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单词 Authoritarian
1. The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.
2. The school is run on authoritarian lines.
3. His manner is extremely authoritarian.
4. Father was a strict authoritarian.
5. My father was a strict authoritarian.
6. The school was very authoritarian and exam-orientated.
7. Critics claim his management has become too authoritarian.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Father was an authoritarian figure.
9. He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.
10. She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to her clients.
11. His speech provides further evidence of his increasingly authoritarian approach.
12. My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.
13. Don became the overly strict authoritarian he felt his brother needed.
14. Of the authoritarian technocrats or the powerless intellectuals?
15. His management style has been criticized as authoritarian.
16. Its terms and implications are unmistakably authoritarian.
17. He held the post during Milosevic's authoritarian rule.
18. Oddly, her outlook was more authoritarian than her chief's.
19. Authoritarian management often leads to apathy among employees.
20. Common errors arise from authoritarian implementation.
21. A thorough comparison of authoritarian regimes.
22. Britain is not yet an authoritarian state.
23. It is also authoritarian and hierarchical.
24. Willis was a perfect choice: arrogant, authoritarian, unyielding, capable of offending and alienating anyone.
25. In this sense, most authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional.
26. Laws had even been passed in some authoritarian societies limiting families to two children, but their enforcement had proved impracticable.
27. Once discredited in economic terms, authoritarian regimes tend to lose their grip.
28. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
29. At last the country has freed itself from the chains of the authoritarian regime.
30. The difficulty this offered Franco was that, to his authoritarian mentality, loosening control was synonymous with losing it.
1. The authoritarian policy wasn't proved to be a success.
2. His manner is extremely authoritarian.
3. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
4. She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to her clients.
31. The Emergency of 1975-77 was an attempt to overcome instability in a decisive and authoritarian manner.
32. It connoted a rational, efficient method of organization-something to take the place of the arbitrary exercise of power by authoritarian regimes.
33. An alliance between workers, peasants and petty bourgeoisie necessitates a bureaucratic authoritarian regime. 2.
34. She'd tell him a few home truths about his condescending, heartless, authoritarian attitude.
35. And my excessively tidy and authoritarian behaviour shows that I was striving to be the person the school wanted me to be.
36. President Collor's plan combines free marketeering and authoritarian intervention in a bewildering but roughly equal mix.
37. Utopias can also be classed according to their political framework: there are two extremes, authoritarian and libertarian Utopias.
38. They damned the no-nonsense, authoritarian government, which peremptorily squashed even the smallest perceived threat to social peace.
39. As Reich puts it: The reactionary middle-class man perceives himself in the Fuhrer, in the authoritarian state.
40. His real style, they believe, is authoritarian and his policies excessively sympathetic to the armed forces.
41. It was a radical departure from the past, an interlude of democracy in an otherwise unbroken line of authoritarian rule.
42. I told him how upsetting, and authoritarian, and ultimately how absurd, the whole experience had been.
43. Citizens are not permitted to question the political institutions, procedures, or value allocations of an authoritarian regime.
44. What is clear is that current constitutional arrangements do suit an authoritarian government well.
45. The authoritarian parent or dutiful child attitudes that so often characterized these relationships in previous generations are thankfully on the way out.
46. Democratic regimes are constrained by the authoritarian and elitist state that ultimately controls the instruments of economic policy and coercion.
47. Authoritarian personalities have been found to display attitudes of hostility towards inferiors and to reject other authoritarian people because of attitudes about authority.
48. In the Health Service, authoritarian corporatist administration is a way of responding to system pressures for restricted public expenditure.
49. But the authoritarian mechanisms that guarded Soviet nuclear material can no longer be guaranteed.
50. It is also possible to combine a rejecting and an authoritarian attitude, or a loving and a permissive one.
51. It may be easier for an authoritarian regime than for a democratic one to carry out economic restructuring.
52. Their father was authoritarian in the home, insisting on total obedience.
53. For middle-class parents at least, however, a new power is taking his place: the equally authoritarian medical expert.
54. Many people are now demanding a more democratic and less authoritarian form of government.
55. In either case, the end result was the emergence or a strong centralized state under authoritarian rule.
56. Yet they headed governments with authoritarian features that were quite unacceptable.
57. That civil war has been the rationale for the authoritarian rule Suharto and the military have enforced over the decades.
58. In authoritarian media systems, the media might be privately owned but have only limited freedom to criticize government.
59. There had been some authoritarian regimes that were also populist and had been sustained by votes not repressive force.
60. These transitions are likely to differ from recent western transitions from other types of authoritarian rule in a number of key respects.
61. Mr Putin's authoritarian tendencies have caused unease at home and in the West.
62. And so, in the name of economic development and stability, they endorse authoritarian measures to control protesters.
63. Both had been determined to overcome authoritarian rule from Addis Ababa and had worked closely together to achieve this end.
64. The arbiter model has been developed to analyse major institutional changes in post-war liberal democracies by Poulantzas' concept of authoritarian statism.
65. Chapter 8 suggested that more than half the contemporary countries are authoritarian or totalitarian systems.
66. So dogmatic and authoritarian was Galen that his ideas dominated medical thought for many centuries.
67. The concept of authoritarian population implies, for Jessop etal., a monolithic, relatively stable and widely supported form of government.
68. While a few felt that the social workers, were helpful and supportive an equal number considered them to be patronizing and authoritarian.
69. Wolfensohn has also had to face internal rumblings of discontent at his authoritarian methods.
70. It is a liberal city, home ground to Kim Dae Jung, a longtime leader of opponents of authoritarian rule.
71. This would have been unthinkable under previous authoritarian municipal governments.
72. Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
73. The temptation simply to continue with presidential rule would be enormous and another authoritarian regime would be born.
