was sympathetic, but that the boy had a constitutional right to be present in the courtroom.
(142) Try being a bit more sympathetic towards her -- you might get better results.
(142) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(143) All Christians and sympathetic fellow-travellers hope for the same from the Church at a time of personal or national crisis.
(144) The general wards were packed with acute cases and, although I received a sympathetic ear, no one really wanted to know.
(145) He was a skilled technician and fighting man, sympathetic to Fidel.
(146) The waiting crowd of marchers groaned and sucked in their breath in sympathetic pain at every blow.
(147) Taler says she tried to offer the student a sympathetic ear.
(148) While he is extremely compassionate and sympathetic to her plight, he can not free her before a trial.
(149) Romy and Michelle are cartoon characters, but the actresses make them both real and enormously sympathetic.
(150) Diana was sympathetic, but did not fully understand his unrest, nor his frantic soul-searching.
(151) He hopes to drum up the support of sympathetic congressmen who blame the law for high fares.
(152) Instead sympathetic competitors allowed them to manufacture on their premises to meet customer orders.
(153) And Che reau observes that world, which is so close to his own, with a wryly sympathetic eye.
(154) He has a very sympathetic approach to people and to the problems that people have.
(155) The next day she told Jody, who was both sympathetic and relieved.
(156) However, the company is not sympathetic to climbing, and should you encounter access problems contact me immediately.
(157) Initially I was appalled by the Princes' racism, but I ended up being very sympathetic to them.
(158) There had always been a sympathetic ear for her clients, and she longed to pour out all her troubles right away.
(159) Always sympathetic to the underdog, Will felt compassion for vice presidents and urged us not to judge them too harshly.
(160) Keanu Reeves plays a criminal defense attorney who has an uncanny knack for picking sympathetic jurors.
(161) I guess he'd picked De Gaulle as the most sympathetic and scholarly-looking.
(162) His real style, they believe, is authoritarian and his policies excessively sympathetic to the armed forces.
(163) Sympathetic murmurs greet this delicate reference to her own spinsterhood, and the hunters then move in for the kill.
(164) He looked rather like a sympathetic young dean at an eastern liberal arts college.
(165) Perhaps he was trying to trick her into talking by pretending to be sympathetic?
(166) I feel a twinge of sympathetic embarrassment on my late colleague's behalf.
(167) Most of the off-farm employment was rural with employers being sympathetic to occasional emergency demands from the farm.
(168) Most local papers are sympathetic to heritage stories and will give space to them, particularly if there is an imminent threat.
(169) It's reassuring to learn that the Government is apparently sympathetic to concerns about the quality threshold.
(170) Only one member of the House was in any way sympathetic to Ian Paisley.
(171) She offers advice, information and sometimes just a sympathetic ear to worried pet owners of Cleveland.
(172) These threatening contacts are of two kinds: the difficult and the sympathetic.
(173) When dealing with his staff,[] Mr Allen somehow managed to strike the right balance between being sympathetic and businesslike.
(174) The physician must establish a sympathetic rapport with the patient to help elucidate possible causes and contributing factors.
(175) Packford was an active member of his local Labour Party, sympathetic to the idea of the paper, and liked Keith.
(176) The droid virtually knew hir life-history now and had made appropriately sympathetic responses.
(177) The range now offers two patterns in 10 soft colourways sympathetic to current bathroom decor trends.
(178) The Committee considered such appointments preferable to more covert arrangements whereby certain officers became singled out as sympathetic sources of advice.
(179) She wore a sunbleached purple turban and presented fingernails long enough to make the spine shiver in sympathetic sensitivity.
(180) But there were calls for a shift to a more supportive role for industry from more sympathetic ministers.
(181) They were less intelligent, but more sympathetic, providing the glue that held the family together.
(182) Mr. Waldegrave I am very sympathetic to comments like that.
(183) Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating.
(184) Can you think of a sympathetic animal with a hairless tail?
(185) The other tenured faculty, including those whom Gordon considered marginally sympathetic, would remain quiet or chip in their own criticisms.
(186) If disaster strikes again, he expects to find a sympathetic ear at the White House.
