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单词 Immutable
1. This decision should not be seen as immutable.
2. Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules.
3. The structure, the disciplinary rules, were immutable.
4. That rule was immutable, and woe betide anyone who disregarded it.
5. He didn't have a pre-ordained and immutable structure to his body, but curled and writhed like a cobra.
6. The principles of credit rating are immutable, they insist; their credit opinions are never swayed by the judgments of others.
7. He would be immutable in his relation with the addressee if she/he did not change.
8. There was no immutable tendency for it to settle at the particular level where all willing workers had a chance for employment.
9. Conservatives dug in and insisted that dogmas were immutable and hierarchies indispensable.
10. An abbreviation for the type of immutable singly-linked lists.
11. Nothing in the world is immutable.
12. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is immutable.
13. Immutable and machine-made stylization should change.
14. Python strings are immutable sequences of bytes or characters.
15. Philip Glass is ignorant of an immutable, sacrosanct urtext.
16. Our nature is not considered immutable, either socially or biologically.
17. God is not subjected to paramount immutable laws of the cosmos.
18. The brain is by no means immutable, even in adulthood.
19. I feel that a flaw in Heavenly Father's plan is about to be rectified by immutable powers.
20. It could be recognized with ease, and the criteria for its presence were precise and immutable.
21. Maybe this once, the world will display itself as immutable.
22. I do not believe that this perceptual process is either universal or immutable, but it is ubiquitous and extremely potent.
23. I am suspicious of gods who dwell benignly in heavens, immutable and supreme.
24. The balance in this country between old people in private households and those in residential care is not sacred or immutable.
25. In other words the rules of precedence and other aspects of diplomatic ceremonial were not immutable.
26. In " To mutate, or not to mutate" (and others), I extolled the virtues of immutability -- immutable objects cannot get into an inconsistent state.
27. Once a message is outside the service boundary ,(http:///immutable.html) it must be immutable.
28. In FP, functions have no side effects and variables are immutable, while in OOP, mutable state and side effects are common, even encouraged.
29. It is imperative that all valid data also be immutable and stable.
30. I recommend Getting Things Done, as long as you don't treat every word as immutable and inarguable. It can help you out of many bad habits.
31. In the Standard Model , the fine structure constant is immutable throughout eternity.
32. Erlang has no shared memory, and in it all state is immutable.
33. Atman who is one and immutable by nature seems to have assumed innumerable forms.
34. They free our minds from considering our world as fixed and immutable.
35. All the causal reasoning can only be rationally justified on the basis of the assumption of an immutable causal order but cannot be justified by reference to evidence by empirical investigation.
36. One of the most surprising failings of the JMM is that immutable objects, whose immutability was intended to be guaranteed through use of the final keyword, could appear to change their value.
37. Nature is rational, simple and orderly, and it acts in accordance with immutable laws.
38. Human rights are not immutable, human rights are changed by unceasing development.
39. In summary, data that is distributed must be both immutable and stable.
40. The returned event objects are immutable and the application can cache them beyond the parsing process.
41. You cannot set an immutable property on a non tip revision.
42. Collection types for working with immutable data, including list and sequence types.
43. Bush writes this about God's description of Himself: "He, in distinction from all others, is the one only true God, the God who really is ...The eternal, self-existent, and immutable Being;"
44. The final keyword was included in the Java language to assist developers in creating immutable classes, and enable compilers and runtime environments to optimize on the basis of declared immutability.
45. Python also has a concept of mutability and immutability: a tuple, for example, is an immutable list.
46. It also acceptable to cache versioned data since each version is immutable.
47. There are some class immutable is impossible,[] then try to limit the mutability of them.
48. The commercial market there is a immutable law: Any business or brand, if the innovation would be tantamount to giving up the market to give up, this is an indisputable fact.
49. Versioning is a technique for creating immutable sets with unique identifiers.
50. Similarly, in NetKernel a resource request is resolved to an endpoint called an Accessor which is responsible for returning a concrete, immutable representation.
51. Philip Glass is ignorant of establishing an immutable, sacrosanct urtext.
52. Blaise Pascal remarked that "this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object;"
53. If the range variable is not an immutable type, the query will only ignore a query result if all members of the type match an existing query result.
54. But the image isn't fixed and immutable. You can alter it.
55. Put your love into the philanthropism of motherland, naturalness and human. Then your love have the immutable life force.
56. If you are a hoarder of information and are of the opinion that all of the nuts you have squirreled away grant you immutable job security, think again.
57. The face of the young woman darkened, but she sat on immutable.




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