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单词 Get home
1. Can't you wait till we get home?
2. What time did you get home last night?
3. When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.
4. I couldn't see how I could get home from the station - then I had a brainwave, Eric could meet me.
5. There's a storm coming on. We'd better get home.
6. When you get home you're going directly to bed.
7. I didn't get home till after dinnertime.
8. I'll give you a ring once I get home.
9. We still have to arrange how to get home.
10. We didn't get home until midnight.
11. Try to get home before dark.
12. Wire me as soon as you get home.
13. The children are advised to get home before dark.
14. I didn't get home until two in the morning!
15. I will reassess the situation when I get home.
16. There'll be fireworks if I get home late again.
17. I'll phone you again when I get home.
18. Write me when you get home.
19. I shall be only too pleased to get home.
20. Did your horse get home?
21. They were lucky to get home in one piece.
22. We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.
23. In a pinch,(/get home.html) you could get home on foot.
24. They're hardly likely to get home before ten.
25. I managed to get home without mishap.
26. This is Gary of ABC. Pls call me when you get home. My number is 1234.
27. The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.
28. I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
29. You must urge the children on or we'll never get home.
30. The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.
1. Can't you wait till we get home?
2. What time did you get home last night?
3. This is Gary of ABC. Pls call me when you get home. My number is 1234.
4. The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.
5. When I get home from work I like to relax with a glass of wine.
6. I couldn't see how I could get home from the station - then I had a brainwave, Eric could meet me.
7. I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
8. You must urge the children on or we'll never get home.
9. The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.
10. In a pinch, you could get home on foot.
11. In the after years the sailor did not get home often.
31. You must get home before curfew.
32. Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.
33. He was impatient to get home.
34. What time does he normally get home ?
35. Give me a tinkle when you get home.
36. He just managed to get home before dark.
37. I get home at half seven on a Friday.
38. In the after years the sailor did not get home often.
39. The boys get home and eat everything in sight .
40. The car broke down in the middle of the night and he had to get home as best as he could.
41. By the time I get home, I'm too tired to do anything active.
42. It takes at least an hour to get home from work.
43. I'll deal with you when I get home from the office!
44. In my line of work I often get home too late for dinner.
45. I'll give you a good smacking when we get home!
46. At this rate they'd be lucky to get home before eight-thirty or nine.
47. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when those two get home!
