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单词 Ceding
1. The Qing government ceded China's Hong Kong to Britain.
2. Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.
3. This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago.
4. As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.
5. Hong Kong was ceded to Britain in 1842.
6. A third of the territory was ceded to France.
7. They have ceded their business to Brown Brothers.
8. The General had promised to cede power by January.
9. Certain areas had been ceded by treaty.
10. Under the terms of the treaty, La Rochelle was ceded to the English.
11. She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.
13. Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US in 1898.
14. And so we stay on the sidelines, ceding the field to the bull-headed.
15. The exterior of Byzantine churches is plain and simple; its appearance is ceded to the glory of the interior.
16. In 1842 Hong Kong was ceded outright to Great Britain.
17. Wilson would have to resign the governorship, ceding control to Democrat Gray Davis.
18. Much of the territory along the border was ceded to the United States.
19. The military has refused to cede power to elected officials.
20. In the 1990s Mr Fujimori ceded to Mr Montesinos control of appointments in the armed forces and of the all-pervasive secret police.
21. Still I find it hard to believe most men would want to cede their privilege and power on the evidence you present.
22. Settlement would require ceding some Egyptian territory.
23. Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible.
24. Does this man look like he's ceding czechoslovakia to a fascist dictatorship?
25. On the basis of understanding allkinds of ceding techniques, the system choose DCT technique.
26. Ceding sovereignty to Europe is a political hot potato in Britain.
27. This is the one place in the book where Carter's enviable fluency is in danger of ceding to superficiality.
28. So after psychiatric sessions, Angela came to Uncle Sammler to hold a seminar and analyze the pro ceding hour.
29. The event left many people fearful of the amount of personal information they were ceding to a private, profit-hungry enterprise.
30. In many cases , reinsurers use bank letter of credit facilities to provide security for ceding companies.
31. Even as Mr. Romney plays down the likability quotient, he isn't ceding the issue to Mr. Obama.
32. He was ceding line but more slowly all the time.
33. Yet it has never dared to shift closer to social democracy, partly for fear of ceding too much ground to a ragbag of parties—greens, communists, anti-capitalists and others—to its own left.




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