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单词 resultant
释义  re·sul·tant /rɪˈzʌltənt/ adjective [only before noun]  formalRESULT happening or existing because of something 作为…的后果而发生[存在]的 She is still trying to get over the attack and the resultant injuries. 她仍在努力从袭击以及由此造成的伤害中恢复过来。Examples from the Corpusresultant• Banks provide a loan to deal with the resultant cash deficiency.• The resultant changes in regional species composition have many consequences for human health.• The blast and resultant fire destroyed the building.• The doctor advises that insomnia with resultant irritability and even mild depression may occur.• The resultant pattern, therefore, is a constant alternation of mood.• There are resultant phasic convergence and retraction of the eyes.• Unfortunately for the visitors assistant manager Jim Duffy blasted the resultant spot kick over the·sul·tant adjectiveChineseSyllable  something or Corpus happening of because existing




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