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单词 Blocked
1. The police have blocked the road.
2. A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads.
3. The road was completely blocked by an overturned truck.
4. The road was blocked by fallen logs.
5. The outlet of a water pipe was blocked.
6. The clouds have blocked the sun out.
7. The way is blocked by the tall cataract.
8. The road was blocked in both directions.
9. The gutters were blocked and overflowing.
10. Heavy curtains blocked out the sunlight.
11. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.
12. The playground has been blocked out.
13. Drifts of snow blocked the way.
14. The road ahead was blocked.
15. The road was blocked with snow.
16. The road was blocked by a truck.
17. The river is blocked up with ice.
18. She accuses me of having blocked out the past.
19. My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me.
20. Our cars get blocked in and we can't leave for ages.
21. The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
22. A flock of sheep blocked our entry to the village.
23. The police had blocked the road and would not let the cars pass.
24. The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.
25. The car has been blocked in by all those lorries.
26. The harbour was blocked in by floating masses of ice.
27. A solid phalanx of policemen blocked the road.
28. The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked.
29. The police blocked the street off.
30. One of the air-ducts has become blocked.
1. The police have blocked the road.
2. A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads.
3. The road was completely blocked by an overturned truck.
4. The road was blocked by fallen logs.
5. The outlet of a water pipe was blocked.
6. The clouds have blocked the sun out.
7. The way is blocked by the tall cataract.
8. The road was blocked in both directions.
9. The gutters were blocked and overflowing.
10. Heavy curtains blocked out the sunlight.
11. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads.
12. The playground has been blocked out.
13. Drifts of snow blocked the way.
14. The road ahead was blocked.
15. The road was blocked with snow.
16. The road was blocked by a truck.
17. The river is blocked up with ice.
18. She accuses me of having blocked out the past.
19. My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me.
20. Our cars get blocked in and we can't leave for ages.
21. The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
22. A flock of sheep blocked our entry to the village.
23. The police had blocked the road and would not let the cars pass.
24. The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.
25. The car has been blocked in by all those lorries.
26. The harbour was blocked in by floating masses of ice.
27. They ran across areas which were blocked off by barrage fire.
28. The dumping of foreign cotton blocked outlets for locally grown cotton.
29. She quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site.
30. Once the ventilator shaft became blocked, the warehouse quickly filled with fumes.
31. The accident blocked traffic in the town centre.
32. Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.
33. Police blocked off the street after the explosion.
34. The child has earache caused by blocked Eustachian tubes.
35. I've got a sore throat and a blocked nose.
36. A fall of rocks and earth blocked the road.
37. A group of reporters blocked his path.
38. He blocked out the felt hat.
39. Roads were flooded or blocked by landslips.
40. The overflow from the bath is blocked.
41. Three men blocked her path.
42. A large crowd blocked the corridors and exits.
43. Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing.
44. The fireplace had been blocked off.
45. Angry farmers blocked the road with their tractors.
46. The road was blocked by deep drifts of snow.
47. After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked.
48. The road ahead was now blocked solid.
49. The petrol feed is blocked.
50. All escape routes were blocked by armed police.
51. The road was blocked by a fallen tree.
52. Zola's shot was blocked by the goalie.
53. They had blocked off the fireplaces to stop draughts.
54. The Senate blocked publication of the report.
55. The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees.
56. The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun.
57. The exit was blocked with beer crates.
58. Black clouds blocked out the sun.
59. The route was blocked for some time.
60. I think the kitchen drain is blocked.
31. The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
61. James blocked the shot but conceded a corner.
62. One door had been blocked up.
63. The road was blocked by a rockfall.
64. A fallen tree blocked the way.
65. The road is blocked by a rock fall.
66. Black clouds had completely blocked out the sun.
67. The path had been blocked by a rock fall.
68. My nose is blocked up.
69. The railroad was blocked by a landslide.
70. The old route is completely blocked off.
71. We blocked out our ideas for the room arrangement.
72. All the windows had been blocked up.
73. The rough sketch has been blocked in.
74. His way was blocked by two large bouncers.
75. Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves.