74. So one can only surmise that this rather authoritarian sign is aimed at people whose knuckles scrape the tarmac.
75. Yet throughout her period of office there has been a strong authoritarian tendency.
76. A more authoritarian regime could have simply imprisoned the organizers.
77. Even in more authoritarian states public opinion could be a real force.
78. They are often, and perhaps even typically, characterized by authoritarian rather than democratic forms of government.
79. It noted more "truculence" among authoritarian rulers.
80. The authoritarian government was tottering.
81. Both democracies emerged from mid - century authoritarian rule marked by an orgy of judicial and extra - judicial killings.
82. It takes an unusually bold-faced critic of Marxism to claim that none of this is relevant since Marxism is an authoritarian creed in any case.
83. The captions under each portrait reads in Spanish as follows (L-R top to bottom), "The innocent, the cynic, the thief, the authoritarian, the repressor, the despicable, the murderer, the faeces Ruiz".
84. Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one?
85. No balance can be struck between anarchy and authoritarian rule.
86. Disruptions were not expected authoritarian state that tolerates no dissent.
87. A row of Doric columns is not more authoritarian than a tensile structure is democratic.
88. The other leading Shia party, the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, led by the ailing Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, is equally worried by what it sees as the prime minister's authoritarian bent.
89. An official or authoritarian declaration a proclamation or an edict.
90. In his essay on Roman Catholicism and Political Form, Carl Schmitt explored the meanings of the political representative idea which includes personalism, authoritarian principle, publicity and so on.
91. The Olympics, by contrast, have seen the Communist Party reassert an authoritarian grip over Beijing.
92. However , over the past 15 years, Turkmenistan has been slow to move away from its authoritarian past.
93. But this is not a magic solution to dictatorship or authoritarian rule.
94. Let me mention, I've emphasized in many ways the absolutist and authoritarian side of Hobbes' teaching.
95. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee demonstrates three types of family ethical norm and education:caring and guiding, authoritarian, and uninvolved.
96. This event left the entire society, particularly in La Plata, shaken and led many to seriously consider the fact that there still may have been authoritarian cells operating in the dark in Argentina.
97. Most countries with similar income levels – Angola, say , or Azerbaijan – are also authoritarian.
97. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
98. They kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian.
99. Is the organization authoritarian, like the military, or decentralized or federated?
100. So, behind Burma's benighted, authoritarian regime lie structural problems of ethnicity and geography.
101. We saw more rates of authoritarianism in non-white groups. I think the percentage of authoritarian households was highest in Asian-Americans.
102. However, more orthodox physicians have started to criticise Yang's authoritarian approach.
103. Control over production facilities was given up by major American firms coincident with the shift of most shoe and apparel production to authoritarian countries.
104. We know through time that authoritarian parenting does not work.
105. We have to move, in other words, from the authoritarian and centralist practices of socialism toward practices of economic self-management.
106. China is an authoritarian government that can sound very bellicose.
107. Since mid-August, the country's authoritarian leader, Kim Jong Il, has been out of view.
108. The higher circles in Washington and New York generally view the Anglo-Saxon democracy as unable to compete with the more ordered, authoritarian Chinese model.
109. He has been a staunch critic of authoritarian regimes around the world, writing a regular newspaper column that is widely published in the Spanish-speaking world.
110. Traditionally, of course, Russia has always had one-man (or one-woman) authoritarian rule.
111. It also focused global attention on the extent of human rights violations in China, and on its unreformed, authoritarian political system as it emerges as a world power.
112. And it is unapologetically authoritarian, as were Japan and Prussia, whose rises in the late 19th century were hardly trouble-free. Nor is China a status quo power.
113. In China, with mounting inequalities and disparate interests that need accommodating, it is not clear that the country's political system, top-heavy and authoritarian, is up to the task.
114. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.
115. First, we learned that when you removed the authoritarian lid the tensions between Iraqi Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis erupted as each faction tested the other's power in a low-grade civil war.
116. The image of divine kingship was abused in Japan for bellicose and authoritarian ends.
117. Kids raised in authoritarian households got grades comparable to kids from what we called authoritative households, where you had strictness accompanied by warmth and encouragement of self-direction.
118. They would have been more of an economic powerhouse if they didn't fetishize authoritarian governance-, but I would be less afraid of them if they did open up.
119. Now I have read on the forum, but about authoritarian states like Stalinist Russia?
120. The publication of The Authoritarian Personality generated voluminous social psychological research.
121. In authoritarian regimes, such reporting can be fatal to the person who delivers it.
122. Basad on China's "authoritarian" political system, the authors put forward policy recommendations about administrative absorption of society.
123. The essence of this traditional theory is that authoritarian order.
124. Have you ever tried a non - authoritarian collective like a Kibbutz?
125. A bigger risk to the Chinese economy would be an authoritarian overreaction by the state.
126. These color revolutions have mostly used nonviolent resistance to attack what are seen as corrupt or authoritarian governments. Here are some notable examples.
127. The only passing is the authoritarian and neo - merchantialist developmental strategy.
128. Lukashenko has used every trick in the authoritarian book to marginalize the opposition.
129. In its place, the Beijing Consensus supposedly offers pragmatic economics and made-to-order authoritarian politics.
130. This is not a hard - nosed , authoritarian boot camp approach to parenting.
131. The latest attacks go further, though. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.
132. Sadly, the Western media choose to ignore these, and continue to place the Republic unjustifiably in the company of the truly authoritarian regimes elsewhere.
133. But Gamal Abdel Nasser, the military officer who became Egypt's president, hijacked the process and installed the authoritarian regime that persists to this day.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 7:04:04