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单词 Favourable
1. The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
2. My first impression of him was favourable.
3. Is he favourable to the proposal?
4. The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.
5. She gained a highly favourable impression of the company.
6. The biography shows him in a favourable light.
7. She made a favourable impression on his parents.
8. His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.
9. We found that most people are favourable to the idea.
10. It's encouraging to receive a favourable report on one's work.
11. Reactions to the proposal so far have been adverse/favourable/mixed.
12. We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or otherwise.
13. Conditions are very favourable for starting a business.
14. His proposals met with a broadly favourable response.
15. The court's judgement was favourable to their client.
16. The disease spreads quickly under favourable conditions .
17. You made a favourable impression on the examiners.
18. My wife's verdict on my cooking was very favourable.
19. These terms were favourable to India.
20. Favourable weather yielded a good crop.
21. We formed a very favourable impression of her.
22. That improved Mrs Goole's already favourable opinion of him.
23. The general tone of the report was favourable.
24. The weather was favourable for a barbecue outside.
25. The play got a favourable reception from the critics.
26. The proposal has received a generally favourable reaction.
27. Reviews of the book have been favourable.
28. She made a very favourable impression on us.
29. Conditions are now favourable for skiing.
30. The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money on very favourable terms.
1. The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
2. My first impression of him was favourable.
3. Is he favourable to the proposal?
4. The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.
5. She gained a highly favourable impression of the company.
6. The biography shows him in a favourable light.
7. She made a favourable impression on his parents.
8. The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money on very favourable terms.
9. His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.
10. We found that most people are favourable to the idea.
11. They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.
12. The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.
13. It's encouraging to receive a favourable report on one's study.
31. They offered me a loan on very favourable terms.
32. They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.
33. He sounded people out and found the responses favourable.
34. It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.
35. A smart appearance makes a favourable impression at an interview.
36. This period provided a favourable environment for the spread of communism.
37. The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.
38. Does the BBC World Service project a favourable view of Great Britain?
39. The film bears favourable technical comparison with Hollywood productions costing 10 times as much.
40. We have had a favourable response to the plan so far.
41. It's encouraging to receive a favourable report on one's study.
41. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
42. The prices stabilized, the economic conditions began to take a favourable turn.
43. His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.
44. Emmett's new exhibition has met with a favourable response from critics.
45. Gately, a quiet and very polite young man, made a favourable impression.
46. The terms of the agreement are favourable to both sides.
47. It is hard to view his conduct in a favourable light.
48. The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.
49. The tax cuts produced a favourable response from the public.
50. Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe.
51. In the favourable economic environment(), new light industries are constantly springing up.
52. The political climate was also favourable.
53. Again, the political and economic circumstances seemed favourable.
54. More favourable demographics provide a second reason for optimism.
55. Luck and favourable circumstances certainly played an important part.
56. Responses to his latest movie have generally been favourable.
57. In some cases Blacks were less favourable than Whites.
58. Such individuals are in a particularly favourable position.
59. Why, then, are there still so many unwanted births among people with less favourable circumstances?
60. She had formed a favourable impression of him then, as an intelligent, sincere, if rather serious man.
61. Employee attitudes towards a move may be made more favourable if the employer allows the relocation to take place during school holidays.
62. Such a unit of goodness has been defined as the result of the slightest favourable evolutionary change that could occur.
63. Local traders and organisations have been consulted about the plans and the Chamber of Trade and the response has been favourable.
64. The most favourable attitudes were found amongst those subordinates who perceived their boss to be exercising the consultative style.
65. The most favourable circumstance was the existence of governments in the Six which were broadly consensual in their view on integration.
66. Naturally, if some one has a characteristic you strongly disapprove of you will rate them as being more favourable and vice-versa.
67. The recent improvement in East-West relations must also make the market for military equipment less favourable.
68. But the main practical outcome of the weekend was to brace Baldwin, in favourable surroundings, for a first confrontation.
69. Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.
70. These steps are likely to result in many employees' worries being reduced and their attitudes towards relocation abroad becoming more favourable.
71. Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.
71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72. In the 1590s he favoured a tactic of moderation in the expectation of a favourable political change.
73. First impressions were favourable, as we rounded the last of a succession of hairpin bends.
74. But how could the advantages of the klystron with its enclosed resonators be combined with the more favourable geometry of the magnetron?
75. But the policy then was not to lie low until a more favourable climate developed.
76. However, a number of companies report that employee attitudes towards relocation under such circumstances are becoming increasingly less favourable.