(187) This would consequently lead to increased motility because parasympathetic activity would be unopposed by diminished sympathetic activity.
(188) Done in a sympathetic way, a loft conversion can blend in almost anywhere.
(189) I tried to look very understanding, very sympathetic, but it seemed to frighten him.
(190) Among the elements necessary to virtually all contemporary epidemics, in addition to the sufferers themselves, are sympathetic physicians.
(191) Regular perusal will make clear which journalists might be most sympathetic to your particular style.
(192) Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him.
(193) At the same time, a canopy of strings induce sympathetic vibrations in resonant aluminum panels suspended between the monitors.
(194) Julie had been very sympathetic, which had helped to soothe the anxiety about her job.
(195) He finds time for them, always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some friendly confidential advice.
(196) The sensible thing would have been to turn to some one, some sympathetic teacher, perhaps.
(197) His opinion said the time deadlines for refunds could be waived in sympathetic cases.
(198) A tactful environmental lobby, a sympathetic farmer and a smattering of goodwill on both sides may continue to produce encouraging results.
(199) The high point of his campaign came in three lengthy and unscripted television interviews with a sympathetic journalist.
(200) She was also flushed and evidently in a state of unrest, which made him feel chivalrous and sympathetic.
(201) I dread having to go through the sympathetic ear act, even when it's merited.
(202) Identify the local politicians who are likely to be the most sympathetic.
(202) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(203) For all of its own bureaucratic strictures, the diplomatic corps had the sympathetic ears that Liang was looking for.
(204) To elect as many legislative candidates as possible this fall who are sympathetic to both sides.
(205) Yuri Skokov, Secretary of the Security Council, was considered sympathetic to the nationalist cause.
(206) Some experts claim that a heel-and-toe weighted club is more sympathetic to a mishit.
(207) A number of the big breweries have recently made encouraging moves towards a more sympathetic attitude to their historic pubs.
(208) It is not Cupid that they need but the attentions of a sympathetic psychotherapist.
(209) Roy was sympathetic to her plight and offered to help her look for her daughter.
(210) Most of the other venues sympathetic to new work are, unfortunately, the ones with the titchy theatres.
(211) The rebel Cornishmen, joined by sympathetic Devonians, marched on Exeter and laid siege to the City.
(212) Success in part time senior registrar training requires tremendous personal commitment, a sympathetic supervisor, and a helpful postgraduate dean.
(213) The emotional setting in which sermons could be preached was made possible by a sympathetic audience: indeed, reciprocity was essential.
(214) Otherwise I could have brought myself to be more sympathetic.
(215) His profession would surely mean that he would listen to my request with a sympathetic ear.
(216) Recently, an anonymous note, clearly composed from a dialogue between a prisoner and a sympathetic guard, was smuggled out.
(217) If the school felt it could not cope with Balbinder then maybe he would be better in a more sympathetic environment.
(218) Resurrected here, he is considerably more sympathetic, and his last four wives wrestle with their feelings for him.
(219) Though very sympathetic and sensitive to the needs of the birth family most adopters did not feel they could cope with contact.
(220) He never deviated from the radical right's agenda, but he gave it a warm, sympathetic face.
(221) I thought she would be sympathetic because she's a sister.
(222) It is those who do not come from those dominant traditions who have to make the sympathetic adjustment.
(223) And they include cases where a more sympathetic attitude from the lender would be more helpful.
(224) President Ion Iliescu, who was in office from 1990 to 1996, was well-known for being sympathetic to Milosevic.
(225) Nigel and I were, above all, struck by the sympathetic treatment of an area which could so easily be spoiled.
(226) Urich has always been a likable actor, and he is sympathetic as a man trying to piece his life together.
(227) But almost everyone needs friends and some one to confide in who is non-judgmental, sympathetic and understanding.
(228) Normally this would have been the cue for some sympathetic teasing and commiseration, but not now.
(229) He put this to Gina but she was not very sympathetic.
(230) Larry spoke to Davis in sympathetic and solicitous tones during the interview.
(231) The nurse was aware of her humiliation and kept throwing sympathetic glances.