48. If we push ahead,(http:///get home.html) we can get home before dark.
49. I didn't get home till three - my mum did her nut!
50. He drank the best part of a bottle of Scotch waiting for her to get home.
51. I just want to get home and stretch out on the sofa.
52. When did you get home? I never heard you come in.
53. Come on, there's no time to lose(), we must get home before John finds out where we've been.
54. The hundred metres champion managed to get home by a second.
55. After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put your feet up.
56. It's no laughing matter having to walk by a group of rowdy drunks every night just to get home.
57. You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.
58. It's practically impossible for me to get home in less than an hour.
59. He longed to get home to bed and rest his weary bones.
60. You'll be in trouble if you get home after curfew.
61. He was allowed to go out, but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight.
62. In his haste to get home, he forgot to go to the library.
63. To cut a long story short, we didn't get home until 3 in the morning!
64. What time do you usually get home in the evening?
65. I've got to clean up before my parents get home.
66. I'm sure we'll find her hard at work when we get home.
67. It was a lovely/nasty, etc. surprise to get home and find the letter.
68. You must get home to John where the difficulty lies.
69. When I get home I like to collapse on the sofa and listen to music.
70. After travelling all summer, I was glad to get home.
71. I've got to get home and feed this little monster.
72. They wanted to get home to watch telly.
73. I never eat anything when I get home.
73. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
74. Some troops expressed impatience to get home.
75. I said I had to get home.
76. I'll email you my resume when I get home.
77. How are the kids going to get home?
78. When you get home, start your homework right away.
79. He doesn't usually get home in the daytime.
80. I turn around to ask her if she knows how I can get home.
81. Every day I considered myself lucky to get home from school without serious injury.
82. After commencing retraining, the ex POWs, like most soldiers on a home posting, endeavoured to get home at weekends.
83. If she could get to Tottenham Court Road tube station, she could get home almost on automatic pilot.
84. The real test would be in the evening when surfers get home from work or school.
85. If we get out, we just tag along behind you until you get home, and we vanish.
86. We enjoy all the articles, and the Escapes pages give us ideas for when we get home.
87. His new schedule allows him to help with carpooling in the morning, get home earlier, and not work weekends.
88. When we get home, the dogs are always excited to see us.
89. So I strongly advise you to swot it up when you get home tonight.
90. I am really attracted by it, but I can't wait to get home.
91. My kids leave dirty plates stacked up in the sink until I get home.
92. Let's go on. I want to get home before it gets dark.
93. They did not expect to get home, says the poet; still, they went to sleep.
94. The first thing I do when I get home from school is get changed.
95. I get home and I have no time to myself.
96. They had travelled to Berlin merely in order to join the queue of refugees trying to get home.
97. Police contend Bagby nearly ran over two officers in a mad scramble to get home.
98. Last week long-term season ticket holder Jan Buttigieg was incensed to discover that she couldn't get home.
99. He took the train and then the ferry to get home to Staten Island.
100. I did not get home till 6:00 am on sunday after the spurs game!!! but that's another story.
101. I know it's a train station and that, but I du n no how to get home from here.
102. When I get home I want some good food like I want some rice and peas and curry and all that stuff.
103. But it was something of a Cinderella situation-I had to get home early or risk another hot reception from Uncle.
104. Everyone has the capability of making themselves something good to eat when they get home in the evening.
105. It was only because John kept his wits about him that the boys managed to get home safely.
106. Like Captain Scott, I was in a hurry to get home.
107. The first thing I'm going to do when I get home is take a nap.
108. Best of all though, you don't need to charge the batteries up when you get home.
109. I would get home at about 7.30 in the evening and I still had to do my homework.
110. When I get home at night, I bring out my kanji book and find the characters.
111. Why shave after you get home to the pitch black cabin and repeat the fumbling around?
112. The boys were older now; she could tarry a bit, and not get home until four.
113. What she must do was concentrate on getting her memory back so that she could get home to them as soon as humanly possible.
114. We busted a gut trying to get home on time.
115. Suddenly all she wanted to do was get home and bury her head under her pillow.
116. Glickman was late for a Monday speech in Reno, Nev., and needed all Tuesday to get home.
117. Call me when you get home from school - don't forget now!
118. When you get home, take your heels off, stretch your toes and rotate your ankles to relax the muscles.
119. If she wanted to get home in comfort, she would have to find a cashpoint.
120. Or for not moving Providence closer to Hanover, so I could get home earlier.
121. Because police had cordoned off Lake Drive, she was unable to get home to check on her ranch.
122. My sister did not get home from her housecleaning job until after dark.
123. A lot of the real estate conventioneers make airline reservations so they can get home for Sunday church.
124. When I get home Mrs Marsh has polished off half the biscuits in the tin and the teapot is all but empty.
125. There were so many delays - it seemed as if we would never get home.
126. She could hardly wait to get home, take off her clothes and twist her hair off her neck.
127. Gotta Get Home Quick March On The Double!
128. You had best get home before midnight.
129. We had best get home before midnight.
130. When I get home I get my second wind.
131. His work made it impossible for him to get home oftener than every other weekend.
132. "No, sir, " went on Bert musingly , "school's no fun, and it starts about a week after we get home. No chance to have a good time! "
133. The swine flu may cause the W.H.O. to cut short its nine-day annual conference of world health ministers so they can get home to fight the disease,() Reuters reported.
134. We'll have to pull out all the stops if we want to get home before dark.
135. Ann Cochrane, 58, a market researcher originally from Beith in Ayrshire, was trying to get home to Toronto, where she now lives.
136. Don't make a scene; let's discuss this when we get home.
137. Since April when we go to school and get home from school every day and when we go out, we have to wear hats and masks and wear long trousers. It is very uncomfortable.
138. I'd get home and swear I had bought Italian bread only to find a loaf of fat-free wheat bread.
139. A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon.
140. The plus side of crock pot cooking is that when you get home, it's all done and you don't have to spend an hour making dinner.
141. Harry:Oh,speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow,and the baby-sitter has to get home.
142. Do you think the petrol will last out until we get home?
143. Pack all your frozen foods together in an insulated container to keep them frozen until you get home.
144. I took a long time to get home because everyone was gassing in the shop.
145. He will be in for it if he doesn't get home on time.
146. If we push forward, we can get home before dark.
147. We should probably hit the road . It's going to take us two hours to get home.
148. Another shadow passed by quickly as if eagerly running to get home.
149. He be in for it if he doesn't get home on time.
150. He took the redeye in order to get home the next morning.
151. When you get home, do you potter about in the garden or sit in front of the television?
152. Hannah knew her mom would flip out if she didn't get home on time.
153. He gave us a long song and dance about how he needed money to get home.
154. It also advises diners to put a toilet roll in the freezer when they get home.
155. For your own well being we highly recommend that you immediately put your toilet roll in the freezer when you get home.
155. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
156. "Remaining eight newspaper, " maggie card said to me, "wait him from the side walk over and we will get home.
157. They hug goodbye and Sofia tells him to get home safe.
158. After we get home from a party I discover a barrette clutched in her hand.
159. I want to get home early to see my favorite TV program.
160. You'll be fast asleep by the time we get home.
161. Ooh, speaking of keeping busy - I have an early start tomorrow, and the baby - sitter has to get home.
162. Their help enabled the children to get home safe and sound.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:53:45