76. A group of politicians blocked the proposal.
77. The toilet blocked up all the time.
78. Her ideas were blocked at every turn.
79. The drain is blocked and needs unplugging.
80. The trees blocked out much of the sunlight.
81. Police blocked off the city centre streets.
82. Pimples form when pores become blocked with dirt.
83. They blocked the entrance with big stones.
84. The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.
85. The close-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper.
86. Thursday afternoons are blocked off for sports.
87. They blew out the blocked pipe.
88. The flood was caused by a blocked drain .
89. He found that his car had been blocked in.
90. People with blocked tear ducts cannot cry.
91. The way ahead was blocked.
92. I have blocked out a plan of study.
93. The road is blocked with massive drifts of snow.
94. The proposed merger has been blocked by the government.
95. I have blocked in the shapes of the larger buildings.
96. The road was blocked for two hours after the accident, but traffic is now flowing smoothly again.
97. My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me.
98. The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.
99. The operation will open up the blocked passages around his heart.
100. The gas pipe has been blocked off to prevent escapes.
101. The road was blocked so we had to come round by the fields.
102. The main roads of the city have been blocked off.
103. Traffic tailed back for 15 miles when the road was blocked by an accident.
104. The sink's blocked up.
105. Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city.
106. A heart attack is caused by the blood vessels that supply the blood to the heart muscle getting blocked.
107. All the roads out of the town had been blocked off by the police.
108. A number of roads have been blocked by fallen trees.
109. Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight.
110. The sewege pipe is blocked; give it a good flush.
111. Another car had parked behind me and blocked me in.
112. They ran across areas which were blocked off by barrage fire.
113. Tony blocked Tom,[http:///blocked.html] allowing Jack to run for the touchdown.
114. Parking restrictions were lifted, with the result that the road is permanently blocked by cars.
115. Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded around.
116. Those clouds would have cast shadows that would have blocked some sunlight out.
117. I started to move round him, but he blocked my way.
118. She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.
119. The road is open now, but it is often blocked by snow in the winter.
120. All roads are blocked by the heavy snowfall. The passengers are in danger.
121. My nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe.
122. The road is blocked - you'll have to go round the other way.
123. We'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are blocked with snow.
124. Progress in the talks was blocked by the Government's intransigence.
125. The dumping of foreign cotton blocked outlets for locally grown cotton.
126. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.
127. The jeep has been blocked in by all those lorries.
128. I bought a sink plunger to clear the blocked kitchen sink.
129. When the reservoir becomes blocked, the only remedy lies in cleaning the entire system.
130. I think the gas jet must be blocked, because the oven won't light.
131. The wide road was blocked solid with traffic that moved along sluggishly.
132. All approaches were blocked.
133. The road was blocked, so we missed the meeting - it was just one of those things.
134. The windows at the back are blocked up, so there is no through ventilation.
135. Snowdrifts blocked our progress.
136. My view of the harbour was blocked by the new building.
137. All roads into/out of the town were blocked by the snow.
138. An ugly new building blocked the view from the window.
139. Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.
140. He took my hand to help me over a boulder that blocked the way.
141. She quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site.
142. Once the ventilator shaft became blocked[http://], the warehouse quickly filled with fumes.
143. The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
144. The referendum blocked Switzerland's entrance into the European Economic Area.
145. He started for the door, but I blocked his way.
146. Oh, is that your car outside? I may have blocked you in.
147. Don't pour tea leaves down the kitchen sink?it'll get blocked.
148. Thousands of people blocked the street, protesting against the new legislation.
149. The road was blocked by a solid mass of protesters.
150. The pipe had been blocked off to prevent further leaks.
151. We shall have to blow the pipe out, it seems to be blocked.
152. Damian blocked their path.
153. From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.
154. I was blocked in by two lorries so I had to leave the car and walk.
155. They blocked requests for new development assistance worth US$74,000,000.
156. Which of these have blocked your growth?
157. He can clear blocked drains.
158. Streets and sidewalks are blocked by mammoth construction projects.
159. A delivery truck blocked the alley.
160. Trash cans blocked the narrow aisles.
161. But you may find the road blocked.
162. It blocked the exit to the driveway.
163. A Secret Service agent blocked his way.
164. Just how many incoming calls will be blocked?
165. A snowdrift blocked his path.
166. And investors whose cases are too old for arbitration are less likely to be blocked by brokers from going to court.
167. It was so horrific, I think my memory has blocked it out.
168. The first time Cantor attempted to visit him, the narrow aisles were blocked by serving carts.
169. South Pasadena residents repeatedly blocked plans to run the freeway through their city.
170. We had been coming on to the main road at about five miles an hour when three men had blocked our exit.
171. The doors were then blocked by a dozen or more police.
172. The deal was blocked by the chairman,[] who was unwilling to commit so much company money to a risky investment.
173. Maintaining a bella figura at all costs can cause problems greater than a partially blocked street.
174. The rubble had temporarily blocked the entrance to the cavern below the Horseshoe Falls.
175. Lane blocked: Rush hour traffic in east Middlesbrough was blocked yesterday due to a broken down crane.
176. He reached a junction only to find that the right-hand alley was blocked by a rusty bedstead.
177. I could see the muzzle flashes in the tree line fifty yards away, which blocked our take-off path.
178. Patients should not be discharged without such arrangements, but nor should beds be blocked unnecessarily.
179. But because of a subtle change in the structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase, this second detox step is blocked in some people.
