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单词 Brine shrimp
1. After a week the fry took Brine shrimp nauplii.
2. It feeds well on the live brine shrimp but will accept other foods such as beef, shrimp, and scallops.
3. He feeds them on newly-hatched brine shrimp right from the start and achieves a size of half an inch within a month.
4. Frozen adult brine shrimp have been on the market for quite some time and are available through almost any pet shop.
5. He put tiny brine shrimp and brine algae in an everlasting cosmos.
6. Small Heniochus will eat both live and frozen brine shrimp and can be coaxed to take dried food.
7. Brine shrimp thrive naturally, it is reported, in water so salty that few other forms of life exist there.
8. These fishes enjoy both live and frozen adult brine shrimp and seem to subsist very well on this diet.
9. The fry grew rapidly on a diet of brine shrimp and Liquifry.
10. They eagerly take live and frozen brine shrimp and will adapt to cut food such as chopped shrimp and clams.
11. Feedings with live and frozen brine shrimp should be alternated with chopped clams and shrimp and a good dried food mix.
12. Indeed, in order to develop properly, brine shrimp eggs have to undergo a period of desiccation.
13. Their favorite food is live adult brine shrimp, and this should be fed if at all possible.
14. Feed them on brine shrimp, tubifex and later on shredded fish.
15. Chunks of frozen brine shrimp or a pile of ground beef will be greedily attacked.
16. Brine shrimp, which are eaten by birds and ducks, hatch in the ponds.
17. The brine shrimp Artemia's life history, population dynamics and effects of salinity on population traits and reproduction traits were studied at Haifeng Saltworks, which situated along Bohai Bay.
18. You can usually find live adult brine shrimp at your local aquarium store, but if you can't there are instructions on the internet(or in my book)on how to raise your own.
19. The metabolism of the brine shrimp Artemia fed with Norfloxacin(NFLX) were studied, and the partition and detection methods of NFLX in Artemia were established.
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20. Feed just enough newly-hatched brine shrimp to keep the shrimp from starving, but don't overfeed, as too many brine shrimp saps the oxygen in the water.
21. At the end of the first week the Liquifry can be supplemented with finely ground dry food and brine shrimp.
22. During the evening the females are placed in the aquarium, after which some brine shrimp and sifted Daphnia are added.
23. Any water removed can be settled out and used for hatching out brine shrimp.
24. As they begin to grow, change their diet to brine shrimp, Daphnia, or bloodworm.
25. Do not overfeed, only place in the tank enough brine shrimp to match the size of the brood.
26. These are complete miniatures of the parents and will soon busily be eating brine shrimp.
27. Voracious eaters, they graze continually and can consume 3,000 or more brine shrimp per day.
28. Once your larvae are 4weeks old, they will be big enough to take adult brine shrimp.
29. The best first food for Peppermint shrimp larvae is newly-hatched brine shrimp.
30. Methods Selective isolation of algicolous fungi from algae was done, and antitumor activity corresponds to their lethiferous effect on brine shrimp and cytotoxicity against K562 cell was determined.
31. The fry should be fed a couple of feedings daily of baby brine shrimp or very fine baby food.
32. The article deals with isolating and analyzing the components of brine shrimp egg.
33. These corals have very specific and extremely demanding feeding requirements. I suggest you start hatching brine shrimp asap. Fresh, live, baby brine is a great food for them.
34. Though the lake's waters are too salty for all but a few hearty species, including brine shrimp and brine flies, its wetlands support millions of migratory shorebirds and waterfowl.
35. The primary biological activities of the compounds were evaluated on the models of cell cytoclasis , brine shrimp and growth inhibition of red tide microalgae.
36. The petroleum ether fraction of the soft coral Sinularia sp. exhibited high lethal rate to brine shrimp and strong cytotoxin to KB and KBV200 cells.
37. The results indicated that we not only get quite good study value but slao provide a new way for the development of brine shrimp resource and special healthy eggs.




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