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单词 Curved
1 The road curved suddenly to the left.
2 The road curved to the right.
3 His lips curved in a barely perceptible smile.
4 The corners of her mouth curved upwards in amusement.
5 He curved the piece of wood.
6 The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam.
7 He had a long, curved scar on his right cheek.
8 The river curved round the hill.
9 The spear curved through the air.
10 A small,[] unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.
11 The road curved around the bay.
12 The roof was spanned by curved ribs of steel.
13 The road curved gently upwards.
14 The track curved round the side of the hill.
15 The path curved down towards the village.
16 A smile curved her lips.
17 The missile curved gracefully towards its target.
18 A bullet describes a curved path in the air.
19 His lips curved in a smile.
20 The ball curved strangely in the air.
21 The track curved away below him.
22 The ball curved through the air.
23 Her mouth curved into a smile.
24 The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.
25 Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.
26 a voluptuously curved woman.
27 A curved margin of a highway was reflectorized for safety.
28 The road curved away round the back of the hill.
29 A crossing of curved lines softens the hypnotic.
30 The knife had a heavy curved blade.
1 The road curved to the right.
2 His lips curved in a barely perceptible smile.
3 The corners of her mouth curved upwards in amusement.
4 He curved the piece of wood.
5 The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam.
6 He had a long, curved scar on his right cheek.
7 The missile curved gracefully towards its target.
31 The pews curved around in the new style.
32 The mattress - all curved up at the edges.
33 The temple's roof is curved, in the Thai style.
34 The dusty white road curved away towards the mountains.
35 My father thinks they should be in curved lines.
36 So beware the curved top compacts.
37 His hands were curved into claws.
38 To cut a board around a curved or irregular object such as a stone or pipe, use a compass.
39 His mouth curved into a smile, but his face showed pain.
40 A group of too many curved lines, without the structural rigidity of straights,[http://] tends to become sweet and sentimental.
41 As a novice carver I found the MAC650 very useful for controlled shaping of curved pieces with flowing lines.
42 There was shorter grass up here, and the ground curved -.
43 This class consisted of curved spaces without singularities, which were of finite size but which did not have boundaries or edges.
44 The whole leaf blade is moderately curved with curled margins.
45 Equations between tensors have the property that they remain valid under the general transformations between Gaussian coordinate systems in curved space-time.
46 An equivalent view of this effect is that the result of parallel transport in a curved space depends on the path taken.
47 The river has curved round and Odd-Knut has drawn up a few metres from the edge of a very steep drop.
48 After gluing, the curved members were cut to shape on the band saw then finished with the spokeshave.
49 They show up as curved lines on a photographic film.
50 Although both look curved there exists a fundamental difference between them.
51 Rib chops are identified by the slightly curved rib bone and the presence of the rib-eye muscle outside of the curve.
52 What to do if the relationship is curved is discussed fully in the next chapter.
53 The letters curved and dipped with the contours of his chest.
54 She had a high, curved prow, with a pair of antlers fastened to it.
55 Straight lines, in the usual sense, can not be drawn on curved surfaces or in curved spaces.
56 He then ignored both of them, walking to the stairs that curved down into the room and taking the luggage up.
57 Even at that resolution and that many dots, curved lines can appear jagged, albeit under a magnifying glass.
58 The grassy track ran level, curved and dipped a little, emerged from the trees.
59 The floodwater, carrying branches and driftwood, was over the roadway on the curved iron bridge.
60 The low beams of a car flickered as it curved the bend in the road.
61 The Duke was revelling in the occasion, his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy.
62 The latest design has slightly curved jaws, so can be used more effectively on pipes.
63 To avoid the technical difficulties in actually performing the sum over histories, these curved space-times must be taken to be Euclidean.
64 For the dragonflies, mould small curved lengths and mark on segments with a cocktail stick.
65 To catch up, Smith designed drill bits featuring synthetic diamonds with curved surfaces, rather than more conventional flat versions.
66 She removed her dark glasses to reveal lively brown eyes under elaborately curved brows.
67 For larger hooks, a good pair of curved surgical forceps can not be bettered.
68 Its totally curved sides were fenced with grilles of exquisite metalwork and its upper storey was graciously arcaded.
69 I say they curved through the air by 25 centimetres.
70 A slight smile curved her mouth,[] relaxing the rigidity of her body.
71 Dark pines and yellow birches lay ahead, as the shoreline curved to meet me.
72 He had a cruel, clever, merciless face, with a big curved nose and very bright, hard eyes.
73 The adoral shields are curved slightly wing-like, with glassy beads embedded in the matrix.
74 Her lips were curved slightly in a mild, private smile.
75 Where the road is curved away from the junction on both sides, very long and wide sight lines will be required.
76 Hold the mass of tubules with fine. straight forceps and thoroughly tease out their contents with fine, curved forceps.
77 From up here she could see where the village curved round to the Hotel Britannia.
78 His route curved away in a graceful sweep ahead of him.
79 The girl's body was curved and slender and my hands were straying to the ribbons on her bodice.
80 The stone interior of the church held darkness as a curved shell holds water.
81 This is particularly true when articulating curved or flowing forms.
82 A smile curved her mouth, though, as she kicked off her shoes and went and lay down on her bed.
83 Knit two rows as shown by the curved arrow then select the needles and move the lace carriage to the right.
84 The shortest paths joining points a finite distance apart on a curved surface are generally not simple straight lines.
85 A man climbed to the top and gazed helplessly at the curved expanse of the copper-sheathed dome.
86 Here, Bruder has created a front which is gently curved in plan, and intended to attract visitors into the building.
87 So, we don't have to have one of our three-dimensional universe curved back on itself.
88 Upon me rested heavy cold weights and under me was a smooth, curved surface like the bottom of a gargantuan test-tube.