77. The Group linked third world debt and more favourable trade agreements to environmental issues.
78. Circulation space for vehicles should be reduced in favour of pedestrians and cyclists, with public transport benefiting from this and other favourable measures.
79. Some patches where the sea is constantly stirred tend to be particularly favourable to life.
80. The stress concentration gets worse and the Griffith energy balance gets more and more favourable to crack propagation.
81. In favourable conditions, the rotors were very effective power sources indeed: running more than 55o upwind.
82. Glanton's current plans for the Barnes depend entirely on a favourable judgment from the Orphans Court.
83. Their fine physique and smart appearance made a very favourable impression.
84. The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.
85. Article 5 imposes the plain language requirement and the obligation to interpret ambiguities in the way most favourable to the consumer.
86. Fortunately, when he started work on the book, Mr Paterson found himself viewing his subject in a more favourable light.
87. If they are favourable words, it could be the first write-up of many. 4.
88. The climate is particularly favourable and the area is known for its cider-making and vineyards.
89. Within seconds visual behaviours are sending signals which create a favourable or an unfavourable impression.
90. He was jealous of Voltaire's renown, but his judgment of him, not entirely favourable, was sound enough.
91. When the Conservation Department proposed the establishment of the sanctuary in its discussion document, the public response was overwhelmingly favourable.
92. In contrast to Hocazade, Civizade came from a very favourable background from the point of view of the learned profession.
93. The circumstances of their procuring silk stuffs at a cheap rate is favourable to this propensity.
94. They agree that the government gets extra television coverage but argue that such coverage is not necessarily favourable.
95. The latter tend to offer less favourable terms, in order that they may have a slice of the cake.
96. Far Eastern cultures appear to be the most favourable in which to grow old.
97. The long-term answer lies in a case decision favourable to the taxpayer on this very point.
98. The Act also provides new guarantees and more favourable tax allowances.
99. For homeowners who do not have a south facing garden, there are other equally favourable aspects for the siting of conservatories.
100. Even in his ignorance, Lucien saw at once that it was essential he make a favourable impression upon this man.
101. The least favourable attitudes were found amongst subordinates who were unable to perceive a consistent style of leadership in their boss.
102. Natural selection is of traits favourable to the survival, not of individuals, but of successive generations.
103. Ministers ensure that there are well-staffed press offices to promote the most favourable reception for their policies and decisions.
104. The Guitarist staff are as cynical and critical as anyone else and a favourable review reflects how well an amplifier actually performs.
105. Most of the locations favourable for the emission of sound correspond more or less exactly to a painted image on the wall.
106. The tenor of the times may be favourable to presidential action.
107. There is no clear evidence that women receive massively more favourable treatment from the police or the courts.
108. Given his attitude, then, Beveridge was likely to be favourable towards a retirement condition.
109. Until the mid-1980s, merchants bought their cattle and drove them south, where the climate is less favourable to cattle rearing.
110. Although turnover rose 11.5% to £1,287m, the chairman said that most of the increase was due to more favourable exchange rates.
111. It was certainly a bowler's day in favourable conditions, 32 wickets falling for 294 runs.
112. This certainly makes a big monster a less favourable option as a mount for these characters.
113. The report had been generally very favourable and his and his colleagues' morale had improved as a direct consequence.
114. Macnab brought back a favourable reply from Berlin on 21 August.
115. Lee hacked on and collected a favourable bounce to dot down at the posts.
116. Potential profits on overseas transactions can be reduced, eliminated or enhanced by adverse or favourable exchange rate movements.
117. Politicians are now making favourable noises about other countries' experiments with road pricing.
118. The cook stood up on the forward side, so that the shed protected him when there was a favourable wind.
119. The country experienced something of a flight of capital as investors sought alternative outlets in more favourable economic climates.
120. This process should lessen the chances of pricing too low or of needlessly giving away other concessions like favourable payment terms.
121. Both the main parties were split with Labour more favourable to television than the Conservatives.
122. Some plants can compensate for quite heavy infestations provided there is sufficient time, and weather conditions remain favourable.
123. Clerical Medical's record of consistent performance has been highlighted in many independent surveys and has attracted much favourable comment.
124. Accordingly he took advantage of a new pope to address the curia for favourable letters.
125. It was after that that Edward gratefully accepted the thirteen-year truce which Bruce offered on less than favourable terms.