180. Suddenly a barrier of logs and brush blocked his path.
181. The accident, which left wreckage spread over a wide area, blocked the road causing severe traffic disruption.
182. His widow has blocked all plans to complete the story.
183. But legislation authorizing the tax cut squeaked through the Republican-controlled Assembly and was blocked by Senate Democrats.
184. Corin Redgrave has blocked out the key action vividly, indicating the threatening turmoil of war and revolt.
185. So ferocious was the wind that the trees blew down and blocked the roads and railways.
186. We arrived at one which blocked one of the entrances to Debenham.
187. But when it came time for the crucial Senate vote, a highly charged, emotional Opposition nearly blocked it.
188. On April 29, Cahill temporarily blocked backers from collecting signatures to put the immigrant voting measure on the ballot.
189. Communications among individuals are often blocked legally by governments and illegally by enterprises to protect competitive advantages.
190. Two of them blocked her exit from the car park while the third smashed the car window to grab her handbag.
191. Last night the piano had blocked his view, but he knew roughly where to look.
192. But I was met in the corridor by two men, who blocked my way and demanded to see my passport.
193. Her main fun was watching television, and she threw things at people who blocked her view.
194. And Murdoch was again Thistle's hero when he blocked a close range shot from Trevor Steven.
195. A pilot's memory for the events leading up to a crash, say, may be totally blocked.
196. The soldiers so blocked spectators' view that the onlookers cheered, thinking the president was in the carriage.
197. When the ice melted some shallow lakes remained where boulder clay blocked old river courses.
198. Geriatrics beds are those most likely to be blocked while assessment teams explore alternatives to residential care.
199. Two uprooted palm trees blocked their way at the foot of the stairs.
200. Such effects may be blocked by administration of histamine receptor antagonists, such as cimetidine.
201. The crash at High Craigton, around 8am, blocked the road for several hours.
202. The stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb was placed there for a purpose.
203. All three moves were blocked by Fujisaki,[] according to sources.
204. The tortuously narrow Lolo Trail, blocked by crags, trees and undergrowth, was quickly traversed by Joseph's uncomplaining cavalcade.
205. What they often fail to see is that cults are a direct result of blocked politics.
206. The activists blocked traffic Saturday along the Tijuana border crossing.
207. They had blocked the street off, rather as if an armed siege was in progress.
208. His one chance came just before half-time when a defender's shins blocked his shot.
209. Five minutes later Hislop blocked a shot from Andy Cole, and Sheringham wafted the rebound over the bar.
210. Members of a breakaway group who blocked traffic in University Square the same evening were forcibly dispersed by police.
211. The big defender's low drive from close range was blocked and then cleared by the alert Severin.
212. When we ran the ball and we blocked I got yards.
213. I have had friends whose girlfriends' families actively blocked their marriage plans.
214. Even after the first attacks numerous destroyed, burning vehicles would have blocked the road.
215. The rear exit ahead of him was closed, blocked by doleful-looking goats.
216. Pipes and drains which are blocked are not accidentally damaged and the cost of clearing the blockage is not covered.
217. Last week they went to the Court of Session in an unsuccessful attempt to have Thursday's meeting blocked.
218. A failure to relight suggests a blocked jet, which needs cleaning and adjusting, or a failed thermocouple which needs replacing.
219. The view was blocked by two ugly high-rise apartment buildings.
220. There will also be close, searched boats, blocked streets and all the other inconveniences of a major political convention.
221. She quickly slipped ahead of the trolley pushers as one of them blocked the exit, manoeuvring his way through.
222. After a flash of Hendrie's skill on the byeline, Paul Wilkinson's fierce shot was blocked by Robinson.
223. McCoy returned a few minutes later and quickly hit two mid-range jumpers and blocked two Bryant Boston shots in succession.
224. Backers claim the pictures offer doctors a unique early-stage diagnostic window on blocked arteries and other coronary problems.