89 Rotary press a web or reel fed printing press which uses a curved printing plate mounted on the plate cylinder.
90 One has to specify what class of possible curved spaces should be included in the sum over histories.
91 Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps.
92 Shape curved arms from fondant icing and position, tucking them under the head slightly to raise it up.
93 Cast-iron columns and a curved rib framework support the conical roof which has a diameter of 180 feet.
94 It was slightly curved at the end like a large claw.
95 His almost bare chest and the high, curved horns he wears accentuate his height and his slender build.
96 Her long, graceful neck curved into the round, firm line of her bodice.
97 His mouth curved in amusement, but his narrowed gaze was thoughtful, as though her observations had surprised him.
98 That is to say the curved members, such as ribs, were built up of naturally curving wood, chosen to have the right shape.
99 Perhaps this is why straight lines do not suggest movement along their length as effectively as slightly curved ones.
100 This suggests an unambiguous procedure for transporting a local vector across curved space time.
101 Her ambitious hairdo curved and swirled like a Henry Moore sculpture.
102 Application of the strong equivalence principle provides the basis for a definition of parallel transport in curved space time.
103 The Cartesian coordinates which result from this transformation describe a space which is tangential to the curved space at the point selected.
104 Hurricane Gustav curved away from the Caribbean Islands and headed toward open ocean.
105 Waves of lacquer black hair curved above their brown faces.
106 In front of the grate was a tall electric fire with artificial coals,[] a high curved back and a triple set of burners.
107 Riemann, who was a student of Gauss, initiated the analysis of curved spaces with more than two dimensions in 1846.
108 As Discovery curved still closer toward Saturn, the Sun slowly descended toward the multiple arches of the rings.
109 Stairs of dark wood curved up from the hall, and the old treads creaked under their combined weight.
110 The entrance is formed by two curved rows of large stones.
111 The adoral shields are slightly curved large and occupying a large portion of the jaw proximal to the oral shield.
112 Seated, she put out one foot like a dancer, instep curved forward.
113 After ten minutes the road curved west and dipped down into a shallow ravine.
114 Fig 1: Three types of crampon points - a curved lobster claw b general purpose c straight lobster claw.
115 A black feather boa, perhaps bought for the Black Ascot, curved lavishly round to cancel any suggestion of nakedness.
116 Gradually, reluctantly, his own lips curved, and then his eyes joined in, twinkling like glimmering black pools.
117 Thick metal cables curved up from that helmet into the ducted roof as though the man had sprouted banded antlers.
118 The overall curved profile of this goggle is refreshingly different too.
119 Her lips curved in amusement and Roman asked if he could share the joke.
120 High above, curved oak, spruce and chestnut grew beside giant magnolias.
121 Zips: one curved L-shaped zip on the flysheet and three zips on the inner door.
122 They saw Ruth's crumpling face, and at once the lips curved upward, laughing, and sang louder.
123 One was curved like a shell; in its depths, pale amethyst glinted.
124 It is worth recalling that in Section 3.3 the analogous question was addressed for transport over a curved surface.
125 In any case, she was completely different from the generously curved blondes Nathan Bryce was usually seen with.
126 The curved arrows refer to the main carriage and the straight arrows to the lace carriage.
127 Shaving mirrors are slightly curved in order to magnify the image.
128 At last his gaze came to rest on Maeve, and his eyes widened, and a smile curved his lips.
129 The photograph on the facing page shows a pair of pictures, illustrating two curved designs bending round towards each other.
130 The ventralmost arm spine may be curved or sabre shaped.
131 These cars had wooden roller blind destination boxes mounted on stanchions which curved outwards over the ends of the half canopies.
132 A few miles further on,[http:///curved.html] I took a left on to a B road which curved up even higher.
133 The corridor curved down and appeared to twist, as if heading back into the ground.
134 He is sitting in one of the curved Scandinavian chairs of blond wood with an orange backing.
135 The road curved, and I emerged from a copse to confront a splendid panorama.
136 Holding anger is a poison...It eats you from inside...We think that by hating someone we hurt them...But hatred is a curved blade...and the harm we do to others...we also do to ourselves. Mitch Albom 
137 Art Deco has come to mean brilliant colours, curved upholstery and angular, geometric designs.
138 They stepped off the pavement outside and crossed over to another group of shops that curved around the square.
139 Ventral arm spins may be slightly flattened and in some the arm spine may be curved.
140 The situation is very different in a homogeneous, isotropic, curved space with K negative.
141 An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom.
142 Presumably, in the very early universe all the dimensions would have been very curved.
143 The backing can be cut to give the shape you want and can also be used around a curved surface.
144 Inside, they quietly ascended the huge curved staircase which led to their bedrooms on the upper floor.
145 The bird uses its long curved bill to dig out worms and small insects.
146 Introduced to cannot exhibit B - batten curved surface extends square law mediumly in shoe design system.
147 The imposition of a curved phase characteristic reduces the peak amplitude of the waveform.
148 Her face was small and oval , and her vivid lips were curved in a persistent smile.
149 His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment.
150 They hunt game with spears or a curved wooden boomerang.
151 This causes the curved Brake shoes to move into contact with the Brake drum.
152 Method: 40 curved mesial - buccal canals in mandibular molars were selected and divided into two groups randomly.
153 Since we aren't actually moving and the figure is static, we misperceive the straight lines as curved ones.
154 Rhodium - plated brooch with 3 curved bars in clear crystal pav é.
155 The spectrometer has a curved crystal Bragg diffraction structure of Johann type.
156 Boomerang: Curved throwing stick used chiefly by the aborigines of Australia for hunting and warfare.
157 The main terraced building has curved wings with bow windows.
158 The equilibrium thermal radiation a curved space - time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties.




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