126. The important thing is to prepare the most constant and favourable conditions of development throughout the year.
127. This favourable attitude to the individual use of tape-slide material has been observed in other studies.
128. But delegates reacted favourable to calls for tougher sentencing, with proper life terms.
129. The theory states that if we receive an excess of definitions favourable over those unfavourable, then we will commit crime.
130. Others managed to negotiate favourable terms with their existing providers, thus achieving savings without affecting referral patterns.
131. Alternatively, defendants might be able to strike favourable bargains and get off more lightly than they deserve.
132. However, favourable outcomes have been noted repeatedly when adequate treatment is given before the onset of central symptoms.
133. When the stop of the Exchequer was forced upon the government in 1672 he received favourable treatment in the resulting settlement.
134. Clearly, the follow-up study was more favourable to the defenders of catholic schools than to opponents.
135. The second interpretation is that the economic outcomes, unfavourable as well as favourable, have been a consequence of the government's policies.
136. On the freight side, until the Charterail debacle, immediate prospects seemed more favourable.
137. Catalytic reaction kinetics are favourable over a wide range of pressures, temperatures and flow rates.
138. As you will see, we are offering very favourable terms to our regular customers.
139. Since the early 1970s less favourable conditions have existed due to major changes and shocks experienced within the international economy.
140. Bookbinding and library bookselling also made favourable contributions to profitability.
141. I don't want to hear your opinion -- unless it's favourable of course.
142. The companies had to be paid in their own currencies, at a much less favourable exchange rate than last year.
143. We need a legal and political framework that is favourable to business.
144. Now the clubs are to meet again, in circumstances that could scarcely be more favourable to Toshack.
145. They offered very favourable rates to industry to move into the area, and the whole venture enjoyed massive success.
146. During the years of our research, numerous other publications were already in circulation, helping to create a favourable climate.
147. When conditions are very favourable a mass of trailing stems are produced.
148. Those I interviewed said that nearly all the public comment they had heard had been favourable to the televising of the House.
149. From this elaboration will flow our obligation to help those without favourable backgrounds to have such a chance.
150. A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.
151. A courier brought me news, which was brief but favourable.
152. While manufacturers say what they like about themselves through advertising, favourable public opinion for their products or services is earned.
153. He was sitting in his chair, smoking a pipe, and my first reaction was not favourable.
154. In psychologists' terms, they have a favourable attitude towards it.
155. Neither of these seats was to return a Labour candidate even under the exceptionally favourable circumstances of July 1945.
156. Officials said the increase was largely due to extra holidays abroad encouraged by the favourable exchange rate of sterling.
157. But the real beauty of this bass is that the playing of it does not detract from this favourable first impression.
158. In particular, homogeneity of description-type and direct conjunction through the connective and produce the most favourable environments for plural production.
159. Since then chancellors of the exchequer have been able to put together their annual tax plans in relatively favourable circumstances.
160. The argue that if the environment is to be properly safeguarded policies must be formulated which will encourage favourable ongoing management.
161. Portadown was criticized for having failed to take advantage of its favourable position for trade.
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
162. Their purpose is to influence government to adopt policies favourable to them.
163. While most Primitive Methodists were more favourable, their Conference likewise took no notice.
164. More effective lung perfusion and expansion may have contributed to the more favourable arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios in the regulated group.
165. Again, this is uncertain, although some recent opinion has been favourable to the idea.
166. Does economic development create favourable conditions for the emergence of democracy?
167. Al Gore successfully sought recounts in the four counties most favourable to him.
168. The climate for doing so is more favourable than for some years past.
169. Downing can renew his appeal if the prosecution takes a favourable view.
170. With higher area aid payments and favourable exchange rates, gross margins may now top £300 / acre, he says.
171. By contrast, only about one-third of those recently buying on credit gave reasons which could be regarded as positively favourable.
172. Theme days have also been introduced at the canteen with favourable response.
173. Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking and will make a favourable impression at an interview.
174. In a divided group, a few individuals may find a safe refuge in which to await a favourable change.
175. Many favourable comments were received from teachers and pupils concerning the wide ranging applications and future work opportunities available in Chemistry.
176. With such a favourable response Heather Mist was launched into the field during April.
177. Supporters could be rewarded with favourable tax assessments or the renewal of public-house licences.
178. In both countries considerable progress has been made towards a favourable outcome.
179. The most favourable field is in the local government service, which will be described in the next section.
180. The editorial matter can be biased to presenting a favourable buying climate for speculative stocks.
181. The salary may also be enhanced by favourable local tax conditions.
182. He had called the election three months before it was constitutionally due on the basis of favourable opinion polls.