225. Barricades blocked the main streets and were erected in many neighbourhoods.
226. There were so many times I considered calling, or going by, but was blocked by that mountainous candor of hers.
227. She had blocked him out since his mention of the two unpublished novels.
228. The company made headlines in recent weeks after it blocked access to about 200 sexually oriented online discussion groups.
229. The huge building across the street blocked my view of the horizon.
230. If people have a bad cold, the nasal cavity gets blocked up and so they can not say the sounds properly.
231. By March 31 Gamsakhurdia forces were said to be in retreat although railways and roads were still blocked.
232. By the time it sets off the smoke detector,[http:///blocked.html] the corridor is blocked.
233. They blocked the entrances in protest at what they claim is the unnecessary culling of badgers organised from the base.
234. The baby boy went blue after his lungs became blocked.
235. Moss wiped their faces as they fought the live-oak branches that blocked their way.
236. On the other hand, princes felt free to vent their own anger in ways which they now blocked to others.
237. Besides the over-abundance of grease, pores can also become blocked by dead skin cells through an acceleration in cell production.
238. While larger diameter stents remain patient longer than smaller diameter ones, many are blocked five to six months after insertion.
239. There is a filter on the inlet side of the fuel pump which may be partially blocked and obstructing fuel flow.
240. Having blocked two attacking techniques, the defender counters with a double punch to his opponent's face.
241. I've just blocked it out and it hasn't changed my attitude to cars, except that they're not safe enough.
242. If centring is to be used for main headings, then sub-headings may be either centred or blocked.
243. Nilsen was finally arrested when pieces of the corpses he was flushing down the toilet blocked the drain.
244. The travellers had already been thwarted by Gloucestershire police, who blocked entrances to a site in the Forest of Dean.
245. The bill was blocked last year by conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats concerned about over-zealous federal law enforcement.
246. George Deukmejian, was to have taken effect in 1988, but has been blocked by a series of court challenges.
247. Hundreds of protesters blocked the entrance to the President's palace.
248. But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.
249. The city council blocked the idea for a new shopping mall.
250. Trapped between inadequate beliefs and unwarranted apprehensions, they find the path to high performance blocked.
251. When they did, traffic got worse; then they blocked it off and traffic improved.
252. Wives of rocket forces troops in Siberia blocked the road to the missile silos in 1998 to protest unpaid wages.
253. He said that three factors had caused my arteries to be blocked: heredity, poor diet, and lack of exercise.
254. At An Coimhleun Forest, the way is blocked by cliffs.
255. Gullies often become blocked by dead leaves and small stones which fall through the grating.
256. I successfully blocked one of the main avenues they were exploring.
257. Two further programmes alluding to the resignation, due to be aired on Jan. 4 and 11, had also been blocked.
258. But he had blocked all her attempts to anoint him with love and sympathy.
259. Proposition 187 has been blocked by the courts, but opposition to illegal immigration remains strong in California.
260. The grass was wild and ragged with dandelions, and a charred pile of board blocked the path.
261. Some small villages in the northern Andes were left isolated as roads were blocked by slides.
262. Ten-mile tailbacks blocked roads as bargain hunters sprang into action after three days at home.
262. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
263. And, in the dying seconds, Miklosko blocked Smillie's close-range effort.
264. Upon being blocked off from the courtyard, the bat would soon have led him to freedom.
265. In London, two skips and six barrels full of toxic waste blocked the front entrance to the environment building.
266. At First Avenue the crosswalk is blocked by a Con Ed van and an open manhole cover encircled by yellow rubber cones.
267. When the soldiers blocked university students from entering campuses the next morning, name-calling and fights broke out.
268. After another island with half blocked off by Hamstead Wharf there are two aqueducts.
269. But the blocked spending bills are pawns in a larger debate over the parties' competing seven-year balanced-budget plans.
270. She retched and failed, squeezed, tried again, tried desperately to choke out the stodge that blocked her.
271. The accident has blocked two lanes of traffic on the freeway.
272. Security forces blocked the miners from advancing towards the main Istanbul-Ankara highway.
273. Dole often seemed frustrated and unsure of himself as Democrats blocked many of the bills he tried to move through Congress.
274. Linda suffers from biliary atresia, an abnormality in which the bile duct is blocked.
275. Arterial roads are blocked by thousands of stranded vehicles.
276. Well my toilet's all blocked up and I've got it all coming into my flat and it'll ruin my home, such as it is.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 18:24:31