(232) The film is fairly sympathetic to Fleiss, who gave Broomfield an interview after ducking him for months.sentencedict .com
(233) More sympathetic souls cautioned me against hasty decisions, but the ripples subsided fairly quickly.
(234) I recalled those days at school and looked for a sympathetic response.
(235) I do not wish to comment further now, but I am sympathetic to his point.
(236) I must admit that I was less sympathetic than I should have been.
(237) For people with mental health problems, a sympathetic ear and understanding is an essential part of their rehabilitation.
(238) He was sympathetic, but powerless to help.
(239) Delight filled every bosom, for they saw that he was powerfully sympathetic.
(240) Ramos invented the Sympathetic Wands and created a fascinating variety of effects with it: effects that involve levitation, animation and Telekinesis .
(241) Conclusion:The results show that there is taurine in the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of the toad.
(242) It is significance that research consequences to improve metal belt drive with magnetic force dynamic character and to prevent generating sympathetic vibration of system.
(243) I've come to pour them out to the sympathetic ear of the local barkeep. You know, they have a really nice bar over at the Olive Garden.
(244) The postganglionic neurons were mainly located in the stellate ganglion(61.99%), anterior and middle cervical ganglia, and T_2-T_5 ganglia of the sympathetic trunk, bilaterally.
(245) She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she could unburden herself.
(246) ASEAN's culturally sympathetic but fast - growing founder members would show Myanmar the way.
(247) Objective: Curative effect observation of point selection cure hyperhidrosis near ganglia of sympathetic trunk.
(248) The heart is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.
(249) The most significant postoperative morbidity was associated with the schwannomas of the agus nere, sympathetic chain, hypoglossal nere, glossopharyngeal nere and the facial nere.
(250) Conclusion: The gastric algesia impulsion are mainly conducted by sympathetic afferent nerve.
(251) The scattered region of sympathetic postganglionic neurons of those organs were located respectively in the periphery of respective concentrative region.
(252) Joe and Biddy were very sympathetic and pleasant when I spoke of our approaching separation.
(253) At the end, the article analyzes the factors caused the sympathetic vibration of the cam set, it also gives some measurest...
(254) Heart Rate Variability is a marker of performance of the excitability of Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System.
(255) When something frightening happens, the sympathetic nervous system makes the heart beat faster so that it sends blood more quickly to the different body parts that might need it.
(256) Mobs assaulted any black person they saw on the street, ransacked and burned homes in African-American neighborhoods, and looted stores owned by blacks and “sympathetic” whites.
(257) We would revive them with humor or a sympathetic word.
(258) He gave President Roosevelt - indirect letters and conversations - some sympathetic knowledge of China's Liberated Areas.
(259) When sexual intercourse, sympathetic releases a large number of going to armour adrenalin, quicken epididymis rear to be carried to the spermatozoon of seminiferous duct.
(260) Truman, he said, was sympathetic and seemed understand how hard the judgment had been.
(261) Framton turned toward his niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension.
(262) " Carrie, " he said, using her first name with sympathetic familiarity, " I want you to love me.
(263) The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact iron fist in a velvet glove.
(264) The sympathetic nervous system plays a conspicuous role in regulating cardiovascular function.
(265) Results:Sympathetic ophthalmia occurred mostly in younger persons, and the most common causes were ocular perforating injuries, especially at the corneoscleral limbus.
(266) The sympathetic nervous system—a web of nerves and neurons running through the spinal cord and spread to virtually every organ in the body—is responsible for arousal and excitement.
(267) In rats with spinal cord injury, sympathetic nerve may be over excitation, which may stimulate the release of substance P to take part in the development of neurogenic pulmonary edema.
(268) Neuroblastoma is a malignant condition of the developing sympathetic nervous system that most commonly affects young children and is often lethal. Its cause is not known.
(269) Several drugs currently used in the treatment of essential hypertension act by inhibiting sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone.
(270) It flolloped in a sympathetic sort of way, moving a fairish body of water as it did so.
(271) Framton shivered slightly and turned toward the niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension.
(272) His speeches against corruption may find a sympathetic hearing among some Trinidadians.




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