183. So accumulation played the decisive role in maintaining favourable demand conditions.
184. The book, now published, attracted favourable notices, and the Professor was pleased.
185. There were already favourable comments on changes in institutional and review visits.
186. She also noted that Newsweek magazine had given him a very favourable notice.
187. Once you have got a favourable response, you follow through with an invitation to a social event.
188. The tragedy is that visible trade with industrialized countries was not favourable.
189. On the one hand there is the completely free market approach, which views mergers in a favourable light.
190. The instant response was very favourable and next morning the reviews were superb.
191. Whilst some now characterise the relationship as grossly unfavourable(), others draw the line at calling it less favourable.
192. Though the wind be not favourable to you yet, ardently grasp the oars!
193. However, the overall response was clearly favourable to such a measure.
194. In their experience this is a favourable response to a campaign like this.
195. Britain would advance to a higher stage of civilization via favourable environment and sound heredity.
196. Unfortunately, an examination of the circumstances in which they were produced gives a much less favourable impression.
197. The extra experience gained during this year places graduates in a very favourable position when they come to seek permanent employment.
198. Thus, in favourable cases, amplitude histograms can permit a reliable analysis of quantal size.
199. With the wind in a favourable position, the device could be locked and the sails used in a conventional manner.
200. The growing dialogue between teacher and parents received favourable comment in the Plowden Report.
201. Weather conditions being favourable, the committee ordered the making of a large quantity of bricks.
202. By creating favourable conditions at every level, healing will take place quite naturally.
203. Trainee reactions to use of the system have been very favourable.
204. I've seen him a few times and he's never made a favourable impression on me!
205. Most heads of departments and senior staff were favourable to the idea of the appraisal, even if they had been put-off initially.
206. Public access to an environmentally attractive waterfront has received a favourable response in the city and has undoubtedly muted political debate.
207. Under a Labour government we might expect television to be somewhat more favourable to the Labour Party.
208. The growth optimists point to India's favourable demography.
209. His illness took a favourable turn.
210. SNL is a self-limited disease, with favourable prognosis.
211. The journey leaves a favourable impression.
212. I think your bikes have met with favourable reception.
213. The price is favourable, full service.
214. The shop is let on very favourable term.
215. A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition.
216. But, a favourable turn is after angst.
217. The accounts show a favourable balance of 150 yuan.
218. It produced so much favourable comment from the press.
219. The calculation and converting of the formula for punching density of needle punching nonwovens and the usage of the slide rule are introduced, to be favourable for producers to use.
220. Compared to xenogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, autogenetic transplantation is more favourable in clinical application.
221. Await your early favourable reply, and believing that mutually pleasant business relation will shortly be established.
221. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
222. The result explained that the favourable relation of irreversible Carnot cycle which has as time of absorption heat and rejection heat as endo-reversible Carnot cycle is optimum.
223. Moreover, the rally in Australian bank bill futures will add further pressure to the currency as Australia's favourable rate differential narrows further with the US.
224. The favourable oil-gas bearing area is qualitatively predicted by the use of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation.
225. Whether you are after a government job, a licence, or a favourable tax assessment, politicians are essential allies.
226. Analysts, though, generally say favourable things about Mr Lafley's spending spree.
227. High concentration of sucrose is favourable for the male nuclear development. There were 8 chromosome in the calli cells, proving to be monoploid.
228. As long as the ECB remains committed to its exit policy then the euro should remain supported by favourable interest rate differentials with the other major economies.
229. Machinery companies are manufacturing center for product development to create favourable conditions.
230. The sinking motion on the western side of subtropical anticyclone is favourable to the increase of the warm dry lid.
231. The active form of second term magma is intruding from many centers with developed liquation and differentiation for deep magma together with favourable metallogenic condition for copper and nickel.
232. If you have the mutant gene, that might be co-expressed with favourable components of the human genome.
233. Favourable media for the growth and sporulation of V. inaequalis include apple leaf juice agar medium, V8 medium and PSA.
234. The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance.
235. The experiments show that the microstructure of annealed sample is favourable to improving reverse breakdown voltage.
236. To birds kind enterprise of treatment breed aquatics, shandong will offer taxation favourable policy.
237. Why, after more than two centuries of often favourable reception and endorsement by subsequent generations, have the ideals of Enlightenment thinkers still not been realised?
238. Dispute cannot see reconciliatory a favourable turn temporarily, but the birth that perhaps brewing a new order.
239. VT was a kind of serious arrhythmia, but SVT usually had favourable prognosis.
240. Even with the favourable currency exchange, SUVs are hardly an economical choice for personal transport.
241. The gastroenteritis and the neuropsychosis types usually carry favourable prognosis by way of symptomatic therapies.
242. Results 34 cases (56%) with symptoms and physical signs of idopathetic vitamin D deficient rachitis got favourable prognoses after the corresponding treatment.
243. Plastic deformation and creep are highly undesirable, resilience is favourable.
244. His intelligence is comparatively favourable with that of his brother.
245. At what precise moment will the moon be in the most favourable position to be reached by the projectile ?
246. At present, the gas reservoir produces stably and recoverable reserves is enhanced to reveal favourable prospects.
247. Adopting the system of HPLC-DAD, the analysis method of Prunella vulgaris was formed and the favourable proof result was obtained.
248. Neijiade's flintiness has won in the homeland public's support and conservatives's favourable comment , Neijiade very difficult to say can not renew one's term of office.
249. The early deformational environment was favourable for movement of ore -forming hydrothermal solution and precipitation of gold and other metals.
250. Sir Alex Ferguson has responded to Avram Grant's claims that Manchester United benefit from favourable refereeing.
251. A travel that wash a car is stuck gave a piece of annunciate to say, they provide favourable service for red car.
252. The favourable reservoir sandstones in these gas pools may broadly be assigned to the deltaic front channel mouth bar, deltaic plain distributary channel bar and fluvial channel bar microfacies.
253. As a result of collective effort, the difficult situation changed into a favourable one.
254. Fast fibre-optic links brought both sides together and a favourable exchange rate made this global connection even more attractive: customers paid in dollars, and employees were paid in rupees .
255. Bacterial action was favourable for organic matter to be inverted into immature oil, and thermal effect was an important condition for the formation of immature oil.
256. Favourable social and technical environment and social back-up system are the social basis for the normal development of productive forces of modern society.
257. Go up when physiology and appear the constitution is good by the fine that becomes strong infirmly when a favourable turn, SenileThe enthusiasm that the person exercises is met times add.
258. Basically, these splits are unfavourable to the counter-revolution and favourable to the revolution.
259. It is suggested that the sandy lenticular bodies of alluvial flat and neritic facies are favourable reservoir zones for ultra shallow biogas exploration.
260. I heartily agree with her favourable comments on Germany and France.
261. The unique Shiite Ulama hierarchy and emulation institution provide favourable circumstances for Ulama to play its political role .
262. The possessor shall not be in a more favourable position than the person from whom it acquired the cultural object by inheritance or otherwise gratuitously.
263. Exiting a real estate in - vestment often requires time and patience , par - ticularly so in a less favourable environment.
264. His innate good - nature, however, dictated a favourable reply.
265. Our results demostrated that real-time Duplex PCR of TaqMan-MGB Probe provided a favourable technology for detecting, clinical diagnosis and etiopathogenesis of MDV, immunologic mechanism.
266. We find positive price reactions to stock splits and conclude that these may be attributable to the favourable signals that stock splits send and the improved liquidity they provide.
267. Most likely Milady had hired these scoundrels to do her bidding at the first favourable opportunity.
268. Conclusion With the above research, it has indicated that the favourable exploration targets for shallow gas lies in ridgy areas relatively between two sub-depressions.
269. The favourable ore-bearing facies of Devonian features subdivision of areas in the east-west direction and subdivision of belts in north-south direction.
270. People of higher education and socioeconomic standing have more favourable attitudes towards credit than others.
271. Caloric restriction also has favourable effects on our health and delays the development of age-related diseases.
272. The entrance of a Grants and Crawfords was a favourable epoch.
273. The experimental results confirmed that photobacterium phosphoreum and zebrafish(B. Rerio)embryos were favourable to carry out combined toxicological experiment.
274. Augite monzonite crystallized at high-temperature and over-hypabyssal conditions. The water-deficient, highly viscous magma was favourable to the formation of the volcanic dome.
275. Please do. I hope the renewed offer will be a favourable one.
276. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places us in the most favourable position for doing business on the best possible terms.
277. This DER system can provide favourable scheme to design and implement intelligentize DER system using other programme language.




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